NOTE: Everyone must register for the meeting, including speakers.

Please review your session(s) and let us know if you see anything that is amiss. Before making additions, please do a search to make sure you are not adding someone who is already scheduled at the same time.

We realize that there are some conflicts with participants. This was unavoidable, and in such cases a co-author will have to present the paper. Changes and corrections should be sent to

All sessions will be equipped with a projector and screen for your presentation. ASSA will not provide computers.

Location of Sessions for 2014 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The beginning and ending times of sessions is shown below, with the exception being on the last day of the meeting when the last time slot will run from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

8:00 am - 10:00 am
10:15 am - 12:15 pm
12:30 pm - 2:15 pm
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

See also: JEL Classification System

Jan 02, 2014

Jan 02, 2014 5:30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon H
Econometric Society
Presidential Address
James J. Heckman (University of Chicago) The Economics and Econometrics of Human Development

Jan 02, 2014 6:30 pm, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Regency Ballroom A & B
Association for Social Economics
Opening Plenary Session and Reception (A1)
Presiding: Mark D. White (City University New York)
Capabilities and Social Justice: Why Economics Needs Philosophy
Martha Nussbaum (University of Chicago)

Jan 03, 2014

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall A1
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
The Groundwater-Energy Nexus (Q2)
Presiding: Krishna Paudel (Louisiana State University)
Transboundary Allocation of Groundwater for Fracking under Threat of Salt Water Intrusion
Krishna Paudel (Louisiana State University)
Biswo Poudel (Louisiana State University)
[View Abstract]
The Effects of Energy Prices on Groundwater Extraction in Agriculture in the High Plains Aquifer
C.-Y. Cynthia Lin (University of California-Davis)
Lisa Pfeiffer (NOAA Fisheries)
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The Role of Energy Costs in Groundwater Pricing and Investments in Desalination and Wastewater Recycling
James Roumasset (University of Hawaii)
Christopher Wada (University of Hawaii)
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Nicholas Brozovic (University of Illinois)
David Zilberman (University of California-Berkeley)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 202-B
American Economic Association
Assessing the Welfare Impacts of Economic Integration: Evidence from the 19th and 20th Centuries (F6)
Presiding: John Brown (Clark University)
How Large Are the Gains from Economic Integration? Theory and Evidence from United States Agriculture, 1880-2002
Arnaud Costinot (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Dave Donaldson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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The Global Welfare Impact of China: Trade Integration and Technological Change
Julian di Giovanni (International Monetary Fund)
Andrei Levchenko (University of Michigan)
Jing Zhang (University of Michigan)
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The Link Between Fundamentals and Proximate Causes of Development
Wolfgang Keller (University of Colorado)
Carol H. Shiue (University of Colorado)
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A Factor Augmentation Formulation of the Gains from Trade with an Application to Japan, 1865-1876
Daniel M. Bernhofen (American University)
John C. Brown (Clark University)
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Cecilia Fieler (University of Pennsylvania)
Marius Brülhart (University of Lausanne)
Sascha O. Becker (University of Warwick)
Douglas A. Irwin (Dartmouth College)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 105-B
American Economic Association
Economics of Intergenerational Transfers and Wealth (J1)
Presiding: Karen Eggleston (Stanford University)
Education Policy and Intergenerational Transfers in Equilibrium
Brant Abbott (University of British Columbia)
Giovanni Gallipoli (University of British Columbia)
Costas Meghir (Yale University)
Gianluca Violante (New York University)
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Intergenerational Wealth Mobility: Evidence from Danish Wealth Records of Three Generations
Simon Halphen Boserup (University of Copenhagen)
Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University)
Claus Thustrup Kreiner (University of Copenhagen, CESifo and CEPR)
[View Abstract]
Housing Windfalls and Intergenerational Transfers in China
Maria Porter (Michigan State University)
Albert Park (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
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The Intergenerational Impact of Rural Pensions in China: Transfers, Living Arrangements, and Off-Farm Employment of Adult Children
Ang Sun (Renmin University of China)
Xi Chen (Yale University)
Karen N. Eggleston (Stanford University)
[View Abstract]
Susan M. Dynarski (University of Michigan)
Costas Meghir (Yale University)
Xiaobo Zhang (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Albert Park (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon J
American Economic Association
Effects on Preferences Regarding Risk & Ambiguity (D8)
Presiding: Luca Rigotti (University of Pittsburgh)
The Long-Run Impact of Traumatic Experience on Risk Aversion
Young-Il Kim (Sogang University)
Jungmin Lee (Sogang University & IZA)
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Self Confirming Long Run Biases
Pierpaolo Battigalli (University of Bocconi)
Fabio Maccheroni (University of Bocconi)
Massimo Marinacci (University of Bocconi)
Simone Cerreia-Vioglio (University of Bocconi)
[View Abstract]
The Legacy of Parental Time Preferences: Investment Behavior, and Children's Lifetime Outcomes
Hans Gronqvist (Stockholm University)
Lena Lindahl (Stockholm University)
Bart Golsteyn (Maastricht University)
[View Abstract]
Over-Caution of Large Committees of Experts
Justin Mattias Valasek (WZB)
Rune Midjord (University of the Basque Country)
Tomas Rodriguez Barraquer (Hebrew University)
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An Evolutionary Justification for Non-Bayesian Beliefs and Overconfidence
Hanzhe Zhang (University of Chicago)
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Primary-Market Auctions for Event Tickets: Eliminating the Rents of "Bob the Broker"
Eric Budish (University of Chicago)
Aditya Bhave (University of Chicago)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 305
American Economic Association
Evaluation of Social Programs (H4)
Presiding: William Hoyt (University of Kentucky)
Smallpox and Human Capital Development: 1850-1930
Dara Lee Luca (University of Missouri and Harvard University)
[View Abstract]
The Power of Hydroelectric Dams: Agglomeration Spillovers
Edson R. Severnini (Carnegie Mellon University)
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Evaluating Long-Term Impacts of Sustained Mass Deworming: South Korea 1969-1995
Taejong Kim (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)
Jungho Kim (Ajou University)
Hyeok Jeong (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)
Sunjin Kim (KDI School of Public Policy and Management)
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Moving High-Performing Teachers to Low Achieving Schools
Bing-ru Teh (Mathematica Policy Research Inc.)
Steven Glazerman (Mathematica Policy Research Inc.)
Ali Protik (Mathematica Policy Research Inc.)
Julie Bruch (Mathematica Policy Research Inc.)
Jeffrey Max (Mathematica Policy Research Inc.)
[View Abstract]
John Papp (Highbridge Capital Management)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon I
American Economic Association
Fertility Decisions (J1)
Presiding: Tom Vogl (Princeton University)
Land Reform and Sex Selection in China
Douglas Almond (Columbia University)
Shuang Zhang (University of Colorada-Boulder)
Honbin Li (Tsinghua University)
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Heat Waves at Conception and Later Life Outcomes
Joshua Wilde (University of South Florida)
Benedicte Apouey (Paris School of Economics)
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Parenthood and Productivity of Highly Skilled Labor: Evidence From the Groves of Academe
Matthias Krapf (University of Zurich)
Heinrich Ursprung (University of Konstanz)
Christian Zimmermann (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
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School Cutoff Dates, and the Timing of Births
Hitoshi Shigeoka (Simon Fraser University)
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Intergenerational Dynamics and the Fertility Transition
Tom S. Vogl (Princeton University)
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The Demographic Consequences of Gender Selection Technology
Qi Li (Peking University)
Juan Pantano (Washington University in St. Louis)
[View Abstract]

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon L
American Economic Association
Gender Differences (J1)
Presiding: Joyce Jacobsen (Wesleyan University)
How the Design of a Pension System Influences Old Age Poverty and Gender Equity: A Study of Chile's Private Retirement Accounts System
Petra Todd (University of Pennsylvania)
Clement Joubert (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
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Math and Gender: Is Math a Route to a High-Powered Career?
Juanna Joensen (Stockholm School of Economics)
Helena Skyt Nielsen (Aarhus University)
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Firm Level Monopsony and the Gender Pay Gap
Douglas Webber (Temple University)
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Gender Differences and Dynamics in Competition: The Role of Luck
David Gill (University of Oxford)
Victoria Prowse (Cornell University)
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Are Women “Naturally” Better Credit Risks in Microcredit? Evidence from Field Experiments in Patriarchal and Matrilineal Societies in Bangladesh
Sugato Chakravarty (Purdue University)
Abu Zafar M. Shahriar (Monash University)
Zahid Iqbal (Purdue University)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 306
American Economic Association
Health Economics (I1)
Presiding: Kathleen Carey (Boston University)
Health Insurance and the Supply of Entrepreneurs: New Evidence from the Affordable Care Act's Dependent Coverage Mandate
James Benjamin Bailey (Temple University)
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The Effect of Health Shocks and Health Insurance on Employment and Earnings. Evidence from Chile
Vincent Pohl (Queen's University)
Christopher Neilson (Yale University)
Francisco Parro (Ministerio de Hacienda de Chile)
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Peer Effects Among Hospitalized Patients: Evidence from Roommate Assignments.
Olga Yakusheva (Marquette University)
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Digitizing Doctor Demand: The Impact of Online Reviews on Doctor Choice
Sonal Vats (Boston University)
Michael Luca (Harvard Business School)
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Does Employment Reduce Informal Caregiving?
Daifeng He (College of William and Mary)
Peter McHenry (College of William and Mary)
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Why Does the Health of Immigrants Deteriorate?
Osea Giuntella (University of Oxford)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 107-B
American Economic Association
Improving Student Performance (I2)
Presiding: Kristin Butcher (Wellesley College)
One Size Does Not Fit All: The Role of Vocational Ability on College Attendance and Labor Market Outcomes
Sergio Urzua (University of Maryland)
Maria F. Prada (University of Maryland)
[View Abstract]
The Effect of an Individualized Online Practice Tool on Math Performance - Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment
Carla Haelermans (Maastricht University)
Joris Ghysels (Maastricht University)
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Not Just Test Scores: Parents' Demand Response to School Quality Information
Iftikhar Hussain (University of Sussex)
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High School Course Quality and Revealed Information
Jesse Bricker (Federal Reserve Board)
Hannah Allerdice Bricker (Unaffiliated)
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Educating Bright Students in Urban Schools
Kalena Cortes (Texas A&M University)
Wael Moussa (Syracuse University)
Jeffrey Weinstein (Syracuse University)
[View Abstract]
Rational Addiction and Video Games
Micah Pollak (Indiana University-Northwest)
[View Abstract]

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 103-A
American Economic Association
Individual and Employer Responses to Unemployment (J6)
Presiding: Laura Kawano (US Department of Treasury)
How Does Family Income Affect College Enrollment? Evidence from Timing of Parental Layoffs
Nate Hilger (Harvard University)
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How Income Changes during Unemployment: Evidence from Tax Return Data
Laura Kawano (US Department of Treasury)
Sara LaLumia (Williams College)
[View Abstract]
Duration Dependence and Labor Market Conditions: Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment
Kory Kroft (University of Toronto)
Fabian Lange (McGill University)
Matthew J. Notowidigdo (University of Chicago)
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A Contribution to the Empirics of Reservation Wages
Alan B Krueger (Princeton University)
Andreas Mueller (Columbia University)
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Ann Huff Stevens (University of California-Davis)
Till von Wachter (University of California-Los Angeles)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 103-C
American Economic Association
Innovation (O3)
Presiding: Arthur Diamond (University of Nebraska-Omaha)
Why do Regions Vary in their Response to Crowdfunding? The Young, Restless, and Creative
Ajay Agrawal (University of Toronto)
Christian Catalini (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Avi Goldfarb (University of Toronto)
[View Abstract]
Pierre Azoulay (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER)
Jeffrey Furman (Boston University and NBER)
Joshua Krieger (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Fiona Murray (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Buy, Keep or Sell: Economic Growth and the Market for Ideas
Ufuk Akcigit (University of Pennsylvania)
Murat Alp Celik (University of Pennsylvania)
Jeremy Greenwood (University of Pennsylvania)
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Invisible Innovators: Historical Evidence from Mechanized Reapers and Cloud Computing
Richard Hunt (University of Colorado-Boulder)
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The causal effect of labor unions on innovation
Daniel Bradley (University of South Florida)
Incheol Kim (University of South Florida)
Xuan Tian (Indiana University)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 201-B
American Economic Association
Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Asset Prices (G1)
Presiding: Ivan Shaliastovich (University of Pennsylvania)
Good and Bad Uncertainty: Macroeconomic and Financial Market Implications
Gill Segal (University of Pennsylvania)
Ivan Shaliastovich (University of Pennsylvania)
Amir Yaron (University of Pennsylvania)
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One-Sided Risk Shocks
Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde (University of Pennsylvania)
Pablo Guerron (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
Juan Rubio-Ramirez (Duke University)
Uncertainty Shocks, Asset Supply and Pricing over the Business Cycle
Francesco Bianchi (Duke University)
Cosmin Ilut (Duke University)
Martin Schneider (Stanford University)
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Does Uncertainty Reduce Growth? Using Disasters as Natural Experiments
Scott R. Baker (Stanford University)
Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 201-A
American Economic Association
Measuring Systemic Risk (G2)
Presiding: René Stulz (Ohio State University)
Enhanced Stress Testing and Financial Stability
Matthew Pritsker (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
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How Likely is Contagion in Financial Networks?
Paul Glasserman (Columbia University)
H. Peyton Young (University of Oxford)
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Taking the risk out of systemic risk measurement
Levent Guntay (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Paul H. Kupiec (The American Enterprise Institute)
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Can Top-down Banking Stress Tests Be Informative?
Pavel S. Kapinos (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Oscar A. Mitnik (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
[View Abstract]
Sanjiv R. Das (Santa Clara University)
Mark J. Flannery (University of Florida)
Albert S. Kyle (University of Maryland)
Rene M. Stulz (Ohio State University)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon B
American Economic Association
Microeconometrics: Theory and Applications (C2)
Presiding: Bidisha Mandal (Washington State University)
Estimation of an Education Production Function under Random Assignment with Selection
Eleanor Choi (Hanyang University)
Hyungsik Roger Moon (University of Southern California)
Geert Ridder (University of Southern California)
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Specification and Estimation of Treatment Models in the Presence of Sample Selection
Angela Vossmeyer (University of California-Irvine)
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Gender Wage Gap in the United States: An Interactive Fixed Effects Approach
Kusum Mundra (Rutgers University)
Treatment Effect Analyses through Orthogonality Conditions Implied by a Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design, with Two Empirical Studies
Muzhe Yang (Lehigh University)
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Child Care Choices, Cognitive Development, and Kindergarten Enrollment
Bidisha Mandal (Washington State University)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 202-A
American Economic Association
Productivity (O4)
Presiding: Wayne Gray (Clark University)
Agricultural Production amidst Conflict: The Effects of Shocks, Uncertainty and Governance of Non-State Armed Actors
Andres Zambrano (Universidad de los Andes)
Maria Alejandra Arias (Universidad de los Andes)
Ana Maria Ibañez (Universidad de los Andes)
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Trade Liberalization, Supply Chains and Productivity
Carol Newman (Trinity College Dublin)
John Rand (University of Copenhagen)
Finn Tarp (UNU-WIDER and University of Copenhagen)
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How Do Firms Adjust Production Factors to the Cycle? The Role of Rigidities
Gilbert Cette (Banque de France)
Remy Lecat (Banque de France)
Ahmed Ould (Banque de France)
Ahmed Jiddou (Banque de France)
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Demand Shocks and Productivity: Technology Adoption During the U.S. Ethanol Boom
Danny McGowan (Bangor University)
Richard Kneller (University of Nottingham)
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Cumulative Innovation, Growth and Welfare-Improving Patent Policy
Edwin L. Lai (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Davin Chor (National University of Singapore)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 203-B
American Economic Association
Public Finance and Policy (H1)
Presiding: Erin Bronchetti (Swarthmore College)
Post-Retirement Benefit Plans, Leverage, and Real Investment
Sohnke m Bartram (London Business School and Warwick Business School)
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The Impact of Longevity Improvements on U.S. Corporate Defined Benefit Pension Plans
Michael Kisser (Norwegian School of Economics)
John Kiff (International Monetary Fund)
Erik Oppers (International Monetary Fund)
Mauricio Soto (International Monetary Fund)
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The Impact of Numerical Constraints on Fiscal Policy in the EU27
Wolf Heinrich Reuter (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
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The Effect of Government Spending in Construction on Job Creation: Evidence from Texas
Dakshina G. De Silva (Lancaster University)
Viplav Saini (Oberlin College)
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Presidentialism, Parliamentarism and Fiscal Policy: Evidence from the Local Level in Germany
Thushyanthan Baskaran (University of Goettingen)
Zohal Hessami (University of Konstanz)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 203-A
American Economic Association
Sources of Peer Effects (D8)
Presiding: Bruce Sacerdote (Dartmouth University)
Social Networks and the Decision to Insure
Jing Cai (University of Michigan)
Alain Janvry (University of California-Berkeley)
Elisabeth Sadoulet (University of California-Berkeley)
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Peer Effects in Risk Taking
Amrei Lahno (University of Munich)
Marta Serra-Garcia (University of Munich)
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Academic Peer Effects with Different Group Assignment Policies: Residential Tracking versus Random Assignment
Robert Garlick (Duke University)
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Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Peer Effects: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Financial Decisions
Leonardo Bursztyn (University of California-Los Angeles)
Florian Ederer (University of California-Los Angeles)
Bruno Ferman (George Washington University)
Noam Yuchtman (University of California-Berkeley)
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Achyuta Adhvaryu (Yale University)
Kenneth Ahern (University of Southern California)
Scott Carrell (University of California-Davis)
John Beshears (Harvard University)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 201-C
American Economic Association
The Demand for Insurance in Developing Countries (O1)
Presiding: Benjamin Olken (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Risk and Investment in Agriculture
Mark Rosenzweig (Yale University)
Christopher Udry (Yale University)
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Dynamics of Demand for Index Insurance: Evidence from a Five-Year Panel in Gujarat
Shawn A. Cole (Harvard University)
Jeremy Tobacman (University of Pennsylvania)
Daniel Stein (The World Bank)
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Adverse Selection in the Market for Catastrophic Health Insurance: Some Evidence from India
Abhijit Banerjee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Esther Duflo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Richard Hornbeck (Harvard University)
[View Abstract]
Seema Jayachandran (Northwestern University)
Tavneet Suri (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jishnu Das (World Bank)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 204-B
American Economic Association
The Price Theory of Selection Markets (D4)
Presiding: Michael Whinston (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Product Design in Selection Markets
André F. Veiga (University of Oxford)
Eric Glen Weyl (University of Chicago)
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Imperfect Competition in Selection Markets
Neale Mahoney (University of Chicago)
Eric Glen Weyl (University of Chicago)
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Unraveling versus Unraveling: Competitive Equilibriums and Trade in Insurance Markets
Nathaniel Hendren (Harvard University)
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Information Frictions and the Welfare Consequences of Adverse Selection
Benjamin R. Handel (University of California-Berkeley)
Jonathan T. Kolstad (University of Pennsylvania)
Johannes Spinnewijn (London School of Economics)
[View Abstract]
Jonathan Levin (Stanford University)
Liran Einav (Stanford University)
Amy N. Finkelstein (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Michael Whinston (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon E
American Economic Association
What's Natural? Key Macroeconomic Parameters after the Great Recession (E1)
Presiding: Matthew Shapiro (University of Michigan)
The Natural Rate of Interest and Its Usefulness for Monetary Policy Making
Robert Barsky (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and University of Michigan)
Alejandro Justiniano (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Leonardo Melosi (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
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Natural Rate of Unemployment
Mark Watson (Princeton University)
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Natural Rate of Growth
John Fernald (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Charles I Jones (Stanford University)
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Michael Woodford (Columbia University)
Robert E. Hall (Stanford University)
Susanto Basu (Boston College)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Millennium Hall
American Finance Association
Asset Management and Market Efficiency (G2)
Presiding: Christopher Malloy (Harvard University)
Transparency and Talent Allocation in Money Management
Simon Gervais (Duke University)
Gunter Strobl (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
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The People in Your Neighborhood: Social Interactions and Mutual Fund Portfolio Choice
Veronika Pool (Indiana University)
Noah Stoffman (Indiana University)
Scott Yonker (Indiana University)
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Peer Effects in Mutual Funds
Jesse Blocher (Vanderbilt University)
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Predation versus Cooperation in Mutual Fund Families
Alexander Eisele (University of Lugano)
Tamara Nefedova (University of Lugano)
Gianpaolo Parise (University of Lugano)
[View Abstract]
Bruce Carlin (University of California-Los Angeles)
Kelly Shue (University of Chicago)
Antti Petajisto (New York University)
Utpal Bhattacharya (Indiana University)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Regency Ballroom B
American Finance Association
Behavioral Asset Pricing (G1)
Presiding: Nicholas Barberis (Yale University)
No News is News: Do Markets Underreact to Nothing
Stefano Giglio (University of Chicago)
Kelly Shue (University of Chicago)
[View Abstract]
First Impressions: "System 1" Thinking and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns
Nicholas C. Barberis (Yale University)
Abhiroop Mukherjee (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Baolian Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
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Waves in Ship Prices and Investment
Robin Greenwood (Harvard Business School)
Samuel Hanson (Harvard Business School)
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Dong Lou (London School of Economics)
Byoung-Hyoun Hwang (Purdue University)
Kent Daniel (Columbia University)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Regency Ballroom A
American Finance Association
Credit Risk I (G1)
Presiding: Ilya Strebulaev (Stanford University)
CDS Auctions and Informative Biases in CDS Recovery Rates
Sudip Gupta (New York University)
Rangarajan K. Sundaram (New York University)
[View Abstract]
Synthetic or Real? The Equilibrium Effects of Credit Default Swaps on Bond Markets
Martin Oehmke (Columbia University)
Adam Zawadowski (Boston University)
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Does the Tail Wag the Dog? The Effect of Credit Default Swaps on Credit Risk
Marti Subrahmanyam (New York University)
Dragon Tang (University of Hong Kong)
Sarah Qian Wang (Warwick University)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall C
American Finance Association
Institutional Investors' Portfolio Choices (G1)
Presiding: Luis Viceira (Harvard Business School)
Why Do University Endowments Invest So Much In Risky Assets?
Thomas Gilbert (University of Washington)
Christopher Hrdlicka (University of Washington)
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Informed Trading and Expected Returns
James Choi (Yale University)
Li Jin (Harvard University)
Hongjun Yan (Yale University)
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Dynamic Portfolio Choice with Frictions
Nicolae Garleanu (University of California-Berkeley)
Lasse Pedersen (New York University)
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Deleveraging Risk
Scott Richardson (London Business School)
Pedro Saffi (University of Cambridge)
Kari Sigurdsson (Reykjavik University)
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Stephen G. Dimmock (Nanyang Technological University)
Lauren H. Cohen (Harvard Business School)
Bryan T. Kelly (University of Chicago)
Jakub W. Jurek (Princeton University)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall D
American Finance Association
Macro Finance (G1)
Presiding: Ralph Koijen (University of Chicago)
Nominal Bonds, Real Bonds, and Equity
Andrew Ang (Columbia University)
Maxim Ulrich (Columbia University)
[View Abstract]
Forecasting through the Rear-View Mirror: Data Revisions and Bond Return Predictability
Eric Ghysels (University of North Carolina)
Casidhe Horan (University of Michigan)
Emanuel Moench (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
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Rare Booms and Disasters in a Multi-Sector Endowment Economy
Jerry Tsai (University of Pennsylvania)
Jessica Wachter (University of Pennsylvania)
[View Abstract]
Jules van Binsbergen (Stanford University)
Lars A. Lochstoer (Columbia University)
Leonid Kogan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall B
American Finance Association
Macroeconomics, Deflation and Liquidity (G1)
Presiding: Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton University)
Deflation Risk
Matthias Fleckenstein (University of California-Los Angeles)
Francis Longstaff (University of California-Los Angeles)
Hanno Lustig (University of California-Los Angeles)
[View Abstract]
Banks Exposure to Interest Rate Risk and the Transmission of Monetary Policy
Augustin Landier (University of Toulouse)
David Sraer (Princeton University)
David Thesmar (HEC Paris)
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Corporate Cash Hoarding: The Role of Just-in-Time Adoption
Xiaodan Gao (National University of Singapore)
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Funding Liquidity Risk and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns
Jean-Sebastien Fontaine (Bank of Canada)
Rene Garcia (EDHEC)
Sermin Gungor (Bank of Canada)
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Cesaire Meh (Bank of Canada)
Anil Kashyap (University of Chicago)
Thomas Eisenbach (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Tyler Muir (Yale University)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Washington B
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Commercial Real Estate (G1)
Presiding: Andra Ghent (Arizona State University)
Real Earnings Management, Liquidity and SEO dynamics: Evidence from United States REITs
Xiaoying Deng (National University of Singapore)
Seow Eng Ong (National University of Singapore)
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Using Cash Flow Dynamics to Price Thinly Traded Assets: The Case of Commercial Real Estate
Walter Boudry (Cornell University)
Crocker Liu (Cornell University)
Tobias Muhlhofer (Indiana University)
Walter Torous (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
What Drives Building-Level Investment Returns?
Serguei Chervachidze (CBRE Econometric Advisors)
Jeffery Fisher (Indiana University)
William Wheaton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Commercial Real Estate, Distress and Capital Recovery: Analysis of the Special Servicer
David Downs (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Tracy Xu (University of Denver)
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Moussa Diop (University of Wisconsin)
Rossen Valkanov (University of California-San Diego)
Xudong An (San Diego State University)
David T. Brown (University of Florida)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Washington C
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Urban Development and Dynamics (R3)
Presiding: Eleonora Patacchini (Syracuse University)
Transportation Technologies, Agglomeration, and the Structure of Cities
Jeffrey Brinkman (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
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The Decline of the Rust Belt: A Dynamic Spatial Equilbrium Analysis
Chamna Yoon (Baruch College City University of New York)
[View Abstract]
The Settlement of the United States, 1800 to 2000: The Long Transition Towards Gibrat's Law
Klaus Desmet (Carlos III)
Jordan Rappaport (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)
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Driving to Opportunity: Local Wages, Commuting, and Sub-Metropolitan Quality of Life
David Albouy (University of Michigan)
Bert Lue (University of Michigan)
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Ronni Pavan (University of Rochester)
Giorgio Topa (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Matthew Turner (University of Toronto)
Jessie Handbury (University of Pennsylvania)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon A
Association for Comparative Economic Studies
Exploration of New and Existing Macro Data for the Chinese Economy (E2)
Presiding: Carsten Holz (Stanford University)
The Quality of Chinese GDP Statistics
Carsten Holz (Stanford University)
[View Abstract]
Chinese Capital Flight: Questions of Data and Policy
Frank Gunter (Lehigh University)
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China's Provincial Capital Stock by Sector: Data and Preliminary Analysis
Yanrui Wu (University of Western Australia)
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China's Human Capital Stock
Haizheng Li (Georgia Institute of Technology)
[View Abstract]
Belton M. Fleisher (Ohio State University)
Zheng Michael Song (University of Chicago)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Regency Ballroom C1
Association for Evolutionary Economics
Macro Policy and Financial Stability in the Age of Turbulence (B5)
Presiding: Abu Shonchoy (Institute of Developing Economies)
Understanding Long-Term Japanese Government Bonds' Low Nominal Yields
Tanweer Akram (Ing Investment Management)
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Shadow Banking and Credit Driven Growth in China
Yan Liang (Willamette University)
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Economic Consequences of the TARP
Heather Montgomery (International Christian University)
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Three Sector Balance Approach and the Economic Crisis
Eric Tymoigne (Lewis and Clark College)
[View Abstract]
Abu Shonchoy (Institute of Developing Economies)
Yuki Takahashi (State University of New York-Stony Brook)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Congress A
Association for Social Economics
Social Entrepreneurship: Maximizing Impact and Innovation (L3)
Presiding: Tonia Warnecke (Rollins College)
Social Enterprises as Networks of Innovators in the Social Economy
Zohreh Emami (Alverno College)
[View Abstract]
Social Enterprises and the Analysis of Space to Alleviate Financial Constraints
Benjamin Wilson (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
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Workers' Cooperatives: New Strategies for Finance
Daniel Fireside (Equal Exchange)
Christopher Gunn (Hobart and William Smith Colleges)
[View Abstract]
Social Entrepreneurship, Alternative Currencies, and Post-Transactional Civil Society: The Case of the Sunshine Bank
Matthias Klaes (University of Dundee)
[View Abstract]
Social Entrepreneurship for Students: The Rollins Microfinance Fund
Tonia Warnecke (Rollins College)
[View Abstract]

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon K
Association of Environmental & Resource Economists
Options for a New International Climate Regime Arising from the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (Q5) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Robert Stavins (Harvard University)
Joseph Aldy (Harvard University)
Ottmar Edenhofer (Technical University of Berlin)
Geoffrey Heal (Columbia University)
Gilbert Metcalf (Tufts University)
William Pizer (Duke University)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Congress B
Association of Financial Economists/American Economic Association
Moral Attitudes and Financial Decision-Making (G3)
Presiding: Michael Jensen (Harvard University)
Moral Attitudes and Financial Decision-Making
Jonathan Haidt (New York University)
David Hirshleifer (University of California-Irvine)
Siew Hong Teoh (University of California-Irvine)
[View Abstract]
The Impact of Cultural Aversion on Economic Exchange: Evidence from Shocks to Sino-Japanese Relations
Raymond Fisman (Columbia University)
Yasushi Hamao (University of Southern California)
Yongxiang Wang (University of Southern California)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
Honoring One's Word: CEO Integrity and Accruals Quality
Shane S. Dikolli (Duke University)
William J. Mayew (Duke University)
Thomas D. Steffen (Duke University)
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Trust, Consumer Debt, and Household Finance
Danling Jiang (Florida State University)
Sonya S. Lim (DePaul University)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
Harrison Hong (Princeton University)
Paola Sapienza (Northwestern University)
Alexander Dyck (University of Toronto)
Adair Morse (University of California-Berkeley)
Michael Jensen (Harvard University)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 401
Econometric Society
Big Data and High-Dimensional Problems (C3)
Presiding: Jushan Bai (Columbia University)
Incidental Endogeneity in High Dimensions
Jianqing Fan (Princeton University)
[View Abstract]
Program Evaluation with High-Dimensional Data
Victor Chernozhukov (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Asymptotic Analysis of the Squared Estimation Error in Misspecified Factor Models
Alexei Onatski (University of Cambridge)
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Shrinkage Estimation of High-Dimensional Factor Models with Structural Instabilities
Xu Cheng (University of Pennsylvania)
Zhipeng Liao (University of Pennsylvania)
Frank Schorfheide (University of Pennsylvania)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 402
Econometric Society
Estimation of Industrial Organization Models (L2)
Presiding: Che-Lin Su (University of Chicago)
Relaxing Competition Through Speculation: Committing to a Negative Supply Slope
Pär Holmberg (Research Institute of Industrial Economics)
Bert Willems (Tilburg University)
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Estimating Dynamic Discrete-Choice Games of Incomplete Information
Michael Dannen Egesdal (Harvard University)
Zhenyu Lai (Harvard University)
Che-Lin Su (University of Chicago)
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Identification and Estimation of Heterogeneous Production Functions
Jorge Balat (Johns Hopkins University)
Yuya Sasaki (Johns Hopkins University)
[View Abstract]
Supply Function Competition and Exporters: Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of Productivity Distributions and Marginal Costs
Ayse Ozgur Pehlivan (Bilkent University)
Quang Vuong (New York University)
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Primary Dealers, Indirect Bidders, and Direct Bidding: A Structural Model of United States Treasury Auctions
Eiichiro Kazumori (State University of New York)
Leonard Tchuindjo (United States Treasury and George Washington University)
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Ayse Ozgur Pehlivan (Bilkent University)
Jorge Balat (Johns Hopkins University)
Che-Lin Su (University of Chicago)
Pär Holmberg (Research Institute of Industrial Economics)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 404
Econometric Society
Long Run Changes in Labor Market Outcomes (J1)
Presiding: Sephorah Mangin (Monash University)
The Role of Allocative Efficiency in a Decade of Recovery
Kaiji Chen (Emory University)
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Factors Affecting College Completion and Student Ability in the United States since 1900
Christopher Michael Herrington (Arizona State University)
Kevin Donovan (Arizona State University)
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EPL and Capital-Labor Ratios
Alexandre Janiak (University of Chile)
Etienne Wasmer (Sciences-Po)
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A Theory of Factor Shares
Sephorah Joanne Mangin (Monash University)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 405
Econometric Society
The Real Effects of Financial Markets (G1)
Presiding: Franklin Allen (University of Pennsylvania)
Market Efficiency and Real Efficiency
Itay Goldstein (University of Pennsylvania)
Liyan Yang (University of Toronto)
[View Abstract]
Informational Frictions and Commodity Markets
Michael Sockin (Princeton University)
Wei Xiong (Princeton University)
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Learning from Peers' Stock Prices and Corporate Investment
Thierry Foucault (HEC, Paris)
Laurent Fresard (University of Maryland)
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Financial Market Shocks and the Macroeconomy
Avanidhar Subrahmanyam (University of California-Los Angeles)
Sheridan Titman (University of Texas-Austin)
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Alexi Savov (New York University)
Thomas Michael Mertens (New York University)
Wei Jiang (Columbia University)
Gustavo Manso (University of California-Berkeley)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall A2
International Banking, Economics & Finance Association
Finance and Development/ International Finance (G2)
Presiding: Gillian Garcia (Gillian Garcia Associates)
Competition, Loan Rates and Information Dispersion in Microcredit Markets
Guillermo Baquero (European School of Management and Technology, Berlin)
Malika Hamadi (University of Sassari-Italy)
Andreas Heinen (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
[View Abstract]
Investment in Relationship-Specific Assets: Does Finance Matter?
Martin Strieborny (Lund University)
Madina Kukenova (International Trade Center, Geneva)
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Finance and Growth: Time Series Evidence on Causality
Oana Peia (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
Kasper Roszbach (Sveriges Riksbank and University of Groningen)
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Trilemma Stability and International Macroeconomic Archetypes
Helen Popper (Santa Clara University)
Alex Mandilaris (University of Surrey)
Graham Bird (University of Surrey)
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Matt Osborne (University of Toronto)
Jihad Dagher (International Monetary Fund)
Gibran Rezavi (University of Illinois-Chicago)
Andrei Zlate (Federal Reserve Board)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 104-A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Democratic Workplace Practices and Employee Ownership (J5)
Presiding: Stephen Woodbury (Michigan State University)
How Did Employee Ownership Firms Weather the Last Two Recessions? Employee Ownership and Employment Stability in the United States.
Fidan Ana Kurtulus (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Douglas Kruse (Rutgers University)
[View Abstract]
The Citizen's Share: The Context for Employee Stock Ownership and Profit Sharing in American History
Joseph Blasi (Rutgers University)
Richard B. Freeman (Harvard University)
Douglas Kruse (Rutgers University)
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Profit Sharing and Workplace Productivity: Does Teamwork Play a Role?
Tony Fang (Monash University)
Richard Long (University of Saskatchewan)
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Does Employee Ownership Affect Attitudes and Behaviors? Selection, Status, and Size of Stake
Dan Weltmann (Rutgers University)
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Brad Hershbein (W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research)
Stephen Woodbury (Michigan State University)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 104-B
Labor & Employment Relations Association/International Association for Feminist Economics
Employment Policies for the Modern Era: Understanding Who Has Access to Policies on Care and How they Affect Employment (J5)
Presiding: Randy Albelda (University of Massachusetts-Boston)
Good for Business? The Case of Paid Sick Leave Legislation in Connecticut
Eileen Appelbaum (Center for Economic and Policy Research)
Ruth Milkman (City University of New York)
[View Abstract]
Impact of Child Care Policies on Parental Employment
Liana Fox (Stockholm University)
Wen-Jui Han (New York University)
Christopher Ruhm (University of Virginia)
Jane Waldfogel (Columbia University)
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Workplace Flexibility: a Workplace Perk for the Most Valued Workers or Compensation for Those Who Need It Most?
Peter Berg (Michigan State University)
Heather Boushey (Center for American Progress)
Sarah Jane Glynn (Center for American Progress)
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Heather Boushey (Center for American Progress)
Elaine McCrate (University of Vermont-Burlington)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 102-A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Organizing Low-Wage Workers (J5)
Presiding: Janice Fine (Rutgers University)
Promoting Economic Justice for Home Care Workers in Washington: From Warfare to Kumbayya
Patrice Mareschal (Rutgers University)
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Organizing and Raising Standards for Restaurant Workers: The ROC Model
Teofilo Reyes (ROC Restaurant Opportunities Center)
The New York City Carwashero Campaign
Hilary Klein (Make The Road New York)
Creating a New Union Model: Taxi Drivers in Philadelphia
Ronald Blount (Taxi Workers Alliance of Pennsylvania)
Farmworker Organizing for the Long Haul and an Introduction to Food Chain Workers' Alliance
Nelson Carrasquillo (CATA The Farmworkers Support Committee)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 106-B
Society of Government Economists
Externalities and the Power of Perceptions for Cash Transfer Programs (D1)
Presiding: David Seidenfeld (American Institutes for Research)
Power of Perceptions: Impacts of Perceived Conditionality in an Unconditional Cash Transfer Program
David Seidenfeld (American Institutes for Research)
Sudhanshu Handa (University of North Carolina)
[View Abstract]
The Impact of a Large Scale Poverty Program on Time Discounting
Sudhanshu Handa (University of North Carolina)
David Seidenfeld (American Institutes for Research)
[View Abstract]
Evaluating Local General Equilibrium Impacts of Zambia's Child Grant Program
Karen Thome (University of California-Davis)
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The Impact of Immigration on the Well-Being of Natives
Amelie Constant (IZA, Temple University and George Washington Unversity)
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Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 406
Transportation & Public Utilities Group
Pricing Digital Delivery of Services (L9)
Presiding: Carolyn Gideon (Tufts University)
Nonlinear Pricing: Self-Selecting Tariffs and Regulation
James Alleman (University of Colorado-Boulder)
Edmond Baranes (Temple University and Centris)
Paul Rappaport (University Montpellier 1)
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A Comparative Study of Regulation and Pricing in Mobile Communications
Jun-Ji Shih (Academia Sinica)
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Evolution of Telephone Markets: A Choice Model of Cell and Land Line Telephone Communication
Wesley W. Wilson (University of Oregon)
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Spillovers and Marginal Cost Pricing
Christaan Hogendorn (Wesleyan University)
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David Gabel (Queens College)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, P1 Parlor
Union for Radical Political Economists
Heterodox Analysis of the Great Recession (E3)
Presiding: James Devine (Loyola Marymount University)
From the Oil Crisis to the Great Recession: Five Crises of the World Economy
J. A. Tapia Granados (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)
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Capitalism, Crisis and Class: The United States Economy After 2007-2008 Financial Crisis
Özgür Orhangazi (Kadir Has University)
Mathieu Dufour (John Jay College)
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Flaws in the Marxian Explanations of the Great Recession
Ismael Hossein-zadeh (Drake University)
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Income Inequality and the Appalachian Region Before, During and After the Great Recession
John Hisnanick (US Census Bureau)
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Everyday Economics: The 2007 Economic Crisis Through Internet Memes
Elizabeth Ramey (Hobart and William Smith Colleges)
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James Devine (Loyola Marymount University)
Tim Koechlin (Vassar College)
Michael Perelman (California State University-Chico)

Jan 03, 2014 8:00 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, P2 Parlor
Union for Radical Political Economists
Heterodox International Economics (F2)
Presiding: Mehrene Larudee (Al Quds Bard Honors College)
Neoliberalism With a "State Capitalist" Face: The Case of BRIC Countries
Anna Klimina (University of Saskatchewan)
[View Abstract]
Macroprudential Regulations and Capital Flows: The Case of Turkey
Bilge Erten (Columbia University)
Armagan Gezici (Keene State College)
[View Abstract]
The Role of Remittance Flow in the Nepalese Economy
Kalpana Khanal (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
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Gender and Decent Work in Manufacturing: The Indonesia Case
Shaianne Osterreich (Ithaca College)
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Mehrene Larudee (Al Quds Bard Honors College)
Firat Demir (University of Oklahoma)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 413
African Finance & Economics Association
African Economic Growth and Development (O1)
Presiding: Gregory Price (Morehouse College)
The Fundamental Determinants of International Competitiveness in African Countries with Special Reference to the CFA Zone
Julius Agbor (Stellenbosch University)
Taiwo Olumide (Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa)
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Financial Development and Manufactured Exports: The African Experience
Evelyn Wamboye (Pennsylvania State University-DuBois)
Rajen Mookerjee (Pennsylvania State University-Monaca)
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Efficient Public Sector Audit
Gregory Iyke Ibe (Gregory University)
Moses O. Anuolam (Gregory University)
A.N. Orisakwe (Gregory University)
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Governance, Growth and Development in Selected West African Countries
Akpan Ekpo (West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management)
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Analysis of Chinese Investment in the ECOWAS Region
Jane Karonga (United Nations)
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Does Education Influence Clean-Tech Venture Capital and Private Equity Exits in Africa?
Jonathan O. Adongo (Missouri Southern State University)
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Thouraya Triki (African Development Bank)
David Poyer (Morehouse College)
Fekru Debebe (Educational Testing Service)
Malokele Nanivazo (United Nations University)
Kidaya Ntoko (City University of New York and Queens College)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall A1
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
How Innovation and Technology Affect Contract Terms in Farming (O1)
Presiding: David Zilberman (University of California-Berkeley)
The Economics of Contract Farming: A Credit and Investment Perspective
Liang Lu (University of California-Berkeley)
Xiaoxue Du (University of California-Berkeley)
David Zilberman (University of California-Berkeley)
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Contracting for Energy Crops: Effect of Risk Preferences and Land Quality
Xi Yang (University of Illinois)
Nick Paulson (University of Illinois)
Madhu Khanna (University of Illinois)
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Adapting Contract Theory to Fit Contract Farming
Steven Wu (Purdue University)
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The Transition to Modern Agriculture: Contract Farming in Developing Countries
H. Holly Wang (Purdue University)
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Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Liberty Ballroom
American Economic Association
Capital Controls and Macro-Prudential Policies (F4)
Presiding: Mark Spiegel (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Capital Controls: Myth and Reality
Nicolas Magud (International Monetary Fund)
Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
Carmen M. Reinhart (Harvard University)
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Prudential Policy for Peggers
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe (Columbia University)
Martin Uribe (Columbia University)
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Capital Controls and Optimal Chinese Monetary Policy
Chun Chang (Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance)
Zheng Liu (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Mark Spiegel (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
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Capital Controls or Macroprudential Regulation?
Anton Korinek (Johns Hopkins University and NBER)
Damiano Sandri (International Monetary Fund)
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Javier Bianchi (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Alessandro Rebucci (Johns Hopkins University)
Xiaodong Zhu (University of Toronto)
Suman Basu (International Monetary Fund)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 103-C
American Economic Association
Cognitive and Selection Biases: Implications for Interpreting and Identifying Subjective Well-Being Models (C1)
Presiding: James Heckman (University of Chicago)
Non-Response and Selection Bias in Happiness Data: Evidence from the Surveys of Consumers
Ori Heffetz (Cornell University)
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Ask a Silly Question and Get a Silly Answer? An Experimental Analysis of the Impact of Survey Design on Measures and Models of Subjective Wellbeing
Angus Holford (University of Essex)
Steve Pudney (University of Essex)
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Loss Aversion in the Macroeconomy: Global Evidence Using Subjective Well-Being Data
Jan-Emmanuel De Neve (University College London, INSEAD, and LSE Centre for Economic Performance)
Michael Norton (Harvard Business School)
George Ward (Centre for Economic Performance)
Femke De Keulenaer (Gallup Organization)
Bert Van Landeghem (University of Sheffield , Maastricht University and IZA)
George Kavetsos (London School of Economics)
[View Abstract]
Panel Conditioning and Self-Reported Satisfaction: Evidence from International Panel Data
Bert Van Landeghem (University of Sheffield, Maastricht University and IZA)
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Gabriella Conti (University of Chicago)
Carol Graham (Brookings Institution)
James J. Heckman (University of Chicago)
Arie Kapteyn (University of Southern California)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon I
American Economic Association
CSMGEP Dissertation Session (E0)
Presiding: Marie Mora (University of Texas-Pan American)
Bias or Behavior? Using Differences between Teacher Reports and Administrative Records to Identify Bias in Teacher Perceptions of Student Behavior
Dania V. Francis (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
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Is rising non-teacher pay to blame for falling teacher quality? Lessons from the introduction of the birth control pill
Candace Hamilton Hester (University of California-Berkeley)
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Housing and Monetary Policy
Ejindu Ume (University of Alabama)
Robert Reed (University of Alabama)
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A Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Model with Markov Switching
Jared Levant (University of Alabama)
Jun Ma (University of Alabama)
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Jose N. Martinez (University of North Texas)
Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato (Stanford University)
Javier A. Reyes (University of Arkansas)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon E
American Economic Association
Discounting for the Long Run (D8)
Presiding: Nicholas Stern (London School of Economics)
Discounting and Growth
Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics)
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Declining Discount Rates
Maureen Cropper (University of Maryland)
Mark C. Freeman (Loughborough University)
Ben Groom (London School of Economics)
William A. Pizer (Duke University)
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Fat Tails and the Social Cost of Carbon
Martin Weitzman (Harvard University)
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On Not Revisiting Official Discount Rates: Institutional Inertia and the Social Cost of Carbon
Cass Sunstein (University of Chicago)
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Kenneth Arrow (Stanford University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 203-B
American Economic Association
Effects of Public Policy Changes (H4)
Presiding: Allen Sanderson (University of Chicago)
Does Federal Disaster Assistance Crowd Out Private Demand for Insurance?
Carolyn Kousky (Resources for the Future)
Erwann Michel-Kerjan (University of Pennsylvania)
Paul A. Raschky (Monash University)
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Highway Procurement and the Stimulus Package: Identification and Estimation of Dynamic Auctions with Unobserved Heterogeneity
Jorge Balat (Johns Hopkins University)
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Did the Swine Flu Save Lives? Evidence from Mexico
Trinidad Beleche (Food and Drug Administration)
Jorge M. Aguero (University of Connecticut)
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Spatial Decentralization and Program Evaluation: Evidence from Women and Children in Indonesia
Mark Pitt (Brown University)
Nidhiya Menon (Brandeis University)
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Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 103-A
American Economic Association
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Management (L2)
Presiding: Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University and NBER)
A Continuum of Leadership Structures: How Do CEOs See Their Role?
William Mullins (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Antoinette Schoar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, NBER, and ideas42)
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The Impact of Global Angel Financing
Joshua Lerner (Harvard University and NBER)
Antoinette Schoar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, NBER, and ideas42)
Karen Wilson (OECD)
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Management and IT in America
Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University and NBER)
Erik Brynjolfsson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER)
Lucia Foster (US Census Bureau)
Ron Jarmin (US Census Bureau)
Itay Saporta-Eksten (Stanford University)
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The Secular Decline in Business Dynamism in the United States
Ryan Decker (University of Maryland)
John Haltiwanger (University of Maryland and NBER)
Ron Jarmin (US Census Bureau)
Javier Miranda (US Census Bureau)
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Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon L
American Economic Association
Experiments and the Economics Classroom (I2) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Tisha Emerson (Baylor University)
Sheryl Ball (Virginia Tech)
Ted Bergstrom (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Charles Holt (University of Virginia)
John Morgan (University of California-Berkeley)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 202-B
American Economic Association
Finance and Asset Markets (G1)
Presiding: Caleb Stroup (Grinnell College)
Financial Instability via Adaptive Learning
Noah Williams (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
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"Shooting" the CAPM
Hang Bai (Ohio State University)
Howard Kung (University of British Columbia)
Lu Zhang (Ohio State University)
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No News is Good News
Joon Y. Hur (California State University-Northridge)
Eric M. Leeper (Indiana University)
Todd B. Walker (Indiana University)
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Network Effects, Cascades, and CCP Interoperability
Matthew Pritsker (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Xiaobing Feng (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
Beom Jun Kim (SKK University, South Korea)
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Examining the Effect of Social Network on Prediction Markets through a Controlled Experiment
Liangfei Qiu (University of Texas-Austin)
Huaxia Rui (University of Rochester)
Andrew Whinston (University of Texas-Austin)
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Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon J
American Economic Association
Firms, Uncertainty and the Business Cycle (E3)
Presiding: Alessandro Barbarino (Federal Reserve Board)
On the Cyclicality of Aggregate Idiosyncratic Volatility
Junghoon Lee (Emory University)
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Entry, Exit, Firm Dynamics, and Aggregate Fluctuations
Berardino Palazzo (Boston University)
Gian Luca Clementi (New York University)
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Delayed Capital Reallocation
Wei Cui (Princeton University)
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Systemic Risk and the Macroeconomy: An Empirical Evaluation
Seth Pruitt (Federal Reserve Board)
Stefano Giglio (University of Chicago)
Bryan T. Kelly (University of Chicago)
Xiao Qiao (University of Chicago)
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Optimal Patronage
Mikhail Drugov (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
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Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 103-B
American Economic Association
Gains from Trade When Firms Matter (F1)
Presiding: Pol Antras (Harvard University)
Together at Last: Trade Costs, Demand Structure, and Welfare
Peter Neary (University of Oxford)
Monika Mrazova (University of Surrey)
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Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Selection
Gianmarco IP Ottaviano (London School of Economics)
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Welfare and Trade Without Pareto
Keith Head (University of British Columbia and CEPR)
Thierry Mayer (Sciences-Po)
Mathias Thoenig (University of Lausanne and CEPR)
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Missing Gains From Trade?
Marc J. Melitz (Harvard University)
Stephen J. Redding (Princeton University)
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Swati Dhingra (London School of Economics)
Lorenzo Caliendo (Yale University)
Jonathan Eaton (Pennsylvania State University)
Gordon H. Hanson (University of California-San Diego)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 204-B
American Economic Association
Gender Gaps in Labor Market Outcomes (J7)
Presiding: Lise Vesterlund (University of Pittsburgh)
Gender Identity and Relative Income within Households
Marianne Bertrand (University of Chicago)
Emir Kamenica (University of Chicago)
Jessica Pan (National University of Singapore)
[View Abstract]
Preferences and Biases in Education Choices and Labor Market Expectations: Shrinking the Black Box of Gender
Ernesto Reuben (Columbia University)
Matthew Wiswall (Arizona State University)
Basit Zafar (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
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An Experimental Investigation into Gender Differences in Wage Negotiations
Mary Rigdon (Rutgers University)
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Returns to Elite Higher Education in the Marriage Market: Evidence from Chile
Katja Kaufmann (Bocconi University)
Matthias Messner (Bocconi University)
Alex Solis (Uppsala University)
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Matthew Wiswall (Arizona State University)
Francine D. Blau (Cornell University)
Catherine Eckel (Texas A&M University)
Lesley Turner (University of Maryland)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 201-B
American Economic Association
Housing Bubbles and Beliefs (E3)
Presiding: Wei Xiong (Princeton University)
Understanding Booms and Busts in Housing Markets
Craig Burnside (Duke University)
Martin Eichenbaum (Northwestern University)
Sergio Rebelo (Northwestern University)
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Distant Speculators and Asset Bubbles in the Housing Market
Alexander Chinco (New York University)
Christopher Mayer (Columbia University)
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Housing Dynamics and Extrapolation
Edward Glaeser (Harvard University)
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Wall Street and the Housing Bubble
Ing-Haw Cheng (Dartmouth College)
Sahil Raina (University of Michigan)
Wei Xiong (Princeton University)
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Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University)
Johannes Stroebel (New York University)
Harrison Hong (Princeton University)
Nicholas C. Barberis (Yale University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 201-C
American Economic Association
Is Neglect Benign? The Case of United States Housing Finance Policy (H5)
Presiding: Robert Shiller (Yale University)
Why Is Housing Finance Still Stuck in Such a Primitive Stage?
Robert Shiller (Yale University)
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Holding Government Unaccountable: The Mortgage Mess, the Press, and the Politics of Inattention
Andrew Caplin (New York University)
Roy Lowrance (New York University)
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Evaluating Policies to Prevent Another Crisis: An Economist's View
Paul Willen (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
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Housing assignment with restrictions: theory and evidence from Stanford campus
Tim Landvoigt (Stanford University)
Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University)
Martin Schneider (Stanford University)
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Deborah Lucas (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Joseph Tracy (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Joseph Gyourko (University of Pennsylvania)
Thomas Cooley (New York University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 201-A
American Economic Association
Looking Back at the United States during the Late Nineteenth Century: Lessons from the American Economy during the Time of the Great Migration Era (J6)
Presiding: Ethan Lewis (Dartmouth College)
A Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration
Ran Abramitzky (Stanford University)
Leah Platt Boustan (University of California-Los Angeles)
Katherine Eriksson (University of California-Los Angeles)
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Technical Change and the Relative Demand for Skilled Labor: The United States in Historical Perspective
Lawrence Katz (Harvard University)
Robert A. Margo (Boston University)
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People and Machines: A Look at the Evolving Relationship between Capital and Skill In Manufacturing 1850-1940 Using Immigration Shocks
Jeanne Lafortune (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
Ethan Lewis (Dartmouth College)
Jose Tessada (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile)
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Melted in the Pot or Consigned to the Ghetto? The Dynamics of Segregation and Assimilation in Urbanizing America
Allison Shertzer (University of Pittsburgh)
Randall Walsh (University of Pittsburgh)
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Richard Hornbeck (Harvard University)
Darren Lubotsky (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
David H. Autor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Elizabeth U. Cascio (Dartmouth College)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Grand Hall
American Economic Association
Macroeconomics Poster Session (E1) (Poster Session)
Presiding: Ed Gamber (Lafayette College)
Multiyear Budgets and Fiscal Performance: Panel Data Evidence
Razvan Vlaicu (University of Maryland)
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Are Long-Term Inflation Expectations Well Anchored in Brazil, Chile and Mexico?
Michiel De Pooter (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Patrice Robitaille (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Ian Walker (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Michael Zdinak (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
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The Role of Source- and Host-Country Characteristics in Female Immigrant Labor Supply
Sebastian Otten (Ruhr University Bochum)
Julia Bredtmann (Ruhr University Bochum)
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A Cross-Country Analysis of Health Care Expenditures: Understanding the United States Gap
Alex R. Horenstein (University of Miami)
Manuel S. Santos (University of Miami)
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Technological Change in Resource Extraction and Endogenous Growth
Martin Stuermer (University of Bonn)
Gregor Schwerhoff (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
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Employer Learning, Job Changes, and Wage Dynamics
Seik Kim (University of Washington)
Emiko Usui (Nagoya University)
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Lumpy Investment in Sticky Information General Equilibrium
Fabio Verona (Bank of Finland)
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Agreement Formation in International Public Goods Provision with Heterogeneous Agents
Christine Gutekunst (Maastricht University)
Kaj Thomsson (Maastricht University)
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Investment Decisions of the Elderly
Valentina Michelangeli (Bank of Italy)
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Parental Investments in Children and Business Cycles
Rita Ginja (Uppsala University)
Efficient Risk Sharing with Limited Commitment and Storage
Sarolta Laczo (IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE)
Arpad Abraham (European University Institute)
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Culture and Development
Claudia Williamson (Mississippi State University)
Savings Behavior and Means-Tested Programs
Felix Wellschmied (University of Bonn)
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How Does Bank Trading Activity Affect Performance? An Investigation Before and After the Financial Crisis
Keke Song (Dalhousie University)
Nadia Massoud (York University)
Michael R. King (University of Western Ontario)
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Basel I, II, and III: A Welfare Analysis using a DSGE Model
Margarita Rubio (University of Nottingham)
José Carrasco-Gallego (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
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Trend Shocks and Financial Frictions in Small Open Economies' Modeling
Alberto Ortiz bolanos (EGADE Business School and CEMLA)
Jacob Wishart (U.S. Department of Transportation)
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Does Financial Integration Increase Welfare? Evidence From International Household-Level Data
Christian Friedrich (Bank of Canada)
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Election Cycle of Real Exchange Rate in Latin America and East Asia
Sainan Huang (ESSEC Business School)
Cristina Terra (Université de Cergy Pontoise)
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Welfare Effects of Consumption Taxes
Qian Li (Stony Brook University)
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The Effects of Macroeconomic Aggregates on Fertility Decisions: Theory and Evidence from the United States Annual Data
Salem Abo-Zaid (Texas Tech University)
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Aging and Monetary Policy
Zeynep Kantur (Bilkent University)
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Historical Energy Price Shocks and their Effects on the Economy
Roger Fouquet (London School of Economics)
Dirk-Jan van de Ven (Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3))
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How Does a Country's Firm or Domestic Region Engage Global Value Chains?
Zhi Wang (U.S. International Trade Commission)
Bo Meng (Institute of Developing Economies – JETRO)
Robert Koopman (U.S. International Trade Commission)
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Labor Supply Substitution and the Ripple Effect of Minimum Wages
Brian J. Phelan (DePaul University)
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A Theoretically-based Experimental Method to Elicit Women's Intra-household Baragaining Power
Wenbo Zou (University of California, Davis)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 202-A
American Economic Association
Monetary Policy (E5)
Presiding: Eric Sims (University of Notre Dame)
The Liquidity Premium of Money Like Assets
Stefan Nagel (Stanford University)
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Inflation Announcements and Social Dynamics
Kinda Hachem (University of Chicago)
Jing Cynthia Wu (University of Chicago)
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On the Efficiency of Nominal GDP Targeting in a Large Open Economy
M. Udara Peiris (ICEF, NRU Higher School of Economics)
Matthew D. Hoelle (Purdue University)
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Capital Flows and the Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy
Valentina Bruno (American University)
Hyun S. Shin (Princeton University)
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Exchange Rate and Price Dynamics in a Small Open Economy – The Role of the Zero Lower Bound and Monetary Policy Regimes
Daniel Kaufmann (Swiss National Bank)
Gregor Bäurle (Swiss National Bank)
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Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 107-B
American Economic Association
Revealed Preference Theory and Applications: Recent Developments (D1)
Presiding: Bram De Rock (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Rational Inattention and State Dependent Stochastic Choice
Mark Dean (Brown University)
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Prices versus Preferences: Taste Change and Tobacco Consumption
Abigail Adams (University of Oxford)
Martin Browning (University of Oxford)
Ian Crawford (University of Oxford)
Richard Blundell (University College London)
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Why Law Breeds Cycles
Alvaro Sandroni (Northwestern University)
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Sharing Rule Identification for General Collective Consumption Models
Laurens Cherchye (University of Leuven)
Bram De Rock (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Arthur Lewbel (Boston College)
Frederic Vermeulen (University of Leuven)
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Arthur Lewbel (Boston College)
Abi Adams (Oxford University)
Thomas Demuynck (University of Leuven)
Laurens Cherchye (University of Leuven)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon F
American Economic Association
Strategies for Achieving Fiscal Balance (H6) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: David Leonhardt (The New York Times)
Alan Auerbach (University of California-Berkeley)
Glenn Hubbard (Columbia University)
Peter R. Orszag (Citigroup)
Charles Wyplosz (Graduate Institute, Geneva)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 204-A
American Economic Association
The Analysis of Big Data: New Tools and New Results with Health and Finance Applications (I1)
Presiding: Martin Gaynor (Carnegie Mellon University)
Does Better Medical Care Cost More? An Analysis of Key Trends in Hospital Pricing in the United States
John Van Reenen (London School of Economics)
Martin S. Gaynor (Carnegie Mellon University)
Zack Cooper (Yale University)
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Do Noise Traders Drive Momentum? Evidence from Ticker Lookups
Susan Athey (Stanford University)
Stefano DellaVigna (University of California-Berkeley)
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Machine Learning and Econometrics
Hal Varian (Google)
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Selection and Competition in Medicare Advantage
Jonathan Levin (Stanford University)
Liran Einav (Stanford University)
Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford University)
Vilsa Curto (Stanford University)
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Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 203-A
American Economic Association
The Economic Impact of Ambiguity: Theory and Evidence (D1)
Presiding: Olivia Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania)
Ambiguity Aversion and Household Portfolio Choice: Empirical Evidence
Stephen G. Dimmock (Nanyang Technological University)
Roy Kouwenberg (Mahidol University)
Olivia S. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania)
Kim Peijnenburg (Bocconi University)
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Making the Anscombe-Aumann Approach to Ambiguity Suited for Descriptive Applications
Stefan Trautmann (Tilburg University)
Peter Wakker (Erasmus University)
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Measuring Ambiguity Aversion
James Andreoni (University of California-San Diego)
Charles Sprenger (Stanford University)
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Willingness to Wait under Risk and Ambiguity
Marco Della Seta (University of Lausanne)
Sebastian Gryglewicz (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Peter Kort (Tilburg University)
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Luigi Guiso (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance)
Gharad Bryan (London School of Economics)
Aldo Rustichini (University of Minnesota)
Santosh Anagol (University of Pennsylvania)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 105-B
American Economic Association
The Great Recession's Effect on Well-Being Through Different Prisms (I3)
Presiding: Karen Dynan (Brookings Institution)
The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: The Safety Net, Living Arrangements, and Poverty in the Great Recession
Marianne Bitler (University of California-Irvine)
Hilary W. Hoynes (University of California-Davis)
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How Job Displacement Affects Social Security Claiming and Work at Older Ages in the Short and Long Term
Till von Wachter (University of California-Los Angeles)
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The Great Recession and Fringe Banking
Sumit Agarwal (National University of Singapore)
Tal Gross (Columbia University)
Bhashkar Mazumder (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
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Exploring the Divergence of Consumption and Income Inequality during the Great Recession
Jonathan D. Fisher (US Census Bureau)
David S. Johnson (US Census Bureau)
Timothy Smeeding (University of Wisconsin)
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Katherine Abraham (University of Maryland)
Melvin Stephens, Jr (University of Michigan)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall B
American Finance Association
Chasing Alpha (G1)
Presiding: Andrew Metrick (Yale University)
Excess Autocorrelation and Mutual Fund Performance
Xi Dong (INSEAD)
Massimo Massa (INSEAD)
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How Skilled are Hedge Funds? Evidence from Their Daily Trades
Russell Jame (University of New South Wales)
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Predicting Mutual Fund Performance: The Win-Loss Record as an Ability Signal
Y. Peter Chung (University of California-Riverside)
Thomas Kim (University of California-Riverside)
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Seasonal Asset Allocation: Evidence From Mutual Fund Flows
Mark J. Kamstra (York University)
Lisa A. Kramer (University of Toronto)
Maurice D. Levi (University of British Columbia)
Russ Wermers (University of Maryland)
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Sugata Ray (University of Florida)
Martijn Cremers (University of Notre Dame)
Dong Lou (London School of Economics)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall C
American Finance Association
Credit Rating Agencies (G2)
Presiding: Paolo Fulghieri (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Are Credit Ratings Subjective? The Role of Credit Analysts in Determining Ratings
Cesare Fracassi (University of Texas-Austin)
Stefan Petry (University of Melbourne)
Geoffrey Tate (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
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Did Going Public Impair Moody's Credit Ratings?
Simi Kedia (Rutgers University)
Shivaram Rajgopal (Emory University)
Xing Zhou (Rutgers University)
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Does the Market Understand Rating Shopping? Predicting MBS Losses with Initial Yields
Jie He (University of Georgia)
Jun Qian (Boston College)
Philip Strahan (Boston College)
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Bo Becker (Harvard Business School)
Gunter Strobl (Frankfurt School of Management)
Han Xia (University of Texas-Dallas)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Regency Ballroom B
American Finance Association
New Evidence on Fixed Income Liquidity (G1)
Presiding: Ingrid Werner (Ohio State University)
To Disclose or not to Disclose: Transparency and Liquidity in the Structured Product Market
Nils Friewald (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Rainer Jankowitsch (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Marti Subrahmanyam (New York University)
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Government Intervention and Strategic Trading in the United States Treasury Market
Paolo Pasquariello (University of Michigan)
Jennifer Roush (Federal Reserve Board)
Clara Vega (Federal Reserve Board)
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Liquidity and Price Impacts of Financial Distress: Evidence from the Market for Defaulted Bonds
Song Han (Federal Reserve Board)
Ke Wang (Federal Reserve Board)
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Sovereign Credit Risk, Liquidity and ECB Intervention: Deus Ex Machina?
Loriana Pelizzon (Ca' Foscari University of Venice and Goethe University)
Marti Subrahmanyam (New York University)
Davide Tomio (Copenhagen Business School)
Jun Uno (Waseda University)
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Jack Bao (Ohio State University)
Michael Fleming (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Ben Iverson (Harvard University)
Antje Berndt (Carnegie Mellon University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Millennium Hall
American Finance Association
Optimal Institutions for Behavioral Investors (G0))
Presiding: Luigi Zingales (University of Chicago)
David Laibson (Harvard University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Regency Ballroom A
American Finance Association
Risk Management and Corporate Options (G3)
Presiding: Jennifer Carpenter (New York University)
Real Investment with Financial Hedging
Ilona Babenko (Arizona State University)
Yuri Tserlukevich (Arizona State University)
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Liquidity Hoarding and Investment under Uncertainty
Patrick Bolton (Columbia University)
Neng Wang (Columbia University)
Jinqiang Yang (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
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The Determinants of Recovery Rates in the United States Corporate Bond Market
Rainer Jankowitsch (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Florian Nagler (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Marti Subrahmanyam (New York University)
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Vijay Yerramilli (University of Houston)
Vicky Henderson (University of Oxford)
Jingzhi Huang (Penn State University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall D
American Finance Association
The Currency Carry Trade: New Evidence and Theory (G1)
Presiding: Chris Telmer (Carnegie Mellon University)
Currency Carry Trades and Funding Risk
Sara Ferreira Filipe (University of Luxembourg)
Matti Suominen (Aalto University)
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Volatility Risk Premia and Exchange Rate Predictability
Pasquale Della Corte (Imperial College London)
Tarun Ramadorai (University of Oxford)
Lucio Sarno (City University London)
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Growth Risk of Nontraded Industries and Asset Pricing
Ngoc-Khanh Tran (Washington University-St. Louis)
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Commodity Trade and the Carry Trade: A Tale of Two Countries
Robert Ready (University of Rochester)
Nikolai Roussanov (University of Pennsylvania)
Colin Ward (University of Pennsylvania)
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Matteo Maggiori (New York University)
Adrien Verdelhan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Tarek Hassan (University of Chicago)
Michael Michaux (University of Southern California)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Washington A
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Mortgages 1 (G2)
Presiding: Morris Davis (University of Wisconsin)
The Effect of Mortgage Payment Reduction on Default: Evidence from the Home Affordable Refinance Program
Jared Janowiak (Freddie Mac)
Lu Ji (Freddie Mac)
Kadiri Karamon (Freddie Mac)
Douglas McManus (Freddie Mac)
Jun Zhu (Freddie Mac)
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Equity Extraction and Mortgage Default
Steven Laufer (Federal Reserve Board)
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Household Debt Dynamics: How Do Struggling Homeowners Manage Credit?
Sewin Chan (New York University)
Andrew Haughwout (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Andrew Hayashi (New York University)
Wilbert van der Klaauw (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
[View Abstract]
The Selection and Treatment Effects of Loan Modifications: Evidence from Rejected Modification Applicants
Yan Chang (Freddie Mac)
Weizheng Xiao (Freddie Mac)
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Erwan Quintin (University of Wisconsin)
Wilbert van der Klaauw (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Yongqiang Chu (University South Carolina)
Kerry Vandell (University of California-Irvine)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Washington B
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Real Estate and Risk (G1)
Presiding: Jay Hartzell (University of Texas-Austin)
Macroeconomic risk factors and the role of mispriced credit in the returns from international real estate securities
Andrey Pavlov (Simon Fraser University)
Eva Steiner (University of Cambridge)
Susan Wachter (University of Pennsylvania)
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Disincentives for Risk-Taking in Mortgage and Other Financial Markets: Adjusting Management Remuneration
Rose Lai (University of Macau)
Robert Van Order (George Washington University)
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The Design of Mortgage-Backed Securities and Servicer Contracts
Robert Mooradian (Northeastern University)
Pegaret Pichler (Northwestern University)
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Short Sales and Price Discovery in Real Estate Markets
T.C.C. Lai (University of Hong Kong)
Siu Kei Wong (University of Hong Kong)
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Tobias Muhlhofer (University of Texas-Austin)
Alan Crane (Rice University)
Alexei Tchistyi (University of California-Berkeley)
Wenlan Qian (National University of Singapore)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Washington C
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Regulations, Policies, and Housing Dynamics (E3)
Presiding: John Duca (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
Macroprudential and Monetary Policies: Implications for Financial Stability and Welfare
Jose Carrasco-Gallego (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
Margarita Rubio (University of Nottingham)
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Shifting Credit Standards and the Boom and Bust in United States House Prices: Time Series Evidence from the Past Three Decades
John Duca (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
John Muellbauer (Oxford University)
Anthony Murphy (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
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Clustered Housing Cycles
Ruben Hernandez-Murillo (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Michael Owyang (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Margarita Rubio (University of Nottingham)
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Implications of United States Tax Policy for House Prices and Rents
Kamila Sommer (Federal Reserve Board)
Paul Sullivan ()
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Daniel K. Fetter (Wellesley College)
John Krainer (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Roland Fuess (University of St. Gallen)
Don Schlagenhauf (Florida State University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon A
Association for Comparative Economic Studies
Firms and Workers, Institutions and Markets in Transition and Emerging Economies (P2) (Poster Session)
Presiding: Hartmut Lehmann (University of Bologna)
The Impact of Local Governance Institutions on Foreign Market Listings: The Case of Chinese Firms
Abigail S Hornstein (Wesleyan University)
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Corporate Environmental Strategy in Transition Countries
Dietrich Earnhart (University of Kansas)
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The Impact of Liberalization and Institutions on Financial Volatility in Transition Economies:A GARCH Family Approach
Christopher A. Hartwell (Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO)
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Constraints to the Growth of Micro Firms in Northern Myanmar
El-hadj Bah (University of Auckland)
Geoff Cooper (University of Auckland)
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Financial Market Diversity and Macroeconomic Stability across Countries and Time
Christian E. Weller (University of Massachusetts-Boston)
Ghazal Zulfiqar (University of Massachusetts-Boston)
Financial Integration and its Effects on Economic Growth
Christophe Rault (Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orleans)
Financial Development and Employment - Evidence from Transition Countries
Susan Steiner (Leibniz University of Hannover)
Dorthea Schäfer (DIW Berlin)
Elitism and Return to CPC Membership in China
Yunzhi Hu (University of Chicago)
Yang Yao (Peking University)
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Corporate Governance and Performance: Evidence from Russian Non-listed Firms
Carsten Sprenger (Higher School of Economics Moscow)
Olga Lazareva (Higher School of Economics Moscow)
Sergey Stepanov (New Economics School Moscow)
Labor Market Shocks, Propensity to Risk and Labor Market Choices in Ukraine
Norberto Pignatti (International School of Economics - Tbilisi)
Assessing the Impact of the Maternity Capital Policy in Russia
Fabian Slonimczyk (Higher School of Economics Moscow)
Anna Yurko (Higher School of Economics Moscow)
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What Determined the Impact of the 2008-2010 Economic Crisis on Households? Evidence from the Life in Transition Survey II
Elena Nikolova (EBRD)
Carly Petracco (EBRD)
Jeromin Zettelmeyer (EBRD)
The Impact of FDI on Child Labor: Insights from an Empirical Analysis of Sectoral FDI Data and Case Studies
Nadia Doytch (City University of New York)
Ron Mendoza (Asian Institute of Management)
Nina Thelen (United Nations Development Program)
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Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Regency Ballroom C1
Association for Evolutionary Economics
Fiscal and Debt Policies for the Future (B5)
Presiding: Philip Arestis (University of Cambridge)
The Future of Debt and Deficit Policies: Democracy, Technocracy and Public Policymaking
Yiannis Kitromilides (London Metropolitan University)
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Prospects of Future Fiscal and Debt Policies in the United Kingdom
Philip Arestis (University of Cambridge)
Malcolm Sawyer (University of Cambridge)
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Sustainable Future Fiscal and Debt Policies for Spain
Jesus Ferreiro (University of the Basque Country)
Carmen Gomez (University of the Basque Country)
Felipe Serrano (University of the Basque Country)
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Fiscal and Debt Policies for Sustainable United States Growth
Gennaro Zezza (Universita' di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale)
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Global Finance, Africa, and Sovereign Debt
Howard Stein (University of Michigan)
[View Abstract]
Philip Arestis (University of Cambridge)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall A2
Association for Evolutionary Economics
Social Entrepreneurship, Social Justice and Development (B5)
Presiding: Tonia Warnecke (Rollins College)
Revolutionizing the Nonprofit Sector through Social Entrepreneurship
Michelle Stecker (Rollins College)
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Social Entrepreneurship Questioning Status Quo: Waste as a Resource
C. McInnis-Bowers (Rollins College)
Denise Parris (Florida Southern College)
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Social Entrepreneurship and Econ Development in Africa
Geoffrey Schneider (Bucknell University)
Berhanu Nega (Bucknell University)
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The Clash of Missions: Juxtaposing competing pressures in South Africa's Social Enterprises
Emmanuel Kodzi (Rollins College)
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Microfinance and Community
Tonia Warnecke (Rollins College)
[View Abstract]
Richard Dadzie (University of Hawaii-West Oahu)
Zohreh Emami (Alverno College)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Congress A
Association for Social Economics
Gender, Law, and Social Economics (J1)
Presiding: Ellen Mutari (Richard Stockton College of New Jersey)
The Legality of Involuntary Motherhood: A Social Economics Approach to Contraception and Power
Janet Spitz (College of Saint Rose)
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On the Question of Court Activism and Economic Interests in 19th Century Married Women's Property Law
Daniel MacDonald (California State University-San Bernardino)
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Gender Differences in Time Poverty in Rural Mozambique
Diksha Arora (University of Utah)
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Female Genital Cutting, Social Norms, and Islamic Law
Quentin Wodon (World Bank)
[View Abstract]

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon K
Association of Environmental & Resource Economists
Automobiles, Fuel Markets and Energy Efficiency (Q4)
Presiding: Antonio Bento (Cornell University)
Testing a Model of Consumer Vehicle Purchases
Gloria Helfand (US Environmental Protection Agency)
Ari Kahan (US Environmental Protection Agency)
David Greene (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Changzheng Liu (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Michael Shelby (US Environmental Protection Agency)
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The Unintended Consequences of Uncoordinated Regulation: Evidence from the Transportation Sector
Kevin Roth (University of California-Irvine)
[View Abstract]
The Impact of the Refiners' Discount Program on the South Korean Gasoline Market
Dae-Wook Kim (Soongsil University)
Jong-Ho Kim (Pukyong National University)
Junjie Zhang (University of California-San Diego)
[View Abstract]
Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Rebate Programs for Residential Energy Efficiency Retrofits
Joseph Maher (University of Maryland)
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Shanjun Li (Cornell University)
Ashley Langer (University of Arizona)
Steve Cicala (University of Chicago)
Kenneth Gillingham (Yale University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 105-A
Chinese Economic Association in North America/American Economic Association
Greater China and the World Economy I (F6)
Presiding: ShangJin Wei (Columbia University)
Trade, Urbanization and Capital Accumulation in a Labor Surplus Economy
Eric W. Bond (Vanderbilt University)
Raymond Riezman (University of Iowa)
Ping Wang (Washington University-St. Louis)
[View Abstract]
The Structural Behavior of China-US Trade Flows
YinWong Cheung (City University of Hong Kong)
Menzie Chinn (University of Wisconsin)
Xingwang Qian (State University New York-Buffalo)
[View Abstract]
Grasp the Large, Let Go of the Small: The Transformation of the State Sector in China
Chang-Tai Hsieh (University of Chicago)
Zheng Michael Song (University of Chicago)
[View Abstract]
Sex Ratios and Savings Rates: Some Experimental Evidence
ShangJin Wei (Columbia University)
Hanming Fang (University of Pennsylvania and NBER)
Binglin Gong (Fudan University)
[View Abstract]
BeenLon Chen (Academia Sinica)
Liugang Sheng (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Yong Wang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Se Yan (Peking University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 401
Econometric Society
Advances in Macroeconometrics (C3)
Presiding: Barbara Rossi (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Inference in Structural VARs with External Instruments
Mark Watson (Princeton University)
[View Abstract]
Alternative Methods for Forecasting with Model Uncertainty
Keisuke Hirano (University of Arizona)
Jonathan Wright (Johns Hopkins University)
[View Abstract]
Forecasting Stock Returns Under Economic Constraints
Davide Pettenuzzo (Brandeis University)
Allan Timmermann (University of California-San Diego)
Rossen Valkanov (University of California-San Diego)
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Improving GDP Measurement: A Measurement Error Perspective
S. Boragan Aruoba (University of Maryland)
Francis Diebold (University of Pennsylvania)
Jeremy Nalewaik (Federal Reserve Board)
Frank Schorfheide (University of Pennsylvania)
Dongho Song (University of Pennsylvania)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 402
Econometric Society
Dynamics of Medical Treatment and Decision-Making (I1)
Presiding: Donna Gilleskie (University of North Carolina)
Dynamic Sequencing of Drug Treatments for ADHD Patients with Medicaid Coverage
Anna Chorniy (Clemson University)
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Treatment Choice Dynamics with Insurance Mandates: The Case of IVF
Barton Hamilton (Washington University-St Louis)
Brian McManus (University of North Carolina)
Juan Pantano (Washington University-St. Louis)
[View Abstract]
Economic Theory as a Guide for the Specification and Interpretation of Empirical Household Production Functions
Sergey Mityakov (Clemson University)
Thomas A Mroz (Clemson University)
Steve Stern (University of Virginia)
Hanming Fang (University of Pennsylvania)
Sokbae (Simon) Lee (University College London)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 403
Econometric Society
Financial Regulation and Information (G1)
Presiding: Itay Goldstein (University of Pennsylvania)
Subsidizing Price Discovery
Braz Camargo (Fundação Getúlio Vargas)
Kyungmin Kim (University of Iowa)
Benjamin R. Lester (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
Financial Disclosure and Market Transparency with Costly Information Processing
Marco Di Maggio (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Marco Pagano (Università di Napoli Federico II)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
Information Management in Banking Crises
Joel Shapiro (University of Oxford)
David Skeie (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
Cost-Minimizing Intervention in a Market-Based Financial System
Olivier Darmouni (Princeton University)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
Vincent Glode (University of Pennsylvania)
Liyan Yang (University of Toronto)
Doron Levit (University of Pennsylvania)
Saki Bigio (Columbia University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 204-C
Econometric Society
Improving the Quality of Schools and Teachers (I2)
Presiding: Petra Todd (University of Pennsylvania)
The Long-term Impacts of Primary Education
Raj Chetty (Harvard University)
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The Effects of Teach for America on Student College-Going
Caroline Hoxby (Stanford University)
[View Abstract]
Injecting Successful Charter School Strategies into Traditional Public Schools: Evidence from Houston and Denver
Roland Fryer (Harvard University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 404
Econometric Society
Micro and Applied Theory: New Modeling Tools and Questions (D5)
Presiding: Stephen Morris (Princeton University)
Contract Negotiation and the Coase Conjecture
Bruno Strulovici (Northwestern University)
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The Limits of Price Discrimination
Dirk Bergemann (Yale University)
Ben Brooks (Princeton University)
Stephen Morris (Princeton University)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
Game Theory with Sparsity-Based Bounded Rationality
Xavier Gabaix (New York University)
[View Abstract]
Robust Implementation under Complete Information
Rene Saran (Yale University-NUS College)
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Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 411
Econometric Society
New Perspectives on Jobless Recoveries (E1)
Presiding: Gianluca Violante (New York University)
What Shifts the Beveridge Curve? Recruitment Effort and Financial Shocks
Alessandro Gavazza (New York University)
Simon Mongey (New York University)
Gianluca Violante (New York University)
[View Abstract]
Do Changes in Unemployment Insurance Explain the Emergence of Jobless Recoveries?
Kurt Mitman (University of Pennsylvania)
Stanislav Rabinovich (Amherst College)
[View Abstract]
Job Destruction without Job Creation: Structural Transformation in the Overborrowed America
Alessandro Galesi (CEMFI)
Claudio Michelacci (CEMFI)
[View Abstract]
Countercyclical Restructuring and Jobless Recoveries
David Berger (Northwestern University)
[View Abstract]

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 405
Econometric Society
Sovereign Debt Crises (F3)
Presiding: Harald Uhlig (University of Chicago)
Low Altruism, Austerity, and Aversion to Default: Are Countries Converging to the Natural Debt Limit?
Henning Bohn (University of California-Santa Barbara)
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Slow-Motion Sovereign Debt Crises
Guido Lorenzoni (Northwestern University)
Ivan Werning (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
Optimal Domestic Sovereign Default
Pablo Nicolas D'Erasmo (University of Maryland)
Enrique G. Mendoza (University of Pennsylvania)
[View Abstract]
Guido Lorenzoni (Northwestern University)
Henning Bohn (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Vincenzo Quadrini (University of Southern California)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 307
Economic Science Association
Market Design Experiments (C9)
Presiding: Jacob Goeree (University of Zurich)
Chinese College Admissions and School Choice Reforms: Theory and Experiments
Yan Chen (University of Michigan)
Onur Kesten (Carnegie Mellon University)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
Opt-In versus Mandated Choice for Deceased Organ Donation: An Experimental Study of Actual Organ Donation Decisions
Alvin E. Roth (Stanford University)
Judd Kessler (University of Pennsylvania)
[View Abstract]
Ascending Prices and Package Bidding: Further Experimental Analysis
John H. Kagel (Ohio State University)
Yuanchuan Lien (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)
Paul Milgrom (Stanford University)
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Spectrum Auction Design: Simple Auctions for Complex Sales
Martin Bichler (Technical University Munich)
Jacob K. Goeree (University of Zurich)
Stefan Mayer (Technical University Munich)
Pasha Shabalin (Technical University Munich)
[View Abstract] [Download Preview]
Scott Duke Kominers (University of Chicago)
Eric Glen Weyl (University of Chicago)
Cary Deck (University of Arkansas)
Tom Wilkening (University of Melbourne)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 112-A
Health Economics Research Organization/American Economic Association
Provider Responses to the Design of Medicare Reimbursements (I1)
Presiding: Donald Yett (University of Southern California)
Physician Agency and Competition: Evidence from a Major Change to Medicare Chemotherapy Reimbursement Policy
Mireille Jacobson (University of California-Irvine and NBER)
Joseph P. Newhouse (Harvard University and NBER)
Craig Earle (Cancer Care Ontario)
Tom Chang (University of Southern California)
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Government Payments and Insurer Benefit Design in Medicare Part D
Colleen Carey (University of Michigan)
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Who Benefits When the Government Pays More? Pass Through in the Medicare Advantage Program
Mark Duggan (University of Pennsylvania)
Boris Vabson (University of Pennsylvania)
Amanda Starc (University of Pennsylvania)
[View Abstract]
Bargaining in the Shadow of a Giant: Medicare's Influence on Private Payment Systems
Jeffrey Clemens (University of California-San Diego)
Joshua Gottlieb (University of British Columbia)
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Sean Nicholson (Cornell University)
Kurt Lavetti (Ohio State University)
Yaa Akosa Antwi (Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 407
History of Economics Society
Market Failure in Context (B2)
Presiding: Steven Medema (University of Colorado-Denver)
The British Tariff Reform Controversy and the Genesis of Welfare Economics, 1903-1912
Nahid Aslanbeigui (Monmouth University)
Guy Oakes (Monmouth University)
[View Abstract]
Sorting Charles Tiebout: The Construction and Stabilization of Postwar Public Good Theory
Singleton John (Duke University)
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Public Economics, Market Failure and Voluntary Exchange
Marianne Johnson (University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh)
[View Abstract]
The Economist as Social Physician: Stigler's Thesis Revisited
J. Daniel Hammond (Wake Forest University)
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Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Howe
International Banking, Economics & Finance Association/American Economic Association
Shadow Banking (E5) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Jeremy Stein (Federal Reserve Board)
Viral Acharya (New York University)
Matt Eichner (Federal Reserve Board)
Gary Gorton (Yale University)
Arvind Krishnamurthy (Northwestern University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 305
International Health Economics Association
Health Insurance Markets and Coverage (I1)
Presiding: Laurence Baker (Stanford University)
The Effect of Restrictive Contracts in the Medicare Advantage Market
Jeffrey S. McCullough (University of Minnesota)
Roger Feldman (University of Minnesota)
[View Abstract]
Drug Coverage and Patient Elasticity: Evidence from the Medicare Part D "Donut Hole"
Robert J. Town (University of Pennsylvania)
Christina L. Marsh (University of Georgia)
[View Abstract]
The Effects of Expanding Medicaid on Health Care Use and Clinical Outcomes: Evidence from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment
Katherine Baicker (Harvard University)
Sarah L. Taubman (NBER)
Heidi L. Allen (Columbia University)
Amy N. Finkelstein (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Oregon Health Study Group ()
[View Abstract]
Adverse Selection and an Individual Mandate: When Theory Meets Practice
Martin B. Hackmann (Yale University)
Jonathan T. Kolstad (University of Pennsylvania)
Amanda E. Kowalski (Yale University)
[View Abstract]

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Regency Ballroom C2
International Society for Inventory Research
Macroeconomics of Inventory Management (E2)
Presiding: George Alessandria (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
What Drives Aggregate Investment?
Rudiger Bachman (RWTH Aachen University, NBER, CESifo, and Ifo Institute)
Peter Zorn (University of Munich and Ifo Institute)
[View Abstract]
Beyond Inventory Management: The Bullwhip Effect and the Great Moderation
Michael F. McMahon (University of Warwick, CEP (LSE), CAMA (ANU))
Boromeus Wanengkirtyo (University of Warwick)
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Liquidity and Welfare
Yi Wen (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
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Corporate Cash Hoarding: The Role of Just-in-Time Adoption
Xiaodan Gao (National University of Singapore)
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Roc Armenter (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Congress B
International Trade & Finance Association
Round Table on Regionalism (F1) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Mordechai Kreinin (Michigan State University)
Alan Deardorff (University of Michigan)
Ronald Jones (University of Rochester)
Anne Krueger (Johns Hopkins University)
Michael Michaely (Hebrew University)
Michael G. Plummer (Johns Hopkins University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 102-A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Building a Sustainable Biomedical Research Workforce (J5)
Presiding: Bruce Weinberg (Ohio State University)
Training the Biomedical Workforce: Does Funding Mechanism Matter?
Margaret E. Blume-Kohout (New Mexico Consortium and MBK Analytics LLC)
Dadhi Adhikari (University of New Mexico)
[View Abstract]
The Biomedical Postdoc: Human Capital Investment or Holding Pattern?
Shulamit Kahn (Boston University)
Donna K. Ginther (University of Kansas)
[View Abstract]
Funding Diversity: Debt and Career Choices of New PhDs
Margaret E. Blume-Kohout (New Mexico Consortium and MBK Analytics LLC)
John Clack (Santa Fe Public Schools)
[View Abstract]
Donna K. Ginther (University of Kansas)
Kaye Husbands Fealing (National Academies)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 104-A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Changes in State Right-to-Work and Prevailing Wage Laws (J3)
Presiding: Mark Price (Keystone Research Center)
Sources of Change in Right-to-Work Laws
Matthew Bodah (University of Rhode Island)
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The Effect of Differences in Prevailing Wage Methodologies on the Outcomes of Prevailing Wage Laws
Peter Phillips (University of Utah)
Fred Kotler (Cornell University)
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The Consequences of State Prevailing Wage Laws for the Costs of Construction and the Racial Composition of the Construction Labor Force
Dale Belman (Michigan State University)
Russell Ormiston (Allegheny College)
Ryan Petty (Roosevelt University)
Scott Littlehale (Northern California United Brotherhood of Carpenters)
[View Abstract]
Stephen Herzenberg (Keystone Research Center)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 104-B
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Leave, Hours and Worker Outcomes (J5)
Presiding: Sarah Jane Glynn (Center for American Progress)
The Effects of Workplace Norms on Female Labor Supply and Childbirth in Japan
Eriko Teramura (Kokusai Junior College)
[View Abstract]
Making Leave Easier: Better Compensation and Daddy-Only Entitlements
Ankita Patnaik (Cornell University)
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Spousal Work Schedules and Maternal Employment
Katie R. Genadek (University of Minnesota)
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Heather Boushey (Center for American Progress)
Ariane Hegewisch (Institute for Women's Policy Research)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 109-B
National Association for Business Economics/American Economic Association
The Global Economy and Economic Institutions: Transitioning From a Low Interest Rate Environment (E5) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: George Kahn (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)
Darrell D. Duffie (Stanford University)
Kristin Forbes (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Andrew G. Haldane (Bank of England)
Charles I. Plosser (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
Michael Woodford (Columbia University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 306
National Economic Association
Business and Financial Issues in Minority Economic Development (L2)
Presiding: Wilhelmina Leigh (Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies)
Predatory Mortgage Lending and Dodd-Frank: Is it Business as Usual?
Sandra Phillips (Syracuse University)
[View Abstract]
Tribal Casino Investment and State Hold-Up
Larry Chavis (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Dominic Parker (University of Wisconsin)
[View Abstract]
Capital Constraints and Industry Mix Implications for African-American Business Success
Lucy J. Reuben (Duke University)
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Business Risk and Black-Owned Businesses – How Good Is Our Understanding
John A. Cole (North Carolina A&T State University)
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Willene Johnson (KOMAZA, Inc.)
Linda Loubert (Morgan State University)
Valerie Ralston Wilson (National Urban League)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 304
Omicron Delta Epsilon
Economics of Time Outside the Workplace (J2)
Presiding: Joseph Santos (South Dakota State University)
Economics of Time Outside the Workplace
Daniel S. Hamermesh (University of Texas-Austin)
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Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 310
Peace Science Society International/American Economic Association
Food, Terror and Conflict (H8)
Presiding: Solomon Polachek (Binghamton University)
Empirical Evidence on the Link between Terrorism and Fertility
Claude Berrebi (Rand Corporation)
Jordan Ostwald (Rand Corporation)
[View Abstract]
Conflict, Food Price Shocks, and Food Insecurity: The Experience of Afghan Households
Anna D'Souza (United States Department of Agriculture)
Dean Jolliffe (World Bank)
[View Abstract]
Aiding Conflict:The Effects of United States Food Aid on Civil War
Nathan Nunn (Harvard University)
Nancy Qian (Yale University)
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Voting for Weapons in the United States
Carlos Seiglie (Rutgers University)
Jun Xiang (Rutgers University)
David Jaeger (City University of New York)
Philip Verwimp (Universite Libre de Bruxelles)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 106-B
Society of Government Economists
Government and Health (H2)
Presiding: Susan Averett (Lafayette College)
The Effects of Merit-Based Financial Aid on Drinking in College
Benjamin Cowan (Washington State University)
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Medicaid Expansions and the Labor Supply of Pregnant Women: Explaining the Crowd-out of Private Insurance
Dhaval Dave (Bentley University and NBER)
Robert Kaestner (University of Illinois)
Kosali Simon (Indiana University)
[View Abstract]
The EITC and Employment of People with Disabilities
Reagan Baughman (University of New Hampshire)
Andrew Houtenville (University of New Hampshire)
[View Abstract]
The Effects of Family Income on Parental Investment in Children's Health: Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit
Susan L. Averett (Lafayette College)
Yang Wang (Lafayette College)
[View Abstract]
David Simon (University of California-Davis)
Laura M. Argys (University of Colorado-Denver)
Muzhe Yang (Lehigh University)
Carly Urban (Montana State University)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 406
Transportation & Public Utilities Group
Topics in Transportation Economics (L9)
Presiding: Peter Loeb (Rutgers University)
Measuring Strategic Firm Interaction in Product-Quality Choices: The Case of Airline Flight Frequency
Jan K. Brueckner (University of California-Irvine)
Dan Luo (University of California-Irvine)
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Impact of Vancouver Airport on Commercial Property Values
Jeffrey Cohen (University of Hartford)
Michael Brown (Vancouver Airport Authority)
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International Trade and Transportation
Bruce A. Blonigen (University of Oregon and NBER)
Wesley W. Wilson (University of Oregon)
[View Abstract]
Transportation Costs and Trade Imbalance: Theory and Evidence
Zijun Luo (Colgate University)
[View Abstract]
Anming Ahang (University of British Columbia)
Kenneth Button (George Mason University)
B. Starr McMullen (Oregon State University)
James Peoples (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, P1 Parlor
Union for Radical Political Economists
Inequality and Exploitation (B5)
Presiding: Gilbert Skillman (Wesleyan University)
Exploitation and Labor in Economies with Heterogeneous Labor and Agents
Naoki Yoshihara (Hitotsubashi University)
Roberto Veneziani (Queen Mary, University of London and University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
[View Abstract]
Managers, Growth and Distribution
Amitava Dutt (University of Notre Dame)
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Temporary Employment and Increasing Earnings Inequality
Hyeon-Kyeong Kim (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Peter Skott (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
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Appropriation, Domination, and Exploitation
Gilbert Skillman (Wesleyan University)
[View Abstract]
Erik Olsen (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Ramaa Vasudevan (Colorado State University)
Daniele Tavani (Colorado State University)
Frank Thompson (University of Michigan)

Jan 03, 2014 10:15 am, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Tubman
Union for Radical Political Economists
The Job Guarantee: Exploring the Opportunities (J2)
Presiding: Stephanie Kelton (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Minsky's Approach to Ending Poverty: Jobs, Not Welfare
L. Randall Wray (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
[View Abstract]
Developing a Local Job Guarantee Program to Tackle Regional Economic Inequality
Michael J. Murray (Bemidji State University)
[View Abstract]
Complementary Currencies, Communities, Cooperation: The Local Job Guarantee
Mathew Forstater (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
[View Abstract]
Full Employment in America
William A. Darity, Jr. (Duke University)
[View Abstract]
Beyond Full Employment: Modern Money and the Job Guarantee
Pavlina Tcherneva (Al Quds Bard Honors College)
[View Abstract]
Mathew Forstater (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Darrick Hamilton (New School)
William A. Darity, Jr. (Duke University)
Edward J. Nell (New School)
L. Randall Wray (University of Missouri-Kansas City)

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall A1
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
Healthy Choices in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (Q1)
Presiding: Parke Wilde (Tufts University)
SNAP and the Food Assistance Safety Net: Merit Goods and Dietary Guidance
Helen Jensen (Iowa State University)
Parke Wilde (Tufts University)
[View Abstract]
SNAP and Affordable Health Care: The Effect of Chronic Illness on Participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance and Medicaid Programs
Chad Meyerhoefer (Lehigh University)
Yuriy Pylypchuk (Georgetown University)
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The Healthy Incentives Pilot and Fruit and Vegetable Intake: Interim Results
Jacob Klerman (Abt Associates Inc.)
Parke Wilde (Tufts University)
Susan Bartlett (Abt Associates Inc.)
Lauren Olsho (Abt Associates Inc.)
[View Abstract]
Jay Variyam (USDA Economic Research Service)

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salons G & H
American Economic Association/American Finance Association
AEA/AFA Joint Luncheon - Fee Event
Presiding: Robert Stambaugh (University of Pennsylvania)
Banks as Patient Fixed-Income Investors
Jeremy Stein (Harvard University)

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Washington B
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Neighborhood Development (R2)
Presiding: Yannis Ioannides (Tufts University)
Gentrification and the Decision to Renovate or Teardown
Henry Munneke (University of Georgia)
Kiplan Womack (Pepperdine University)
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Tax Incentives and Housing Investment in Low-Income Neighborhoods
Matthew Freedman (Cornell University)
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Entrepreneurship, Small Businesses, and Urban Growth
Yong Suk Lee (Williams College)
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Bankruptcy Spillovers between Close Neighbors
Barry Scholnick (University of Alberta)
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Ingrid Gould Ellen (New York University)
Anna Hardman (Tufts University)
Junfu Zhang (Clark University)
Lauren Lambie-Hanson (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 310
Association of Indian Economics & Financial Studies
International Trade and Finance (F1)
Presiding: Chandana Chakraborty (Montclair State University)
India's Petroleum Demand: Empirical Estimation and Projections for the Future
Pradeep Agarwal (Institute of Economic Growth)
[View Abstract]
Trade Discontinuities and the Recovery of Margin of Trade
Usha Nair-Reichert (Georgia Institute of Technology)
[View Abstract]
Quota Expiration and the Geography of United States Textile & Apparel Imports: The Scale Economies and Vertical Integration
Anusa Datta (Philadelphia University)
Mikhail Kouliavtsev (Austin State University)
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Comparative Advantage as a Source of Exporters Pricing Power: Evidence from China & India
Sushanta K. Mallick (Queen Mary University of London)
Helena F. Marques (University of Belearic Islands)
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An Empirical Investigation of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP): The Case of Chinese Yuan
Bansi Sawhney (University of Baltimore)
Faith Mangir (Selcuk University)
Kishore Kulkarni (Metropolitan State University-Denver)
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Globalization & the Evolution of Indian Financial Markets
Renu Kallianpur (AXA Advisors)
Saul Meikes (University of Iowa)
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Sweta Saxena (International Monetary Fund)
Valerie Cerra (International Monetary Fund)
Banani Nandi (Shannon Laboratories and AT&T)
Jyoti Khanna (Colgate University)
Ramya Ghosh (Drexel University)
Keshab Bhattarai (University of Hull)

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 109-B
Chinese Economists Society
Exploration of New and Existing Data for the Chinese Economy: Food, Health, and Economic Well Being (O5)
Presiding: Zheng Song (University of Chicago)
Matching China's Agricultural Supply and Demand Data
W.C.M. van Veen (VU University-Amsterdam)
J. Huang (Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy)
H. Qiu (Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy)
Scott S. Rozelle (Stanford University)
M.A. Keyser (VU University-Amsterdam)
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Datasets and Statistics on Health and Medical Care in China
Quilin Chen (China Academy of Social Sciences)
Zhuo (Adam) Chen (China Health Policy and Management Society)
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The Regional Determinants of Food Safety in China: Evidence from the Popular Media
Nicholas Holtkamp (Ohio State University)
Peng Liu (Renmin University of China)
William McGuire (University of Washington-Tacoma)
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Data for Studying Earnings, the Distribution of Household Income and Poverty in China
Bjorn Gustafsson (University of Gothenburg and IZA)
Li Shi (Beijing Normal University and IZA)
Hiroshi Sato (Hitotsubashi University)
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Kazuyuki Motohashi (University of Tokyo)
Miaojie Yu (CCER Peking University)

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 406
Cliometrics Society
Spatial Allocation of Conflict, Individuals, and Economic Activity (N7)
Presiding: Mary Hansen (American University)
Railroads and the Regional Concentration of Industry in Germany 1861 to 1882
Theresa Gutberlet (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
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Segregation (Forever?): Measuring the Short- and Long-Term Consequences of Segregation
John Parman (College of William and Mary)
Trevon D. Logan (Ohio State University and NBER)
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Military Conflict and the Economic Rise of Urban Europe
Mark Dincecco (University of Michigan)
Massimiliano Onorato (IMT Institute for Advanced Studies)
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Murder and the Black Market: Prohibition's Impact on Homicide Rates in American Cities
Brendan Livingston (Rowan University)
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John C. Brown (Clark University)
Allison Shertzer (University of Pittsburgh)
Hugh Rockoff (Rutgers University)
Chris Vickers (Northwestern University)

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall A2
International Banking, Economics & Finance Association
Market Pricing and Credit Spreads (G1)
Presiding: Anastasios Malliaris (Loyola University)
Hedging Costs vs. Counterparty Risk: What Explains the Pricing of Structured Products during the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis?
Stefan Petry (University of Melbourne)
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Liquidity Premium in CDS Markets
Merlin Kuate Kamga (Goethe University-Frankfurt)
Christian Wilde (Goethe University-Frankfurt)
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Effect of Market Structure and the Regulatory Franchise in Reputation Dependent Industries
Abigail Brown (US Government Accountability Office)
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Conditional Euro Area Sovereign Default Risk
Andre Lucas (VU University-Amsterdam)
Bernd Schwaab (European Central Bank)
Xin Zhang (Sveriges Riksbank)
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Jose Berrospide (Federal Reserve Board)
Chen Zhou (De Nederlandsche Bank)
Hector Perez-Saiz (Bank of Canada)
Eiichiro Kazumori (University at Buffalo)

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 107-B
Middle East Economic Association/American Economic Association
How to Transform the Arab Spring into Economic Spring? Challenges and Opportunities (O5) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Hassan Aly (Ohio State University)
Mustapha Nabli (Central Bank of Tunisia) The Economic Conditions in Tunisia-Current and Future
Gouda AbdElKhalek (Cairo University) The Economic Conditions in Egypt- Current and Future
Shantayanan Devarajan (World Bank) Economic Conditions in the Arab Countries in Transition-Challenges and opportunities
Mahmoud El-Gamal (Rice University) The Future of Islamic Economics in the Arab Countries in Transition
Raed Safadi (OECD) Syria's Future: The Road to Self-Healing

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 305
National Association of Economic Educators
Determinants of Student Achievement in High School and Undergraduate Economics and Personal Finance Classrooms (A2)
Presiding: Andrew Hill (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
Does Student Engagement Affect Student Achievement in High School Economics Classes?
Jody Hoff (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Jane Lopus (California State University-East Bay)
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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (At Least): The Effective Use of Visuals in the Economics Classroom
Jose J. Vazquez (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Eric P. Chiang (Florida Atlantic University)
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Teacher Characteristics and Student Achievement in Economics: Evidence from the 2006 NAEP
Erin A. Yetter (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
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Teacher Preparation and Student Achievement in a High School Personal Finance: Evidence from
Rebecca Chambers (University of Delaware)
Andrew T. Hill (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
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Mary Suiter (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Rebecca Chambers (University of Delaware)
Elizabeth Breitbach (University of South Carolina)
Stephen Buckles (Vanderbilt University)

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Meeting Room 304
Omicron Delta Epsilon/American Economic Association
Omicron Delta Epsilon Graduate Student Session (Y9)
Presiding: Kathryn Nantz (Fairfield University)
Evaluating the Economic Effects of Flat Tax Reforms Using Synthetic Control Methods
Bibek Adhikari (Tulane University)
James Alm (Tulane University)
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A Nonparametric Approach to Multifactor Modeling
Michael Gallagher (Fordham University)
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Is Shopping at Walmart an Inferior Good? Evidence
Mandie R. Weinandt (University of South Dakota)
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Michael Gallagher (Fordham University)
Bibek Adhikari (Tulane University)
Mandie R. Weinandt (University of South Dakota)

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 106-B
Society of Government Economists
Education Policy in Developing Countries (I2)
Presiding: Quentin Wodon (World Bank)
Heterogeneity in Impacts of School Characteristics on Student Learning in Developing Countries: Evidence from Vietnamese and Peruvian Panel Data
Paul Glewwe (University of Minnesota)
Sofya Krutikova (University of Oxford)
Caine Rolleston (University of Oxford)
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Double for Nothing? The Effects of Unconditional Teacher Salary Increases on Performance
Joppe de Ree (World Bank)
Karthik Muralidharan (University of California-San Diego)
Menno Pradhan (VU University Amsterdam)
Halsey Rogers (World Bank)
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Female Labor Income Share and Household Consumption Choices: Comparing Cross-sectional and Panel Estimates
Quentin Wodon (World Bank)
Minh Cong Nguyen (World Bank)
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Harry Patrinos (World Bank)

Jan 03, 2014 12:30 pm, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Washington A
Union for Radical Political Economists
David Gordon Memorial Lecture (B5)
Presiding: Fred Moseley (Mount Holyoke College)
Reflections on 50 Years of Radical Political Economy
Tom Weisskopf (University of Michigan)
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Nancy Folbre (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)

Jan 03, 2014 2:30 pm, Loews Philadelphia Hotel, Commonwealth Hall A1
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
How Farmland Appreciation and Wealth Are Affecting Agriculture (Q1)
Presiding: Jennifer Ifft (USDA Economic Research Service)
How Do Investments in Farmland Compare to Investments in Stocks?
Michael Boehlje (Purdue University)
Timothy Baker (Purdue University)
Michael Langemeier (Purdue University)
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Linking the Price of Agricultural Land to Use Values and Amenities
Todd Kuethe (USDA Economic Research Service)
Jennifer Ifft (USDA Economic Research Service)
Allison Borchers (USDA Economic Research Service)
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Do Wealth Gains from Land Appreciation Cause Farmers to Expand Acreage or Buy Land?
Jeremy Weber (USDA Economic Research Service)
Nigel Key (USDA Economic Research Service)
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Joseph Glauber (USDA Economic Research Service)
Nathan Kauffman (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City-Omaha Branch)

Jan 03, 2014 2:30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon L
American Economic Association
Behavioral Responses to Taxation (H2)
Presiding: Nathaniel Hendren (Harvard University)
Do In-Work Tax Credits Serve as a Safety Net?
Marianne Bitler (University of California-Irvine and NBER)
Hilary W. Hoynes (University of California-Davis and NBER)
Elira Kuka (University of California-Davis)
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The EITC Goes to College: Evidence Based on Income Tax Data and Policy Nonlinearities
Dayanand S. Manoli (University of Texas-Austin)
Nick Turner (US Department of Treasury)
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Mansion Tax: The Effect of Transfer Taxes on Residential Real Estate Market
Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University)
David Munroe (Columbia University)
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The Policy Elasticity
Nathaniel Hendren (Harvard University)
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Hilary W. Hoynes (University of California-Davis)
Dayanand S. Manoli (University of Texas-Austin)
Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University)
Nathaniel Hendren (Harvard University)

Jan 03, 2014 2:30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon E
American Economic Association
Chairman Bernanke Presentation (E5))
Presiding: William Nordhaus (Yale University)
Ben Bernanke (Federal Reserve Board)

Jan 03, 2014 2:30 pm, Philadelphia Marriott, Grand Ballroom - Salon B
American Economic Association
Climate (Q5)
Presiding: Lynne Lewis (Bates College)
Discounting or Ideology? Sources of Opposition to Climate Change-Related Action
Matthew A. Shapiro (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Toby Bolsen (Georgia State University)
Jason Reifler (Georgia State University)
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Jewish Persecutions and Weather Shocks: 1100-1800
Noel D. Johnson (George Mason University)
Warren Anderson (University of Michigan-Dearborn)
Mark Koyama (George Mason University)
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Economic Implications of Agricultural Drought on the Texas Economy
Jadwiga R. Ziolkowska (University of Texas-Austin)
Bridget R. Scanlon (University of Texas-Austin)
Brad D. Wolaver (University of Texas-Austin)
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Can Incentives for Green Investments Reduce the Transition Costs Towards a Low-Carbon Economy?
Julie Rozenberg (CIRED)
Adrien Vogt-Schilb (CIRED)
Stéphane Hallegatte (World Bank)
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A Dynamic Forest Sector in a General Equilibrium Framework
Xiaohui Tian (Ohio State University)
Brent Sohngen (Ohio State University)
Ron Sands (USDA Economic Research Service)
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Jan 03, 2014 2:30 pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 203-B
American Economic Association
Cognitive Human Capital, Growth and Wealth – Perspectives of Economics and Psychology (J2)
Presiding: Heiner Rindermann (Chemnitz University of Technology and Southern Illinois University)
Human Capital and National Institutional Quality: Are TIMSS, PISA, and IQ Robust Predictors?
Garett Jones (George Mason University)
Niklas Potrafke (LMU-ifo)
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The Psychology Approach to Macroeconomics
Heiner Rindermann (Chemnitz University of Technology)
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The Importance of State Human Capital
Eric Hanushek (Stanford University)
Jens Ruhose (ifo Institute Munich)
Ludger Woessmann (University of Munich-ifo)
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Mediators of the IQ Effect on Economic Growth
Gerhard Meisenberg (Ross University)
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What Do Achievement Tests and IQ Tests Measure: Identification Problems in Measuring Intelligence
James J. Heckman (University of Chicago)
Tim Kautz (University of Chicago)
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Susan M. Collins (University of Michigan)

Jan 03, 2014 2:30 pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 203-A
American Economic Association
Economics of Charitable Giving and Volunteering (H4)
Presiding: James Andreoni (University of California-San Diego and NBER)
Holier Than Thou? Social Motivations for Religious Giving
James Andreoni (University of California-San Diego and NBER)
Matthew Goldman (University of California-San Diego)
Marta Maras (Università Bocconi)
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Does Giving to Charity Lead to Better Health?
Baris Yoruk (State University of New York-Albany)
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Are Men More Responsive to the Price of Giving Than Women?
John A. List (University of Chicago and NBER)
Michael K. Price (Georgia State University and NBER)
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Why Do People Volunteer? An Experimental Analysis of Preferences for Time Donations
Jonathan Meer (Texas A&M University)
Alexander Brown (Texas A&M University)
Forrest Williams (Texas A&M University)
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Alexander Brown (Texas A&M University)
Jonathan Meer (Texas A&M University)
Baris Yoruk (State University of New York-Albany)
Michael K. Price (Georgia State University and NBER)

Jan 03, 2014 2:30 pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 202-B
American Economic Association
Employment Structure and Inequality (J2)
Presiding: Francine Blau (Cornell University)
The Great Reversal in the Demand for Skill and Cognitive Tasks
Paul Beaudry (University of British Columbia)
David A. Green (University of British Columbia)
Benjamin M. Sand (York University)
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Labour Market Polarization, Urbanization and Skill-Biased Consumption
Joanne Lindley (University of Surrey)
Stephen Machin (University College London and London School of Economics)
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A Theory of Dual Job Search and Sex-Based Occupational Clustering
Alan Benson (University of Minnesota)
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Occupational Concentration, Wages, and Growing Wage Inequality
Elizabeth Handwerker (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
James R. Spletzer (US Census Bureau)
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Thomas DeLeire (University of Wisonsin-Madison)
Sergio Firpo (Sao Paolo School of Economics)

Jan 03, 2014 2:30 pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 204-A
American Economic Association
Energy, Environment, and Local Economic Spillovers (Q4)
Presiding: Don Fullerton (University of Illinois)
The Effects of Fracking on Welfare: Evidence from Property Values
Janet M. Currie (Princeton University)
John Deutch (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Michael Greenstone (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Alexander Bartik (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Dutch Disease or Agglomeration? The Local Economic Effects of Natural Resource Booms in Modern America
Hunt Allcott (New York University)
Daniel Keniston (Yale University)
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Demand Shocks, Supply Chains, and Implications for Local Economies: Evidence from the Auto Industry
James Sallee (University of Chicago)
Reed Walker (University of California-Berkeley)
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Can State Level Renewable Portfolio Standards Reduce Emissions and Foster Local Economic Booms?
Antonio M. Bento (Cornell University)
Daniel Kaffine (Colorado School of Mines)
Teevrat Garg (Cornell University)
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Christopher Timmins (Duke University)
Nathaniel Baum-Snow (Brown University)
David H. Autor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Don Fullerton (University of Illinois)

Jan 03, 2014 2:30 pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 107-B
American Economic Association
Housing (R2)
Presiding: Lynn Fisher (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
The Impact of Housing Markets on Consumer Debt: Credit Report Evidence from 1999 to 2012
Meta Brown (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Sarah Stein (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Basit Zafar (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
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Endogenous Sources of Volatility in Housing Markets: The Joint Buyer-Seller Problem
Elliot Anenberg (Federal Reserve Board)
Patrick Bayer (Duke University)
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Segmented Housing Search
Johannes Stroebel (University of Chicago)
Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University)
Martin Schneider (Stanford University)
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Inside a Bubble and Crash: Evidence from the Valuation of Amenities
Ronan C. Lyons (Balliol College and Oxford University)
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Jan 03, 2014 2:30 pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 204-B
American Economic Association
Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (O3)
Presiding: Heidi Williams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Individualism and the Creation of Knowledge
Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ufuk Akcigit (University of Pennsylvania)
Murat Alp Celik (University of Pennsylvania)
The Impact of Chinese Imports on Innovation, IT, and Productivity
Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University)
Mirko Draca (University of Warwick)
John Van Reenen (London School of Economics)
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Do Fixed Patent Terms Distort Innovation? Evidence from Cancer Clinical Trials
Eric Budish (University of Chicago)
Benjamin Roin (Harvard University)
Heidi L. Williams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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