Research Highlights

AEA Research Highlights feature selected articles published in the AEA journals.

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Articles β€” Summaries of AEA articles, based on interviews with the authors.
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Will work for insurance

March 16, 2020
Americans put off retirement to keep employer-provided prescription drug benefits.
Research Highlights Article

Helping moms be happier

March 13, 2020
Providing cognitive behavioral therapy to depressed new mothers yielded benefits seven years later.
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Steering clear of risky mortgages

March 11, 2020
To what extent could financial education help home buyers make wiser decisions?
Research Highlights Article

Numbing the China shock

March 9, 2020
Is there a link between free trade and deaths of despair?
Research Highlights Article

Experience counts

March 4, 2020
The AEA interviews Ben Jones about why successful entrepreneurs tend to be older than we think.
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A puzzling development

March 2, 2020
India has grown a lot in the past three decades, but it’s been uneven. Can that continue?
Research Highlights Article

Keep it in the ground

February 28, 2020
How much does restricting the supply of federal coal reduce carbon emissions?
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Navigating reality

February 26, 2020
How do maps shape economic decisions with the information they convey?
Research Highlights Article

One tax to rule them all

February 24, 2020
Uniform markups may be simple, but are states leaving tax revenue on the table?
Research Highlights Article

Breaking the silence

February 19, 2020
Do victims of sexual assault have an incentive to file a report earlier than libelers?