NOTE: Everyone must register for the meeting, including speakers.

Please review your session(s) and let us know if you see anything that is amiss. Before making additions, please do a search to make sure you are not adding someone who is already scheduled at the same time.

We realize that there are some conflicts with participants. This was unavoidable due to overbooking by some of the participants. In such cases, a co-author will have to present the paper. Changes and corrections should be sent to

Location of Sessions for 2011 in Denver, Colorado

Jan 06, 2011

Jan 06, 2011 6:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 1-4
Association for Social Economics
Ethics, Democracy and the Economy (P1) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Zohreh Emami (Alverno College)
Gar Alperovitz (University of Maryland) The Paradoxical Emergence of a Democratic Economy
William Black (University of Missouri-Kansas City) Humanity, Integrity and Ethics: Essentials for Economics and the Economy

Jan 07, 2011

Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 2
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
The Economics of the Organic Food System (I1)
Presiding: Kyle Stiegert (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
"Organic" and "Locally Grown" Labels: Complement or Competitor?
Carolyn Dimitri (USDA, Economic Research Service)
Catherine Greene (USDA, Economic Research Service)
Store Format Choice in Organic Food Consumption
Ming-Feng Hsieh (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Kyle Stiegert (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Comparison of Resource Use and Profitability for Conventional and Organic Production Systems
Karen Klonsky (University of California-Davis)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Gold
American Economic Association
Conflict: Beginnings, Ends, and Aftermaths (O1)
Presiding: Eva Vivalt (University of California-Berkeley)
Interethnic Inequality and Participation in the Rwandan Genocide
Willa Friedman (University of California-Berkeley)
Peacekeeping: What Is It Good For?
Eva Vivalt (University of California-Berkeley)
Poverty Traps and Conflict: The Consequences of Forced Displacement in Northern Uganda
Nathan Fiala (World Bank)
Warfare and Social Preferences in Children: Experimental Evidence from the Republic of Georgia
Michal Bauer (Charles University, Prague and CERGE-EI)
Alessandra Cassar (University of San Francisco)
Julie Chytilova (Charles University)
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Patricia Justino (University of Sussex)
Ioana Petrescu (American Enterprise Institute)
Gianmarco Leon (University of California-Berkeley)
Pauline Grosjean (University of San Francisco)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Terrace
American Economic Association
Education in Developing Countries: Results from Randomized Control Trials in China (O1)
Presiding: Paul Glewwe (University of Minnesota)
The Impact of Eyeglasses on the Academic Performance of Primary School Students: Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Rural China
Paul Glewwe (University of Minnesota)
Albert Park (Oxford University)
Meng Zhao (University of Minnesota)
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Nutrition and Educational Performance in Rural China's Elementary Schools: Results of a Randomized Control Trial in Shaanxi Province
Renfu Luo (Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy)
Yaojiang Shi (Northwest University of Xi’an)
Linxiu Zhang (Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy)
Scott Rozelle (Stanford University)
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Information, College Decisions and Financial Aid: Evidence from a Cluster-Randomized Control Trial in China
Prashant Loyalka (CIEFR, Peking University)
Yingquan Song (CIEFR, Peking University)
Jianguo Wei (CIEFR, Peking University)
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Esther Duflo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Karthik Muralidharan (University of California-San Diego)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Century
American Economic Association
Effects of Institutions on Wages (J5)
Presiding: Stephen Shore (Johns Hopkins University)
Productivity, Restructuring, and the Gains from Takeovers
Xiaoyang Li (University of Michigan)
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Right-to-Work Laws and the State-Level Economic Outcomes: Evidence Using Synthetic Control Method
Ozkan Eren (University of Nevada-Las Vegas)
Serkan Ozbeklik (Claremont McKenna College)
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Union Wage Setting and the Distribution of Employees' Earnings: Evidence from Certification Elections
Brigham Russell Frandsen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Is Doing the Chores Bad for Your Earnings? The Housework Wage Penalty for Full-time Workers
Silke Anger (DIW Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin)
Anita Kottwitz (DIW Berlin, Max Planck Research School LIFE)
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Looking Beyond the Bridge: The Effect of Temporary Agency Employment on Labor Market Outcomes
Elke J. Jahn (ASB, Aarhus University, IAB and IZA)
Michael Rosholm (ASB, Aarhus University and IZA)
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Fraternities and Labor Market Outcomes
Sergey V. Popov (University of Illinois)
Dan Bernhardt (University of Illinois)
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Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Spruce
American Economic Association
Evaluating Empirical Tools for Horizontal Merger Analysis (L4)
Presiding: Daniel Hosken (U.S. Federal Trade Commission)
Details Matter: Measurement of Merger Price Effects
Daniel S. Hosken (U.S. Federal Trade Commission)
Louis Silvia (U.S. Federal Trade Commission)
Christopher Taylor (U.S. Federal Trade Commission)
More Evidence on the Performance of Merger Simulations
Matthew Weinberg (Bryn Mawr)
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In Search of the Truth: Challenges in Merger Simulation Analysis
Christopher R. Knittel (University of California-Davis)
Konstantinos Metaxoglou (Bates White LLC)
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Michael A Salinger (Boston University)
Michael R Baye (Indiana University)
Han Hong (Stanford University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Director's Row E
American Economic Association
Evidence on Asset Price Bubbles (E3)
Presiding: Jonas Fisher (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Mortgage Choices and Housing Speculation
Gadi Barlevy (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Jonas Fisher (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
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Produce or Speculate? Asset Bubbles, Occupational Choice and Efficiency
Pierre Cahuc (Ecole Polytechnique)
Edouard Challe (Ecole Polytechnique)
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Fuzzy Capital Requirements Risk Shifting and the Risk Taking Channel of Monetary Policy
Simon Dubecq (Banque de France)
Benoit Mojon (Banque de France)
Xavier Ragot (Banque de France)
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Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Silver
American Economic Association
Frontiers of Matching Theory (C7)
Presiding: Muriel Niederle (Stanford University)
Matching with Couples: Stability and Incentives in Large Markets
Fuhito Kojima (Stanford University)
Parag Pathak (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Alvin E. Roth (Harvard University)
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School Choice in San Francisco: Top Trading Cycles and Diversity
Atila Abdulkadiroglu (Duke University)
Clayton R. Featherstone (Stanford University)
Muriel Niederle (Stanford University)
Parag Pathak (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Alvin E. Roth (Harvard University)
Identification in Matching Games
Jeremy Fox (University of Chicago)
Stability and Competitive Equilibrium in Trading Networks
John William Hatfield (Stanford University)
Scott Duke Kominers (Harvard University)
Alexandru Nichifor (Maastricht University)
Michael Ostrovsky (Stanford University)
Alexander Westkamp (University of Bonn)
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Itai Ashlagi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
John William Hatfield (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
Federico Echenique (Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology)
Utku Unver (Department of Economics, Boston College)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Columbine
American Economic Association
Health Insurance and Public Policy (I1)
Presiding: Amitabh Chandra (Harvard University)
Adverse Selection and Switching Costs in Health Insurance Markets: When Nudging Hurts
Benjamin Handel (University of California-Berkeley)
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Individually Mandated Health Insurance and the Labor Market: Evidence from the Massachusetts Reform
Jonathan T Kolstad (University of Pennsylvania)
Amanda E Kowalski (Yale University)
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Estimating the Tradeoff Between Risk Protection and Moral Hazard with a Nonlinear Budget Set Model of Health Insurance
Amanda E Kowalski (Yale University)
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Robert Town (University of Minnesota)
Amitabh Chandra (Harvard University)
Claudio Lucarelli (Cornell University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Vail
American Economic Association
Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Outcomes (J6)
Presiding: Sandra Black (University of Texas-Austin)
British, American, and British-American Social Mobility: Intergenerational Occupational Change Among Migrants and Non-Migrants in the 19th Century
Joseph P Ferrie (Northwestern University)
Jason Long (Colby College)
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O Sister, Where Art Thou? The Role of Son Preference and Sex Choice: Evidence from ImmigrantsO Sister, Where Art Thou? The Role of Son Preference and Sex Choice: Evidence from Immigrants
Douglas Almond (Cornell University)
Lena Edlund (Columbia University)
Kevin Milligan (University of British Columbia)
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Who’s on the Bus? The Role of Schools as a Vehicle to Intergenerational Mobility
Rucker Johnson (University of California-Berkeley)
Black-White Differences in Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the US
Bhashkar Mazumder (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
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Sandra Black (University of Texas-Austin)
Marianne Page (University of California-Davis)
Bhashkar Mazumder (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Nathan Grawe (Carleton College)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Director's Row H
American Economic Association
K-12 Economic and Financial Literacy Education (A2)
Presiding: Richard MacDonald (St. Cloud State University)
Teacher and Student Characteristics as Determinants of Success in High School Economics Classes
Jody Hoff (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Jane Lopus (California State University-East Bay)
Rob Valletta (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
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It Takes a Village: Determinants of the Efficacy of Financial Literacy Education for Elementary and Middle School Students
Weiwei Chen (University of Memphis)
Julie Heath (University of Memphis)
Economics Understanding of Albanian High School Students: Student and Teacher Effects and Specific Concept Knowledge
Dolore Bushati (University of Kansas)
Barbara Phipps (University of Kansas)
Lecture and Tutorial Attendance and Student Performance in the First Year Economics Course: A Quantile Regression Approach
Girijasankar Mallik (University of Western Sydney, Australia)
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George Vredeveld (University of Cincinnati)
John Swinton (Georgia College & State University)
James O'Neill (University of Delaware)
King Banaian (St. Cloud State University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Denver
American Economic Association
Labor Market, Labor Decisions, and Production Cycles (E2)
Presiding: Manuel Toledo (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
The Labor Market in the Great Recession
Aysegul Sahin (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Michael Elsby (University of Michigan and NBER)
Bart Hobijn (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Free University Amsterdam)
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Production Cycles of U.S. Manufacturing: Phase Shifts and Comovement
Yongsung Chang (University of Rochester)
Sunoong Hwang (Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade)
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The Heterogeneity and Dynamics of Individual Labor Supply over the Life-Cycle: Facts and Theory
Gueorgui Kambourov (University of Toronto)
Andres Erosa (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies)
Luisa Fuster (Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies)
The Cyclicality of the User Cost of Labor with Search and Matching
Marianna Kudlyak (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
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Flexibility at the margin and labor market volatility in OECD countries
Manuel Toledo (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Roman Fossati (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
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Manuel Toledo (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Marianna Kudlyak (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
Yongsung Chang (University of Rochester)
Gueorgui Kambourov (University of Toronto)
Aysegul Sahin (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 17
American Economic Association
Motor Vehicle Fuel (Q5)
Presiding: Jonathan Edward Hughes (University of Colorado)
High Gas Prices as a Cause of the Financial Crisis: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence
JunJie Wu (Oregon State University)
Steven E. Sexton (University of California-Berkeley)
David Zilberman (University of California-Berkeley)
The Land-Use Change Effect of Ethanol Plants in Iowa: 1997-2009
Ruiqing Miao (Iowa State University)
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Consumer Choice Between Gasoline and Sugarcane Ethanol
Alberto Salvo (Northwestern University)
Cristian Huse (Stockholm School of Economics)
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An Economic Estimation of the Cost of Automotive Fuel Economy Improvement
Takahiko Kiso (University of Maryland-College Park)
Conspicuous Conservation and the Prius Premium: Willingness to Pay for Environmental Bona Fides
Alison Sexton (University of California-Berkeley)
Steven E. Sexton (University of California-Berkeley)
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Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 16
American Economic Association
Moving Beyond Deregulation (L5)
Presiding: Nancy Rose (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Why Can't U.S. Airlines Make Money?
Severin Borenstein (University of California-Berkeley)
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Comparing the Costs of Intermittent and Dispatchable Electricity Generation
Paul Joskow (Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Financial Regulatory Reform: Challenges Ahead
Randall S. Kroszner (University of Chicago)
Philip Strahan (Boston College)
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Tradeoffs in the Design of Pricing Structures in Restructured Electricity Supply Industries
Frank Wolak (Stanford University)
Catherine Wolfram (University of California-Berkeley and NBER)
Nancy L. Rose (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Savoy
American Economic Association
Price Dynamics and Price Rigidity (E3)
Presiding: John Leahy (New York University)
The Roles of Price Points and Menu Costs in Price Rigidity
Edward S. Knotek II (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)
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Inventories, Markups and Real Rigidities in Menu Cost Models
Oleksiy Kryvtsov (Bank of Canada)
Virgiliu Midrigan (New York University and NBER)
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Shrinking Goods and Sticky Prices: Theory and Evidence
Daniel Levy (Bar-Ilan University, Emory University, and RCEA)
Avichai Snir (Bar-Ilan University and Humboldt University)
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State-Dependent Pricing in the Chain of Production
Kevin Huang (Vanderbilt University)
Jonathan Willis (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)
Avichai Snir (Bar-Ilan University and Humboldt University)
Jonathan Willis (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)
Edward S Knotek II (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)
Oleksiy Kryvtsov (Bank of Canada)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Director's Row I
American Economic Association
Prices and Inflation (E3)
Presiding: Gregory E. Givens (Middle Tennessee State University)
Multiproduct Firms and Price-Setting: Theory and Evidence from U.S. Producer Prices
Raphael Sebastian Schoenle (Brandeis University)
Saroj Bhattarai (Princeton University)
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Price Stickiness, and the Hazard Rate for Price Changes: Evidence from Qualitative Survey Data
Harold A. Vasquez Ruiz (Georgia State University)
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Seasonality in a Menu Cost Model
Aaron Popp (The Ohio State University)
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Inflation and Welfare with Search and Price Dispersion
Liang Wang (University of Pennsylvania)
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Differential Interpretation in the Survey of Professional Forecasters
Sebastiano Manzan (Baruch College)
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Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 12
American Economic Association
Recessions and Retirement (J2)
Presiding: Scott Weisbenner (University of Illinois)
Recessions, Retirement, and Social Security
Courtney Coile (Wellesley College)
Phillip Levine (Wellesley College)
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What Explains Changes in Retirement Plans during the Great Recession?
Gopi Shah Goda (Stanford University)
John Shoven (Stanford University)
Sita Slavov (Occidental College)
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Time to Retire? The Effect of State Fiscal Policies on Retirement Decisions
Tami Gurley-Calvez (West Virginia University)
Brian C. Hill (Salisbury University)
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Crash and Wait? The Impact of the Great Recession on the Retirement Plans of Older Americans
Brooke Helppie (University of Michigan)
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Colleen Flaherty Manchester (University of Minnesota)
Scott Weisbenner (University of Illinois)
Jon M. Bakija (Williams College)
Purvi Sevak (Hunter College)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 9
American Economic Association
Rethinking the Core (A2)
Presiding: Avinash Dixit (Princeton University)
Some Suggestions from Gradaute Students for Changing the Core
Hays Golden (University of Chicago)
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Adding A Bit More Creativity to the Graduate Economics Core
David Colander (Middlebury College)
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John List (University of Chicago)
Michael Woodford (Columbia University)
James Heckman (University of Chicago)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 11
American Economic Association
Subprime Lending - Causes and Consequences (G2)
Presiding: Karlyn Mitchell (North Carolina State University)
Bank Corporate Loan Pricing Following the Subprime Crisis
Joao Santos (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
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Impact of Subprime Crisis on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Financing: The Case of Japan
Kenshi Taketa (Aoyama Gakuin University)
The Impact of Banks' Technology Adoption on Mortgage Lending to Marginal Borrowers
Ishani Tewari (Brown University)
Correlated Leverage and Its Ramifications
Fenghua Song (Pennsylvania State University)
Anjan Thakor (Washington University in St. Louis)
Anand Goel (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
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Credit Supply and the Price of Housing
Jean M Imbs (Paris School of Economics)
Giovanni Favara (International Monetary Fund)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 10
American Economic Association
The Benefit-Cost Analysis of Social Policy (D6)
Presiding: Richard Zerbe (University of Washington)
General Equilibrium Benefit Analyses for Social Programs
V. Kerry Smith (Arizona State University)
H. Allen Klaiber (Pennsylvania State University)
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Behavioral Economics, Distribution, and Benefit-Cost Analysis
Lisa Robinson (Consultant)
James K. Hammitt (Harvard University)
John B. Loomis (Colorado State University)
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Toward Standardization of Benefit-Cost Analyses of Early Childhood Interventions
Lynn A. Karoly (RAND Corporation)
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The Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public Safety and Crime
Scott Farrow (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
W. Kip Viscusi (Vanderbilt University)
John R. Lott (University of Maryland Foundation)
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The Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public Health Preparedness and Pandemic Mitigation
Josepth H. Cook (University of Washington)
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Mark Cohen (Resources for the Future)
Mary Kokoski (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Director's Row J
American Economic Association
Trade and Finance (F1)
Presiding: C. Fritz Foley (Harvard Business School)
Exports and Financial Shocks
Mary Amiti (Federal Reseve Bank of New York)
David Weinstein (Columbia University)
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Poultry in Motion: A Study of International Trade Finance Practices
Pol Antras (Harvard University)
C. Fritz Foley (Harvard Business School)
Trade and Sudden Stop Crises
Gita Gopinath (Harvard University)
Brent Neiman (University of Chicago)
International Trade and Institutional Change
Andrei Levchenko (University of Michigan)
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Arnaud Costinot (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Marc Auboin (WTO)
Robert Johnson (Dartmouth College)
Kalina Manova (Stanford University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Colorado Salon E
American Finance Association
Anomalies - Individuals or Institutions (G1)
Presiding: Christopher Polk (London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE))
Investor Clienteles and Habitat-Based Return Co-movements
Alok Kumar (University of Texas-Austin)
Jeremy K. Page (University of Texas-Austin)
Oliver G. Spalt (University of Texas-Austin)
Style Migration and the Cross-Section of Average Stock Returns
Russ R. Wermers (University of Maryland)
Institutional Investors' Investment Durations and Stock Return Anomalies: Momentum, Reversal, Accruals, Share Issuance and R&D Increases
Martijn Cremers (Yale School of Management)
Ankur Pareek (Rutgers University)
Tobias Moskowitz (University of Chicago)
Jonathan Lewellen (Dartmouth College)
Erik Stafford (Harvard Business School)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Colorado Salon F
American Finance Association
Board of Directors (G3)
Presiding: Anil Shivdasani (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Director Overlap and Firm Financial Policies
Christa H.S. Bouwman (Case Western Reserve University)
Yuhai Xuan (Harvard Business School)
The Dark Side of Outside Directors: Do They Quit When They are Most Needed?
Rudiger Fahlenbrach (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
Angie Low (Nanyang Technological University)
Rene M. Stulz (Ohio State University)
Does Distance from Headquarters Matter? Information Acquisition and Monitoring by the Board of Directors
Zinat S. Alam (Georgia State University)
Mark A. Chen (Georgia State University)
Conrad S. Ciccotello (Georgia State University)
Harley E. Ryan, Jr. (Georgia State University)
Globalizing the Boardroom - The Effects of Foreign Directors on Corporate Governance and Firm Performance
Ronald W. Masulis (Vanderbilt University)
Cong Wang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Fei Xie (George Mason University)
Matthias Kahl (University of Colorado-Boulder)
David Yermack (New York University)
Michael Weisbach (Ohio State University)
Kai Ki (University of British Columbia)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons C & D
American Finance Association
Corporate Finance Theory (G3)
Presiding: Heitor Almeida (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Credit Default Swaps and the Empty Creditor Problem
Patrick Bolton (Columbia University)
Martin Oehmke (Columbia University)
The Size and Specialization of Direct Investment Portfolios
Yael V. Hochberg (Northwestern University)
Mark M. Westerfield (University of Southern California)
Private Placements, Regulatory Restrictions and Firm Value: Theory and Evidence from the Indian Market
V. Ravi Anshuman (Indian Institute of Management (IM)-Bangalore)
Marti G. Subrahmanyam (New York University)
Vijaya B. Marisetty (Monash University)
Richmond Matthews (Duke University)
Ola Bengtsson (Cornell University)
Radhakrishnan Gopalan (Washington University-St. Louis)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons G & H
American Finance Association
Financial Institutions and Risk Taking (G2)
Presiding: Jie Gan (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST))
Bank Risk-Taking, Securitization, Supervision, and Low Interest Rates: Evidence from Lending Standards
Jose-Luis Peydro (European Central Bank)
Angela Maddaloni (European Central Bank)
The Impact of Public Guarantees on Bank Risk Taking: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Reint Gropp (European Business School-Wiesbaden, Germany)
Christian Grundl (European Business School-Wiesbaden, Germany)
Andre Guttler (European Business School-Wiesbaden, Germany)
How Much Did Banks Pay to Become Too-Big-To-Fail and to Become Systemically Important?
Julapa A Jaqtiani (Federal Reserve Banks)
Elijah Brewer III (DePaul University)
Credit Rating and Competition
Nlson Camanho (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Pragyan Deb (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Zijun Liu (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Oguzhan Ozbas (University of Southern California-Marshall School of Business)
Sreedhar Bharath (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)
James Barth (Auburn University)
Paolo Fulghieri (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons I & J
American Finance Association
International Financial Markets 1 (G1)
Presiding: George Karolyi (Cornell University)
Multimarket Trading and Integration
Michael Halling (University of Utah)
Pamela C. Moulton (Fordham University)
Marios A. Panayides (University of Pittsburgh)
Yield Curve Predictors of Foreign Exchange Returns
Andrew Ang (Columbia University)
Joseph S. Chen (University of California-Davis)
Internationally Correlated Jumps
Kuntara Pukthuanthong (San Diego State University)
Richard W. Roll (University of California-Los Angeles)
Countercyclical Currency Risk Premia
Hanno N. Lustig (University of California-Los Angeles)
Nikolai L. Roussanov (University of Pennsylvania)
Adrien Verdelhan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Paolo Pasquariello (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)
Nelson Mark (University of Notre Dame)
Eric Ghysels (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Christopher Telmer (Carnegie Mellon University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons A & B
American Finance Association
Portfolio Choice: Theory and Evidence (G1)
Presiding: Francisco Gomes (London Busines School)
Paul Ehling (Norwegian School of Management)
Christian Heyerdahl-LArsen (Institute for Financial Research)
The Market for Financial Advice: An Audit Study
Sendhi Mullainathan (Harvard University)
Markus Noeth (University of Hamburg)
Antoinette Schoar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
How Do Retirees Value Life Annuities? Evidence from Public Employees (AFA Submission)
John Chalmers (University of Oregon)
Jonathan Reuter (Boston College)
Stock Return Serial Dependence and Out-of-Sample Portfolio Performance
Victor DeMiguel (London Busines School)
Francisco J Nogales (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Raman Uppal (London Business School)
Amir Yaron (University of Pennsylvania)
Steffen Meyer (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Jeffrey Brown (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Francisco Barillas (Emory University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Denver Suite I & II
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
City Size and Land Development (R2)
Presiding: William Wheaton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Sprawl and Blight
Jan K. Brueckner, (University of California-Irvine)
Robert W. Helsley (University of California-Berkeley)
Redefining the City: An Empirical Analysis of Land Assembly
Leah Brooks (University of Toronto)
Byron Lutz (Federal Reserve Board)
Optimal Phasing and Inventory Decisions for Large Scale Land Development Projects
Steven H. Ott (University of North Carolina-Charlotte)
W.Keener Hughen (University of North Carolina-Charlotte)
Dustin C Read (University of North Carolina-Charlotte)
Optimal City Size and the Private-Social Wedge
David Albouy (University of Michigan)
Nathan Seegert (University of Michigan)
William Wheaton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Lynn Fisher (University of North Carolina)
Walter Torous (University of California-Los Angeles)
Matt Turner (University of Toronto)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Denver Suite V & VI
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Income Inequality and the Financial Crisis? (E3) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Timothy Riddiough (University of Wisconsin)
Raghuram G. Rajan (University of Chicago)
Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Edward Glaeser (Harvard University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Denver Suite IV
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
REITs: Dividend Policy (G3)
Presiding: Erasmo Giambona (University of Amsterdam)
Do Stock Prices Move too Much to be Justified by Changes in Dividends? Evidence from Real Estate Investment Trusts
Tobias Muhlhofer (Indiana University)
Andrey Ukhov (Cornell University)
The Effects of Shifting Dividend Regimes: An International Examination of the REIT Effect
Dirk Brounen (Erasmus University)
Ronald Mahieu (Tilburgh University)
Elective Stock Dividends and REITs: Evidence from the Financial Crisis
Erik Devos (University of Texas-El Paso)
Andrew Spieler (Hofstra University)
Desmond Tsang (McGill University)
Xudong An (San Diego State University)
Brad Case (NAREIT)
Milena Petrova (Syracuse University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall F
Association for Comparative Economic Studies
Decentralization, Local Governance and Public Goods Provision in Developing Countries (H7)
Presiding: Xiaobo Zhang (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Decentralized Provision of Human Capital Transfer: Theory and Evidence
Futoshi Yamauchi (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Political Capture of Decentralization: Vote-Buying through Grants-Financed Local Jurisdictions
Stuti Khemani (World Bank)
Elected Versus Appointed Grassroots Leaders: Evidence from Rural China
Ren Mu (Texas A&M University)
Xiaobo Zhang (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Do External Grants to District Governments Discourage Own-Revenue Generation? A Look at Local Public Finance Dynamics in Ghana
Tewodaj Mogues (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Samuel Benin (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Godsway Cudjoe (Care Quality Commission)
Scott McNiven (University of California-Davis)
Xiaobo Zhang (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Christian Henning (University of Kiel)
Ian Coxhead (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall C
Association for Evolutionary Economics
The Policy Relevance of Institutional Economics: Papers in Honor of Paul Dale Bush (B5)
Presiding: Mary Wrenn (Weber State University)
Democracy and Progressive Institutional Change in Africa: Rethinking IMF and World Bank Policy
Berhanu Nega (Bucknell University)
Geoffrey Schneider (Bucknell University)
Institutional-Evolutionary Policy and Governance: Core Principles and Practices
Phillip Anthony O'Hara (Curtin Business School)
Ceremonial Encapsulation as Institutional Degeneration: What Might "Institutional Policy" Offer?
Wolfram Elsner (University of Bremen)
Agrarian Transformation in Tajikistan: Possibilities for Female Farmers
Fatma Gül Ünal (Bard College at Simon’s Rock, and Levy Institute of Economics)
Claiming Paul David’s Path Dependence as Institutionalist Theory
John Hall (Portland State University)
Iciar Dominguez Lacasa (Halle Institute for Economic Research)
Jutta Guenther (Halle Institute for Economic Research)
John T. Harvey (Texas Christian University)
Pascal Petit (CEPN and CNRS)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 6
Association of Environmental & Resource Economists
The Costs and Benefits of Pollution Control (Q5)
Presiding: Richard Carson (University of California, San Diego)
Evaluating "Cash for Clunkers": Program Effect on Vehicle Sales and Cost-Effectiveness of Pollution Control
Shanjun Li (Resources for the Future)
Joshua Linn (Resources for the Future)
Elisheba Spiller (Duke University)
Christopher Timmins (Duke University)
Low Emission Zones, Air Pollution and Vehicle Adoption
Hendrik Wolff (University of Washington)
Lisa Perry (University of Washington)
Getting Cars Off the Road: The Cost-Effectiveness of an Episodic Pollution Control Program
Maureen Cropper (University of Maryland and Resources for the Future)
Yi Jiang (Asian Development Bank)
Anna Alberini (University of Maryland)
Patrick Baur (National Academy of Sciences)
The Impact of Environmental Conditions on Worker Productivity
Matthew Neidell (Columbia University)
Joshua Graff Zivin (University of California, San Diego)
Accounting for Amenities: Evidence from 10 Million Consumers on Expenditures for Nonmarket Goods and Services that Influence the Quality of Life
David Bieri (University of Michigan)
Nicolai Kuminoff (Arizona State University)
Jaren Pople (Brigham Young University)
Soren Andersen (Michigan State University)
Shanjun Li (Resources for the Future)
Richard Carson (University of California, San Diego)
Fabian Lange (Yale University)
Ken Baerenklau (University of California-Riverside)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 8
Econometric Society
Choice Theory (D0)
Presiding: Igor Kopylov (University of California-Irvine)
Modeling the Change of Paradigm: Non-Bayesian Reactions to Unexpected News
Pietro Ortoleva (California Institute of Technology)
Intertemporal Substitution and Recursive Smooth Ambiguity Preference
Takashi Hayashi (University of Texas)
Jianjun Miao (Boston University)
A Subjective Model of Temporal Preferences
Todd Sarver (Northwestern University)
Haluk Ergin (Washington University)
Dynamic Preference for Flexibility
R. Vijay Krishna (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Philipp Sadowski (Duke University)
Paolo Ghirardato (Universita di Torino)
Haluk Ergin (Washington University)
Igor Kopylov (University of California-Irvine)
Todd Sarver (Northwestern University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 2
Econometric Society
Crisis and Capital Structure Interventions (G1)
Presiding: ()
Optimal Interventions in Markets with Adverse Selection
Thomas Philippon (New York University)
Vasiliki Skreta (New York University)
True Taxpayer Burden of Bank Restructuring
Kenichi Ueda (International Monetary Fund)
Augustin Landier (University of Toulouse)
Walking Wounded or Living Dead? Making Banks Foreclose Bad Loans
Max Bruche (CEMFI)
Gerard Llobet (CEMFI)
Brett S. Green (Northwestern University)
Thomas Philippon (New York University)
David Ross (Columbia University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 1
Econometric Society
Demand for Liquidity (E4)
Presiding: Arvind Krishnamurthy (Northwestern University)
Aggregate Demand for Treasury Debt
Arvind Krishnamurthy (Northwestern University)
Annette Jorgensen (Northwestern University)
Opacity and the Optimality of Debt for Liquidity Provision
Tri Dang (Yale University)
Gary Gorton (Yale University)
Bengt Holmstrom (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Flight to Quality, Flight to Liquidity, and the Pricing of Risk
Dimitri Vayanos (London School of Economics)
Financing Shortfalls and the Value of Aggregate Liquidity
Andrea Eisfeldt (Northwestern University)
Adriano Rampini (Duke University)
Amir Sufi (University of Chicago)
Douglas W. Diamond (University of Chicago)
Lasse Heje Pedersen (New York University)
Viral V Acharya (New York University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 6
Econometric Society
Original Themes in Economic Theory (C6)
Presiding: ()
Recurrent Infection and Externalities in Prevention
Flavio Toxvaerd (University of Cambridge)
Leeat Yariv (Caltech)
Alessandro Lizzeri (New York University)
Information about Sellers' Past Behavior in the Market for Lemons
Kyungmin Kim (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and University of Iowa)
Jeffrey Ely (Northwestern University)
Sandeep Baliga (Northwestern University)
Marzena Rostek (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
John Morgan (University of California-Berkeley)
Jin Li ()
David Miller (University of California-San Diego)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 7
Econometric Society
Political Economy (P1)
Presiding: ()
The Condorcet Paradox Revisited
P. Jean-Jacques Herings (Maastricht University)
Harold Houba (Free University Amsterdam)
Political Turnover, Taxes, and the Shadow Economy
Ceyhun Elgin (University of Minnesota)
On the Properties of Runoff Elections when Voters are Strategic
Laurent Bouton (Boston University)
Choosing Choices: Agenda Selection with Uncertain Issues
Raphael Godefroy (Paris School of Economics, France)
Eduardo Perez-Richet (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Andrea Matozzi (CalTech)
David Ahn (University of California-Berkeley)
Souav Bhattacharya (University of Pittsburgh)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Westin Tabor, Curtis
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Law and Economics of Labor and Employment Relations (J5)
Presiding: Cynthia Estlund (New York University)
Costs of Noncompliance and the NLRA: An Analysis and Comparison with Other Public Policy Remedies
Morris Kleiner (University of Minnesota)
David Weil (Boston University)
The Institutional Paradigm of Labor and Employment Law
Bruce Kaufman (Georgia State University)
The Forum for Adjudication of Employment Disputes
Samuel Estreicher (New York University)
Zev Eigen (Northwestern University)
Unions, Dynamism, and Economic Performance
Barry Hirsch (Georgia State University)
Henry Farber (Princton University)
John Budd (University of Minnesota)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Westin Tabor, Continental A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Misclassified & Unreported Workers in the U.S. Construction Industry - State Level Studies (J4)
Presiding: Françoise Carré (University of Massachusetts-Boston)
Misclassified Construction Workers in Tennessee
Randall Adams (Tennessee Technological University)
William Canak (Middle Tennessee State University)
Economic & Social Costs of Misclassified Workers in Michigan
Richard Block (Michigan State University)
Dale Belman (Michigan State University)
Economic & Social Costs of Misclassified Workers in Illinois
Michael P. Kelsay (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
James Sturgeon (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Kelly Pinkham (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Employee Misclassification in New York: Economic and Fiscal Implications
James Parrott (Fiscal Policy Institute)
Matthew Capece (United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Westin Tabor, Lawrence A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Recovery from the Crisis: Comparing Labor Market Policies in Europe and the United States (J8)
Presiding: Stephen Woodbury (Michigan State University)
Labor-Market Policies to Tackle the Crisis and Sustain the Economic Growth in E.U.: Models and Solutions
Michele Tiraboschi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Effectiveness of the Anti-crisis Labor Market Measures in the E.U.
Silvia Spattini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Short-Time Compensation as a Tool for Mitigating Job Loss
Susan N. Houseman (W.E. UpJohn Institute for Employment Research)
Katharine G. Abraham (University of Maryland)
Susan R. Helper (Case Western Reserve University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Granite A
National Economic Association/African Finance & Economics Association
Africa Development Issues (O1)
Presiding: Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong (University of South Florida)
Crop Price Indemnified Loan: A Pilot Experiment in Rural Ghana
Edward Kutsoati (Tuft University)
Governance Financial Development, and Successful States in Africa
John Karikari (U.S Government Accountability Office)
Growing Unequally: The Case of Development Planning in Kenya
Mwangi wa Githinji (University of Massachusetts)
Smallholder Agriculture in East Africa: Trends, Constraints and Opportunities
Adeleke Salami (African Development Bank)
Abdul B. Kamara (African Development Bank)
Zuzana Brixiova (African Development Bank)
Why Does Foreign Direct Investment Go Where it Goes? New Evidence from African Countries
John Anyanwu (African Development Bank)
Education, Income Stability and Poverty Reduction in Africa
Kwabena Gyimah Brempong (University of South Florida)
Gregory Price (Morehouse College)
Willene Johnson (Komaza Inc.)
Leonce Ndikumana (African Development Bank)
Fekru Debebe (Educational Testing Service)
Edward Ghartey (University of West Indies)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Granite C
Society of Government Economists
Measuring Intangibles as Capital in Federal Economic Statistics (O3)
Presiding: James Adams (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and NBER)
The Return to R&D
Missaka Warusawitharana (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Depreciation of Business R&D Capital
Wendy Li (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Does Modern Research Overestimate Intangible Capital Growth? A Case Study of Artistic Originals
Rachel Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
R&D and Other Intangible Assets in an Input-Output Framework: Experimental Estimates with U.S. Data
Carol A Robbins (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Mary L Streitwieser (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
William A Jolliff (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Bronwyn Hall (University of California-Berkeley, University of Maastricht, and NBER)
James Adams (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and NBER)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Agate A
Union for Radical Political Economists
Global Real and Financial Imbalances (J3)
Presiding: Pedro Perez (Central Bank of Ecuador)
Wage, Mark-up, and Productivity Competition in International Trade from a Kaleckian Perspective
Tracy Mott (University of Denver)
Employment Prospects in Developing Countries: A Global Model of Recovery and Rebalancing
Rudiger von Arnim (University of Utah)
Global Imbalances and International Currencies
Gennaro Zezza (Universita di Cassino-Italy)
Eleonora Sanfilippo (Universita di Cassino-Italy)
Demand Regimes in Open, But Integrated Economies
Armon Rezai (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Daniele Tavani (Colorado State University-Fort Collins)
Matias Vernengo (University of Utah)
Massimiliano LaMarca (International Labour Organization)
Rudiger von Arnim (University of Utah)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Agate B
Union for Radical Political Economists
Heterodox Analyses of the Current Crisis (E3)
Presiding: Michele Naples (College of New Jersey)
Demand Factors, the Rate of Profit, and the Current Economic Crisis in the U.S.
David Kotz (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Growth and Instability in Keynesian and Neoliberal Policy Regimes
Raford Body (San Diego State University)
Marxist Crisis Theory, Business Cycles and Crisis of 2007-2009
Erdogan Bakir (Bucknell University)
Housework and Carework During Hard Times: U.S. Recession of 2007-2008
Gunseli Berik (University of Utah)
Ebru Kongar (Dickinson College)
Erik Olsen (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Michele Naples (College of New Jersey)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 2
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
Insights into Obesity from a Behavioral Economics Perspective (I1)
Presiding: Lisa Mancino (USDA, Economic Research Service)
Economic Stressors and the Demand for "Fattening" Foods
Trenton G. Smith (Washington State University)
Impacts of Economic and Psychological Factors on Adult Obesity and Food Program Participation: Evidence from the NLSY Panel
Ying Huang (Iowa State University)
Wallace Huffman (Iowa State University)
From Default to Choice: Adding Healthy Options to Kids' Menus
Jill McCluskey (Washington State University)
Craig Gundersen (University of Illinois)
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach (University of Chicago)
David Just (Cornell University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 17
American Economic Association
Banks, Credit Constraints and International Business Cycles (F3)
Presiding: Michael Devereux (University of British Columbia, CEPR and NBER)
Leverage Constraints and the International Transmission of Shocks
Michael Devereux (University of British Columbia, CEPR and NBER)
Alan Sutherland (University of St. Andrews and CEPR)
James Yetman (Bank for International Settlements and University of Hong Kong)
International Credit Constraints, Trade and Financial Markets Linkages and the Output Correlation Puzzle
Matthias Paustian (Bank of England)
Jens Sondergaard (Bank of England)
Banks and International Business Cycles
Robert Kollmann (European Centre for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics (ECARES), Université Libre de Bruxelles and CEPR)
Werner Roeger (European Commission)
Financial Frictions, Financial Integration and the International Propagation of Shocks
Luca Dedola (European Central Bank)
Giovanni Lombardo (European Central Bank)
Sylvain Leduc (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Ivan Jaccard (European Central Bank)
Viktoria Hnatkovska (University of British Columbia)
Gernot Mueller (University of Bonn)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Director's Row E
American Economic Association
Causal Effects of Vietnam-Era Military Service on Health and Welfare (I1)
Presiding: Charlie Brown (University of Michigan)
Long-term Consequences of Vietnam-Era Conscription: New Estimates Using Social Security Data
Joshua Angrist (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Stacey Chen (Royal Holloway University of London)
Jae Song (Social Security Administration)
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PTSD Among Vietnam Veterans
David Autor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Mark Duggan (University of Maryland)
Long-Run Mortality Effects of Vietnam-Era Army Service: Evidence from Australia's Conscription Lotteries
Peter Siminski (University of Wollongong)
Simon Ville (University of Wollongong)
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The War at Home: Effects of Vietnam-Era Military Service on Post-War Household and Family Formation and Stability
Dalton Conley (New York University)
Jennifer Heerwig (New York University)
Daniel Eisenberg (University of Michigan)
Joseph Doyle (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Abigail Wozniak (University of Notre Dame)
Chris Rohlfs (Syracuse University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Gold
American Economic Association
Design and Incentive Effects of Certification and Disclosure Programs (L5)
Presiding: Silke Forbes (University of California-San Diego)
Inspection Design and Inspector Performance
Philip Leslie (Stanford University and NBER)
David Becker (University of Alabama-Birmingham)
Ginger Jin (University of Maryland and NBER)
Do Firms Game Quality Ratings? Evidence from Mandatory Disclosure of Airline On-Time Performance
Silke Januszewski Forbes (University of California-San Diego)
Mara Lederman (University of Toronto)
Trevor Tombe (University of Toronto)
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LEED Adopters: Public Procurement and Private Certification
Timothy Simcoe (Boston University and NBER)
Mike Toffel (Harvard Business School)
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Label Confusion: The Groucho Effect of Uncertain Standards
John W Maxwell (Indiana University)
Rick Harbaugh (Indiana University)
Beatrice Roussillon (University of Manchester)
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Mara Lederman (University of Toronto)
Severin Borenstein (University of California-Berkeley)
Silke Januszewski Forbes (University of California-Berkeley)
Ken Corts (University of Toronto)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Terrace
American Economic Association
Economic Underpinnings of Recycling and Waste Disposal Policies (Q5)
Presiding: Charles Kolstad (University of California-Santa Barbara)
The Effect of Bottle Laws on Income: New Empirical Results
Bevin Ashenmiller (Occidental College)
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Promoting Recycling: Private Values, Social Norms, and Economic Incentives
W. Kip Viscusi (Vanderbilt University)
Joel Huber (Duke University)
Jason Bell (Duke University)
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Global Reuse and Optimal Waste Policy
Thomas Kinnaman (Bucknell University)
Hide-Fumi Yokoo (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan)
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Don Fullerton (University of Illinois)
Robert Innes (University of California-Merced)
Ted Gayer (Brookings Institution)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 14
American Economic Association
Economics as a Moral Science (A2)
Presiding: B. Douglas Bernheim (Stanford University)
The Restoration of Welfare Economics
Anthony Atkinson (Nuffield College, United Kingdom)
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Markets and Morality
Jagdish Bhagwati (Columbia University)
Economics: Religious Origins, Moral Implications
Benjamin Friedman (Harvard University)
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Economists as Worldly Philosophers
Robert Shiller (Yale University and Cowles Foundation)
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Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Columbine
American Economic Association
Economics of Immigration (J2)
Presiding: Mathis Wagner (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
The Analytics of the Wage Effect of Immigration
George J. Borjas (Harvard University)
Immigration, Family Responsibilities and the Labor Supply of Skilled Native Women
Lídia Farré (IAE - CSIC)
Libertad González (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Francesc Ortega (Queens College CUNY)
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Immigration and Product Diversity
Francesca Mazzolari (University of California-Irvine)
David Neumark (University of California-Irvine)
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The Heterogeneous Labor Market Effects of Immigration
Mathis Wagner (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
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Albrecht Glitz (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Kevin Lang (Boston University)
Jessica Pan (National University of Singapore)
Stephen Trejo (University of Texas-Austin)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Silver
American Economic Association
Financial Markets and State and Local Government Borrowing (H7)
Presiding: James Poterba (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER)
Build America Bonds: A New Approach to Municipal Finance
Alan Krueger (Princeton University and U.S. Treasury Department)
John Bellows (U.S. Treasury Department)
Fiscal Imbalances and Borrowing Costs: Evidence from State Investment Losses
Joshua Rauh (Northwestern University)
Robert Novy-Marx (University of Chicago)
Portfolio Substitution and the Revenue Cost of Exempting State and Local Government Interest Payments from the Federal Income Tax
James M. Poterba (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER)
Arturo Ramirez Verdugo (Protego)
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Elected vs. Appointed Policymakers: Evidence from City Treasurers
Alexander Whalley (University of California-Merced)
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Kim Rueben (Urban Institute)
John Chalmers (University of Oregon)
Andrew Biggs (American Enterprise Institute)
David Joulfaian (U.S. Treasury Department)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Century
American Economic Association
Five Unrelated but Interesting Papers (??)
Presiding: Allen Sanderson (University of Chicago)
Driving Under the (Cellular) Influence
Saurabh Bhargava (University of Chicago)
Vikram Singh Pathania (Cornerstone Research)
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Do Public Subsidies Sell Green Cars? Evidence from the U.S. Cash for Clunkers Program
Edward Huang (Harvard University)
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A History of Violence: The "Culture of Honor" as a Determinant of Homicide in the U.S. South
Pauline Anne Grosjean (University of San Francisco)
Pauline A. Grosjean (University of San Francisco)
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The Lion's Share: An Experimental Analysis of Polygamy in Northern Nigeria
Alistair Munro (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan)
Arjan Verschoor (University of East Anglia)
Marcela Tarazona-Gomez (University of East Anglia)
Cecile Jackson (University of East Anglia)
Bereket Kebede (University of East Anglia)
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White Men Can't Jump, But Would You Bet on It?
Deniz Igan (International Monetary Fund)
Marcelo Pinheiro (George Mason University)
John Smith (Rutgers University-Camden)
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Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Vail
American Economic Association
Household Behavior and Child Outcomes (D1)
Presiding: Mark Rosenzweig (Yale University)
Maternal Education, Home Environments and the Development of Children and Adolescents
Pedro Carneiro (University College London)
Costas Meghir (University College London)
Matthias Parey (University of Essex)
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Early Health Shocks, Parental Responses, and Child Outcomes
Gabriella Conti (University of Chicago)
James Heckman (University of Chicago)
Junjian Yi (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Junsen Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Household Choices and Child Development
Daniela Del Boca (University of Torino)
Christopher Flinn (New York University)
Matthew Wiswall (New York University)
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Wilbert van der Klaauw (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Robert Sauer (University of Bristol)
John Ham (University of Maryland)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Spruce
American Economic Association
International and Regional Economic Integration (F1)
Presiding: Stephen Redding (London School of Economics)
Trade, Growth, and Employment Dynamics of French Firms
Jonathan Eaton (Pennsylvania State University)
Samuel Kortum (University of Chicago)
Francis Kramarz (CREST-INSEE)
A Trapped Factor Model of Innovation
Nick Bloom (Stanford University)
Paul Romer (Stanford University)
John Van Reenen (London School of Economics)
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On the Limits of Innovation Policy
Andrew Atkeson (University of California-Los Angeles)
Ariel Burstein (University of California-Los Angeles)
The Economics of Density: Evidence from the Berlin Wall
Gabriel M. Ahlfeldt (London School of Economics)
Stephen J. Redding (London School of Economics)
Daniel M. Sturm (London School of Economics)
Nikolaus Wolf (University of Warwick)
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Oleg Itskhoki (Princeton University)
C. Fritz Foley (Harvard Business School)
Arnaud Costinot (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Don Davis (Columbia University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 16
American Economic Association
International Transmission of Business Cycles (E5)
Presiding: Patrick Van Horn (University of Michigan-Dearborn)
Crisis? What Crisis? Currency vs. Banking in the Financial Crisis of 1931
Albrecht Ritschl (London School of Economics)
Samad Sarferaz (KOF Swiss Economic Institute)
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International Transmission of the German Financial Crisis of 1931: Evidence from the Central Money Market of New York City
Gary Richardson (University of California-Irvine)
Patrick Van Horn (University of Michigan-Dearborn)
International Business Cycle Transmission in the Interwar Period
Christopher M. Meissner (University of California-Davis)
Gabriel Mathy (University of California-Davis)
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A New History of Banking Panics in the United States, 1825-1929: Construction and Implications
Andrew Jalil (University of California-Berkeley)
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Business Cycle Synchronization since 1880
George Chouliarakis (University of Manchester)
Michael Artis (University of Manchester)
P.K.G. Harischandra (University of Manchester)
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Michael Bordo (Rutgers University)
Peter Temin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
George Chouliarakis (University of Manchester)
Gary Richardson (University of California-Irvine)
Warren Weber (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Director's Row H
American Economic Association
Neighborhood Effects (R2)
Presiding: Amy Schwartz (New York University)
Hazardous Waste Cleanup, Neighborhood Gentrification, and Environmental Justice: Evidence from Restricted Access Census Block Data
Shanti Gamper-Rabindran (University of Pittsburgh)
Chris Timmins (Duke University)
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The Impact of Financial Development on Homeownership and Housing Quality: Evidence from Turkey
Tansel Yilmazer (University of Missouri-Columbia)
Fikret Adaman, (Bogazici University)
Mehmet Kaytaz (Isik University)
Is the ‘Shop Around the Corner’ a Luxury or a Nuisance? The relationship between income and neighborhood retail patterns
Jed Kolko (Public Policy Institute of California)
Rachel Meltzer (The New School)
Jenny Schuetz (University of Southern California)
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Homebuilders, Affiliated Financing Arms and the Mortgage Crisis
Sumit Agarwal (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Gene Amromin (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Anna Paulson (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Sriram Villupuram (Colorado State University)
Claudine Gartenberg (Harvard Business School)
Andrew Haughwout (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Peter Zorn (Freddie Mac)
Claudia Sitgrave (New York University)
Jonah Rockoff (Columbia University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Director's Row J
American Economic Association
Noncognitive Factors in Gender Labor Markets Outcomes (J3)
Presiding: Wayne Grove (Le Moyne College)
The Gender Pay Gap Beyond Human Capital: Heterogeneity in Noncognitive Skills and in Labor Market Tastes
Wayne A. Grove (Le Moyne College)
Andrew Hussey (University of Memphis)
Michael Jetter (University of Memphis)
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Explaining Gender Differences in Occupational Choice: Do Women Place Relatively Less Weight on Wages and More Weight on Social Status Than Men?
Kristin J. Kleinjans (California State University-Fullerton)
Noncognitive Skills, Occupational Attainment, and Relative Wages
Deborah A. Cobb-Clark (University of Melbourne)
Michelle Tan (Australian National University)
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The Role of Psychological Traits for the Gender Gap in Employment and Wages: Evidence from Germany
Nils Braakmann (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany)
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Stephan L. Thomsen (University of Magdeburg, Germany)
Lex Borghans (Maastricht University)
Anne E. Winkler (University of Missouri-St. Louis)
Nicole M. Fortin (University of British Columbia)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 12
American Economic Association
Optimal Fiscal Policy (H2)
Presiding: Alexander Gelber (University of Pennsylvania and NBER)
Taxation of Family Firms
Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University)
Joel Slemrod (University of Michigan)
Optimal Taxation When Children's Abilities Depend on Parents' Resources
Alexander Gelber (University of Pennsylvania)
Matthew Weinzierl (Harvard Business School)
Health Insurance Policy when People may make Mistakes
Sendhil Mullainathan (Harvard University)
Joshua Schwartzstein (Dartmouth College)
Katherine Baicker (Harvard School of Public Health)
Adjustment Costs, Firm Responses, and Labor Supply Elasticities: Evidence from Danish Tax Records
Raj Chetty (Harvard University)
John Friedman (Harvard Kennedy School)
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Matthew Weinzierl (Harvard Business School)
Damon Jones (University of Chicago)
John Friedman (Harvard University)
Alexander Gelber (University of Pennsylvania)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Majestic Ballroom
American Economic Association
Sovereign Credit Risk (E6)
Presiding: Viral Acharya (New York University)
Internal Debt Crises and Sovereign Defaults
Cristina Arellano (University of Minnesota)
Narayana Kocherlakota (University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
A Pyrrhic Victory? - Bank Bailouts and Sovereign Credit Risk
Viral Acharya (New York University)
Itamar Drechsler (New York University)
Philipp Schnabl (New York University)
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Sovereign Risk Premia
Adrien Verdelhan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Nicola Borri (LUISS Guido Carli)
Olivier Jeanne (Johns Hopkins University)
Luigi Zingales (University of Chicago)
Juan Carlos Hatchondo (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 10
American Economic Association
Using Field Experiments in Environmental and Resource Economics (Q5)
Presiding: John List (University of Chicago)
Does Market Experience Eliminate Market Anomalies? The Case of Exogenous Market Experience
John A. List (University of Chicago)
Using Non-Pecuniary Strategies to Promote Water Conservation: Evidence from a Large-Scale Natural Field Experiment
Paul J. Ferraro (Georgia State University)
Michael K. Price (University of Tennessee)
Can Tailored Communications Motivate Environmental Volunteers? A Natural Field Experiment
Omar Al-Ubaydli (George Mason University)
Min Sok Lee (The Kenneth and Anne Griffin Foundation)
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Using Artefactual Field Experiments to Learn about the Incentives for Sustainable Forest Use in Developing Economies
Erwin Bulte (Wageningen University and Tilburg University)
Andreas Kontoleon (Cambridge University)
Ty Turley (University of Chicago)
Maarten Voors (Wageningen University)
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Hunt Allcott (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and New York University)
Margaret McConnell (Harvard University)
Jeffrey Carpenter (Middlebury College)
Lint Barrage (Yale University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 15
American Economic Association
What's Wrong (and Right) with Economics? Implications of the Financial Crisis (A1) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: John Quiggin (University of Queensland, Australia)
Brad DeLong (University of California-Berkeley) Lessons for Keynesians
Tyler Cowen (George Mason University) Lessons for Libertarians
Scott Sumner (Bentley University) A defense of the Efficent Markets Hypothesis
James K. Galbraith (University of Texas-Austin) Mainstream economics after the crisis
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Director's Row I
American Economic Association
Youth Health Conditions (I1)
Presiding: Charles Courtemanche (University of North Carolina-Greensboro)
Do Physical Education Requirements Influence Childhood Obesity and Student Achievement?
John Cawley (Cornell University)
David Frisvold (Emory University)
Chad Meyerhoefer (Lehigh University)
Obesity and Academic Achievement
Tami Gurley-Calvez (West Virginia University)
Amy Higginbotham (West Virginia University)
Does Smoking Make One Dumber? Evidence from Teenagers in Rural China
Meng Konishi (University of Minnesota)
Paul Glewwe (University of Minnesota)
Yoshifumi Konishi (Williams College)
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From Angela's Ashes to the Celtic Tiger: Early Life Conditions and Adult Health in Ireland
Liam Delaney (University College Dublin)
Mark McGovern (University College Dublin)
James P. Smith (Rand Corporation)
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The Effect of Deregionalization on Health Outcomes: Evidence from Neonatal Intensive Care
Seth Freedman (University of Maryland)
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Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Mattie Silks
American Finance Association/Association of Financial Economists
AFA/AFE Panel - Innovation and Finance (G3)
Presiding: Kose John (New York University)
Incentives to Innovate and the Decision to Go Public or Private
Daniel Ferreira (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Gustavo Manso (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Andre C. Silva (New University of Lisbon)
Risk-Sharing or Risk-Taking? Financial Innovation, Margin Requirements and Incentives
Bruno Biais (Centre for Economic Policy Research)
Florian Heider (European Central Bank)
Marie Hoerova (European Central Bank)
The Consequences of Entrepreneurial Finance: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis
William R. Kerr (Harvard University)
Josh Lerner (Harvard Business School)
Antoinette Schoar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Dalida Kadyrzhanova (University of Maryland)
Bruce Carlin (Duke University)
Manju Puri (Duke University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons A & B
American Finance Association
Behavioral Finance: Corporate (G3)
Presiding: Geoffrey Tate (University of California, Los Angeles)
Who Writes the News? Corporate Press Releases During Merger Negotiations
Kenneth R. Ahern (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)
Denis Sosyura (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)
Corporate Finance Policies and Social Networks
Cesare Fracassi (University of Texas-Austin)
Do Republican Managers Adopt Conservative Corporate Policies?
Irena Hutton (CUNY Baruch College)
Danling Jiang (Florida State University)
Alok Kumar (University of Texas-Austin)
Paul Tetlock (Columbia University)
Lauren Cohen (Harvard Business School)
Carola Frydman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons C & D
American Finance Association
Capital Structure (G3)
Presiding: Murillo Campello (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Challenging Structural Models in Corporate Finance
Ivo Welch (Brown University)
A Theory of Debt Maturity: The Long and Short of Debt Overhang
Douglas W. Diamond (University of Chicago)
Zhiguo He (University of Chicago)
Equity-Debtholder Conflicts and Capital Structure
Per Stromberg (University of Chicago)
Bo Becker (Harvard Business School)
Christopher Hennessy (London Business School)
Charles Kahn (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Mark Leary (Duke University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons G & H
American Finance Association
Conglomerates and Alliances: New Perspectives (G3)
Presiding: Amit Seru (University of Chicago)
Corporate Diversification and the Cost of Capital
Rebecca N. Hann (University of Maryland)
Maria Ogneva (Stanford University)
Oguzhan Ozbas (University of Southern California)
Corporate Governance and Internal Capital Markets
Zacharias Sautner (University of Amsterdam)
Belen Villalonga (Harvard Business School)
Alliances and Corporate Governance
Andriy Bodnaruk (University of Notre Dame)
Massimo Massa (INSEAD)
Andrei Simonov (Michigan State University)
Mergers and Acquisitions Accounting can Explain the Diversification Discount
Claudia Custodio (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Ilan Guedj (University of Texas-Austin)
Daniel Paravisini (Columbia University)
David Robinson (Duke University)
Gordon Phillips (University of Maryland)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons I & J
American Finance Association
Determinants of Derivatives' Returns (G1)
Presiding: Neil Pearson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Leverage Effect, Volatility Feedback, and Self-Exciting Market Disruptions: Disentangling the Multi-Dimensional Variations in S&P 500 Index Options
Peter P. Carr (New York University)
Liuren Wu (CUNY Baruch College)
The Effects of Investor Sentiment on Speculative Trading and Prices of Stock and Index Options
Michael L. Lemmon (University of Utah)
Sophie X. Ni (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Understanding the Skew in Index Option Prices
Roman Kozhan (University of Warwick)
Anthony Neuberger (University of Warwick)
Paul Georg Schneider (University of Warwick)
Index Investing and the Financialization of Commodities
Ke Tang (Renmin University of China)
Wei Xiong (Princeton University)
George Panayotov (Georgetown University)
Bing Han (University of Texas-Austin)
Fousseni Chabi-Yo (Ohio State University)
Erkko Etula (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Colorado Salon E
American Finance Association
Panel on the Financial Crisis (G1) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Rene Stulz (Ohio State University)
John Cochrane (University of Chicago)
Simon Johnson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago)
Myron Scholes (CME Group)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Colorado Salon F
American Finance Association
The Next Generation of Rare Events Models in Asset Pricing (G1)
Presiding: Hanno Lustig (University of California, Los Angeles)
Rare Disasters and Risk Sharing with Heterogeneous Beliefs
Hui Chen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Scott Joslin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ngoc-Khanh Tran (University of Cambridge)
Disaster Risk and Business Cycles
Francois Gourio (Boston University)
Can Time-Varying Risk of Rare Disasters Explain Aggregate Stock Market Volatility?
Jessica A. Wachter (University of Pennsylvania)
Learning and Rare Disasters in the Lucas Orchard
Andrea Buraschi (Imperial College London)
Fabio Trojani (Swiss Finance Institute)
Paolo Porchia (University of St. Gallen)
Ian Martin (Stanford University)
Lars Lochstoer (Columbia University)
Mikhail Chernov (London Business School)
Pietro Veronesi (University of Chicago)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Denver Suite I & II
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Appraisal and Depreciation (R3)
Presiding: Austin Jaffe (Pennsylvania State University)
Heterogeneous Information and Appraisal Bias
Peng Cheng (Florida Atlantic University)
Zhenguo Lin (Mississippi State University)
Yingchun Liu (Texas Tech University)
Estimation on Commercial Real Estate Depreciation Rate--An Average Life Approach
Mingjun Huang (Property & Portfolio Research, Inc.)
Ruijue Peng (Property & Portfolio Research, Inc.)
Information Producers and Valuation: Evidence from Real Estate Markets
David H. Downs (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Nuray Güner (Middle East Technical University)
Renovating America: When and Why Institutional Investors Renovate and Expand Commercial Real Estate
Liang Peng (University of Colorado-Boulder)
Thomas Thibodeau (University of Colorado-Boulder)
Richard Buttimer (University of North Carolina)
Shaun Bond (University of Cincinnati)
Elaine Worzala (Clemson University)
Yuen Leng Chow (National University of Singapore)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Denver Suite IV
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Issues of Race and Real Estate (J1)
Presiding: Karen Pence (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Racial Segregation and Discrimination: Evidence from the Rental Housing Market
Paul E. Carrillo (George Washington University)
Dirk W. Early (Southwestern University)
Edgar O. Olsen (University of Virginia)
The Impact of School Racial Compositions on Neighborhood Racial Compositions: Evidence from School Redistricting
Jeffrey M. Weinstein (Syracuse University)
A Household-Level Decomposition of the Black-White Homeownership Gap Distribution
Kiat Ying Seah (National University of Singapore)
Eric C. Fesslemeyer (National Univeristy of Singapore)
Kien T. Le (Qatar University)
Do Landlords Discriminate in the Rental Housing Market? Evidence from an Internet Field Experiment in U.S. Cities
Andrew R. Hanson (Georgia State University)
Zackary Hawley (Georgia State University)
Alvin Murphy (Washington University-St. Louis)
Hui Shan (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Brian Bucks (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Liang Choon Chang (World Bank)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Denver Suite V & VI
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
REITs: Corporate Finance (G3)
Presiding: Piet Eichholtz (Maastricht University)
Agency Theory and Debt Structure of REITs
Ying Li (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
REIT Resiliency and Corporate Governance
James D Shilling (DePaul University)
Richard Chung (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Scott Fung (California State University-East Bay)
Tammie X. Simmons-Mosley (California State University-East Bay)
Collateral and Debt Capacity in the Optimal Capital Structure
Erasmo Giambona (University of Amsterdam)
Antonio Mello (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Timothy R. Riddiough (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Investment Opportunities and Share Repurchases
Crocker Liu (Cornell University)
Walter I. Boudry (New York University)
Jarl G. Kallberg (Thunderbird School of Management)
Erasmo Giambona (University of Amsterdam)
Dirk Brounen (Erasmus University)
Piet Eichholtz (Maastricht University)
Thies Lindenthal (Maastricht University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall F
Association for Comparative Economic Studies
Inflation Targeting: Recent Developments (E5)
Presiding: Ali Kutan (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville)
Inflation Targeting and Real Exchange Rates in Emerging Markets
Joshua Aizenman (University of California-Santa Cruz)
Michael Hutchison (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Ilan Noy (University of Hawaii-Manoa)
Inflation Targeting and the Current Crisis: An Evaluation and Lessons for the Future
Luis Felipe Céspedes (The Central Bank of Chile)
Claudio Soto (The Central Bank of Chile)
Central Bank Communication Under Inflation Targeting in Turkey
Selva Demiralp (Koç University)
Hakan Kara (The Central Bank of Turkey)
Pınar Özlü (The Central Bank of Turkey)
Inflation Targeting from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics
Josef Brada (Arizona State University)
Jan Kubíček (The Czech National Bank)
Ali Kutan (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville)
Vladimir Tomsik (The Czech National Bank)
William T. Gavin (The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Lucjan Orlowski (Sacred Heart University)
Pierre Siklos (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Hakan Yilmazkuday (Temple University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall C
Association for Evolutionary Economics
Economic Development and Institutional Change (O1)
Presiding: John Hall (Portland State University)
The Political Economy of Institutional Change and Economic Development in Latin American Economies
Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
Improving the Understanding of the Development Trajectory of the Argentine Economy: An Ayresian Perspective
Henning Schwardt (University of Bremen)
After the Washington Consensus: The Post Keynesian Alternative
John Marangos (University of Crete)
Changing Role of the IMF? Evidence from the Current Global Crisis
ArmaÄŸan Gezici (Keene State College)
John Hall (Portland State University)
Kellin Chandler Stanfield (DePauw University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall B
Association for Social Economics
Knowledge and Wealth: Private or Community Property (P1)
Presiding: Jane Clary (College of Charleston)
Economics, Democracy, and the Distribution of Ownership
Robert Ashford (Syracuse University)
Knowledge is a Gift, Not a Property
William Dugger (University of Tulsa)
An American Institutionalist and Critical Realist Perspective on Income and Wealth Distribution
Douglas Meador (University of St. Francis)
Economic Rhetoric, Ideology and Institutions
Rojhat B. Avsar (University of Utah)
Gar Alperovitz (University of Maryland)
David George (La Salle University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Savoy
Association for the Study of Cuban Economy
The Cuban Economy (P2)
Presiding: Roger Betancourt (University of Maryland)
Cuba's Failed Attempts at Democracy: The Colony, the Republic and the Revolution
Roger R. Betancourt (University of Maryland)
The Health of the Revolution: Explaining the Cuban Health Care Paradox
John Devereux (Queens College, CUNY)
Cuban Household Consumption: A Re-estimate
Luis Locay (University of Miami)
Carmen M. Reinhart (University of Maryland)
Luis Locay (University of Miami)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Colorado
Association of Christian Economists
Health Care: Intervention Principles (I1)
Presiding: David Mustard (University of Georgia)
The Effects of Tax Treatment on Employer-Provided Health Insurance
Lance Wescher (Covenant College)
Institutional Supports and “Good” Health Insurance
James W. Henderson (Baylor University)
Non-linear Engel Curves and the Optimal Junk Food Tax
Harry Tsang (University of North Dakota)
Firouz Gahvari (University of Illinois)
Information Revelation, Incentive Symmetry, the Intervention Principle, and Health Care
Earl Grinols (Baylor University)
Peri Da Silva (University of North Dakota and Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano)
Daniel Hungerman (University of Notre Dame)
Rey Hernandez (Metropolitan State College of Denver)
Ken Leonard (University of Maryland)
David B. Mustard (University of Georgia)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 6
Association of Environmental & Resource Economists/American Economic Association
Non-market Valuation Twenty Years after the Exxon Valdez: The Current State of the Art for Informing Benefit Cost Analysis (Q5) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Catherine Kling (Iowa State University)
Kevin Boyle (Virginia Tech)
Richard Carson (University of California-San Diego)
Kerry Smith (Arizona State University)
John List (University of Chicago)
Joseph Herriges (Iowa State University)
Ted McConnell (University of Maryland)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Agate C
Association of Indian Economics & Financial Studies
Economic Policy, Productivity and Growth (O4)
Presiding: Kusum Ketkar (AIEFS, Executive Director)
Asymmetric Information, Entreprenurial Activity and the Scope of Fiscal Policy in an Open Regional Economy
Amit Batabyal (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Peter Nijkamp (Free University)
Sectoral Macroeconomic Policies and Povery Reduction in Rural India
Sushanta Mallick (Queen Mary University of London)
Economic Reform and the Evolution of Productivity in Indian Manufacturing Firms
Kunal Sen (University of Manchester)
Rajesh Raj Natarajan (Center for Multidisciplinary Development Research, India)
Vinish Kathuria (IIT, India)
Efficiency in the Individual Insurance Business: A Company Level Analysis of Data
Kankana Mukherjee (Babson College)
Subash Ray (University of Connecticut)
Soild Waste, Health and Productivity: Evidence from Chennai Slums
Shailendra Gajanan (University of Pittsburgh)
Madanmohan Ghosh (Department of Finance, Canada)
Usha Nair-Richert (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Meenakshi Rishi (Seattle University)
Rajeev Sooreea (Pennsylvania State University)
Banani Nandi (AT&T Shannon Laboratories)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 3
Chinese Economists Society
The Role of Private Enterprise in China's Economic Development (O2)
Presiding: Belton Fleisher (Ohio State University)
Drivers of Entrepreneurship in China: Animal Spirit, Clustering and Financial Development
Shang-jin Wei (Columbia University)
Xiaobo Zhang (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Entrepreneurship, Liquidity Constraint and Network Finance for SMEs Growth in the Private Sector
Yanmin Qian (Zhejiang University)
Mark Jacobs (Cornell University)
Qi Sun (University of Southern California)
The Effects of Inward FDI on Domestic Innovation and Productivity: Evidence from a Panel of Chinese Firms
William McGuire (Ohio State University)
Entrepreneurship and Growth: Evidence from China
Hongbin Li (Tsingua University)
Zheyu Yang (University of Hong Kong)
Xiangguo Yao (Zhejiang University)
Junsen Zhang (University of Hong Kong)
Matt Lewis (Ohio State University)
Xiaobo Zhang (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Seonghoon Kim (Ohio State University)
Kent Zhang (Arizona State University and Xiamen University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall G
Cliometrics Society
Topics on Slavery (N3)
Presiding: TBA TBA (TBA)
Slave Productivity in Cotton Production by Gender, Age, Season, and Scale
Alan L. Olmstead (University of California-Davis)
Paul W. Rhode (University of Michigan)
Sequential Sales as a Test of Adverse Selection in the Market for Slaves
Jonathan B. Pritchett (Tulane University)
The Impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on Political and Economic Institutions in Africa
Warren C. Whatley (University of Michigan)
Rob Gillezeau (University of Michigan)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 8
Econometric Society
Development I: Household Choices (O1)
Presiding: Robert Townsend (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Time Inconsistency, Expectations and Technology Adoption: The Case of Insecticide Treated Nets
Aprajit Mahajan (Stanford University)
Alessandro Tarozzi (Duke University)
The School Reentry Decision of Poor Girls. Structural Estimation and Policy Analysis using PROGRESA Database.
Maria Valdes (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)
Food Price Stabilisation for Risk-Averse Consumers
Christophe Gouel (INRA)
The Impact of Universal Healthcare in Thailand: Supply and Demand Effects
Jonathan Gruber (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Nathaniel Hendren (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Robert Townsend (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Nathaniel Hendren (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Christophe Gouel (INRA)
Maria Nieves Valdes (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Aprajit Mahajan (Stanford University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 7
Econometric Society
Econometric Theory for Decision-making (C1)
Presiding: Christopher Sims (Princeton University)
Risk of Bayesian Inference in Misspecified Models, and the Sandwich Covariance Matrix
Ulrich K. Mueller (Princeton University)
Evaluating the Strength of Identification in DSGE Models: An a priori Approach
Nikolay Iskrev (Bank of Portugal)
Hanling Non-Invertibility: Theory and Applications
Bill Dupor (The Ohio State University)
Jing Han (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Generalized Method of Moments with Tail Trimming
Jonathan B. Hill (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Eric Renault (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Keisuke Hirano (University of Arizona)
Juan F. Rubio-Ramirez (Duke University)
Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde (University of Pennsylvania)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 1
Econometric Society
Financial Frictions and Asset Pricing (G0)
Presiding: Lasse Pedersen (New York University)
Supply Shocks in Liquid Markets
Dong Lou (London School of Economics)
Hongjun Yan (Yale School of Management)
Jinfan Zhang (Yale School of Management)
Betting Against Beta
Andrea Frazzini (AQR Capital Management)
Lasse H. Pedersen (New York University, CEPR, and NBER)
Liquidity and Asset Prices: A Unified Framework
Dimitri Vayanos (London School of Economics)
Jiang Wang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Robin Greenwood (Harvard Business School)
Joshua Coval (Harvard Business School)
Arvind Krishnamurthy (Northwestern University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 6
Econometric Society
Microeconomic Theory (D0)
Presiding: Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton University)
Invited Lecture: Network Economics
Matt Jackson (Stanford University)
Invited Lecture: Microeconomics
Wolfgang Pesendorfer (Princeton University)
Mihai Manea (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 2
Econometric Society
Slow-Moving Capital (G1)
Presiding: Nicolae Garleanu (University of California-Berkeley)
A Theory of Slow-Moving Capital and Contagion
Viral Acharya (New York University)
Hyun Shin (Princeton University)
Tanju Yorulmazer (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Predatory Trading and Credit Freeze
Jennifer La (University of Chicago)
Market Freeze and Recovery
Jonathan Chiu (Bank of Canada)
Thorsten V. Koeppl (Queen's University)
Information Percolation in Segmented Markets
Darrell Duffie (Stanford University and NBER)
Semyon Malamud (EPF Lausanne and SFI)
Gustavo Manso (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Dimitri Vayanos (London School of Economics)
Vish Viswanathan (Duke University)
Pierre-Olivier Weill (University of California-Los Angeles)
Marzena Joanna Rostek (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Denver
Econometric Society
Theoretical Models of Financial Crises (E4)
Presiding: George Pennacchi (University of Illinois)
A Model of Moral-Hazard Credit Cycles
Roger B. Myerson (University of Chicago)
Fire Sales in a Model of Complexity
Ricardo Caballero (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Alp Simsek (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Valuation and the Volatility of Investment
Micheal Fishman (Northwestern University)
Jonathan A. Parker (Northwestern University)
Peter DeMarzo (Stanford University)
Gary B. Gorton (Yale University)
George Pennacchi (University of Illinois)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 7
Health Economics Research Organization
Contributed Papers in Consumer Hospital Choice, Health Expenditures in China, and Hospital Outpatient Payment Effects (I1)
Presiding: J. Michael Fitzmaurice (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Where Would You Go for Your Next Hospitalization? The Roles of Perceptions, Inertia, and Satisfaction
Kyoungrae Jung (Pennsylvania State University)
Roger Feldman (University of Minnesota)
Dennis Scanlon (Pennsylvania State University)
The Impact of Cost Structure on Health Care Expenditures: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China
Maoyong Fan (Ball State University)
Zhen Lei (Pennsylvania State University)
Guoen Liu (Peking University)
Prospective Payment and Medicare Hospital Outpatient Care Utilization and Quality
Daifeng He (College of William and Mary)
Jennifer M. Mellor (College of William and Mary)
Lauren Hersch Nicholas (University of Michigan)
Li Gan (Texas A&M University)
Sam Zuvekas (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 9
Industrial Organization Society
Markets, Regulation, and Firm Behavior (L1)
Presiding: Francine Lafontaine (University of Michigan)
Price Negotiation in Differentiated Product Markets: The Case of Insured Mortgages in Canada
Robert Clark (Université de Montréal)
The Effect of Lowering Entry Barriers by Deregulation: A Case Study of the Soju Industry in Korea
Seung-Hyun Hong (University of Illinois)
Information, Default Risk and Liquidity Demand in Canada during the Financial Crisis
Jason Allen (Bank of Canada)
Ali Hortacsu (University of Chicago)
Jakub Kastl (Stanford University)
Reliability, Appliance Choice, and Electricity Demand
Shaun McRae (University of Michigan)
Daniel Ackerberg (University of Michigan)
Jeremy Fox (University of Michigan)
John Asker (New York University)
Justine Hastings (Brown University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 5
International Association for Energy Economics/American Economic Association
Environment, Climate Change, and Economic Growth (Q5) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Andre Plourde (University of Alberta)
Pantelis Capros (National Technical University of Athens) Costs and Economic Growth Implications of European GHG Emissions Reductions
Philippe Aghion (Harvard University) Inducing Green Technology
Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics) Economic Implications of Alternative Post-Copenhagen Climate Policy Architecture
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Nat Hill
International Banking Economics & Finance Association
Lessons Learned from Empirical Studies of the Financial Crisis (G1)
Presiding: James Wilcox (University of California, Berkeley)
The Safety-Net Benefits of DFU Banks During the Crisis: Evidence from the US and Europe
Santiago Carbo-Valverde (University of Grenada, Spain and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Edward J. Kane (Boston College)
Francisco Rodriguez-Fernandez (University of Grenada, Spain)
The Determinants of the CDS-Bond Basis During the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009
Jennie Bai (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Pierre Collin-Dufresne (Columbia University)
What Can EMU Countries’ Sovereign Bond Spreads Tell Us About Market Perceptions of Default Probabilities During the Recent Financial Crisis?
Niko Doetz (Deutsche Bundesbank)
Christoph Fischer (Deutsche Bundesbank)
Deflation Risk and Protection in TIPs: An Analysis of the Financial Crisis
Jens H.E. Christensen (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Jose Lopez (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Glenn D. Rudebusch (Federal Reserve Board)
James A. Wilcox (University of California-Berkeley)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Westin Tabor, Continental A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Documenting Critical Incidents: A Workshop for Management & Union Representatives (J5) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Marlene Heyser (Workplace Law Strategies)
Mark C. Travis (Travis ADR Services, LLC)
Greg Murray (inv.) (International Association of Machinists)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Westin Tabor, Curtis
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Gender and Professional Work (J7)
Presiding: Thomas Kochan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Why Are There So Few Women in Finance? Evidence from the MBA Job Search Process on the Mechanisms of Gender Segregation
Matthew Bidwell (University of Pennsylvania)
Roxana Barbulescu (McGill University)
After Law School: The Comparative Careers of Young Lawyers from Berlin, Frankfurt, New York, and Washington, DC
Gabriele Plickert (Harvard University)
Career Success for Flexible Work Program Users: Evidence from Personnel Records in a Large Law Firm
Forrest Briscoe (Pennsylvania State University)
Kate Kellogg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Peter Cappelli (University of Pennsylvania)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Westin Tabor, Lawrence A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
ILO Core Conventions: Prospects for U.S. Ratification (J5) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Janice Bellace (University of Pennsylvania)
Jane Hodges (International Labour Organization) The ILO’s Declaration and Member State Response to the Ratification Campaign
Edward Potter (The Coca-Cola Company) ILO Conventions and the U.S. Labor Law
Owen Herrnstadt (International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers) Workers' Rights and Core Conventions
Deborah Greenfield (U.S. Department of Labor) U.S. Ratification of Core Convention
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 3
Middle East Economic Association
Human Capital Topics in the Middle East (J6)
Presiding: Serdar Sayan (TOBB University, Turkey)
Egyptian Women Don't Desire to Work or Simply Can't? A Duration Analysis
Rana Hendy (University of Paris 1 Sorbonne)
The Marital Returns to Education: Evidence from a School Construction Program in the West Bank and Gaza
Hani Mansour (University of Colorado-Denver and DIW Berlin)
Heather Royer (University of Colorado-Denver and DIW Berlin)
Sami Miaari (Bar-Ilan University and HiCN)
The Role of Institutions, Culture, and Wellbeing in Explaining Bilateral Remittance Flows: Evidence Both Cross-Country and Individual-Level Analysis from Turkey
Faruk Balli (Massey University)
Cahit Guven (Deakin University)
Hatice Ozer-Balli (Massey University)
Rukmani Gounder (Massey University)
Parametric Reforms, Social Security Reforms and Saving: Evidence from Turkey
Yigit Aydede (Saint Mary’s University)
Against the Wind: Labor Force Participation of Women and Economic Instability in Iran
M. Majbouri (Iran)
Mona Said (American University in Cairo)
Guzin Erlat (Middle East Technical University)
Daniel Egel (University of California-Berkeley)
Mohamed Benbouziane (University of Tlemcen, Algeria)
Hala Al Ramly (American University in Cairo)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Pomeroy
National Association of Business Economists
Strengths and Weaknesses of Different Forecasting Models and Methods as Currently Practiced (E3) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Duncan Meldrum (IHS Global Insight)
David C Colander (Middlebury College)
Michael T. Kiley (Federal Reserve Board)
Daniel Bachman (IHS Global Insight)
David E. Altig (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Granite A
National Economic Association
Advances in Public Policy Analysis and Race/Ethnicity (J1)
Presiding: Samuel Myers Jr. (University of Minnesota)
The Effect of English Usage on the Health of U.S. Hispanics: Using National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
Boso Seo (University of Manitoba)
Benjamin Senauer (University of Minnesota)
Ethnic Disparities in Access to Credit and Remittances and Household Welfare: The Case of Vietnam
Lan Pham (University of Minnesota)
Understanding the Economics of Mobile Homeowners Defaults: Does Race, Housing Type, or Census Tract Make a Difference?
Frederic Wandey (University of Minnesota)
Why Indigenous Children Perform Worse Than Non-Indigenous Children in School: Evidence from the Quechua Population in Peru
Irma Arteaga (University of Minnesota)
Rodrigo Lovaton (University of Minnesota)
Testing for Discrimination in Public Procurement and Contracting: Comparing Alternative Methods of Specification and Estimation
Samuel Myers Jr. (University of Minnesota)
Inhyuck "Steve" Ha (Western Carolina University)
Rodrigo Lovaton (University of Minnesota)
Does Affirmative Action in Police Departments Increase Crime?
Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong (University of South Florida)
Juliet Elu (Morehouse College)
Rucker Johnson (University of California-Berkeley)
Inhyuck "Steve" Ha (Western Carolina University)
Jan Christopher (Delaware State University)
Linda Loubert (Morgan State University)
William Darity (Duke University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Granite B
Peace Science Society International
Terrorism and International Conflict (F5)
Presiding: Solomon Polachek (SUNY-Binghamton)
Continuing Conflict and International Prices of Commodities: Theory and Empirics
Raul Caruso (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan)
Trade and Insecure Resources: Implications for Welfare and Comparative Advantage
Michelle R. Garfinkel (University of California-Irvine)
Stergios Skaperdas (University of California-Irvine)
Constantinos Syropoulos (Drexel University)
Financial Means of Terrorist Organizations and Organized Crime: What Do We (Not) Know?
Friedrich Schneider (Johannes Kepler University of Linz)
Domestic Versus Transnational Terrorism: Data, Decomposition, and Dynamics
Walter Enders (University of Alabama)
Todd Sandler (University of Texas-Dallas)
Khusrav Gaibulloev (Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research)
Economic Intelligence and Conflict
Steven Coissard (IDRAC)
Carlos Seiglie (Rutgers University)
Walter Isard (Cornell University)
Jeff Dumas (University of Texas-Dallas)
Michael Intriligator (University of California-Los Angeles)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 1
Society for Computational Economics
Computational Macro and Monetary Economics (E3)
Presiding: Robert Tetlow (International Monetary Fund)
Customer Search and Price-Setting Behavior
Andrew T. Levin (Federal Reserve Board)
Tack Yun (Federal Reserve Board)
A Defense of the FOMC
Martin Ellison (University of Oxford)
Thomas J. Sargent (New York University)
The Great Escape? A Quantitative Evaluation of the Fed's Non-standard Policies
Marco del Negro (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Gauti Eggertsson (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Andrea Ferraro (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University)
Sanjay Chugh (University of Maryland)
Kenneth Kasa (Simon Fraser University)
Sharon Kozicki (Bank of Canada)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall D & E
Society for Policy Modeling/American Economic Association
The Dollar, the Euro, the Yuan and the International Monetary System (F3)
Presiding: Dominick Salvatore (Fordham University)
The Role of Currency Realignments in Eliminating the US and China Current Account Imbalanaces
Martin Feldstein (Harvard University)
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Beyond the Dollar
Peter Kenen (Princeton University)
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Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Interest Rate Policies
Ronald McKinnon (Stanford University)
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Exchange Rate Adjustments in the Global Recession and Recovery
Michael Mussa (Peterson Institute for International Economics)
The Political Economy of Surges in Capital Inflows
Kenneth Rogoff (Harvard University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall A
Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
Self-Control, Self-Confidence, and Self-Deception (D3)
Presiding: Gary Charness (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Self-confidence, Social Signaling, and Bayesian Updating
Aldo Rustichini (University of Minnesota)
Gary Charness (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Jeroen van de Ven, (University of Amsterdam)
Field and Online Experiments on Procrastination and Willpower
Gary Charness (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Nicholas Burger (Rand Corporation)
John Lynham (University of Hawaii-Mānoa)
Managerial Beliefs and Corporate Financial Policies
Ulrike Malmendier (University of California, Berkeley)
Geoffrey Geoff Tate (University of California, Los Angeles)
Jonathon Yan (National Bureau of Economic Research)
Temptation and Commitment in the Laboratory
Dan Houser (George Mason University)
Daniel Schunk (University of Zurich)
Joachim Winter (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Erte Xiao (Carnegie Mellon University)
Uri Gneezy (University of California-San Diego)
Zack Grossman (University of California-Berkeley)
Stefano dellaVigna (University of California-Berkeley)
Stephan Meier (Columbia University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Granite C
Society of Government Economists
Housing and the Financial Crisis (G2)
Presiding: Seth Giertz (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Testing the Double-Trigger Hypothesis Using Loan-Level Annual Financial Statement Data from an FHA-Insured Multifamily Program
Albert J Lee (Summit Consulting)
Yvon H Pho (Deloitte and Touche, LLP)
Colin A Cushman (Department of Housing and Urban Development)
Housing Bubbles and Their Impact on the U.S. Economy
James R Follain (James R. Follain, LLC)
Seth H Giertz (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Land Loans and Failed U.S. Banks
Andrew J Felton (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)
Joe Nichols (Federal Reserve Board)
Responses to the Financial Crisis, Treasury Debt, and the Impact on Short-Term Money Markets
Warren B Hrung (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Jason Seligman (Ohio State University)
Peter Elmer (Deloitte and Touche, LLP)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Capitol
Transportation & Public Utilities Group
Competition, Fares and Quality of Service in the Airline Industry (L9)
Presiding: James Peoples (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Airline Competition and Domestic U.S. Airfares: A Comprehensive Reappraisal
Jan K. Brueckner (University of California-Irvine)
Darin Lee (LECG, LLC)
Ethan Singer (LECG, LLC)
Air Travel Delays: Can Airport Privatization Help?
Jia Yan (Washington State University)
Clifford Winston (Brookings Institution)
Airport Prices in a Two-Sided Framework: An Empirical Analysis
Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics)
Senay Sokukku (Toulouse School of Economics)
Tuba Toru (Toulouse School of Economics)
Airport Runways' Impact on Competition: Does It Depend on the Source of Funding that Financed Construction?
Monica Hartmann (University of St. Thomas)
B. Starr McMullen (Oregon State University)
Wesley Wilson (University of Oregon)
Wim Vijverberg (CUNY Graduate Center)
John Howard Brown (Georgia Southern University)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Agate A
Union for Radical Political Economists/International Association for Feminist Economics
Gender, Labor and the Global Economy (J7)
Presiding: Yana van der Meulen Rogers (Rutgers University)
Gender Implications of the Decline in Migration within the U.S.
Ramya M. Vijaya (Richard Stockton College of New Jersey)
Gender, Market Power, and Precarious Work in Global Exporats: Putting the Pressure of Price and Time on the Backs of Women Workers
Shaianne T. Osterreich (Ithaca College)
Gendered Wages and Deepending Unequal Exchange: Roots and Flower of the Global Integration of Nursing Labor Markets
Salimah Valiani (University of Toronto)
Workforce in Despair: Trends in Employment and Gender Equality after the "Great Recession"
Emcet Tas (American University)
Caren Grown (American University)
Yana van der Meulen Rogers (Rutgers University)
James Heintz (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Jan 07, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Agate B
Union for Radical Political Economists
Heterodox Climate Economics (Q5)
Presiding: Robin Hahnel (Portland State University)
Short-Lived Climate Forcers: Toward a Multi-Pollutant Source Reduction Co-Benefit Strategy
Paul Bartlett (St. Peters College)
Overcoming the Failure to Develop Effective Global Climate Change Policy
Ian McGregor (University of Technology-Australia)
Climate Policy Post-Kyoto: What Now?
Kristen Sheeran (Economics for Equity and the Environment, Ecotrust)
Climate Policy After the Train Wreck in Copenhagen
Robin Hahnel (Portland State University)
Richard Weisskopf (University of Miami)
Frederick Jennings (Center for Ecological Economics and Ethical Education)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 2
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
Climate Change Policy Design (Q5)
Presiding: Wallace Tyner (Purdue University)
Does the Indexing of Government Transfers Make Carbon Pricing Progressive?
Don Fullerton (University of Illinois)
Gilbert Metcalf (Tufts University)
Garth Heutel (University of North Carolina-Greensboro)
Border Carbon Adjustments, Leakage and Welfare
Niven Winchester (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
A Cost Containment-Permanence Tradeoff in the Utilization of Agricultural Soil Carbon Offsets?
Benjamin M. Gramig (Purdue University)
Wallace E. Tyner (Purdue University)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Sheraton, Governor's Square 12
American Economic Association
European Economic Association Lecture (O3)
Presiding: Stefano DellaVigna (University of California-Berkeley)
Intellectual Property Rights Policy, Competition and Innovation
Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ufuk Akcigit (University of Pennsylvania)
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Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Sheraton, Grand Ballroom
American Economic Association/American Finance Association
Joint Luncheon
Presiding: Orley Ashenfelter (Princeton University)
John Taylor (Stanford University)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Marriott, Denver Suite IV
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
REITs: Investment (G1)
Presiding: Jim Clayton (Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers)
A Comparative Anatomy of REITs and Residential Real Estate Indexes: Returns, Risks and Distributional Characteristics
John Cotter (University College-Dublin)
Richard Roll (University of California-Los Angeles)
Short Selling REITs and Hedging Real Estate Risk
Carles Vergara-Alert (IESE Business School)
Pedro Saffi (IESE Business School)
Did Leveraged ETFs Increase Intraday REIT Volatility During the Crisis?
Shaun A. Bond (University of Cincinnati)
Brian Hatch (University of Cincinnati)
The Relationship between Tenant Quality and REIT Risk & Performance
Peng Liu (Cornell University)
Crocker Liu (Cornell University)
Richard Buttimer (University of North Carolina-Charlotte)
Cristian Tiu (University of Buffalo)
Vaneesha Boney (University of Denver)
Jim Clayton (Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall B
Association for Social Economics
Social Economics of the Financial Crisis (E6)
Presiding: Stephanie Kelton (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Critique of Financialization and the US Unemployment Gender Gap
Philip Arestis (University of Cambridge and University of Basque)
Guiseppe Fontana (University of Leeds)
Aurelie Charles (University of Leeds)
How to Manufacture and Mismanage a Crisis: Fitness Landscapes, Risk Incubation, and Financial Crisis of 2008
Denis Fischbacher-Smith (University of Glasgow)
Robert McMaster (University of Glasgow)
Credit: From Accelerator to Primary Means of Purchase
Kristen E. Broady (Benedict College)
Global Subprime Crisis within the Circuit of Social Capital
Philip O'Hara (Curtin University, Australia)
William Black (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Robert Prasch (Middlebury College)
Stephanie Seguino (University of Vermont)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Agate C
Association of Indian Economics & Financial Studies
International Trade and Finance (F4)
Presiding: Suhas Ketkar (Vanderbilt University)
Trade Liberalization, Firm Heterogeneity and Duration of Trade: Production in India
Usha Nair-Richert (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Tibor Besedes (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Exchange Rate Volatility and Foreign Direct Investment in India
Kamal Upadhaya (University of New Haven)
Rabindra Bhandari (Westminister College)
The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: A Sensitivity Analysis Using Panel Data
Arun Sarkar (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Access to Finance: Determinants of the Uptake of "Mansi" in South Africa
Thankom G. Arun (University of Central Lancashire)
Phillip Kostov (University of Central Lancashire)
Samuel Annim (University of Manchester)
US Foreign Indebtedness, Monetary Policy and Economic Growth
Atrayee Ghosh Roy (Minnesota State University-Manakato)
Renu Kallianpur (AXA Advisors)
Chandana Chakraborty (Montclair State University)
Sweta Saxena (International Monetary Fund)
Kishore Kulkarni (Metropolitan State College of Denver)
Zahara Siddique (IZA)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 3
Chinese Economists Society
Recent Research Findings on the Chinese Economy (D1)
Presiding: Yongmaio Hong (Cornell University and Xiamen University)
Is Production or Consumption to Blame for Pollution in China? Evidence from Visibility, 1982-2006
Zhigang Li (Hong Kong University)
Frank Song (Hong Kong University)
Shangjin Wei (Columbia University)
Combatting the Global Financial Crisis with Agressive Expansionary Monetary Policy: Same Medicine, Different Outcomes in China, UK and USA
Wing Thye Woo (University of California-Davis)
Wei Zhang (Cambridge University)
Using Choice Experiment Methods to Study Chinese Consumers' Trust on Food Safety Attributes
H. Holly Wang (Purdue University)
David L. Ortega (Purdue University)
Laping Wu (China Agricultural University)
Junfei Bai (Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy)
Nicole Olynk (Purdue University)
How Does Education Affect the Earnings Distribution in Urban China?
Le Wang (University of New Hampshire)
Chen Xi (Cornell University)
Bruce L. Reynolds (University of Virginia and IIEP)
Dennis Tao Yang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Belton Fleisher (Ohio State University)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall G
Cliometrics Society
Capital: Human and Otherwise (N7)
Presiding: TBA TBA (TBA)
What Can We Learn from the Carousel of Progress?
Alexander Field (Santa Clara University)
Naval Engineers and the Origins of Technology-Skill Complementarity
Darrell J Glaser (U.S. Naval Academy)
Ahmed Rahman (U.S. Naval Academy)
A Dam Problem: TVA's Fight Against Malaria 1926-1951
Carl Kitchens (University of Arizona)
A Model of Human Capital Accumulation in Economic History: Gender Gap, Family Behavior and Economic Growth
Claude Diebolt (BETA/CNRS)
Faustine Perrin (BETA/CNRS)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 1
History of Economics Society
The Histories of Scientific Observation in Economics (B2)
Presiding: Harro Maas (University of Amsterdam)
Undercover, Field, and Participant Observers in US Labor Economics 1900-1930
Malcolm Rutherford (University of Victoria)
Observational Error from Gauss to Morgenstern
Marcel Boumans (University of Amsterdam)
Looking for Observations for late 20th Century Macroeconomics
Pedro Duarte (University of Sao Paulo)
Kevin D. Hoover (Duke University)
Observing Experiments: What Do Economists See?
Andrej Svorencik (University of Amsterdam)
Kevin D. Hoover (Duke University)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Sheraton, Governor's Square 9
Industrial Organization Society
Empirical IO (L1)
Presiding: Lawrence White (New York University)
Commuting Ties and Geographic Market Definition
Robert M. Adams (Federal Reserve Board)
Elizabeth K. Kiser (Federal Reserve Board)
Mark D. Manuszak (Federal Reserve Board)
Hospital Responses to Endogenous Entry and Competition by Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Nitin Dua (Florida State University)
Gary M. Fournier (Florida State University)
Patterns of Establishment Entry and State-Level Antitrust Enforcement
Robert M. Feinberg (American University)
Thomas A. Husted (American University)
An Empirical Study of Pricing Strategies in an Online Market with High-Frequency Price Information
Sara Fisher Ellison (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Christopher M. Snyder (Dartmouth College)
Evren Damar (Bank of Canada)
Martin Gaynor (Carnegie Mellon University)
Lawrence J. White (New York University)
Mo Xiao (University of Arizona)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 5
International Association for Energy Economics
Topics in Energy Modeling (Q4)
Presiding: Carol Dahl (Colorado School of Mines)
Innovation, Renewable Energy, and Macroeconomic Growth
Ted Temzelides (Rice University)
Peter Hartley (Rice University)
Kenneth Medlock III (Rice University)
Xinya Zhang (Rice University)
A Slippery Relationship: Cross-Country Evidence on the Changing Impact of Oil Prices on GDP
Prakash Loungani (International Monetary Fund)
Marianna Riggi (Bank of Italy)
ISO Net Surplus Collection and Allocation in Restructured North American Wholesale Power Markets
Leigh Tesfatsion (Iowa State University)
Hongyan Li (ABB Inc.)
Operational and Investment Response to Energy Prices in the OECD Manufacturing: Evidence from the Vintage Capital Model
Jevgenijs Steinbuks (Purdue University)
Karsten Neuhoff (German Institute of Economic Research, DIW Berlin)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Marriott, Mattie Silks
International Banking Economics & Finance Association/American Economic Association
Macro-prudential Supervision of Systemically-Important Financial Institutions (G1) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Diana Hancock (Federal Reserve Board)
George Pennachi (University of Illinois)
Wayne Passmore (Federal Reserve Board)
Viral Acharya (New York University)
Randall S. Kroszner (University of Chicago)
Markus K. Brunnermeier (Princeton University)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall A
International Network for Economic Method
Rethinking the Normative and the Positive in Choice Theory (B4)
Presiding: John Davis (University of Amsterdam and Marquette University)
Normative Rational Choice: Past, Present, and Future
D. Wade Hands (University of Puget Sound)
The Origin of the Normative-Descriptive/Positive-Normative Distinction in Expected Utility Theory
Floris Heukelom (Nijmegen School of Management & Economics)
Inconsistency Pays
Nathan Berg (University of Texas-Dallas)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Sheraton, Plaza Court 3
Middle East Economic Association
War and Religion in the Middle East: Past and Present (Z1)
Presiding: Sohrab Behdad (Denison University)
Are Islamic Investment Certificates Special ? Evidence on the Post Announcement Performance of Sukuk Issues
Christophe Godlewski (University of Strasbourg, France)
Rima Turk-Ariss (Lebanese American University)
Laurent Weill (University of Strasbourg, France)
Modernization and Inter-religion Human Capital Differences in 19th Century Egypt
Mohamed Saleh (University of Southern California)
Sultans, the Shari'a and Seven Empty Ears: Economic Catastrophes, Church and State
Eric Chaney (Harvard University)
Estimating United States War Damages In Iraq (2003-2010)
Nake M Kamrany (University of Southern California)
M. Sieffert (University of Southern California)
M. Taft (University of Southern California)
Tribal Diversity, Political Patronage and the Yemeni Decentralization Experiment
Daniel Egel (University of California-Berkeley)
Bassam Abu Al-foul (American University of Sharjah)
Hadi Esfahani (University of Illinios)
Sohrab Bahdad (Denison University)
Fatma Dogruel (Marmara University, Turkey)
Abdallah AlHassan (International Monetary Fund)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Granite A
National Economic Association
Labor Market Information Channels, Matching, and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Unemployment and Employment (J7)
Presiding: William Spriggs (U.S Department of Labor)
Factors Contributing to the Persistence of Minority Unemployment Disparities: Weighing Human Capital versus Institutional Effects.”
Ronald Bird (U.S Department of Labor)
Regina Powers (U..S. Department of Labor)
Labor Market Information and Unemployment Disparities: Analysis of American Community Survey
William Rodgers (Rutgers University)
Unemployment and Job Information: Analysis of NLSY79 Data
Marie Mora (University of Texas-Pan American)
Alberto Davila (University of Texas-Pan American)
Taylor Rule Shocks and Demographic Unemployment Rate Differentials
ROger Williams (Morehouse College)
Contractionary Monetary Policy and the Dynamics of U.S. Race and Gender Stratification
Stephanie Seguino (University of Vermont)
James Heintz (University of Massachusetts)
Earnings Capacity of the Long-Term Unemployed: A Wage-Comparison Approach across Industry
Jan E. Christopher (Delaware State University)
William Spriggs (Howard University)
Cecilia Conrad (Pomona College)
Gregory Price (Morehouse College)
Rucker Johnson (University of California-Berkeley)
Robin Cox (Spelman College)
Linwood Tauheed (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall D & E
Society for Policy Modeling
Will the Euro Survive? (F3)
Presiding: Lucjan Orlowski (Sacred Heart University)
Euroland: Will the Periphery Poison the Core?
James W. Dean (College of William and Mary and Simon Fraser University)
The Global Financial Imbalances and the Stabilizing Role of the Euro
A. G. Malliaris (Loyola University Chicago)
Optimum Currency Area Precepts and the Euro Survival
Lucjan Orlowski (Sacred Heart University)
The Euro: A Crisis Waiting to Happen
Dominick Salvatore (Fordham University)
Fred Campano (Fordham University)
Pellegrino Manfra (City University of New York)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Granite C
Society of Government Economists
Economic Analysis of Illegal and Legal Immigration (F2)
Presiding: Bryan Roberts (Department of Homeland Security)
An Analysis of Migrant Smuggling Costs along the Southwest Border
Gordon Hanson (University of California-San Diego)
Bryan W. Roberts (Department of Homeland Security)
Derekh Cornwell (Department of Homeland Security)
Scott Borger ()
Self-Selection and Liquidity Constraints in Different Migration Cost Regimes
Scott Borger ()
Effects of the 1992 Chinese Student Protection Act
Pia Orrenius (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
Madeline Zavodny (Agnes Scott College)
Emily Kerr (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
The Labor Market Value to Legal Status
Todd A Sorensen (University of California-Riverside)
Jan 07, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Agate A
Union for Radical Political Economists/International Association for Feminist Economics
Roundtable on Gender and Race: Employment, Crime, Health, Occupational Segregation and Education (J7) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Alexandra Bernasek (Colorado State University)
Heather Boushey (Center for American Progress)
Robynn Cox (Spelman College)
Tiffany Green (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Darrick Hamilton (The New School)
Rhonda Vonshay Sharpe (Bennett College)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 2
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
Agricultural Extension, Transactions Costs and Supply Response (Q1)
Presiding: Simeon Ehui (World Bank)
Dynamic Agricultural Supply Response under Economic Transformation
Bingxin Yu (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Fengwei Liu (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Liangzhi You (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Networks and Transaction Costs
Christian Henning (University of Kiel)
Géraldine Henningsen (Danmarks Statistik)
Arne Henningsen (University of Copenhagen)
Returns to Spending on Agricultural Extension
Samuel Benin (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Ephraim Nkonya (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Geresom Okecho (NAADS Secretariat, Uganda)
Joseé Randriamamonjy (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Edward Kato (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Geofrey Lubadde (National Agricultural Research Organization, Uganda)
Miriam Kyotalimye (Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa, Uganda)
Xiaobo Zhang (International Food Policy Research Institute)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Columbine
American Economic Association
Beyond GDP, Beyond Sarkozy? Towards A National Success Indicator (H8)
Presiding: Carol Graham (Brookings Institution)
Economic Policy Implications of the Sarkozy Report
Richard A. Easterlin (University of Southern California)
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Supplementing Per-Capita GDP as Measure of Well-Being
Robert H. Frank (Cornell University)
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Environmentally Responsible Happy Nation Index: A Proposed National Success Indicator After the Sarkozy Report
Yew-Kwang Ng (Monash University)
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Happiness Measures as a Guide to Development Policy? Promise and Potential Pitfalls
Carol Graham (Brookings Institution)
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Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Denver
American Economic Association
Determinants and Consequences of Human Capital Investment (J2)
Presiding: Jens Ludwig (University of Chicago)
The Perils of Pre-School? The Effect of Child Care on Academic Performance
Sandra E. Black (University of Texas-Austin)
Paul J. Devereux (University College Dublin)
Katrine Løken (University of Bergen)
Kjell G. Salvanes (Norwegian School of Economics)
FDA and ABCs: Unintended Consequences of Antidepressant Warnings on Academic Achievement
Susan Busch (Yale University)
Ezra Golberstein (Harvard University)
Ellen Meara (Harvard University)
Does Staying in School (and Not Working) Prevent Teen Smoking and Drinking?
Adriana Lleras-Muney (University of California-Los Angeles)
Robert Jensen (University of California-Los Angeles)
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Jens Ludwig (University of Chicago)
Nora Gordon (Georgetown University)
Jacob Vigdor (Duke University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Governor's Square 16
American Economic Association
Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Theory: A Discussion of the Role of the Entrepreneur in the Theory of the Firm (L2) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Robert Strom (Kauffman Foundation)
William J. Baumol (New York University)
Simon C. Parker (University of Western Ontario)
Daniel F. Spulber (Northwestern University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Director's Row I
American Economic Association
Entry, Exit and Pricing (L8)
Presiding: Adam Rennhoff (Middle Tennessee State University)
Will Universal Health Insurance Enhance Entrepreneurship Activity?
Yunwei Gai (Babson College)
Maria Minniti (Southern Methodist University)
Branding and Spatial Preemption: An Application to the Hospitality Industry
Nathan E. Wilson (Federal Trade Commission)
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Spin-offs: Theory and Evidence from the Early U.S. Automobile Industry
Luis Cabral (New York University)
Zhu Wang (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)
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Making Friends with Your Neighbors? Agglomeration and Tacit Collusion in the Lodging Industry
Li Gan (Texas A&M University)
Manuel Alejandro Hernandez (International Food Policy Research Institute and Texas A&M University)
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Do Sellers' Brokers Raise or Reduce Home Prices? Evidence of Agency Costs from an Unusual Real Estate Market
B. Douglas Bernheim (Stanford University)
Jonathan Meer (Texas A&M University)
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Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Director's Row J
American Economic Association
Exchange Rate Modelling (F3)
Presiding: Philippe Bacchetta (University of Lausanne)
On the Unstable Relationship between Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Fundamentals
Philippe Bacchetta (University of Lausanne)
Eric van Wincoop (University of Virginia)
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Order Flow and the Monetary Model of Exchange Rates: Evidence from a Novel Data Set
Menzie Chinn (University of Wisconsin)
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Phoenix Taylor Rule Exchange Rate Forecasting During the Financial Crisis
David Papell (University of Houston)
Tanya Molodtsova (Emory University)
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The Scapegoat Model of Exchange Rates: An Empirical Test
Marcel Fratzscher (European Central Bank)
Lucio Sarno (Cass Business School)
Ken Kasa (Simon Fraser University)
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (University of California-Berkeley)
Jan Groen (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Nelson Mark (University of Notre Dame)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Terrace
American Economic Association
Field Experiments on Financial Decisions Among the Poor (D1)
Presiding: Erica Field (Harvard University)
Discounting and Defaulting: Evidence from Choice Experiments Matched to Administrative Credit Data
Stephan Meier (Columbia University)
Charles Sprenger (University of California-San Diego)
Competition as a Saving Incentive: A Field Experiment with the Homeless
Tomomi Tanaka (Arizona State University)
Sera Linardi (University of Pittsburgh)
Rajiv Sinha (Arizona State University)
Does Africa Need a Rotten Kin Theorem? Experimental Evidence from Village Economies
Pamela Jakiela (Washington University in St. Louis)
Owen Ozier (University of California-Berkeley)
Check Cashing: Time Preferences, Income Variability and Rationality among the Unbanked
Susan Payne Carter (Vanderbilt University)
Paige Marta Skiba (Vanderbilt University)
Justin Sydnor (Case Western Reserve University)
Ernesto Reuben (Columbia University)
Paige Marta Skiba (Vanderbilt University)
Margaret McConnell (Harvard University)
Ebonya Washington (Yale University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Director's Row H
American Economic Association
Growing New Ph.D. Economists (A2)
Presiding: Orley Ashenfelter (Princeton University)
Completion Rates and Time-to-Degree in Economics Ph.D. Programs
Wendy A. Stock (Montana State University)
John J. Siegfried (Vanderbilt University)
T. Aldrich Finegan (Vanderbilt University)
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David Colander (Middlebury College)
Gregory Mankiw (Harvard University)
James Poterba (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER)
Melissa McInerney (College of William and Mary)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Director's Row E
American Economic Association
House, Homeownership, and Life Cycle Impacts (R2)
Presiding: Amy Cutts (Freddie Mac)
Owner-Occupied Housing: Life-Cycle Implications for the Household Portfolio
Marjorie Flavin (University California-San Diego)
Takashi Yamashita (Nova Southeastern University)
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Housing Prices and Marital Stability
Purvi Sevak (Hunter College)
Martin Farnham (University of Victoria)
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Life Shocks and Homelessness
Marah A. Curtis (Boston University)
Kelly Noonan (Rider University)
Nancy Reichman (Princeton University)
Hope Corman (Rider University and NBER)
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Superstition in the Housing Market
Nicole M. Fortin (University of British Columbia)
Andrew Hill (University of British Columbia)
Jeff Huang (University of British Columbia)
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Marsha Courchane (Charles River Associates)
Rajeev Darolia (Charles River Associates)
Cynthia Holmes (York University, Canada)
Andrea Heuson (University of Miami)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Governor's Square 10
American Economic Association
Intellectual Property and Innovation (L1)
Presiding: Koleman Strumpf (University of Kansas)
Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation: Evidence from the Human Genome
Heidi Williams (Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Technology Morphing: Standard-Setting Organizations, Patent Pools, and New Technologies
Josh Lerner (Harvard Business School)
Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics)
Racing for Priority: Patents and Publications in Knowledge Competitions
Scott Stern (Northwestern University)
Joshua Gans (Melbourne Business School and Harvard University)
The Effect of File Sharing on Movies
Koleman Strumpf (University of Kansas)
Felix Oberholzer-Gee (Harvard Business School)
Timothy Bresnahan (Stanford University)
John Van Reenen (London School of Economics)
Timothy Simcoe (Boston University)
Julie Mortimer (Harvard University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Spruce
American Economic Association
Labor Market Shocks (E2)
Presiding: Chris Stoddard (Montana State University)
Business Cycles and Labor Market Flows with Sequential Screening
Federico Ravenna (HEC Montreal and University of California-Santa Cruz)
Carl Walsh (University of California-Santa Cruz)
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On the Persistence of Income Shocks over the Life Cycle: Evidence and Implications
Fatih Karahan (University of Pennsylvania)
Serdar Ozkan (University of Pennsylvania)
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From Wages to Welfare: Decomposing Gains and Losses from Rising Inequality
Jonathan Heathcote (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
Kjetil Storesletten (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
Giovanni L. Violante (New York University)
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Asset Pricing with Concentrated Ownership of Capital
Kevin J. Lansing (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
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Risk Aversion and the Labor Margin in Dynamic Equilibrium Models
Eric T. Swanson (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
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Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Silver
American Economic Association
Law and Economics (K0)
Presiding: Henry Farber (Princeton University)
Corrective Taxation versus Liability
Steven Shavell (Harvard University)
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Optimal Proof Burdens, Deterrence, and the Chilling of Desirable Behavior
Louis Kaplow (Harvard University)
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Explaining Trust in Public Institutions
Betsey Stevenson (University of Pennsylvania)
Justin Wolfers (University of Pennsylvania)
Predicting and Preventing Violent Death
Dana Chandler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Steven Levitt (University of Chicago)
John List (University of Chicago)
Christopher Snyder (Dartmouth College)
Philip Cook (Duke University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Majestic Ballroom
American Economic Association
Lessons for Economics from the Great Recession (E3) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Robert Hall (Stanford University)
David Autor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Robert Gordon (Northwestern University)
Mark Gertler (New York University)
Alan Krueger (Princeton University and US Treasury)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Governor's Square 11
American Economic Association
New Empirics of Public Policy and Fertility in the U.S. (J1)
Presiding: Juan Pantano (Washington University in St. Louis)
How Contraceptive and Abortion Policy Shaped the Second Demographic Transition
Martha J. Bailey (University of Michigan)
Melanie E. Guldi (Mount Holyhoke College)
Sayeh Nikpay (University of Michigan)
Marriage and Emancipation in the Age of the Pill
Lena Edlund (Columbia University)
Cecilia Machado (Columbia University)
The Unwanted: Negative Outcomes Over the Life Cycle
Wanchuan Lin (Peking University)
Juan Pantano (Washington University in St. Louis)
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Do Pregnant Teens Respond to Improved Opportunities? An Evaluation of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Melanie E. Guldi (Mount Holyhoke College)
Melissa Kearney (University of Maryland)
Robert Pollak (Washington University in St. Louis)
Marianne Bitler (University of California-Irvine)
V. Joseph Hotz (Duke University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Savoy
American Economic Association
Savings Experiments in Developing Countries (O1)
Presiding: Dean Yang (University of Michigan)
The ABCs of Financial Literacy -- Experimental Evidence on Attitudes, Behavior and Cognitive Biases
Shawn Cole (Harvard Business School)
Jeremy Shapiro (Harvard Business School)
Bilal Zia (World Bank)
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Sources of Time Preference and Time-Inconsistency: Evidence from the Field
Xavier Gine (World Bank)
Jessica Goldberg (University of Michigan)
Dan Silverman (University of Michigan)
Dean Yang (University of Michigan)
Do Simple Savings Accounts Help the Poor to Save? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Nepal
Silvia Prina (Case Western Reserve University)
Intra-personnel and Inter-personnel Barriers to Savings and Health Investments: Experimental Evidence from Kenya
Pascaline Dupas (University of California-Los Angeles)
Jonathan Robinson (University of California-Santa Cruz)
Kartini Shastry (Wellesley College)
James Andreoni (University of California-San Diego)
Santhosh Anagol (University of Pennsylvania)
Nava Ashraf (Harvard Business School)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Century
American Economic Association
Taxes (H2)
Presiding: Robert Bohm (University of Tennessee-Knoxville)
The Comparison of Ad Valorem and Specific Taxes under Incomplete Information
Christos Kotsogiannis (University of Exeter)
Konstantinos Serfes (Drexel University)
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Do Wages Rise When Corporate Tax Rates Fall? Evidence from the German Business Tax Reform 2000
Nils aus dem Moore (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI), Berlin Office)
Tanja Kasten (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI), Berlin Office)
Christoph M. Schmidt (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI), IZA, CEPR)
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Job Creation Tax Credits and Job Growth: Whether, When, and Where?
Daniel John Wilson (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
Robert S. Chirinko (University of Illinois at Chicago)
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The Welfare Cost of Capital Income Taxes Under Uncertainty
Marika Santoro (Congressional Budget Office)
Chao Wei (George Washington University)
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Taxes, Prisons, and CFOs: The Effects of Increased Punishment on Corporate Tax Compliance in Ecuador
Gabriela Aparicio (George Washington University)
Paul Carrillo (George Washington University)
Shahe Emran (George Washington University)
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Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Vail
American Economic Association
Teaching Undergraduate Economics (A1)
Presiding: Kenneth Elzinga (University of Virginia)
Factors Influencing Student Performance in Economics: Class and Instructor Characteristics
Wayne A. Grove (Le Moyne College)
Stephen Wu (Hamilton College)
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Web 2.0 and Economic Education
Tim Haab (Ohio State University)
Aaron Schiff (Covec)
John C. Whitehead (Appalachian State University)
The Principles of Economics Textbook
Jane S. Lopus (California State University East Bay)
Lynn Paringer (California State University East Bay)
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Assessing Student Learning with Rubrics
KimMarie McGoldrick (University of Richmond)
Brian Peterson (Central College)
Kenneth G. Elzinga (University of Virginia)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Governor's Square 12
American Economic Association
The Economics of Civil War, Violence and Conflict (F5)
Presiding: Ioana Petrescu (American Enterprise Institute)
Bases, Bullets and Ballots: The Effect of U.S. Military Aid on Political Conflict in Colombia
Oeindrila Dube (New York University)
Suresh Naidu (Harvard Academy)
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Peace and War with Endogenous State Capacity
Michael McBride (University of California-Irvine)
Gary Milante (World Bank)
Stergios Skaperdas (University of California-Irvine)
Civil Conflict and Human Capital Accumulation: The Long-Term Effects of Political Violence in Peru
Gianmarco Leon (University of California-Berkeley)
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Rethinking Economic Sanction Success: Sanctions as Deterrents
Ioana M. Petrescu (American Enterprise Institute)
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Eli Berman (University of California-San Diego)
Eva Vivalt (University of California-Berkeley)
Richard Akresh (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Radha Iyengar (London School of Economics)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Governor's Square 17
American Economic Association
The Economics of the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Program (I1)
Presiding: Jonathan Gruber (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Heterogeneity in Choice Inconsistencies Among the Elderly: Evidence from Prescription Drug Plan Choice
Jonathan Gruber (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jason Abaluck (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Part D Formulary and Benefit Design as a Risk-Steering Mechanism?
Dana Goldman (University of Southern California)
William Vogt (University of Georgia)
Geoffrey Joyce (University of Southern California)
Imperfect Consumer Choice and Pricing in Medicare Part D
Mark Duggan (University of Maryland)
Fiona Scott Morton (Yale)
Are Drugs Substitutes or Complements for Intensive (and Expensive) Medical Treatment?  Evidence from Geographic Variation in Medicare Medical and Drug Spending
Yuting Zhang (University of Pittsburgh)
Katherine Baicker (Harvard University)
Joseph P. Newhouse (Harvard University)
David Laibson (Harvard University)
Claudio Lucarelli (Cornell University)
Wesley Yin (Boston University)
Marty Gaynor (Carnegie Mellon University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Governor's Square 15
American Economic Association
The Future of Monetary Policy (E5) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Benoit Mojon (Banque de France)
Charles Evans (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Jean-Pierre Landau (Banque de France)
Kiyohiko Nishimura (Bank of Japan)
Frank Smets (European Central Bank)
Michael Woodford (Columbia University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Gold
American Economic Association
Theoretical and Empirical Advances in Agglomeration Economics (R1)
Presiding: Edward Glaeser (Harvard University)
Urban Accounting and Welfare
Klaus Desmet (Universidad Carlos III)
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg (Princeton University)
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Productive Cities: Sorting, Selection and Agglomeration
Kristian Behrens (Universite du Quebec a Montreal)
Gilles Duranton (University of Toronto)
Frederic Robert-Nicoud (Universite de Geneve)
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Urbanization and Structural Transformation
Guy Michaels (London School of Economics)
Ferdinand Rauch (University of Vienna)
Stephen J. Redding (London School of Economics)
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Portage: Path Dependence and Increasing Returns in U.S. History
Hoyt Bleakley (University of Chicago)
Jeffrey Lin (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
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Agglomerative Forces and Cluster Shapes
William R. Kerr (Harvard University)
Scott D. Kominers (Harvard University)
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Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Colorado Salons G & H
American Finance Association
Borrowing and Lending (G2)
Presiding: Adair Morse (University of Chicago)
Why are Institutional Loans More Expensive than Bank Loans? Evidence from the Syndicated Loan Market
Debarshi Nandy (York University)
Pei Shao (York University)
Hedge Fund Activism and Bank Loan Contracting
Jin Xu (Purdue University)
Yinghua Li (Purdue University)
Cyclicality of Credit Supply: Firm Level Evidence
Victoria Ivashina (Harvard Business School)
Bo Becker (Harvard Business School)
The Ties that Bind: Bank Relationships and Small Business Lending
Lori Santikian (Harvard University)
Michael Roberts (University of Pennsylvania)
Joseph Gerakos (University of Chicago)
Amiyatosh Purnanandam (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)
Ashwini Agrawal (New York University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Colorado Salons I & J
American Finance Association
Determinants of M&A Activity (G3)
Presiding: Berk Sensoy (Ohio State University)
The Importance of Industry Links in Merger Waves
Kenneth R. Ahern (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)
Jarrad Harford (University of Washington)
Stock Option Grants to Target CEOs during Private Merger Negotiations
Eliezer M. Fich (Drexel University)
Jie Cai (Drexel University)
Anh L. Tran (Drexel University)
Valuation Risk, Control and the Public Financing of Entrepreneurial Firms
Hadiye Aslan (Cornell University)
Praveen Kumar (University of Houston)
Matthew Rhodes-Kropf (Harvard Business School)
Yaniv Grinstein (Cornell University)
Jay Ritter (University of Florida)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Colorado Salon E
American Finance Association
Lecture: The Transformation of Finance (G1)
Presiding: Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago, Booth School of Business)
The Transformation of Finance
Andrei Shleifer (Harvard University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Colorado Salon F
American Finance Association
Liquidity, Trading, and Frictions - Empirical (G1)
Presiding: Ioanid Rosu (University of Chicago)
Market Liquidity and Flow-Driven Risk
Prachi Deuskar (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Tim C. Johnson (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Evaporating Liquidity
Stefan Nagel (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
Is Information Risk Priced? Evidence from the Price Discovery of Large Trades
Xiaolin Qian (University of Macau)
Chuan-Yang Hwang (Nanyang Technological University)
Jennifer Huang (University of Texas-Austin)
Konstantin Milbradt (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Soeren Hvidkjaer (Copenhagen Business School)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Colorado Salons A & B
American Finance Association
The Financial Crisis: Empirical Evidence (G1)
Presiding: Amir Sufi (University of Chicago)
Financial Guarantors and the 2007-2009 Credit Crisis
Siddarth Bhaskar Shenai (Harvard Business School)
Randolph B. Cohen (Harvard Business School)
Daniel B. Bergstresser (Harvard Business School)
Stressed, Not Frozen: The Federal Funds Market in the Financial Crisis
Gara M. Afonso (Federal Reserve Banks)
Anna Kovner (Federal Reserve Banks)
Antoinette Schoar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Measuring Systemic Risk
Viral V. Acharya (New York University)
Lasse Heje Pedersen (New York University)
Thomas Philippon (New York University)
Matthew P. Richardson (New York University)
Measuring Systemic Risk in the Finance and Insurance Sectors
Monica Billio (University of Venice)
Mila Getmansky (Eugene M. Isenberg School of Management)
Andreq W. Lo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Loriana Pelizzon (University of Venice)
Sudheer Chava (Texas A&M University)
Victoria Ivashina (Harvard Business School)
Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton University)
Philip Strahan (Boston College)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Colorado Salons C & D
American Finance Association
Trading by Mutual Funds (G1)
Presiding: David Musto (University of Pennsylvania)
The Performance of Corporate-Bond Mutual Funds: Evidence Based on Security-Level Holdings
Gjergji Cici (College of William and Mary)
Scott Gibson (College of William and Mary)
Excess Cash and Mutual Fund Performance
Mikhail Simutin (University of British Columbia)
Stock Media Coverage, Mutual Fund Trading and Performance
Lily H. Fang (INSEAD)
Joel Peress (INSEAD)
Lu Zheng (University of California-Irvine)
Sugata Ray (University of Florida)
Vincent Glode (University of Pennsylvania)
Sophie Shive (University of Notre Dame)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Denver Suite I & II
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Law and Government (K2)
Presiding: Lynn Fisher (University of North Carolina)
Does National Flood Insurance Program Participation Induce Excessive Development in High-Risk Areas? Evidence from Florida Counties
Mark J. Browne (University of Wisconsin)
Carolyn A. Dehring (University of Georgia)
David L. Eckles (University of Georgia)
William D. Lastrappes (University of Georgia)
The Economic Impacts of Eminent Domain
Daniel Chen (University of Chicago)
Susan Yeh (Harvard University)
Accounting for Structural Changes of the Housing Market
Yongqiang Chu (University of South Carolina)
Homeowners Associations and the Local Land Use Regime: Substitutes or Complements?
Rachel Meltzer (The New School)
Ron Cheung (Florida State University)
William Wheaton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Geoffrey Turnbull (Georgia State University)
Morris Davis (University of Wisconsin)
William C. Strange (University of Toronto)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Denver Suite V & VI
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Mortgage, Pricing, Access to Credit, and Outcomes (E6)
Presiding: Peter Zorn (Freddie Mac)
Local Scale Economies, Mortgage Loan Sales, and Access to Credit: 1994-2008
Stuart A. Gabriel (University of California-Los Angeles)
Stuart S. Rosenthal (Syracuse University)
Monetary Policy Surprises and Mortgage Rate Pass-Through
Tracy Xu (University of Denver)
Yufeng Han (University of Colorado-Denver)
Jian Yang (University of Colorado-Denver)
The Price of Subprime Mortgages at Mortgage Brokers and Lenders
Gregory Elliehausen (George Washington University)
Min Hwang (George Washington University)
The Post-Foreclosure Experience of US Households in the Current Housing Market Downturn
Raven Molloy (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Hui Shan (Federal Reserve Board of Governors)
Neil Bhutta (Federal Reserve Board)
Len Kiefer (Freddie Mac)
Charles Capone (U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development)
Tracy Turner (Kansas State University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Agate C
American Society of Hispanic Economists
Topics in Labor Economics (J6)
Presiding: Francisco Rivera-Batiz (Columbia University)
The Complexity of Immigrant Generations for U.S. Hispanics and Asians
Brian Duncan (University of Colorado-Denver)
Stephen J. Trejo (University of Texas-Austin)
What Are the Effects of State Level Legislation Against the Hiring of Undocumented Immigrants?
Magnus Loftstrom (Public Policy Institute of California)
Sarah Bohn (Public Policy Institute of California)
Steven Raphael (University of California-Berkeley)
Employment Options for Low-Skilled Workers in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area: Workforce Training Issues and Challenges
Luis M Pinet-Peralta (Optimal Solutions Group, LLC)
Panel Data Analysis of Hierarchical Segregation
Dina Shatnawi (University of Arizona)
Michael R Ransom (Brigham Young University)
Ronald L Oaxaca (University of Arizona)
Mark Hugo Lopez (Pew Hispanic Center)
Marie T. Mora (University of Texas-Pan American)
Francisca Antman (University of Colorado-Boulder)
Francisco Rivera-Batiz (Columbia University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall D & E
Association for Comparative Economic Studies/American Economic Association
Disentangling the Effects of History, Culture, and Institutions (O1)
Presiding: Gérard Roland (University of California-Berkeley)
The Historical Origins of Cultural Differences in Gender Roles: Women and the Plough
Nathan Nunn (Harvard University)
Civic Capital as the Missing Link
Luigi Zingales (University of Chicago)
Disentangling the Effects of Legal and Political Development on Economic Growth - An Example From Entrepreneurship in Ancient Rome
Ulrike Malmendier (University of California-Berkeley)
The Coevolution of Culture and Institutions in Seventeenth Century England
Peter Murrell (University of Maryland)
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Gérard Roland (University of California-Berkeley)
Daniel Berkowitz (University of Pittsburgh)
Rodrigo Soares (PUC-Rio)
Judith Hellerstein (University of Maryland)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall C
Association for Evolutionary Economics
Explaining and Taming Financial Crises and Business Cycles (E6)
Presiding: Stephanie Kelton (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Minsky and the Evolution of the U.S. Financial System: The Impacts of Fiscal and Monetary Policy
Felipe C. Rezende (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Deficit Hysteria Redux? Why We Should Stop Worrying about U.S. Government Deficits
Yeva Nersisyan (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
L. Randall Wray (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
The Future of Fiscal Policy: The Case for Targeted Demand Management
Pavlina Tcherneva (Franklin and Marshall College)
U.S. Business Cycles from 1973-2010: A Post Keynesian/Institutionalist Explanation
John T. Harvey (Texas Christian University)
Too Important to Fail: A Reconsideration of the Lender of Last Resort Function
Dave Zalewski (Providence College)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall B
Association for Social Economics
Social Economic Policy (H3)
Presiding: Deb Figart (Richard Stockton College)
The Welfare State and the Practice of Capitalism: The Recent American and British Experiences in the Last Two Decades
Rafat Fazeli (University of Redlands)
Reza Fazeli (New School for Social Research)
Escalating Social Deprivation from Liberalized Energy Markets: Proposals to Reverse the Trend
Lynne Chester (University of Sydney)
What Causes Obesity? And Why Has It Grown So Much?
John F. Tomer (Manhattan College)
The Internet and Democracy
Ann E. Davis (Marist College)
Returns Society: Economics, Environment and Social Costs
Christine Farias (Fairleigh Dickinson Univeristy)
Gerard Farias (Fairleigh Dickinson University)
Ellen Mutari (Richard Stockton College)
Deb Figart (Richard Stockton College)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Colorado
Association of Christian Economists
What Do Economists and Theologians Have to Say to Each Other? Present Situation and Future Prospects (A1) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Paul Oslington (Australian Catholic University)
Andrew Yuengert (Pepperdine University)
Michael Pollitt (University of Cambridge)
Paul Oslington (Australian Catholic University)
Craig Blomberg (Denver Seminary)
Daniel Hungerman (University of Notre Dame)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 6
Association of Environmental & Resource Economists
Consumer Demand and Conservation (Q3)
Presiding: Severin Borenstein (University of California, Berkeley)
Are Price Signals Important in Residential Energy Consumption? Evidence from Northern Ireland
Will Gans (University of Maryland)
Anna Alberini (University of Maryland and Queen's University-Belfast)
Environmental Feedback and Consumer Demand for Green Technology: Adoption of Rain Barrels from Stormwater Control
Amy Ando (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Luiz Freitas (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and Industrial Economics)
Do Consumers Recognize the Value of Fuel Economy? Evidence from Used Car Prices and Gasoline Price Fluctuations
James Sallee (University of Chicago)
Sarah E. West (Macalester College)
Wei Fan (RVI)
Beliefs and Consumer Choice of Energy-Using Durables
Hunt Allcott (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Abatement or Averting: The Effects of Ozone Alerts on Driving and Outdoor Recreation Behavior in Atlanta
Douglas Noonan (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Severin Borenstein (University of California-Berkeley)
Sheila Olmstead (Resources for the Future)
Mark Jacobsen (University of California-San Diego)
Ian Parry (Resources for the Future)
Richard Ready (Pennsylvania State University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall G
Chinese Economic Association in North America/American Economic Association
Industrial Organization (L2)
Presiding: Serena Ng (Columbia University)
Why Do Life Insurance Policyholders Lapse? The Roles of Income, Health and Bequest Motive Shocks
Hanming Fang (University of Pennsylvania)
Edward Kung (Duke University)
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An Estimable Demand System for a Large Auction Platform Market
Greg Lewis (Harvard University)
Matt Backus (University of Michigan)
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The Use of FLF contracts in the Video Rental Industry
Kate Ho (Columbia University)
Justin Ho (Harvard University)
Julie Mortimer (Harvard University)
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Selling in Department Stores: An Analysis of Manufacturer-Retailers Contracts
Tat Chan (Washington University-St. Louis)
Matt Shum (California Institute of Technology)
Han Hong (Stanford University)
Panle Jia (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Andrew Ching (University of Toronto)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Plaza Court 8
Econometric Society
Development II: Industrial Organization (O1)
Presiding: Benjamin Moll (Princeton University)
The Blessing of Natural Resources: Evidence from a Peruvian Gold Mine
Fernando M. Aragon (London School of Economics)
Juan Rud (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Formal and Informal Firm Dynamics
Gabriel Ulyssea (University of Chicago)
Inequality and Growth with both Exogenous and Endogenous Incomplete Markets
Benjamin Moll (Princeton University)
Robert M. Townsend (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Victor Zhorin (University of Chicago)
Does Management Matter? Evidence from India
Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University)
Benn Eifert (University of California-Berkeley)
Aprajit Mahajan (Stanford University)
David McKenzie (World Bank)
John Roberts (Stanford University)
Gabriel Ulyssea (University of Chicago)
Donald John Roberts (Stanford University)
Fernando Martin Aragon (London School of Economics)
Benjamin Moll (Princeton University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Plaza Court 7
Econometric Society
Dynamic Games (C7)
Presiding: ()
Dynamic Relational Contracts with Credit Constraints
Jonathan P. Thomas (University of Edinburgh)
Tim Worrall (University of Manchester)
A Theory of Disagreement in Repeated Games with Renegotiation
David Miller (University of California-San Diego)
Joel Watson (University of California-San Diego)
Reversibility in Dynamic Coordination Problems
Eugen Kovac (University of Bonn)
Jakub Steiner (Northwestern University)
Strategic Experimentation with Private Payoffs
Paul Heidhues (ESMIT Berlin)
Sven Rady (LMU Munich)
Philipp Strack (University of Bonn)
Mikhail Golosov (Yale University)
Sylvain Chassang (Princeton University)
Patrick Bolton (Columbia University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Plaza Court 6
Econometric Society
Economic Theory Methods (C6)
Presiding: ()
Robust Predictions in Games with Incomplete Information
Dirk Bergemann (Yale University)
Stephen Morris (Princeton University)
Existence of Optimal Contracts in the Moral Hazard Problem
Ohad Kadan (Washington University in St. Louis)
Philip J. Reny (University of Chicago)
Jeroen M. Swinkels (Northwestern University)
The Determinacy of Infinite Games with Eventual Perfect Monitoring
Eran Shmaya (Northwestern University)
On the Revelation Principle and Dual Mechanisms in Competing Mechanism Games
Michael Peters (University of British Columbia)
David McAdams (Duke University)
Tim van Zandt (INSEAD)
Alessandro Pavan (Northwestern University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Plaza Court 2
Econometric Society
Internet Markets (L8)
Presiding: Susan Athey (Harvard University)
Reserve Prices in Internet Advertising Auctions: A Field Experiment
Michael Ostrovsky (Stanford University)
Michael Schwarz (Yahoo! Labs)
Auctions and Posted Prices in Online Markets
Liran Einav (Stanford University)
Theresa Kuchler (Stanford University)
Jonathan Levin (Stanford University)
Peaches, Lemons and Cookies: The Impact of Information Structure on Revenue in Common Value Auctions
Ittai Abraham (Microsoft Research)
Susan Athey (Harvard University)
Moshe Babaioff (Microsoft Research)
Michael Grubb (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Rakesh Vohra (Northwestern University)
Eric Budish (University of Chicago)
Preston McAfee (Research Yahoo!)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Governor's Square 9
Econometric Society
The Role of Money and Banks (E5)
Presiding: ()
Self-fulfilling Traps with Money as a Medium of Exchange
Christophe Chamley (Boston University and PSE)
Banking: A Mechanism Design Approach
Fabrizio Mattesini (Rome Tor Vergata)
Cyril Monnet (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
Randall Wright (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Monetary Policy before Central Banking: The Quality of Money and the Debasement Puzzle
Vincent Bignon (Graduate Institute, Geneva)
Regis Breton (Banque de France and CNRS-LEO)
Identifying the Macroeconomic Effects of Bank Lending Supply Shocks
William F. Bassett (Federal Reserve Board)
Mary Chosak (Federal Reserve Board)
John C. Driscoll (Federal Reserve Board)
Egon Zakrajsek (Federal Reserve Board)
Ruilin Zhou (Pennsylvania State University)
David Andolfatto (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Warren Weber (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
Daniel Paravisini (Columbia University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Plaza Court 3
Econometric Society
Understanding Financial Markets and Institutions (G2)
Presiding: Lasse Pedersen (New York University)
Liquidity Shocks and Order Book Dynamics
Bruno Biais (Toulouse School of Economics)
Johan Homber (HEC Paris)
Pierre-Olivier Weill (University of California-Los Angeles)
Multi-Market Delegated Asset Management
Zhiguo He (University of Chicago)
Wei Xiong (Princeton University)
Rating Agencies in the Face of Regulation - Rating Inflation and Regulatory Arbitrage
Christian C. Opp (University of Pennsylvania)
Marcus M. Opp (University of California-Berkeley)
Milton Harris (University of Chicago)
Joel Hasbrouck (New York University)
Jules H. van Binsbergen (Stanford University)
Joel Shapiro (Oxford University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall F
Economic Science Association
Groups in Economic Decision Making (C9)
Presiding: Jingjing Zhang (University of Zurich)
Communication, Coordination, and Group Decision Making in the Laboratory Coordinated Resistance Game
Tim Cason (Purdue University)
Vai-Lam Mui (Monash University)
Gender Differences in Cooperation with Group Membership
Gary Charness (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Aldo Rustichini (University of Minnesota)
Role Selection and Team Performance
David Cooper (Florida State University)
Matthias Sutter (University of Innsbruck)
Communication and Efficiency in Competitive Coordination Games
Tim Cason (Purdue University)
Roman Sheremeta (Chapman University)
Jingjing Zhang (University of Zurich)
Marie Rigdon (University of Michigan)
Marco Castillo (George Mason University)
Guillaume Frechette (New York University)
Sherry Li (University of Texas-Dallas)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Plaza Court 1
Economists for Peace & Security
Pressures on the Paradigm (0) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: James Galbraith (University of Texas-Austin)
Marshall Auerback (RAB Capital PLC)
Robert Johnson (Institute for New Economic Thinking)
William K. Black (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Randall Wray (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 7
Health Economics Research Organization
Research in Medicaid/Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) (I1)
Presiding: Anthony Losasso (University of Illinois-Chicago)
The Doctor Might See You Now: The Supply Side Effects of Public Health Insurance Expansions
Craig Garthwaite (Northwestern University)
The Effect of Public Insurance Coverage and Provider Reimbursement on Access to Dental Care: Evidence from the State Children's Health Insurance Program Expansion
Thomas Buchmueller (University of Michigan and NBER)
Lara Shore-Sheppard (Williams College and NBER)
Incentivizing Healthy Behavior: Evidence from Personal Responsibility and Choice in West Virginia Medicaid
Tami Calvez, (University of West Virginia)
Genevieve Kenney (Urban Institute)
Kosali Simon (Indiana University, Cornell University, and NBER)
Thomas DeLeire (University of Wisconsin)
Matthew Neidell (Columbia University)
John Cawley (Cornell University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 1
History of Economics Society
Rational Expectations, Retrospect and Prospect: On the 50th Anniversary of John Muth's "Rational Expectations and the Theory of Price Movements" (B2) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Kevin Hoover (Duke University)
Kevin D. Hoover (Duke University)
Michael Lovell (Wesleyan University)
Robert E. Lucas (University of Chicago)
Dale Mortensen (Northwestern University)
Robert J. Shiller (Yale University)
Neil Wallace (Pennsylvania State University)
Warren Young (Bar-Ilan University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Sheraton, Capitol
International Association for Feminist Economics
Gender in Asia (O1)
Presiding: Linda Lucas (University of South Florida)
An Analysis of Gender Relations in the Philippines
Sanjukta Chaudhuri (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
Economic Transition and the Motherhood Wage Penalty in Urban China: Investigation Using Panel Data
Nan Jia (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China)
Xiao-yuan Dong (University of Winnipeg)
Gender and Conflict in Nepal: Testing for “Added Worker” Effects
Yana van der Meulen Rodgers (Rutgers University)
Nidhiya Menon (Brandeis University)
Food Security, Gender and Occupational Choice among Urban Low-Income Households
Maria Flora (American University)
Ranjula Bali Swain (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Nancy Folbre (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Joyce Jacobsen (Wesleyan University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Nat Hill
International Banking Economics & Finance Association
Understanding the Effects of Unorthodox Monetary Policies (E5)
Presiding: Pierre Siklos (Wilfred Laurier University)
How Effective Were the Federal Reserve Emergency Liquidity Facilities? Evidence from the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility
Burcu Duygan-Bump (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Patrick Parkinson (Federal Reserve Board)
Eric S. Rosengren (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Gustavo Suarez (Federal Reserve Board)
Paul S. Willen (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Bank Reserves, Bank Lending, and the Interbank Market
Antoine Martin (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
James McAndrews (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
David Skeie (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
The Effects of Monetary Policy Commitment: Evidence from Time-varying Parameter VAR Analysis
Jouchi Nakajima (Bank of Japan)
Shigenori Shiratsuka (Bank of Japan)
Yuki Teranishi (Bank of Japan)
Asset Prices and the Global Financial Crisis
A.G. Malliaris (Loyola University Chicago)
Marc Hayford (Loyola University Chicago)
Pierre L. Siklos (Wilfred Laurier University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Mattie Silks
International Economic & Finance Society
Lessons and Policy Implications from the Global Financial Crisis (F3)
Presiding: Joshua Aizenman (University of California-Santa Cruz and NBER)
Lessons for Current Policy from the Financial Crises of the 1930s and the 2007-2008 Crisis
Michael D. Bordo (Rutgers University and NBER)
Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Lessons from the Periphery
Sebastian Edwards (University of California-Los Angeles and NBER)
Shadow Banking
Tobias Adrian (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Reflections on the Deleveraging Crisis of 2008-09, and a Cost-Benefit Analysis
Joshua Aizenman (University of California-Santa Cruz and NBER)
Dale Henderson (Federal Reserve Board and Georgetown University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 3
International Health Economics Association
Equity and Medical Utilization (I1)
Presiding: Audrey Laporte (University of Toronto)
Public and Private Interactions: Dual Coverage for Medicines among Older People in Ontario
Sara Allin (University of Toronto)
Is Pro-Poor Inequity in Inpatient Care the Result of Pro-rich Inequity in Primary Care?
Michel Grignon (McMaster University)
Jerry Hurley (McMaster University)
Li Wang (McMaster University)
What's the Point of Class? Random Coefficients versus Latent Class Models
Frank Windmeijer (University of Bristol, UK)
Audrey Laporte (University of Toronto)
Stefie Schurer (University of Melbourne)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall A
International Network for Economic Method
Intertemporal Discounting: Alternative Functional Forms and Methodology of Empirical Identification (D8)
Presiding: Harold Kincaid (University of Alabama-Birmingham)
Recursive Self-Prediction Makes Two-Agent Models Unnecessary
George Ainslie (University of Cape Town)
Discounting Behavior: A Reconsideration
Glenn Harrison (Georgia State University)
Time Consistency: Stationarity and Time Invariance
Yoram Halevy (University of British Columbia)
Disentangling Agent Identities and Consumption Bundles in Dynamic Choices
Don Ross (University of Cape Town)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Pomeroy
International Trade & Finance Association
Round Table on Regionalism (F1)
Presiding: Max Kreinin (Michigan State University)
A Perspective on Regionalism
Michael Plummer (OECD)
A Perspective on Regionalism
Robert Baldwin (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
A Perspective on Regionalism
Don Clark (University of Tennessee)
A Perspective on Regionalism
Alan Deardorff (University of Michigan)
A Perspective on Regionalism
Jorge Gonzalez (Occidental College)
Sven Arndt (Claremont McKenna College)
Max Kreinin (Michigan State University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Westin Tabor, Curtis
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Community Unionism: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis (J5)
Presiding: Maite Tapia (Cornell University)
Community Unionism Through Powerful Coalitions: Union Engagement in Australia and Beyond
Amanda Tattersall (University of Sydney)
Communities and Unions: Barriers and Bridges to Co-operative Working
Jane Holgate (London Metropolitan University)
Spheres of Union Engagement and the Understanding of Non-workplace Activity and Its Challenges
Miguel Martinez Lucio (University of Manchester)
Community Unionism: Experiences from the U.S.
Janice Fine (Rutgers University)
Lowell Turner (Cornell University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Westin Tabor, Lawrence A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Incorporating Finance into Employment Relations: Implications for Theory and Practice (J3)
Presiding: Charles Whalen (Utica College and Cornell University)
Financial Markets and Labor Markets
Sanford J. Jacoby (University of California-Los Angeles)
The Financing of Firms' Activities: Implications for Work and Employment Relations
Eileen Appelbaum (Center for Economic and Policy Research)
Rosemary Batt (Cornell University)
Capital Matters
Stephen Sleigh (The Yucaipa Companies)
Financialization and Employment
Stephen Lerner (Service Employees International Union)
Finance and Employment Relations: A View from the AFL-CIO
Daniel Pedrotty (AFL-CIO)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Westin Tabor, Continental A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Public Sector Labor Law in States without Statewide Collective Bargaining Laws: The Case of Colorado: Rocky Mountain LERA Chapter (Denver) (J5) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Joe Goldhammer (Buescher, Goldhammer, Kelman & Dodge, P.C.)
Gus Achey (Mountain States Employers Council) Management Perspective
Mark Schwane (Colorado Workers for Innovation and New Solutions (WINS)) Labor Perspective
Christel Jorgensen (CJ Mediation) Neutral Perspective
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 5
Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association/American Economic Association
Micro Pricing Research in Emerging Markets (E3)
Presiding: Roberto Rigobon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Argentina's Great Depression through the Lens of Product-Level Data
Nir Jaimovich (Stanford University)
Ariel Burstein (University of California-Los Angeles)
Andres Neumeuer (UTDT)
Scraped Data and Sticky Prices
Alberto Cavallo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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A State-Dependent Model of Intermediate Goods Pricing
Brent Neiman (University of Chicago)
The Distribution of the Size of Price Changes
Alberto Cavallo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Roberto Rigobon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Marriott, Spruce
National Association of Forensic Economics
Forensic Economics I (K4)
Presiding: Thomas Roney (Thomas Roney, LLC)
Personal Consumption by Single Persons
Kurt V. Krueger (John O. Ward & Associates)
Relative Earnings of Skilled and Unskilled Workers
Edward Foster (University of Minnesota)
Household Services Revisited
William M. Pearson (Spectrum Economics, Inc.)
Christopher Pflaum (Spectrum Economics, Inc.)
David Schap (College of the Holy Cross)
Gary Skoog (De Paul University)
David D. Jones (Economic Consulting Services, LLC)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Granite A
National Economic Association
Economics of Race, Health, and Energy: Implications for African American Economic Welfare (I1)
Presiding: Gregory Price (Morehouse College)
Decomposition of Real Household Energy Expenditures for Black and White Households between the 2001 and 2005 Residential Energy Consumption Surveys (RECS)
David Poyer (Morehouse College)
A Modified Predator-Prey and VAR Model of Energy Prices and Auto Expenditures
John Handy (Morehouse College)
Space Heating: A Comparative Analysis Across Demographic Groups Using the Department of Energy/Energy Information Administration's 2005 Residential Energy Consumption Survey
Andrea L. Rice (Spelman College)
Tiana Rae Penney (Spelman College)
Christopher Turner (Morehouse College)
Residential Segregation and the Use of Primary Care Services
Darrell Gaskin (Johns Hopkins University)
The Implications of The Patient and Affordable Care Act on Minority Health Disparity
Alvin Headen (North Carolina State University)
An Analysis of Black-White Wages Differences in Nursing: Wage Gap or Wage Premium
Richard McGregory (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater)
Romie Tribble (Spelman College)
Roger Williams (Morehouse College)
Mona Ray (Morehouse College)
Rodney Green (Howard University)
Alvin Headen (North Carolina State University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Granite B
Peace Science Society International
The Economics of Violence (F5)
Presiding: Carlos Seiglie (Rutgers University)
Dyad-Specific Effects in Dyadic Analysis of Conflict
Jun Xiang (Rutgers University)
Metin Cosgel (University of Connecticut)
Murat Iyigun (University of Colorado and IZA)
Tom Miceli (University of Connecticut)
Mercenaries in Civil Wars,1950-2000
Sven Chojnacki (Free University of Berlin)
Nils Metternich (University of Essex)
Johannes Münster (Free University of Berlin and WZB)
The Monopoly of Violence: Evidence from Colombia
Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
James A. Robinson (Harvard University)
Rafael J. Santos (Yale University)
Ronald Wintrobe (University of Western Ontario)
Solomon W. Polachek (SUNY-Binghamton)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Granite C
Society of Government Economists
U.S. Businesses and Workers: Growth, Productivity, Job Creation and Employment Separation (J2)
Presiding: Alice Zawacki (Bureau of the Census)
The Slow Growth of New Plants: Learning about Demand?
Lucia Smith Foster (Bureau of the Census)
John Haltiwanger (University of Maryland)
Chad Syverson (University of Chicago)
Nature versus Nurture in the Origins of Highly Productive Firms
J. David Brown (Bureau of the Census)
John S. Earle (George Mason University and Central European University)
Job Loss, the Added Worker Effect, and Labor Demand
Henry Richard Hyatt (Bureau of the Census)
Who Creates Jobs and When: How Firms Respond to Business Cycles and Credit Conditions
Teresa Fort (University of Maryland)
John Haltiwanger (University of Maryland)
Ron Jarmin (Bureau of the Census)
Javier Miranda (Bureau of the Census)
John S. Earle (George Mason University and Central European University)
Richard Ericson (East Carolina University)
Till Marco von Wachter (Columbia University)
John Stevens (Federal Reserve Board)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Agate A
Union for Radical Political Economists
Heterodox International Trade Theory (F1)
Presiding: Omar Dahi (Hampshire college)
Why Ricardo is Wrong
Ian Fletcher (U.S. Business & Industry Council)
A New Discovery on Imbalances in International Trade
Guoshu Ma (China Institution of Allwin Economics)
The Curious Case of the Missing Public Goods: Why Trade Theory is a Misleading Guide to Policy
Mehreen Larudee (Earlham College)
Trade Liberalization, Preferential Trade Agreements and Direction of Trade: Does Trade Liberalization Help or Hinder Regional Integration
Omar Dahi (Hampshire College)
Firat Demir (University of Oklahoma)
Achieving Ethical Trade through Social Tariffs: The SITS Regime
George DeMartino (University of Denver)
Jonathan Moyer (University of Denver)
Kate Watkins (University of Denver)
Justin Dubas (Texas Lutheran University)
Robert Blecker (American University)
Jan 07, 2011 2:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Agate B
Union for Radical Political Economists
The European Crisis and the Future of the Euro and Europe (E5)
Presiding: David Kotz (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Does the Euro Have a Future?
John Eatwell (Queens College, University of Cambridge)
The Europ, the ECB and European Finance: Structural Reforms for Social Sustainability
Gerald Epstein (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Global Governance and Europe Diversity in a Long-Term Perspective
Pascal Petit (Centre d'Economie de Paris Nord)
The Systemic Crisis of the Euro-Zone: A Result of Internal Contradictions in the Building of Europe
Dominique Plihon (Centre d'Economie de Paris Nord)
Robert Guttmann (Hofstra University)
Central Bank Interventions during the Crisis: What Have We Learned About Europe and the Euro
Esther Jeffers (University of Paris 8)
Michael Perelman (California State University-Chico)
Yves Smith (Naked Capitalism Blog)
Jan 07, 2011 4:45 pm, Sheraton, Grand Ballroom
American Economic Association
Richard T. Ely Lecture
Presiding: Orley Ashenfelter (Princeton University)
Janet Currie (Columbia University) Inequality at Birth: Some Causes and Consequences
Jan 07, 2011 7:00 pm, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 4
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
T.W. Schultz Memorial Dinner and Keynote Address
Presiding: Wallace Huffman (Iowa State University)
Daniel Kahneman (Princeton University)
Jan 07, 2011 8:00 pm, Sheraton, South Convention Lobby
American Economic Association
Music Session (Z1)
Presiding: Orley Ashenfelter (Princeton University)
8:00 pm, The (Neo)classical Trio
Eric Maskin (Clarinet)
Harel Gietheim (Cello)
Hisako Hiratsuka (Piano)
9:00 pm, Outliers - Jazz
Boyan Jovanovic (Piano)
Richard Levich (Drums)
Gary Walton (Saxophone)
Hal White (Trumpet)
Marty Kenny (bass)
10:00 pm, Contractions – Rock
Peter Norman (Vocals & Guitar)
Andre Shevchenko (Vocals & Guitar)
Gwen Eudey (Keyboards & Vocals)
Randy Wright (Guitar & Vocals)
Morris Davis (Guitar, Bass & Vocals)
Scott Dressler (Guitar, Bass & Vocals)
Martin Schindler (Drums)
Larraine Larock (Drums & Vocals)

Jan 08, 2011

Jan 08, 2011 7:45 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 4
Association for Social Economics
Presidential Breakfast
Presiding: Zoreh Emami (Alverno College)
Betsy Jane Clary (College of Charleston) Institutional Usury and the Banks
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Capitol
African Finance & Economics Association
Country-Specific Studies on Aspects of Economic Development in Africa (O1)
Presiding: Mwangi Wa Githinji (University of Massachusetts)
Governance and Successful States in Africa
John A. Karikari (U.S. Government Accountability Office)
Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong (University of South Florida)
Does Human Capital Protect Workers Against Exogenous Shocks? South Africa in the 2008–2009 Crisis
Ron Leung (African Development Bank)
Marco Stampini (African Development Bank)
Desire Vencatachellum (African Development Bank)
Development Patterns in Mauritius and Madagascar: The Role of Institutions and Trade
Mina Baliamoune-Lutz (University of North Florida)
Trade Liberalization and Welfare of Farmers in Developing Countries: The Case of Poultry Farmers in Ghana
Anthony Kofi Osei-Fosu (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana)
Evelyn Wamboye (Pennsylvania State University)
Africa: Catching up or Falling Further Behind?
Renee Van Eyden (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Bongani Motsa (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
West African Monetary Zone as an Optimum Currency Area
Edward Ghartey (University of the West Indies, Jamaica)
Edward Kutsoati (Tufts University)
Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong (University of South Florida)
Mina Baliamoune-Lutz (University of North Florida)
Evelyn Wamboye (Pennsylvania State University)
Edward Ghartey (University of the West Indies, Jamaica)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 2
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
Cooperation, Reciprocity and Altruism in Developing Countries: The Household, the Village, and Beyond (O2)
Presiding: Steve Wu (Purdue University)
Productive Efficiency and the Scope for Cooperation in Polygynous Households
Richard Akresh (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Joyce Chen (The Ohio State University)
Reciprocated Versus Unreciprocated Sharing in Social Networks
Laura Schechter (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Alex Yuskavage (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
The Role of Cooperation and Reciprocity in Structuring Carbon Sequestration Contracts in Developing Countries
Paula Cordero-Salas (The Ohio State University)
Brian Roe (The Ohio State University)
Ethan Ligon (University of California-Berkeley)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Colorado
American Committee on Asian Economic Studies/American Economic Association
Global Rebalancing and Asia (F4)
Presiding: Raed Safadi (OECD)
A Commercial Policy Package for Rebalancing the Global Economy? Implications for Asia
Przemyslaw Kowalski (OECD)
Molly Lesher (OECD)
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Achieving Inclusive, Balanced, Sustained Growth in the Asia-Pacific
Michael G. Plummer (OECD)
Peter A. Petri (Brandeis University)
Global Rebalancing: Effects on Trade Flows and Employment in China and Other Emerging Economies
Jörg Mayer (UNCTAD)
Global Trade Imbalances, Structural Change and China: What Scope for Fundamental Adjustment?
Eric Girardin (University of the Mediterranean)
Robert F. Owen (University of Nantes)
Frank Hsiao (University of Colorado)
Mordechai E. Kreinin (Michigan State University)
Ricardo Cavazos (OECD)
Richard Pomfret (University of Adelaide)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 10
American Economic Association
Advances in International Macroeconomics (F4)
Presiding: Enrique Mendoza (University of Maryland and NBER)
Debt Dilution and Sovereign Default Risk
Juan Carlos Hatchondo (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
Leonardo Martinez (IMF Institute)
Cesar Sosa-Padilla (University of Maryland)
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News and Sovereign Default Risk in Small Open Economies
Bora Durdu (Federal Reserve Board)
Ricardo Nunes (Federal Reserve Board)
Horacio Sapriza (Federal Reserve Board and Rutgers University)
Financial Innovation, the Discovery of Risk, and the U.S. Credit Crisis
Emine Boz (IMF Institute)
Enrique G. Mendoza (University of Maryland and NBER)
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Recovery Before Redemption: A Theory of Delays in Sovereign Debt Renegotiations
David Benjamin (SUNY-Buffalo)
Mark Wright (University of California-Los Angeles)
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Bora Durdu (Federal Reserve Board)
Pablo D'Erasmo (University of Maryland)
Anton Korinek (University of Maryland)
Vivian Yue (New York University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Spruce
American Economic Association
Banking Regulation and Risk Sharing (G2)
Presiding: Robert DeYoung (University of Kansas)
The Optimality of Interbank Liquidity Insurance
Fabio Castiglionesi (Tilburg University)
Wolf Wagner (Tilburg University)
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The Effects of Usury Laws: Evidence from the Online Loan Market
Oren Rigbi (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
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Rating Agencies in the Face of Regulation - Rating Inflation and Regulatory Arbitrage
Milton Harris (University of Chicago)
Christian C. Opp (University of Chicago)
Marcus M. Opp (University of California-Berkeley)
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The Welfare Cost of Liquidity Requirements
Skander J. Van den Heuvel (Federal Reserve Board)
TARP Investments: Financials and Politics
Denis Sosyura (University of Michigan)
Ran Duchin (University of Michigan)
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Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Century
American Economic Association
Determinants of Corporate Investment and Innovation (G3)
Presiding: Bruce Petersen (Washington University in St. Louis)
Financial Constraints and Innovation: Why Poor Countries Don't Catch Up
Yuriy Gorodnichenko (University of California-Berkeley)
Monika Schnitzer (University of Munich)
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Do Financing Constraints Matter for R&D? New Tests and Evidence
James R. Brown (Iowa State University)
Gustav Martinsson (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
Bruce C. Petersen (Washington University in St. Louis)
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Corporate Investment: Propensities and Constraints
Joseph P. Ogden (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
Shanhong Wu (University of Arkansas)
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Tolerance for Failure and Corporate Innovation
Xuan Tian (Indiana University)
Tracy Yue Wang (University of Minnesota)
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Bruce C Petersen (Washington University in St. Louis)
Joseph P. Ogden (University at Buffalo, SUNY)
Tracy Yue Wang (University of Minnesota)
Gustav Martinsson (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Denver
American Economic Association
Ethnicity, Identity, and the Labor Market (J1)
Presiding: Laura Argys (University of Colorado-Denver)
Dialects, Cultural Identity, and Economic Exchange
Oliver Falck (ifo, CESifo and MPI)
Stephan Heblich (MPI)
Alfred Lameli (Research Centre Deutscher Sprachatlas)
Jens Suedekum (University of Duisburg-Essen)
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A Comparison and Decomposition of Reform-Era Labor Force Participation Rates of China's Ethnic Minorities and Han Majority
Margaret Maurer-Fazio (Bates College)
James W. Hughes (Bates College)
Dandan Zhang (Australian National University)
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Family Values and the Regulation of Labor
Alberto Alesina (Harvard University and IGIER Bologna)
Yann Algan (Sciences Po and OFCE)
Pierre Cahuc (Ecole Polytechnique and CRES)
Paola Giuliano (University of California-Los Angeles)
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Ethnic Identity and Reservation Wages of First and Second Generation Migrants
Amelie F. Constant (DIW DC and George Washington University)
Annabelle Krause (IZA)
Ulf Rinne (IZA)
Klaus F. Zimmermann (IZA, University of Bonn and DIW Berlin)
Ulf Rinne (IZA)
Randall Akee (Tufts University)
Murat Iyigun (University of Colorado-Boulder)
Robert W. Fairlie (University of California-Santa Cruz)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 14
American Economic Association
Financial Crises and Macroeconomics (AEJ-Macro Session) (E3)
Presiding: Steven Davis (University of Chicago)
Anxious and Crisis Economies
Ana Fostel (George Washington University)
John Geanakoplos (Yale University)
Financial Crises in Developed and Emerging Market Economies
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (University of California-Berkeley)
Maurice Obstfeld (University of California-Berkeley)
The Optimal Conduct of Monetary Policy with Interest on Reserves
Anil Kashyap (University of Chicago)
Jeremy Stein (Harvard University)
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Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Director's Row J
American Economic Association
Gender and Social Policy (J7)
Presiding: Shirley Johnson-Lans (Vassar College)
Have Gender Gaps in Insurance Coverage and Access to Care Narrowed Under Health Reform? Findings from Massachusetts
Sharon K. Long (Urban Institute)
Karen Stockley (Urban Institute)
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Does Free Primary Education Narrow Gender Differences in Schooling? Evidence from Kenya
Adrienne Lucas (Wellesley College)
Isaac Mbiti (Southern Methodist University)
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Women and Drug Crime: The Role of Welfare Reform
Hope Corman (Rider University)
Dhaval M. Dave (Bentley University and NBER)
Nancy E. Reichman (Robert Wood Johnson Medical School)
Dhiman Das (Robert Wood Johnson Medical School)
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Women's Work as Represented in the American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings Issue
Ellen Meade (American University)
Martha Starr (American University)
Anne Winkler (University of Missouri-St. Louis)
Ann Mari May (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Tracy Falba (Duke University)
Paul Glewwe (University of Minnesota)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Vail
American Economic Association
Global Financial Contagion (F3)
Presiding: Stijn Claessens (International Monetary Fund)
Financial Cycles: What? When? How?
Stijn Claessens (International Monetary Fund)
Ayhan Kose (International Monetary Fund)
Marco Terrones (International Monetary Fund)
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Bilateral Financial Linkages and Global Imbalances: A View on the Eve of the Financial Crisis
Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti (International Monetary Fund)
Francesco Strobbe (European Central Bank)
Natalia Tamirisa (International Monetary Fund)
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When the Rivers Run Dry: Liquidity and the Use of Wholesale Funds in the Transmission of the U.S. Subprime Crisis
Claudio Raddatz (World Bank)
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How Do U.S. Monetary Shocks Affect Global Stock Markets?
Luc Laeven (International Monetary Fund)
Hui Tong (International Monetary Fund)
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Carmen Reinhart (University of Maryland)
Menzie Chinn (University of Wisconsin)
Marcel Fratzscher (European Central Bank)
Kenneth Kuttner (Williams College)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 1
American Economic Association
Grand Challenges for Social Science Research: The Perspectives of Economists (H1) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Myron Gutmann (National Science Foundation)
Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University)
Esther Duflo (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Robert Hall (Standford University)
James Poterba (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER)
Emmanuel Saez (University of California-Berkeley)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Columbine
American Economic Association
Household Finance -- Consumer Credit (G1)
Presiding: Annette Vissing-Jorgensen (Northwestern University)
The Impact of Information Technology on Consumer Lending
Liran Einav (Stanford University)
Mark Jenkins (University of Pennsylvania)
Jonathan Levin (Stanford University)
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Benefits of Relationship Banking: Evidence from Consumer Credit Markets
Sumit Agarwal (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Souphala Chomsisengphet (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency)
Chunlin Liu (University of Nevada-Reno)
Nicholas Souleles (University of Pennsylvania)
The Timing of Paychecks: Implications for Household Expenditure and Indebtedness
Marianne Bertrand (University of Chicago)
Adair Morse (University of Chicago)
Consumer Credit: Learning Your Customer's Default Risk from What (S)he Buys
Annette Vissing-Jorgensen (Northwestern University)
Vikrant Vig (London Business School)
Manju Puri (Duke University)
Ulrike Malmendier (University of California-Berkeley)
Justine Hastings (Yale University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 17
American Economic Association
Marriage and Divorce: Perspectives from Four Countries (J1)
Presiding: Daniel Hamermesh (University of Texas-Austin)
Personality and Marital Surplus
Shelly Lundberg (University of Washington)
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Women’s Education and Family Behavior: Trends in Marriage, Divorce, and Fertility
Betsey Stevenson (University of Pennsylvania)
Adam Isen (University of Pennsylvania)
Marriage Subsidies and Divorce: An Analysis of Marginal Marriages
Martin Halla (University of Linz)
Wolfgang Frimmel (University of Linz)
Rudolf Winter-Ebmer (University of Linz)
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Projection Bias in Divorce
Jungmin Lee (Florida International University and Sogang University)
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Jungmin Lee (Florida International University and Sogang University)
Martin Halla (University of Linz)
Shelly Lundberg (University of Washington)
Betsey Stevenson (University of Pennsylvania)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 16
American Economic Association
New Approaches for Modeling Risk in Macroeconomics (E3)
Presiding: Helene Rey (London Business School)
Solving Optimal Portfolio Models around a Risky Steady State
Helene Rey (London Business School)
Nicolas Coeurdacier (London Business School)
Pablo Winant (PSE)
Market Sentiment: A Tragedy of the Commons
Tarek Hassan (University of Chicago)
Thomas Mertens (New York University)
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Disasterization: A Simple Way to Fix the Asset Pricing Properties of Macroeconomic Models
Xavier Gabaix (New York University)
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Regulating Asset Price Risk
Philippe Bacchetta (University of Lausanne)
Cédric Tille (HEI Geneve)
Eric van Wincoop (University of Virginia)
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Leverage and the Financial Accelerator in a Liquidity Trap
Morten Ravn (University College London)
Karel Mertens (Cornell University)
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Cédric Tille (HEI Geneve)
Nicolas Coeurdacier (London Business School)
Karel Mertens (Cornell University)
Tarek Hassan (University of Chicago)
Philippe Bachetta (University of Lausanne)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Director's Row H
American Economic Association
Nordic Financial Crises: Lessons from Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden (E3)
Presiding: Bengt Holmstrom (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
The Iceland Story: From Boom to Bust, Big Time
Thorvaldur Gylfason (University of Iceland)
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The Great Financial Crisis in Finland and Sweden in the 1990s: The Dynamics of Boom, Bust and Recovery
Jaakko Kiander (Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company)
Lars Jonung (University of Lund, Sweden)
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The Short- and Long-Run Effects of the Norwegian Banking Crisis in the 1990s
Erling Steigum (Norwegian School of Management)
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Lessons from the Nordic Financial Crisis
Lars Jonung (University of Lund, Sweden)
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Michael M. Hutchison (University of California-Santa Cruz)
Michael D. Bordo (Rutgers University)
Clas Wihlborg (Chapman University)
Frederic Holm-Hadulla (European Central Bank)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Terrace
American Economic Association
Political Economy (P1)
Presiding: Patrick Warren (Clemson University)
The Political Resource Curse
Fernanda Brollo (Bocconi University)
Tommaso Nannicini (Bocconi University)
Roberto Perotti (Bocconi University)
Guido Tabellini (Bocconi University)
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Economic Growth and the Rise of Political Extremism: Theory and Evidence
Markus Bruckner (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Hans Peter Gruner (University of Mannheim)
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The Tuesday Advantage of Candidates Endorsed by American Newspapers
Fernanda Leite Lopez de Leon (University of East Anglia)
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Personal Wealth Interests of Politicians and Government Intervention in the Economy: The Bailout of the U.S. Financial Sector
Ahmed Tahoun (London School of Economics)
Laurence van Lent (Tilburg University)
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Lipset Reconsidered: A Rational Theory of the Stability of Democracy
Florian Jung (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
Uwe Sunde (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
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Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 15
American Economic Association
Popular Economics (A1) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Peter Dougherty (Princeton University Press)
Robert Shiller (Yale University)
Robert Frank (Cornell University)
Diane Coyle (Manchester University)
Steve Levitt (University of Chicago)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Director's Row E
American Economic Association
Reciprocity, Trust and Social Ties (A1)
Presiding: Raghuram Rajan (University of Chicago)
Reciprocity in a Model of Informal Finance
Viral V. Acharya (New York University)
Raghuram G. Rajan (University of Chicago)
Circles of Trust
Samuel Lee (New York University)
Petra Persson (Columbia University)
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Measuring Trust in Peruvian Shantytowns
Dean Karlan (Yale University)
Markus M. Möbius (Harvard University)
Tanya S. Rosenblat (Iowa State University)
Adam Szeidl (University of California-Berkeley)
Alberto Bisin (New York University)
Gustavo Manso (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Giacomo de Giorgi (Stanford University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Gold
American Economic Association
Schools (I2)
Presiding: Peter McHenry (College of William & Mary)
Uncertain Outcomes and Child-Parent Decision Making in Curriculum Choice: What Data Do We Need To Tell Them Apart?
Pamela Giustinelli (Northwestern University)
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Are Charter Schools Perceived to be Better than Regular Public Schools? Evidence from Michigan
Joydeep Roy (Georgetown University & EPI)
Rajashri Chakrabarti (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
The Effect of No Child Left Behind on Public Schools: The Role of Sanctions versus Stigma
Rajashri Chakrabarti (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
The Headmaster Ritual
Anders Böhlmark (Stockholm University)
Erik Grönqvist (Institute for Labor Market Policy Evaluation)
Jonas Vlachos (Stockholm University)
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A Non-Experimental Evaluation of Curricular Effectiveness in Math
Rachana Bhatt (Georgia State University)
Cory Koedel (University of Missouri)
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Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 12
American Economic Association
The Bank Capital Crunch and the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008: Micro-evidence from Europe (E5)
Presiding: Gregory Udell (Indiana University)
Credit Crunch, Flight to Quality and Evergreening: An Analysis of Bank-Firm Relationships After Lehman
Ugo Albertazzi (Banca d'Italia)
Domenico Marchetti (Banca d'Italia)
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Interbank Liquidity Crunch and the Firm Credit Crunch: Evidence from the 2007-2009 Crisis
Rajkamal Iyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Samuel Lopes (European Central Bank)
Jose-Luis Peydro (European Central Bank)
Antoinette Schoar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Credit Supply: Identifying Balance-Sheet Channels with Loan Applications and Granted Loans
Gabriel Jiménez (Banco de Espana)
Steven Ongena (Tilburg University)
Jose-Luis Peydro (European Central Bank)
Jesus Taurina (Banco de Espana)
Cross-Border Banking and the International Transmission of Financial Distress During the Crisis of 2007-2008
Alexander Popov (European Central Bank)
Gregory Udell (Indiana University)
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Rajkamal Iyer (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Gregory Udell (Indiana University)
Ugo Albertazzi (Banca d'Italia)
Jose-Luis Peydro (European Central Bank)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Director's Row I
American Economic Association
The Economics of Skyscrapers and Land Use (R1)
Presiding: Arthur O’Sullivan (Lewis & Clark College)
Skyscrapers and Skylines: New York and Chicago, 1885-2007
Jason Barr (Rutgers University)
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Skyscraper Height and the Macroeconomy
Kusum Mundra (Rutgers University)
Why are Skyscrapers so Tall? Land Use and the Spatial Location of Buildings in New York
Jeffrey P. Cohen (University of Hartford)
Jason Barr (Rutgers University)
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Sclerosis of the City: Inefficiency and the Assembly of Urban Land
Leah Brooks (University of Toronto)
Byron Lutz (Federal Reserve Board)
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Edward Glaeser (Harvard University)
Andrew Haughwout (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Cletus Coughlin (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Robert Helsley (University of California-Berkeley)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Majestic Ballroom
American Economic Association
The United States in the World Economy (F4) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Dominick Salvatore (Fordham University)
William Baumol (New York University) Education, Innovative Entrepreneurship, and Economic Prospects for the U.S.
Dale Jorgenson (Harvard University) The Rise of Developing Asia and the Decline of Industrialized Economies
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Douglass C. North (Washington University) Where Are We Going? An Economic Historian Explores the Future
Edward C. Prescott (Arizona State University) Technology Capital and Openness
John Lipsky (International Monetary Fund) U.S. Fiscal Policy and the Global Outlook
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 11
American Economic Association
Understanding the Effects of War on Poverty Programs (I3)
Presiding: Robert Margo (Boston University)
The Long-Term Effects of Family Planning Programs on Poverty
Martha J. Bailey (University of Michigan)
Zoe McLaren (University of Michigan)
The Long-Term Effects of Head Start on Criminal Behavior
Jens Ludwig (University of Chicago)
Douglas Miller (University of California-Davis)
The War on Poverty and Educational Opportunity in the South
Elizabeth U. Cascio (Dartmouth College)
Nora Gordon (Georgetown University)
Sarah Reber (University of California-Los Angeles)
Long Run Impacts of Early Life Exposure to Food and Nutrition Programs
Douglas Almond (Cornell University)
Hilary W. Hoynes (University of California-Davis)
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach (University of Chicago)
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Phillip Levine (Wellesley College)
Jacob Vigdor (Duke University)
Robert Margo (Boston University)
Rucker Johnson (University of California-Berkeley)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons A & B
American Finance Association
Bankruptcy and Distress (G3)
Presiding: Edith Hotchkiss (Boston College)
Negotiating with Labor Under Financial Distress
Effi Benmelech (Harvard University)
Nittai Bergman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ricardo Enriquez (Harvard University)
How Do Firm Financial Conditions Affect Product Quality and Pricing?
Gordon M. Phillips (University of Maryland)
Giorgo Sertsios (University of Maryland)
Debt Ownership in Chapter 11 Restructurings
Victoria Ivashina (Harvard Business School)
Benjamin Charles Iverson (Harvard Business School)
Per Stromberg (University of Chicago)
David C. Smith (University of Virginia)
The Cost of Financial Distress and the Timing of Default
Redouane Elkamhi (University of Iowa)
Christopher A. Parsons (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Jan Ericsson (McGill University)
Carola Schenone (University of Virginia)
Sheri Tice (Tulane University)
Elizabeth Tashjian (University of Utah)
Jermoe Taillard (Boston College)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons C & D
American Finance Association
Dynamic Models of Asset Pricing (G1)
Presiding: Jessica Wachter (University of Pennsylvania)
Optimal Option Portfolio Strategies
Jose Faias (New University of Lisbon)
Pedro Santa-Clara (New University of Lisbon)
It's All in the Timing: Simple Active Portfolio Strategies that Outperform Naive Diversification
Chris Kirby (Clemson University)
Barbara Ostdiek (Rice University)
Why Surplus Consumption in the Habit Model May Be Less Persistent than You Think
Anthony W. Lynch (National Bureau of Economic Research)
Oliver Randall (New York University)
Ivan Shaliastovich (University of Pennsylvania)
Ralph Koijen (University of Chicago)
Gregory Duffee (Johns Hopkins University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Colorado Salon E
American Finance Association
Executive Compensation and Turnover (G3)
Presiding: Carola Frydman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
The Economic Consequences of Perk Disclosure
Yaniv Grinstein (Cornell University)
David Weinbaum (Syracuse University)
Nir Yehuda (Cornell University)
The Pay Divide: (Why) are U.S. Top Executives Paid More?
Nuno G. Fernandes (IMD International)
Miguel A. Ferreira (New University of Lisbon)
Pedro P. Matos (University of Southern California)
Kevin J. Murphy (University of Southern California)
Performance-Induced CEO Turnover
Dirk Jenter (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
Katharina Lewellen (Dartmouth College)
Michael Lemmon (University of Utah)
Laura Starks (University of Texas-Austin)
Camelia Kuhnen (Northwestern University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Denver Suite IV
American Finance Association
Financial Regulation and Policy (G1)
Presiding: Mark Flannery (University of Florida)
Regulatory Pressure and Fire Sales in the Corporate Bond Market
Andrew Ellul (Indiana University-Bloomington)
Pab Jotikasthira (Indiana University-Bloomington)
Christian T. Lundblad (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Tiebreaker: Certification and Multiple Credit Ratings
Dion Bongaerts (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Martijn Cremers (Yale School of Management)
William N. Goetzmann (Yale School of Management)
Government Intervention and Information Aggregation by Prices
Philip Bond (University of Pennsylvania)
Itay Goldstein (University of Pennsylvania)
Why Do Hedge Funds Avoid Disclosure? Evidence from Confidential 13F Filings
George O. Aragon (Arizona State University)
Michael G. Hertzel (Arizona State University)
Zhen Shi (Arizona State University)
George Pennacchi (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Chester Spatt (Carnegie Mellon University)
Jean-Charles Rochet (University of Toulouse)
Evan Dudley (University of Florida)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons G & H
American Finance Association
Mutual Funds and Hedge Funds Managers' Behavior (G1)
Presiding: Andrea Frazzini (AQR Capital Management, LLC)
The Self-Serving Attribution Bias: How Mutual Fund Managers Become Overconfident and Subsequently Underperform
Darwin Choi (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Dong Lou (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Effects of Managerial Multi-Tasking on Mutual Fund Performance
Vikas Agarwal (Georgia State University)
Linlin Ma (Georgia State University)
Reputation Concerns and Slow-Moving Capital
Steven G. Malliaris (Yale University)
Hongjun Yan (Yale University)
Rewarding Trading Skills Without Inducing Gambling
Igor Makarov (London Business School)
Guillaume Plantin (University of Toulouse)
Brad Barber (University of California, Davis)
Simon Gervais (Duke University)
Zhinguo He (University of Chicago)
Roni Kisin (Washington University, St. Louis)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons I & J
American Finance Association
Term Structure and Volatility (G1)
Presiding: Scott Joslin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Option Anomalies and the Pricing Kernel
Peter F. Christoffersen (McGill University)
Kris Jacobs (McGill University)
Steven L. Heston (University of Maryland)
G10 Swap and Exchange Rates
Jeremy J. Graveline (University of Minnesota)
Scott Joslin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Determinants of Bond Risk Premia
Zhan Shi (Pennsylvania State University)
Jing-Zhi Huang (Pennsylvania State University)
What Ties Return Volatilities to Price Valuations and Fundamentals?
Alexander David (University of Calgary)
Pietro Veronesi (University of Chicago)
David Bates (University of Iowa)
Philippe Mueller (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Peter Feldhutter (Copenhagen Business School)
Andrea Vedolin (University of Lugano)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Denver Suite I & II
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Externalities and Housing (R5)
Presiding: Tsur Somerville (University of British Columbia)
Measuring the External Benefits of Homeownership
Edward Coulson (Pennsylvania State University)
Herman Li (Pennsylvania State University)
Homeowner Investments: Are they Shaped by Perceptions of Neighborhood Risk?
Keren M. Horn (New York University)
Estimating the Effect of Crime Risk on Property Values and Time on Market: Evidence from Megan’s Law in Virginia
Raymond Brastow (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
Bennie Waller (Longwood University)
Scott Wentland (Longwood University)
Are Cleanups A Waste? Housing Market Responses to Brownfield Cleanups
Douglas J. Krupka (University of Michigan)
Douglas S. Noonan (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Yuming Fu (National University of Singapore)
Paul Anglin (University of Guelph)
Jonathan Halket (University College London)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Denver Suite V & VI
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Land Prices (R3)
Presiding: Stanley Longhofer (Wichita State University)
Geography, Regulation and the Value of Land
John M. Quigley (University of California-Berkeley)
Nils Kok (Maastricht University)
Paavo Monkkonen (University of Hong Kong)
Land Leverage and House Prices
Martin Hoesli (University of Geneva)
Steven C Bourassa (University of Louisville)
Donato Scognaiglio (University of Louisville)
Su Mei Zhang (University of Louisville)
Land Sale, Housing Supply and Housing Bubble: A Study of China's Housing Market
Yongheng Deng (National University of Singapore)
Joseph Gyourko (University of Pennsylvania)
Jing Wu (Tsinghua University)
Understanding Land Values: What Can We Learn from Teardowns and Vacant Lot Sales in New York City?
Ingrid Gould Ellen (New York University)
Michael Gedal (New York University)
Jan Brueckner (University of California-Irvine)
Stevew Malpezzi (University of Wisconsin)
John E. Anderson (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Henry Munneke (University of Georgia)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall F
Association for Comparative Economic Studies
Labor Markets: from the Colonial Past to Globalization and Transition (J4)
Presiding: Joseph Brada (Arizona State University)
Malaria Eradication in Taiwan: The Long-term Effects on Health and Human Capital Formation
Simon Chang (Central University of Finance and Economics)
Belton Fleisher (Ohio State University)
Seonghoon Kim (Ohio State University)
Shiyun Liu (Academia Sinica-Taiwan)
The Price of the Hippocratic Oath: Determinants of Bribery in Russian Health Care
Klara Sabirianova Peter (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Tetyana Zelenska (Georgia State University)
Wage Structure, Skill Composition, and the Effects of FDI: Evidence from a Linked Panel in Hungary, 1986-2005
Gabor Antal (Central European University)
John S. Earle (George Mason University and Central European University)
Almos Telegdy (Central European University)
Accounting for Rising Wages in China
Suqin Ge (Virginia Tech)
Dennis Tao Yang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
C. Hoyt Bleakley (University of Chicago)
Naci Mocan (Louisiana State University)
Judith Hellerstein (University of Maryland)
Shing-Yi Wang (New York University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall C
Association for Evolutionary Economics/Association for Social Economics
Human Development, Economic Justice, and Sustainability (O1)
Presiding: Douglas Kinnear (Hastings College)
GDP as a Measure of Progress and Human Development: A Process of Conceptual Evolution
Richard L. Brinkman (Portland State University)
June E. Brinkman (Portland State University)
Achieving Human Development through Ethical Trade: The SITS Regime
George DeMartino (University of Denver)
Jonathan Moyer (University of Denver)
Kate Watkins (University of Denver)
Persistent Racial Disparity, Wealth and the Economic Surplus as the Fund for Reparations in the USA
Kellin Chandler Stanfield (DePauw University)
The Social Effort Bargain and Jobless Recovery
Robert M. LaJeunesse (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
A Regulationist Approach to Energy Policy
Lynne Chester (University of Sydney)
Fatma Gül Ünal (Bard College at Simon’s Rock, and Levy Institute of Economics)
Douglas Kinnear (Hastings College)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 6
Association of Environmental & Resource Economists
Spatial Frontiers in Environmental and Resource Economics (Q2)
Presiding: David Zilberman (University of California, Berkeley)
Heterogeneous Forest Impacts of Transport Infrastructure: Spatial Frontier Dynamics & Impacts of Brazilian Amazon Road Changes
Alexander Pfaff (Duke University)
Juan Robalino (CATIE/EfD)
A Spatial Model of Ecosystem Services
Edward Barbier (University of Wyoming)
The Role of Spatial Spillover Effects in Environmental Policy under Uncertainty
Charles Sims (Utah State University)
David Finnoff (University of Wyoming)
Spatial Scale, Sorting Models, and the General Equilibrium Evaluation of Environmental Policies
H. Allen Klaiber (Pennsylvania State University)
V. Kerry Smith (Arizona State University)
Using Residential Sorting Models to Measure the Distribution of Environmental Benefits
Tim Hamilton (North Carolina State University)
Dan Phaneuf (North Carolina State University)
Scott Lowe (Boise State University)
Kelsey Jack (Harvard University)
James Sanchirico (University of California-Davis)
Antonio Bento (Cornell University)
Matthew Kahn (University of California-Los Angeles)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 2
Econometric Society
Empirical IO 1 (L0)
Presiding: Harry Paarsch (University of Melbourne)
Semi-Nonparametric Estimation of Archimedean Copulae with Application to First-Price, Sealed-Bid Auctions
Han Hong (Stanford University)
Timothy P. Hubbard (Texas Tech University)
Harry J. Paarsch (University of Melbourne)
Identification and Estimation of Position Auction Models
Yu-Wei Hsieh (New York University)
Market Power or Product Quality: A Regression Discontinuity Approach to Understanding the Hub Premium
Connan Snider (University of California-Los Angeles)
Jonathan Williams (University of Georgia)
Matching with Trade-Offs: Revealed Preferences over Competing Characteristics
Alfred Galichon (Ecole Polytechnique)
Bernard Salanie (Columbia University)
Yu-Wei Hsieh (New York University)
Harry J. Paarsch (University of Melbourne)
Alfred Galichon (Ecole Polytechnique)
Connan Andrew Snider (University of California-Los Angeles)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 3
Econometric Society
Field Experiments in Economics: The Theory, The Firm, and The Policymaker (C9)
Presiding: John List (University of Chicago)
Field Experiments: Where Did the Theory Go?
David Card (University of California-Berkeley)
Stefano Della Vigna (University of California-Berkeley)
Ulrike Malmendier (University of California-Berkeley)
Field Experiments in Firms
Oriana Bandiera (LSE)
Iwan Barankay (Wharton)
Imran Rasul (UCL)
Field Experiments Speaking to Policymakers
Jeffrey R. Kling (Congressional Budget Office)
Jens Ludwig (University of Chicago)
Sendhil Mullainathan (Harvard University)
David H. Autor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Nava Ashraf (Harvard Business School)
Stephan Meier (Columbia University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 6
Econometric Society
Firms in the International Economy (F4)
Presiding: Samuel Kortum (University of Chicago)
Trade Induced Technical Change? The Impact of Chinese Imports on Innovation, Diffusion and Productivity
John Van Reenen (London School of Economics)
Trade Dynamics and Sudden Stop Crises with Heterogeneous Firms
Miguel Fuentes (Banco Central de Chile)
Ricardo Gonzalez (CEP)
Exchange Rate Movements and Firm Dynamics in Canadian Retail Industries
Jen Baggs (University of Victoria)
Eugene Beaulieu (University of Calgary)
Loretta Fung (National Tsing Hua University)
Beverly Lapham (Queen's University)
Ralph Ossa (University of Chicago)
Kalina Manova (Stanford University)
Costas Arkolakis (Yale University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 7
Econometric Society
Monetary Policy and Interest Rates (E0)
Presiding: ()
Beliefs about Inflation and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
Paul Ehling (BI Oslo)
Michael Gallmeyer (University of Virginia)
Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen (SIFR)
Philipp Illeditsch (The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania)
Bond Yields and Monetary Policy over 40 Years
Peter Hrdahl (Bank for International Settlements)
Oreste Tristani (European Central Bank)
No-arbitrage Near-Cointegrated VAR(p) Term Structure Models, Term Premia and GDP Growth.
Caroline Jardet (Banque de France)
Alain Monfort (CREST, Banque de France and Maastricht University)
Fulvio Pegoraro (Banque de France and CREST)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 8
Econometric Society
New Developments in Monetary Economics (E4)
Presiding: Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton University)
Invited Lecture - New Developments in Monetary Economics after the Crisis
Michael Woodford (Columbia University)
Invited Lecture - New Developments in Monetary Economics
Mark Gertler (New York University)
Markus K. Brunnermeier (Princeton University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 9
Econometric Society
Peer Effects and School Quality (I2)
Presiding: Lars Lefgren (Brigham Young University)
Student-Teacher Match Quality, Cardinal Test Measures, and Teacher Value Added
Lars Lefgren (Brigham Young University)
David P. Sims (Brigham Young University)
Anti-Lemons: School Reputation and Educational Quality
W. Bentley Macleod (Columbia University)
M. Urquiola (Columbia University)
Do Peers Affect Student Achievement? Evidence from Canada Using Group Size Variation
Vincent Boucher (Université de Montréal)
Yann Bramoull (Laval University and CIRPÉE)
Habiba Djebbari (Laval University, IZA and CIRPÉE)
Bernard Fortin (Laval University and CIRPÉE)
Classroom Assignment and Student Performance: Evidence from Brazil
Martin Koppensteiner (Queen Mary University of London)
W. Bentley MacLeod (Columbia University)
Lars Lefgren (Brigham Young University)
Martin Foureaux Koppensteiner (Queen Mary University of London)
Habiba Djebbari (Laval University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall D & E
Economic Science Association
Norms and Ethical Behavior (C9)
Presiding: Roberto Weber (Carnegie Mellon University)
Fairness and Cheating
Daniel Houser (George Mason University)
Stefan Vetter (University of Munich)
Joachim Winter (University of Munich)
Can Relational Contracts Survive Stochastic Interruptions?
Colin Camerer (California Institute of Technology)
Sera Linardi (University of Pittsburgh)
Lab Measures of Other-Regarding Behavior Predict Some Choices in a Natural On-the-Job Social Dilemma: Evidence from Truckers
Jon Anderson (University of Minnesota-Morris)
Matthew Bombyk (University of Minnesota)
Stephen Burks (University of Minnesota-Morris)
Jeffrey Carpenter (Middlebury College)
Derek Ganzhorn (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Choosing to Fight Fair: Endogenous Selection of Reporting Standards and Ethical Behavior
Francesca Gino (Harvard University)
Erin Krupka (University of Michigan)
Roberto Weber (Carnegie Mellon University)
Uri Gneezy (University of California-San Diego)
Stephen Leider (University of Michigan)
Pamela Jakiela (Washington University)
Rachel Croson (University of Texas-Dallas)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 7
Health Economics Research Organization
Are For-Profit Healthcare Providers and Payers Different? Recent Research and Policy Implications (I1)
Presiding: Mark G. Duggan (University of Maryland)
Are Not-For-Profit Insurers Different?
Leemore Dafny (Northwestern University)
Subramaniam Ramanarayanan (University of California-Los Angeles)
Antitrust Treatment of Nonprofits: Should Hospitals Receive Special Care?
Cory Capps (Bates White, LLC)
Guy David (University of Pennsylvania)
Dennis Carlton (University of Chicago)
Public Goods Provision in the Hospital Industry: For Profit, Nonprofit, and Governmental
Brandy Lipton (Northwestern University)
Burton Weisbrod (Northwestern University)
Jill Horwitz (University of Michigan)
Martin Gaynor (Carnegie Mellon University)
Mireille Jacobson (RAND Corporation)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Pomeroy
International Banking Economics & Finance Association
Banks and the Macroeconomy: Transmission Channels (E2)
Presiding: Alistair Milne (City University London)
Bank Relationships, Business Cycles, and Financial Crises
Galina Hale (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
International Banks, the Interbank Market, and the Cross-Border Transmission of Business Cycles
Ricardo Correa (Federal Reserve Board)
Horacio Sapriza (Federal Reserve Board)
Andrei Zlate (Federal Reserve Board)
Dynamic Effect of Bank Capital Requirements in General Equilibrium
Michael Kiley (Federal Reserve Board)
Jae Sim (Federal Reserve Board)
Risk Appetite and Exchange Rates
Tobias Adrian (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Erkko Etula (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Hyun Song Shin (Princeton University)
Alistair Milne (City University London)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Westin Tabor, Lawrence A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Creating a New Balance in the Corporate World: Promoting Stable Employment and Long-Term Growth (L2)
Presiding: Heather Boushey (Center for American Progress)
Marketization, Globalization, Financialization: Explaining the Lack of High-quality Employment Opportunities in the United States
William Lazonick (University of Massachusetts-Lowell)
Rewiring the Black Box of Corporate Decisions: How Can Public Policy Rebalance the Interests of Stakeholders to Strengthen Corporate Innovation and Long-Term Job Creation?
Christian E. Weller (University of Massachusetts-Boston)
Knowledge-Driven Work: An Assessment of Resource Drivers and Constraints Associated with the Large-Scale Transformation of U.S. Labor and Employment Relations
Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Employee Ownership in the Economy of Permanent Crisis: Untapped Potential or a Dead Letter?
Edward Carberry (Erasmus University)
Ron Blackwell (AFL-CIO)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Westin Tabor, Continental Foyer
Labor & Employment Relations Association
LERA Poster Session (J5) (Poster Session)
Presiding: Robert Hoell (Georgia Southern University)
Inter-union Conflict in a Multi-union, Non-exclusive Bargaining Regime: New Zealand Lessons for the U.S.
Mark Harcourt (Waikato University)
Helen Lam (Athabasca University)
Does Culture Make Differences in Employees’ Voice Behaviors? Cultural Analysis of Employees’ Voice Behaviors
Joo-Young Park (Michigan State University)
Synergies and Conflicts of Interest in the Employment Relationship in Consultancy: An Analysis of the Implications for Attitudes and Behaviors in a Leading Consultancy Firm
Rory Donnelly (University of Birmingham)
A Debate Over Union Democracy: A New Approach
Mohammad A. Ali (Rutgers University)
A Theoretical and Empirical Exploration of Cross-sectoral Differences in Employee Attitudes and Perceptions
Darla Flint Paulson (University of Texas-Arlington)
Nicole T. Foster (University of Texas-Arlington)
Something Old, Something New--Industry Strategic Partnership: The Pharmaceutical Industry Labor-Management Association (PILMA)
Patrick P. McHugh (The George Washington University)
Scott A. LaGanga (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA))
Matthew M. Bodah (University of Rhode Island)
Big Five Personality Traits, Human Capital, Work Activities, Gender Composition of Occupations and Earnings
Timothy Keaveny (Marquette University)
Peter Toumanoff (Marquette University)
CEO Pay for Long-run Performance: A Dynamic View
Ji-Young Ahn (Ewha Womans University)
Do Chinese Trade Unions Matter? Evidence from the China General Social Survey of 2008
Shisong Qing (Renmin University of China)
Mingwei Liu (Rutgers University)
From Industrial Relations to Stakeholder Relations: The Future of Employment Relations as a Field of Study
Yong-Seung Park (Kyung Hee University)
Employee Perceptions of Dismissal for Cause: Some Initial Findings
Wendy R. Carroll (University of Prince Edward Island)
Terry H. Wagar (Saint Mary’s University)
Managing Workplace Sexual Harassment: The Role of Manager Training
Grant E. Buckner (Appalachian State University)
Hugh D. Hindman (Appalachian State University)
Decent Work for All: A Human Rights-based Approach
Gillian MacNaughton (University of Oxford)
Diane F. Frey (London School of Economics)
The Effectiveness of a Pro-employee Labour Law in China: An Examination of Employee Mediation and Arbitration in China
Jing Wang (Saint Mary's University)
Aiqing Zheng (Renmin University of China)
Can Labour Unions Act Strategically?
Gregor Gall (University of Hertfordshire)
Uncertainty, Task Environment, and Organization Design: An Empirical Investigation
Avner Ben-Ner (University of Minnesota)
Fanmin Kong (Peking University)
Stéphanie Lluis (University of Waterloo)
A Note on Informality in the Labor Market
Melanie Khamis (Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA))
Perk or Investment in Productivity? The Provision of Tuition Reimbursement by Private Sector Firms
Colleen Flaherty Manchester (University of Minnesota)
An ESOP Effectiveness Framework: Job Value, ESOP Satisfaction, Role Fulfillment, and Employee Participation
Andrea Kim (Rutgers University)
Kyongji Han (Rutgers University)
Douglas Kruse (Rutgers University)
Joseph Blasi (Rutgers University)
International Framework Agreements and the Democratic Deficit of Global Labour Governance
Christina Niforou (University of Warwick)
Is Human Resource Management the Manager of the New Class Employment System?
Jeffrey Keefe (Rutgers University)
The Compensation of Private University Presidents
Mitchell Langbert (Brooklyn College-CUNY)
Marc Fox (Brooklyn College-CUNY)
Impact of Replacement Worker Legislation on Strike Incidence, Strike Duration and Wage Settlement
Jiong Tu (Human Resources and Skills Development Canada)
Labor Education at a Time of Crisis in Work and Theory: Theorizing Stewards' Knowledge
Helena Worthen (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
A Comparison of Participant Evaluation of the Procedural and Distributive Elements of Chinese Labor Arbitration Committee Mediation Versus Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Mediation
E. Patrick McDermott (Salisbury University)
Jinyue (Jenny) Sun (Dongbei University)
Ruth Obar (Salisbury University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Westin Tabor, Continental A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Psychological Health at Work: The Roles of Law, Policy, and Dispute Resolution (J5) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Heather Grob (Saint Martin's University)
John F. Burton, Jr. (Rutgers University) Workers' Compensation Benefits for Workplace Stress
Krista Hoffmeister (Colorado State University) Beyond Prevention Through Design: Perspectives from Occupational Health Psychology
Debra A. Healy (Healy Conflict Management Services (OR)) Mediating Workplace Abuse: Does it Work?
Tapas K. Ray (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (OH)) Costs of Stress at Work: Who Bears Them?
David C. Yamada (Suffolk University) Workplace Bullying, Mobbing, and Harassment: Emerging Legal Responses
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Savoy
National Association of Economic Educators
Big Think: A Model for Critical Inquiry in Economics Courses (A2) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: KimMarie McGoldrick (University of Richmond)
KimMarie McGoldrick (University of Richmond)
Robert Garnett (Texas Christian University)
Paul Grimes (Mississippi State University)
Geoffrey Schneider (Bucknell University)
John J. Siegfried (Vanderbilt University)
Martha Starr (American University)
Michael Watts (Purdue University)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Spruce
National Association of Forensic Economics
Forensic Economics II: Dealing with Paired Wrongful Death and Survival Action Statutes in Calculating Economic Damages (K4) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Thomas Ireland (University of Missouri-St. Louis)
Donal F. Kirwan (Forensic Human Resources)
James D. Rodgers (Pennsylvania State University)
Robert J. Thornton (Lehigh University)
Jeroen Walstra (Cohen & Walstra)
Marc A. Weinstein (Team Economics, LLC)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Granite A
National Economic Association
The Economics of Race, Educational, and Financial Outcomes (I2)
Presiding: Omari H. Swinton (Howard University)
Does Teacher Preparation Matter? Pupil Academic Achievement and Teacher’s College Preparation
Patrick Mason (Florida State University)
Is the Diversity of STEM Disciplines an Anomaly?
Rhonda Sharpe (Bennett College for Women)
Estimating the Expected Net Returns to College
Omari H. Swinton (Howard University)
Andrew Hussey (University of Memphis)
High School Quality, Race, and College Achievement
Rodney Andrews (University of Texas-Dallas)
Black-White Disparities in Bank Savings and Investment Income: Evidence of Within and Between Racial Differences
Ruth Oyelere (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Willie Belton (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Deconstructing Child Performance: How Do Socioeconomic Factors in Africa-American Single Parent Families Influence Child Outcomes?
Sharri Byron (Auburn University-Montgomery)
Patrick Mason (Florida State University)
Rodney Andrews (University of Texas-Dallas)
Rhonda Sharpe (Bennett College for Women)
Omari H. Swinton (Howard University)
Umoh Udo Umoh (Benedict College)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Marriott, Mattie Silks
Society for Economic Dynamics
The Labor Market (J2)
Presiding: Nir Jaimovich (Stanford University)
Are Recessions Good for Young People?
Dirk Krueger (University of Pennsylvania)
Victor Rios Rull (University of Minnesota)
Jonathan Heathcote (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)
Inequality and the Life Cycle
Greg Kaplan (University of Pennsylvania)
Directed Search Over the Life Cycle
Guido Menzio (University of Pennsylvania)
Irina Telyukova (University of California-San Diego)
Ludo Visschers (Simon Fraser University)
What Should I Be When I Grow Up? Occupations and Unemployment over the Life Cycle and Business Cycle
Martin Gervais (University of Southampton)
Nir Jaimovich (Stanford University)
Yaniv Yedid-Levi (University of British Columbia)
Henry Siu (University of British Columbia)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Granite C
Society of Government Economists
A New Supplemental Poverty Measure for the United States (I3)
Presiding: James Ziliak (University of Kentucky)
Developing Thresholds for the Supplemental Poverty Measure
Thesia I. Garner (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Measuring Medical-Out-Of-Pocket Expenses in the Current Population Survey
Kyle Caswell (Bureau of the Census)
Brett O'Hara (Bureau of the Census)
Supplemental Poverty Measure: Geographic Adjustments from the American Community Survey
Trudi Renwick (Bureau of the Census)
Who is Poor? A New Look with the Supplemental Poverty Measure: 2009
Kathleen Short (Bureau of the Census)
David Betson (University of Notre Dame)
Mark Levitan (New York City Center for Economic Opportunity)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Sheraton, Biltmore
Transportation & Public Utilities Group
Network Neutrality and Public Policy (L5)
Presiding: David Gabel (Queens College)
Innovations in Systems Markets
Michael Katz (University of California-Berkeley)
Network Neutrality on the Internet
Nick Economides (New York University)
Net Neutrality and its Implications for Service Innovation, Broadband Investment and Regulation
Jan Kramer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Eric Ralph (Ekonomics LLC)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Agate A
Union for Radical Political Economists/International Association for Feminist Economics
Explorations in Race and Gender (J7)
Presiding: Mary King (Portland State University)
Gender and Race in American Tobacco Cards 1880-1920: The Role of Coercive Competition
Jonathan Goldstein (Bowdoin College)
Gender and the Fringe Banking Sector: A Preliminary Analysis
Hazel Malapit (University of Michigan)
Smriti Rao (Assumption College)
Improving Social Equality for Low Income African American Women: A Case Study Utilizing the Capabilities Approach
Martha Wettemann (Tennessee State University)
Difficult Crossroads: Intersections of Race, Gender, Low-Wage Work and Low-Income Families
Randy Albelda (University of Massachusetts-Boston)
Mary King (Portland State University)
Cecilia Conrad (Pomona College)
Jan 08, 2011 8:00 am, Hyatt Regency, Agate B
Union for Radical Political Economists
Immigrant Labor in the U.S.: Towards a New Transnationalism (J8)
Presiding: George DeMartino (University of Denver)
Day Labor, Urban Informality and the Promise of Transnational Labor Activism
Nik Theodore (University of Illinois-Chicago)
Day Labor Worker Centers as Community Institutions: Regulating and Integrating Immigrant Workers
Abel Valenzuela (University of California-Los Angeles)
Exploring the Potential and Limits of Immigrant Worker Organizing: Day Laborers' Centers and the Traditional Trade Union Movement
Minsun Ji (University of Denver)
Intersecting Oppressions in Colorado's Domestic Worker Industry: The Interaction of Race, Immigrant-Status, and Language in the Domestic Work Force
Tony Robinson (University of Colorado-Denver)
Janice Fine (Rutgers University)
Tony Robinson (University of Colorado-Denver)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 2
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association
Agricultural Export Restrictions (Q1)
Presiding: Ian Sheldon (The Ohio State University)
Export Restrictions and Price Insulation during Commodity Price Booms
Kym Anderson (University of Adelaide)
Will Martin (World Bank)
Export Restrictions as Stabilization Responses to Food Crisis
Philip Abbott (Purdue University)
Alternative Policies to Agricultural Export Bans that are Less Market-Distorting
William Liefert (USDA, Economic Research Service)
John Wainio (USDA, Economic Research Service)
Ian Sheldon (The Ohio State University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 12
American Economic Association
Bailouts, Incentives, and Regulation (E6)
Presiding: Thomas Philippon (New York University)
Optimal Interventions in Markets with Adverse Selection
Thomas Philippon (New York University)
Vasiliki Skreta (New York University)
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Collective Moral Hazard, Maturity Mismatch and Systemic Bailouts
Emmanuel Farhi (Harvard University)
Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics)
Illiquidity Seeking Banks and Financial Regulation
Douglas W. Diamond (University of Chicago)
Raghuram G. Rajan (University of Chicago)
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Bailouts, Time Inconsistency and Optimal Regulation
V. V. Chari (University of Minnesota)
Patrick Kehoe (Princeton University)
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Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Terrace
American Economic Association
Behavioral Economics and Consumer Regulation (D0)
Presiding: David Leonhardt (New York Times)
Informing Consumers about Themselves: Electronic Disclosure in Markets
Emir Kamenica (University of Chicago)
Sendhil Mullainathan (Harvard University)
Richard H. Thaler (University of Chicago)
Pitfalls and Potential of Disclosing Conflicts of Interest
Daylian Cain (Yale University)
George Loewenstein (Carnegie Mellon University)
Sunita Sah (Carnegie Mellon University)
The Financial Education Fallacy
Lauren Willis (Loyola Law School)
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David Laibson (Harvard University)
Ulrike Malmendier (University of California-Berkeley)
Annamaria Lusardi (Dartmouth College)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 15
American Economic Association
Economic Impacts of the September 11 Attacks: A Ten-Year Retrospective (H8)
Presiding: Adam Rose (University of Southern California)
World Trade Center Tenant Relocation Patterns after September 11th, 2001
Alberto Abadie (Harvard University)
Sofia Dermisi (Roosevelt University)
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Calculating the Macroeconomic Costs and Benefits of September 11
Gregory Hess (Claremont McKenna College)
Adam Rose (University of Southern California)
Brock Blomberg (Claremont Mckenna College)
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New Empirics of Transnational Terrorism and Its Impact on Economic Growth
Todd Sandler (University of Texas-Dallas)
Khusrav Gaibulloev (Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research)
Donggyu Sul (University of Texas-Dallas)
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Martin Feldstein (Harvard University and NBER)
Edward Glaeser (Harvard University)
Alan Krueger (Princeton University)
Bryan Roberts (Dept of Homeland Security)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Director's Row E
American Economic Association
Economics of the Arts (Z1)
Presiding: Jianping Mei (Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business)
Sale Rates and Price Movements in Art Auctions
Kathryn Graddy (Brandeis University)
Orley Ashenfelter (Princeton University)
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Rock and Roll Bands, (In)complete Contracts and Creativity
Victor Ginsburgh (ECARES, Brussels and CORE, Louvain-la-Neuve )
Cedric Ceulemans (ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles)
Patrick Legros (ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles)
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Art and Money
Will Goetzmann (Yale School of Management)
Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University)
Christophe Spaenjers (Tilburg University)
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Optimal Learning Patterns for Creativity Generation in a Field
Jonathan Feinstein (Yale School of Management)
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Benjamin Mandel (Federal Reserve Board)
Marie Connolly Pray (University of Quebec-Montreal)
Bruce Weinberg (Ohio State University)
Cedric Ceulemans (ECARES, Université Libre de Bruxelles )
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 12
American Economic Association
Empirics of Growth (O4)
Presiding: Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Beyond GDP? Welfare across Countries and Time
Charles I. Jones (Stanford University)
Peter Klenow (Stanford University)
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Identifying Technology Spillovers and Product Market Competition
Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University)
Mark Schankerman (London School of Economics)
John Van Reenen (London School of Economics)
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Innovation, Reallocation and Growth
Daron Acemoglu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ufuk Akcigit (University of Pennsylvania)
Nicholas Bloom (Stanford University)
William Kerr (Harvard Business School)
Taxation and Innovation
Philippe Aghion (Harvard University)
Julia Cage (Paris School of Economics and Harvard University)
Ufuk Akcigit (University of Pennsylvania)
William Kerr (Harvard Business School)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Director's Row J
American Economic Association
Frontier Issues in Utility Regulation (Q4)
Presiding: Erin Mansur (Dartmouth College and NBER)
Designing markets for pollution when damages vary across sources : Evidence from the NOx Budget Program
Meredith Fowlie (University of California-Berkeley)
Nicholas Muller (Middlebury College)
Daniel Tong (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
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Wind Power Investment
Allan Collard-Wexler (New York University)
Ariel Pakes (Harvard University)
How Do Energy Prices, and Labor and Environmental Regulations Affect Local Manufacturing Employment Dynamics? A Regression Discontinuity Approach
Matthew Kahn (University of California-Los Angeles)
Erin Mansur (Dartmouth College and NBER)
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Do Americans Consume Too Little Natural Gas? An Empirical Test of Marginal Cost Pricing
Lucas Davis (University of California-Berkeley)
Erich Muehlegger (Harvard University)
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Information and Energy Efficiency Policy
Hunt Allcott (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and New York University)
Sendhil Mullainathan (Harvard University)
Dmitry Taubinsky (Harvard University)
Ryan Kellogg (University of Michigan)
Steve Puller (Texas A&M University)
Stephen Ryan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Joseph Cullen (Harvard University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Director's Row I
American Economic Association
Gender and Labor Markets (J7)
Presiding: Nicole Fortin (University of British Columbia)
Gender Segregation in Occupations: The Role of Tipping and Social Interactions
Jessica Pan (National University of Singapore)
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Compensating Differentials for Sexual Harassment
Joni Hersch (Vanderbilt University)
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Chipping Away at the Glass Ceiling: Gender Spillovers in Corporate Leadership
David Matsa (Northwestern University)
Amalia Miller (University of Virginia)
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Is the Risk Worth the Reward for Top Female Executives?
Karen Selody (University of California, Berkeley)
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Joyce Jacobsen (Wesleyan University)
Wayne Grove (Le Moyne College)
Saranna Thornton (Hampden-Sydney College)
Kai Li (University of British Columbia)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Colorado
American Economic Association
Household Borrowing and the Financial Crisis (E2)
Presiding: Enrichetta Ravina (Columbia University)
Consumer Credit, Financial Frictions, and Long-term Relationships
Sumit Agarwal (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Emi Nakamura (Columbia University)
Enrichetta Ravina (Columbia University)
Jon Steinsson (Columbia University)
Risk and Default: Understanding Macro Drivers of Bankruptcy
Ethan B Cohen-Cole (University of Maryland-College Park)
Skin in the Game: Evidence from the Online Social Lending Market
Thomas Hildebrand (European School of Management and Technology)
Manju Puri (Duke University)
Jörg Rocholl (European School of Management and Technology)
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Bankruptcy and Mortgage Default
Wenli Li (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
Michelle White (University of California-San Diego and NBER)
Victoria Ivashina (Harvard University)
Adair Morse (University of Chicago)
Arnoud Boot (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Vikrant Vig (London Business School)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 16
American Economic Association
Incentive Compensation (G3)
Presiding: Kevin Murphy (University of Southern California)
What Death Can Tell: Are Executives Paid for Their Contributions to Firm Value?
Bang Dang Nguyen (University of Cambridge)
Kasper Meisner Nielsen (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
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Agency and Compensation: Evidence from the Hotel Industry
Matthew Freedman (Cornell University)
Renata Kosova (Cornell University)
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CEO Compensation and Political Connectedness
Yaniv Grinstein (Cornell University)
Hadiye Aslan (University of Houston)
Are Bureaucrats Really Paid Like Bureaucrats?
Ruben Enikolopov (New Economic School)
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Monitoring Managers through Corporate Compliance Programs
Charles Angelucci (Toulouse School of Economics)
Martijn Han (University of Amsterdam)
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Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 11
American Economic Association
Innovative Teaching Strategies for Teaching Undergraduate Economics (A2)
Presiding: B. Douglas Bernheim (Stanford University)
In-Class vs. Online Experiments: Is There a Difference?
Tisha L.N. Emerson (Baylor Universeity)
Linda K. Carter (Baylor University)
Teaching with Case Studies...Hyperinflation: What Can Zimbabwe Teach Us?
Monica Hartmann (University of St. Thomas)
Robert Werner (University of St. Thomas)
Do Daily Clicker Questions Predict Course Performance?
Lee E. Erickson (Taylor University)
Patricia A. Erickson (Taylor University)
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Steven J. Balassi (Saint Mary's College of California)
Jennifer Imazeki (San Diego State University)
Mariah Ehmke (University of Wyoming)
Cynthia Bansak (St. Lawrence University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 1
American Economic Association
Intergenerational Transfers (J2)
Presiding: Arthur Diamond (University of Nebraska-Omaha)
The Correlation Between Subjective Parental Longevity and Intergenerational Transfers
Megan M. Way (Babson College)
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Rich Dad, Smart Dad: Decomposing the Intergenerational Transmission of Income
Lars Lefgren (Brigham Young University)
Matthew J. Lindquist (Stockholm University)
David Sims (Brigham Young University)
Magical Transition? Intergenerational Economic Mobility in Rural China from 1988 to 2002
Shahe Emran (George Washington University)
Yan Sun (George Washington University)
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The intergenerational transmission of cognitive and noncognitive abilities
Erik Grönqvist (Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation, Sweden)
Bjorn Ockert (Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation, Sweden)
Jonas Vlachos (Stockholm University)
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The Importance of Bequest Motives: Evidence from Long-Term Care Insurance and the Pattern of Saving
Lee M. Lockwood (University of Chicago)
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Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Spruce
American Economic Association
Labor Supply Effects of Disability Insurance (H5)
Presiding: Mark Duggan (University of Maryland)
The Impact of Stricter Criteria for Disability Insurance on Labor Force Participaton
Stefan Staubli (University of St. Gallen)
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Does Disability Insurance Receipt Discourage Work? Using Examiner Assignment to Estimate Causal Effects of SSDI Receipt
Kathleen Mullen (RAND)
Nicole Maestas (RAND)
Alexander Strand (Social Security Administration)
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How Common is Parking Among Social Security Disability Insurance Beneficiaries? Evaluation of the 1999 Increase in Substantial Gainful Activity on Earnings and Benefits
David Stapleton (Mathematica Policy Research)
Jody Schimmel (Mathematica Policy Research)
Jae Song (Social Security Administration)
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Spousal Labor Supply Responses to Government Programs: Evidence from the Disability Insurance Program
Susan Chen (University of Alabama)
Hilary Hoynes (University of California-Davis)
John Bound (University of Michigan)
Richard Burkhauser (Cornell University)
Julie Cullen (University of California-San Diego)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Majestic Ballroom
American Economic Association
Measuring Financial Capacity and Risk: Lessons from the Financial Crisis (G1)
Presiding: James Poterba (NBER and Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Americans' Financial Capability
Annamaria Lusardi (Dartmouth College)
Olivia S. Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania)
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The Effects of the Financial Crisis on the Well‐Being of Older Americans: Evidence from the Cognitive Economics Study
Miles S. Kimball (University of Michigan)
Matthew D. Shapiro (University of Michigan)
Tyler Shumway (University of Michigan)
Robert J. Willis (University of Michigan)
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Households@Risk: US Households' Capacity to Cope with Risk
Peter Tufano (Harvard Business School)
Daniel Schneider (Princeton University)
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Risk Topography
Markus K. Brunnermeier (Princeton University)
Gary Gorton (Yale University)
Arvind Krishnamurthy (Northwestern University)
Arthur Kennickell (Federal Reserve Board)
John Phillips (Social Security Administration)
Arie Kapteyn (Rand Corporation)
Anil Kashyap (University of Chicago)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Century
American Economic Association
Monetary Policy (E3)
Presiding: Peter Rousseau (Vanderbilt University)
Confidence and the Transmission of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Shocks
Ruediger Bachmann (University of Michigan)
Eric Sims (University of Notre Dame)
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Trusting the Bankers: Another Look at the Credit Channel of Monetary Policy
Jose-Luis Peydro (European Central Bank)
Angela Maddaloni (European Central Bank)
Matteo Ciccarelli (European Central Bank)
Financial Frictions, the Financial Immoderation, and the Great Moderation
Cristina Fuentes-Albero (University of Pennsylvania)
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Financial Market Segmentation, Stock Market Volatility and the Role of Monetary Policy
Anastasia S. Zervou (Texas A&M University)
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Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 9
American Economic Association/Peace Science Society International
Peace Science and Regional Science Economics (In Memory of Walter Isard) (Y8)
Presiding: Solomon Polachek (Binghamton University)
Econometric Developments in Peace Science: Relevance as a Latent Variable in Dyadic Analysis of Conflict
Jun Xiang (University of Rochester and Rutgers University)
Democratic Peace and Electoral Accountability
Paola Conconi (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ECARES) and CEPR)
Nicolas Sahuguet (HEC Montreal, CEPR, and CIRPEE)
Maurizio Zanardi (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ECARES))
Splitting an Uncertain (Natural) Capital
Jeremy Laurent-Lucchetti (University of Bern)
Justin Leroux (Institut d'Economie Appliquee, CIRPEE, and HEC Montreal)
Bernard Sinclair-Desgagne (HEC Montreal and Ecole Polytechnique de Paris)
To be announced
Raul Caruso (Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
To be announced
Carlos Seiglie (Rutgers University)
To be announced
Solomon Polachek (Binghamton Universirty)
To be announced
Michael Intriligator (UCLA and Milken Institute)
To be announced
Peter Isard (International Monetary Fund)
To be announced
Thomas Schelling (University of Maryland)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 17
American Economic Association
Predicting Exchange Rates (F3)
Presiding: David Papell (University of Houston)
Factor Model Forecasts of Exchange Rates
Charles Engel (University of Wisconsin)
Nelson C. Mark (University of Notre Dame)
Kenneth D. West (University of Wisconsin)
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Yield Curve Predictors of Foreign Exchange Returns
Andrew Ang (Columbia University)
Joseph C. Chen (University of California-Davis)
What Moves Real Exchange Rates?
Jules H. van Binsbergen (Stanford University)
Ralph S.J. Koijen (University of Chicago)
Brent Neiman (University of Chicago)
Countercyclical Currency Risk Premia
Hanno Lustig (University of California-Los Angeles)
Nikolai Roussanov (University of Pennsylvania)
Adrien Verdelhan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
David Papell (University of Houston)
Jan Groen (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Jian Wang (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
Magnus Dahlquist (Stockholm University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Gold
American Economic Association
Race, Property, and Segregation in Historical Perspective (J1)
Presiding: William Collins (Vanderbilt University)
Race and Home Ownership from the End of the Civil War to the Present
William J. Collins (Vanderbilt University)
Robert A. Margo (Boston University)
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Covenants Without Courts: Enforcing Residential Segregation with Legally Unenforceable Agreements
Richard Brooks (Yale Law School)
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The New Deal, Race, and Housing in the 1920s and 1930s
Price Fishback (University of Arizona)
Trevor Kollmann (University of Arizona)
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One Farm Bought, One House Built: The Enduring Effect of Free Land on Black Property Ownership
Melinda Miller (United States Naval Academy)
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Fred H. Smith (Davidson College)
Trevon D. Logan (Ohio State University)
Thomas Cvrcek (Clemson University)
Joseph P. Ferrie (Northwestern University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Vail
American Economic Association
School Accountability and Student Outcomes: The Impact of No Child Left Behind (I2)
Presiding: Jonah Rockoff (Columbia Business School)
The Impact of No Child Left Behind on Student Achievement
Thomas Dee (University of Virginia)
Brian A. Jacob (University of Michigan)
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Under Pressure: Job Security, Resource Allocation, and Productivity in Schools under NCLB
Randall Reback (Barnard College, Columbia University)
Jonah Rockoff (Columbia Business School)
Heather L. Schwartz (RAND)
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Assessing the Impacts of Closing Persistently Failing Schools
Lisa Barrow (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Kyung-Hong Park (University of Chicago)
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach (Northwestern University)
No Child Left Behind: Estimating the Impact on Choices and Student Outcomes
Justine S. Hastings (Yale University)
Jeffrey M. Weinstein (Syracuse University)
David Figlio (Northwestern University)
Steven G. Rivkin (Amherst College)
Bruce Sacerdote (Dartmouth College)
Brian A. Jacob (University of Michigan)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Denver
American Economic Association
Stratification Economics (A Roundtable): An Emerging Subfield (Z1)
Presiding: William Darity, Jr. (Duke University)
Stratification Economics: Economics and Social Identity
William Darity, Jr. (Duke University)
Patrick L. Mason (Florida State University)
James Stewart (Pennsylvania State University)
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Stratification Economics and Wealth Inequality
Darrick Hamilton (The New School)
Stratification Economics and Immigration Theory
Alberto Davila (University of Texas-Pan American)
Joseph Guzman (STRATGlobal Consulting)
Marie Mora (University of Texas-Pan American)
Sue Stockly (Eastern New Mexico University)
Stratification Economics and the Racial Achievement Gap
Timothy Diette (Washington & Lee University)
Arthur H. Goldsmith (Washington & Lee University)
The Economic Breeding-Out of Surplus Blacks? The Political Economy of Eugenic Sterilization And Genocide In North Carolina
Gregory Price (Morehouse College)
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Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Director's Row H
American Economic Association
The Economics of Blood, Stem Cell and Organ Donation (I1)
Presiding: Ted Bergstrom (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Stem Cell Donor Matching for Patients of Mixed Race
Ted Bergstrom (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Rod Garratt (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Damien Sheehan-Connor (Wesleyan University)
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Will There be Blood? Incentives and Substitution Effects in Pro-Social Behavior
Nicola Lacetera (University of Toronto)
Mario Macis (Johns Hopkins University)
Robert Slonim (University of Sydney)
Donorcycles: Motorcycle Helmet Laws and the Supply of Organ Donors
Todd Elder (Michigan State University)
Stacy Dickert-Conlin (Michigan State University)
Brian Moore (Michigan State University)
Jeff DeSimone (University of Texas-Arlington)
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The Effect of Cadaveric Kidney Donations on Living Kidney Donations
Jose Fernandez (University of Louisville)
Lisa Stohr (University of Louisville)
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Douglas Hough (Johns Hopkins University)
Steven Leider (University of Michigan)
Susanne Neckermann (ZEW - University of Mannheim)
Lan Shi (University of Washington)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Columbine
American Economic Association
The Policy Response to the Financial Crisis (E5)
Presiding: Veronica Guerrieri (University of Chicago)
The Central-Bank Balance Sheet as an Instrument of Monetary Policy
Vasco Curdia (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Michael Woodford (Columbia University)
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Credit Crises, Precautionary Savings and the Liquidity Trap
Veronica Guerrieri (University of Chicago)
Guido Lorenzoni (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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The Great Escape? A Quantitative Evaluation of the Fed's Non-Standard Policies
Marco Del Negro (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Gauti Eggertsson (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Andrea Ferrero (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University)
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Managing Credit Booms and Busts: A Pigouvian Taxation Perspective
Olivier Jeanne (Johns Hopkins University)
Anton Korinek (University of Maryland)
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Olivier Jeanne (Johns Hopkins University)
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University)
Guido Lorenzoni (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Michael Woodford (Columbia University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Governor's Square 10
American Economic Association
Who Bears the Corporate Income Tax? An Empirical Approach to Assessing Incidence (H2)
Presiding: Alan Auerbach (University of California-Berkeley)
Spatial Tax Competition and Domestic Wages
Kevin Hassett (American Enterprise Institute)
Aparna Mathur (American Enterprise Institute)
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The Direct Incidence of Corporate Income Tax On Wages
Wiji Arulampalam (University of Warwick)
Michael P. Devereux (Oxford University)
Giorgia Maffini (University of Warwick)
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Labor and Capital Shares of The Corporate Tax Burden: International Evidence
Mihir Desai (Harvard University and NBER)
C . Fritz Foley (Harvard University and NBER)
James R Hines (University of Michigan and NBER)
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Corporate Taxes and Wages: Evidence from the 50 States
Robert Carroll (Tax Foundation and American University)
Alan Auerbach (University of California-Berkeley)
Alison Felix (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City)
li Liu (Rutgers University)
Dhammika Dharmapala (University of Illinois)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Denver Suite IV
American Finance Association
Corporate Governance, Ownership, and Activism (G3)
Presiding: Gregor Matvos (University of Chicago)
Behind the Scenes: The Corporate Governance Preferences of Institutional Investors
Joseph A. McCahery (Tilburg Law and Economics Center)
Laura T. Starks (University of Texas-Austin)
Zacharias Sautner (University of Amsterdam)
Are the Seeds of Bad Governance Sown in Good Times?
Antoinette Schoar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ebonya L. Washington (Yale University)
Agency Problems in Public Firms: Evidence from Corporate Jets in Leveraged Buyouts
Jesse Edgerton (Federal Reserve Board)
Sanjai Bhagat (University of Colorado-Boulder)
Todd Gormley (University of Pennsylvania)
Bo Becker (Harvard Business School)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons A & B
American Finance Association
Financial Crisis (G1)
Presiding: Martin Schneider (Stanford University)
The Seeds of a Crisis: A Theory of Bank Liquidity and Risk-Taking Over the Business Cycle
Viral V. Acharya (New York University)
Hassan Naqvi (National University of Singapore)
Credit Traps
Effi Benmelech (Harvard University)
Nittai Bergman (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Self-Fulfilling Credit-Market Freezes
Lucian A. Bebchuk (Harvard University)
Itay Goldstein (University of Pennsylvania)
Financing Speculative Booms
Zhiguo He (University of Chicago)
Wei Xiong (Princeton University)
Pablo Kurlat (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Adam Zawadowski (Princeton University)
Guillermo Ordonez (Yale University)
Dan Cao (Massachusetts Institute of Technoloy)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Colorado Salon E
American Finance Association
Investor Sentiment (G1)
Presiding: Robin Greenwood (Harvard Business School)
The Chinese Warrants Bubble
Wei Xiong (Princeton University)
Jialin Yu (Columbia University)
Investor Sentiment, Arbitrage Constraints and Stock Return Synchronicity
Ferdinand A. Gul (City University of Hong Kong)
G. Mujtaba Mian (National University of Singapore)
Does Customer Sentiment Drive Investor Sentiment?
Matthew T. Billett (University of Iowa)
Lopo L. Rego (University of Iowa)
Zhan Jiang (State University of New York)
Complicated Trades
Dong Lou (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Lauren Cohen (Harvard Business School)
Itamar Drechsler (New York University)
Alok Kumar (University of Texas-Austin)
Lily Fang (INSEAD)
David McLean (University of Alberta)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons C & D
American Finance Association
Liquidity, Trading, and Frictions - Theory (G1)
Presiding: Peter Kondor (Central European University)
Crises and Liquidity in Over-the-Counter Markets
Ricardo Lagos (New York University)
Guillaume Rocheteau (Federal Reserve Banks)
Pierre-Olivier Weill (University of California-Los Angeles)
Liquidity and Financial Inter mediation
Wilbur John Coleman II (Duke University)
Ravi Bansal (Duke University)
Christian T. Lundblad (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Asset Prices and Institutional Investors
Suleyman Basak (London Business School)
Anna Pavlova (London Business School)
Gustavo Manso (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Stephane Guibaud (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Ron Kaniel (Duke University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons G & H
American Finance Association
Personal Motives and Interpersonal Effects (G1)
Presiding: Enrico Perotti (University of Amsterdam)
The Role of Stock Ownership by U.S. Members of Congress on the Market for Political Favors
Ahmed Tahoun (London School of Economics)
Do They Do It for the Money?
Utpal Bhattacharya (Indiana University-Bloomington)
Cassandra D. Marshall (Indiana University-Bloomington)
Friends in High Places: Peer Effects and Politics
Laura Cohen (Harvard Business School)
Christopher J. Malloy (Harvard Business School)
David Skeie (Federal Reserve Banks)
Amy Dittmar (University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)
Anup Agrawal (University of Alabama)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Colorado Salons I & J
American Finance Association
Real Effects of Financing and Risk Management (G3)
Presiding: Krishnamurthy Subramanian (Emory University)
A Theory of Merger-Driven IPOs
Evgeny Lyandres (Boston University)
Alexei Zhdanov (University of Lausanne)
Jim Hsieh (George Mason University)
Does Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Matter in China? Evidence from Financing and Investment Choices in the High Tech Industry
James S. Ang (Florida State University)
Chaopeng Wu (Xiamen University)
Yingmei Cheng (Florida State University)
Stronger Risk Controls, Lower Risk: Evidence from U.S. Bank Holding Companies
Andrew Ellul (Indiana University-Bloomington)
Vijay Yerramilli (Indiana University-Bloomington)
Macro, Industry, and Frailty Effects in Defaults: The 2008 Credit Crisis in Perspective
S.J. Koopman (VU University Amsterdam)
Andre Lucas (VU University Amsterdam)
Bernd Schwaab (VU University Amsterdam)
Merih Sevilir (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Yongxiang Wang (Columbia University)
Philipp Schnabbl (New York University)
Arthur Korteweg (Stanford University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Denver Suite I & II
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
House Price Index (R2)
Presiding: Thomas Thibodeau (University of Colorado-Boulder)
Testing the Intertemporal Efficiency of Hedonic House Prices
William Wheaton (MIT)
Nai Jia Lee (National University of Singapore)
Tracey N. Seslen (University of Southern California)
Can Liquidity Explain Spatial Dependence in Real Estate Prices?
Siu Kei Wong (Universiyt of Hong Kong)
C.Y. Yiu (University of Hong Kong)
K.W. Chau (University of Hong Kong)
Property Delisting, Housing Cycle and Pricing Bias
Ping Cheng (Florida Atlantic University)
Yingchun Liu (Texas Tech University)
Zhenguo Lin (Mississippi State University)
Option Value Created by the Big Bang in the Berlin Housing Market, 1978-2007
John M. Clapp (University of Connecticut)
Thies Lindenthal (Maastricht University)
Stephen Billings (University of North Carolina-Charlotte)
Kelley Pace (Louisiana State University)
Marsha Courchane (Charles River Assocites)
Liang Peng (University of Colorado-Boulder)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Denver Suite V & VI
American Real Estate & Urban Economic Association
Mortgage Underwriting & Selection (G2)
Presiding: Abdullah Yavas (University of Wisconsin)
Default on CMBS Loans during the Crisis
Xudong An (San Diego State University)
Anthony Sanders (George Mason University)
Taking the Lie Out of Liar Loans: The Effect of Reduced Documentation on the Performance and Pricing of Alt-A and Subprime Mortgages
Michael LaCour-Little (California State University-Fullerton)
Jing Yang (California State University-Fullerton)
The Role of Information Asymmetry on Mortgage Loan Pricing: Differential Mortgage Pricing and Racial Composition 21st Century Redlining
Brent C Smith (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Kenneth N. Daniels (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Unobserved Heterogeneity and Its Effects on Mortgage Options
Min Hwang (George Washington University)
Raphael Kuznetsovski (George Washington University)
Paul S. Willen (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Peter Zorn (Freddie Mac)
Kenneth P. Brevoort (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System)
Yongheng Deng (National University of Singapore)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall F
Association for Comparative Economic Studies
Migration in Central Asia: The experience of four countries (J1)
Presiding: Kathryn Anderson (Vanderbilt University)
Emigration and the Education of Children Left Behind in Uzbekistan
Kathryn H. Anderson (Vanderbilt University)
Bakhrom Mirkasimov (Vanderbilt University)
Remittances and Investment: Evidence from Kyrgyz Panel Data
Charles Becker (Duke University)
Nurgul Ukueva (University of Central Asia)
Migrant Networks and Labor Market Outcomes in Tajikistan
Olga Shemyakina (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Another Partition? Migration from Kazakhstan to Russia: Gender, Age, Ethnicity, & Perceptions of Uncertainty
Galina An (Kenyon College)
Dilip Ratha (World Bank)
Martin Spechler (Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis)
Amelie Constant (DIW DC)
Pauline Grosjean Macartney (University of San Francisco)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall C
Association for Evolutionary Economics
Efficient Public Finance in the Institutional Framework (H5)
Presiding: Christian Weller (University of Massachusetts-Boston)
A Debt-Driven Rise in Income Inequality
Robert H. Scott, III (Monmouth University)
Steven Pressman (Monmouth University)
Taxation and the Laissez Faire Myth
Richard V. Adkisson (New Mexico State University)
Policies to Aid Families with Children: Child Allowances versus Tax Deductions
Steven Pressman (Monmouth University)
Core Concepts of Institutionalist Public Finance
Charles J. Whalen (Utica College and Cornell University)
Modernizing Social Security in a Fiscally Responsible Way
Christian E. Weller (University of Massachusetts-Boston)
Douglas Kinnear (Hastings College)
Steven Pressman (Monmouth University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall B
Association for Social Economics
What Economics Needs: Past and Future (B2) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Bernard Beaudreau (Universite Laval)
Nancy Folbre (University of Massachusetts-Amherst) Political Economy of Care: Past and Future
John Davis (University of Amsterdam and Marquette University) The Political Economy of Identity: Past & Future
Ilene Grabel (University of Denver) Development policies after the Great Crisis
Martha Starr (American Unversity) Macroeconomic Theory and Policy After the Financial Crisis
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Agate B
Association for the Study of Grants Economy/International Association for Feminist Economics
Caring Labor and the Macroeconomy (J4)
Presiding: Eleanor Brown (Pomona College)
How Do First-Time Long Mothers Participate and Stay in Employment in the UK?
Shireen Kanji (University of Cambridge)
Who Care? Modeling Care, Human Capital and Wellbeing
Marina Della Giusta (University of Reading)
Nigar Hashimzade (University of Reading)
Embedding Care and Unpaid Work in Macroeconomic Modeling: A Structuralist Approach
Elissa Braunstein (Colorado State University)
Irene Van Staveren (Institute for Social Studies)
Daniele Tavani (Colorado State University)
Caregiver vs. Care Recipient: Measuring and Valuing Time Devoted to Child Care in the U.S.
Jooyeoun Suh (University of Massachusetts-Amherst)
Codrina Rada (University of Utah)
Maria Floro (American University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 6
Association of Environmental & Resource Economists
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Round Table (Q4) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Robert Stavins (Harvard University)
Carlo Carraro (University of Venice)
Maureen Cropper (University of Maryland and Resources for the Future)
Brian Flannery (Exxon-Mobil)
Charles Kolstad (University of California-Santa Barbara)
Richard Richels (Electric Power Research Institute)
John Weyant (Stanford University)
Gary Yohe (Wesleyan University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Agate C
Chinese Economists Society
The Role of Trade in China's Growth Experience (F1)
Presiding: Bruce Reynolds (University of Virginia and IIEP)
The Role of Expenditure Switching in the Global Imbalance Adjustment
Wei Dong (Bank of Canada)
Avoidance Behaviors of Exporters and Importers: Evidence from the U.S.-China Trade Data Discrepancy
Michael J. Ferrantino (U.S. International Trade Commisssion)
Xuepeng Liu (Kennesaw State University)
Zhi Wang (U.S. International Trade Commission)
The Role of Trade Costs in Global Production Networks: Evidence from China’s Processing Trade Regime
Alyson C. Ma (University of San Diego)
Ari Van Assche (HEC Montreal and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Dynamics of Trade and Exchange Rate in Capital Accumulation and Welfare: Theory and Empirics
Keshab Bhattarai (University of Hull)
Sushanta Mallick (Queen Mary University of London)
How Do Firms’ Export Decisions Affect Employee Income? Evidence from China’s Firm Level Data
Qun Bao (Nankai University)
Jack W. Hou (California State University-Long Beach)
Geng Xiao (Brookings Institution and Columbia University)
Baoyun Qiao (Georgia State University)
Hiau Looi Kee (World Bank)
Keunsuk Chung (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Gary Jefferson (Brandeis University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 2
Econometric Society
Correlation and Contagion in Financial Markets (G0)
Presiding: Stefan Nagel (Stanford University)
Modeling Financial Contagion Using Mutually Exciting Jump Processes
Yacine Ait-Sahalia (Princeton University)
Julio Cacho-Diaz (Princeton University)
Roger L.A. Laeven (Tilburg University)
High and Low Frequency Correlations in Global Equity Markets
Robert F. Engle (New York University)
Jose Rangel (Bank of Mexico)
Long and Short Run Correlation Risk in Stock Returns
Mathijs Cosemans (University of Amsterdam)
Viktor Todorov (Northwestern University)
Xiaoyan Zhang (Cornell University)
Riccardo Colacito (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 6
Econometric Society
Econometric Inference in Inequality based models (C1)
Presiding: Ivan Canay (Northwestern University)
Model Selection Test for Nonnested Moment Inequality Models
Xiaoxia Shi (Yale University)
Identication on Regressions with Missing Covariate Data
Esteban M. Aucejo (Duke University)
Federico A. Bugni (Duke University)
V. Joseph Hotz (Duke University, NBER and IZA)
Asymptotic Distortions in Locally Misspecified Moment Inequality Models
Federico A. Bugni (Duke University)
Ivan A. Canay (Northwestern University)
Patrik Guggenberger (University of California-San Diego)
Set Identification, Sharpness, Refutability of Structural Features
Jinhyun Lee (University College London)
Antonio F. Galvao (University of Iowa)
Shinichi Sakata (University of British Columbia)
Sung Jae Jun (Pennsylvania State University)
Matias Damian Cattaneo (University of Michigan)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 7
Econometric Society
Empirical Methods in Health Economics (I1)
Presiding: Eric French (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
The Effect of Disability Insurance Receipt on Labor Supply
Eric B, French (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Jae Song (Social Security Administration)
The Role of Dynamics in the Health-Education Gradient
Fabian Lange (Yale University)
Doug McKee (Yale University)
Nonparametric IV Analysis of the Health Effects of Pharmaceuticals
Dana Goldman (University of Southern California)
Rosa Matzkin (University of California-Los Angeles)
Daniel McFadden (University of California-Berkeley)
John Romley (RAND)
The Effect of Private Health Insurance on Medical Care Utilization and Self-Assessed Health in Germany
Patrick Hullegie (Netspar and Tilburg University)
Tobias Klein (Netspar and Tilburg University)
Fabian Lange (Yale University)
Tobias Johannes Klein (Tilburg University)
Eric Baird French (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
John Romley (RAND)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 3
Econometric Society
Financial Integration and International Portfolios (F3)
Presiding: Eric van Wincoop (University of Virginia)
Deep Financial Integration and Volatility
Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan (University of Houston and NBER)
Bent E. Sorensen (University of Houston and CEPR)
Vadym Volosovych (Florida Atlantic University)
Asset Liquidity and Equity Home Bias
Thanasis Geromichalos (University of California-Davis)
Ina Simonovska (University of California-Davis and NBER)
International Risk Sharing During the Globalization Era
Robert P. Flood (Notre Dame)
Nancy P. Marion (Dartmouth)
Akito Matsumoto (IMF)
International Currency Portfolios
Michael Kumhof (International Monetary Fund)
Hui Tong (Research International Monetary Fund)
Nicolas Coeurdacier (London Business School)
Fabrizio Perri (University of Minnesota)
Robert Kollmann (ECARES Universite Libre de Bruxelles)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Court 8
Econometric Society
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Invited Paper: Forecast Rationality Tests Based on Multi-Horizon Bounds (C3)
Presiding: ()
Forecast Rationality Tests Based on Multi-Horizon Bounds
Allan Timmermann (University of California-San Diego)
Forecast Rationality Tests Based on Multi-Horizon Bounds
Andrew Patton (Duke University)
Dean Croushore (University of Richmond)
Herman van Dijk (Erasmus University)
Lennart Hoogerheide (Erasmus University)
Kajal Lahiri (SUNY-Albany)
Barbara Rossi (Duke University)
Kenneth West (University of Wisconsin)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Granite B
Economic History Association
Ideology and Growth (N3)
Presiding: TBA ()
Bourgeois Dignity
Deirdre McCloskey (University of Illinois-Chicago)
Religious Orders and Growth through Cultural Change in Pre-Industrial England
Thomas Barnebeck Andersen (University of Copenhagen)
Jeanet Bentzen (University of Copenhagen)
Carl Johan Dalgaard (University of Copenhagen)
Paul Sharp (University of Copenhagen)
Printing and Protestants: Reforming the Economics of the Reformation
Jared Rubin (California State University-Fullerton)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall D & E
Economic Science Association
Expertise, Strategic Sophistication, and Strategic Behavior (C9)
Presiding: John Wooders (University of Arizona)
Professionals Do Not Play Minimax: Evidence from Major League Baseball and the National Football League
Steven Levitt (University of Chicago)
Kenneth Kovash (Mozilla)
The Effects of Group Membership in a Strategic Environment: Evidence from the Field
John List (University of Chicago)
William Neilson (University of Tennessee)
Michael Price (University of Tennessee)
On the Persistence of Strategic Sophistication
Roberto Weber (Carnegie Mellon University)
Sotiris Georganas (University of London)
Paul Healy (Ohio State University)
Blind Stealing: Experience and Expertise in a Mixed-Strategy Poker Experiment
John Wooders (University of Arizona)
Matt van Essen (University of Alabama)
Mark Walker (University of Arizona)
David Gill (University of Southampton)
Victoria Prowse (University of Oxford)
Jason Shachat (Xiamen University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall G
History of Economics Society/American Economic Association
Irving Fisher and Modern Economics: 100 Years After The Purchasing Power of Money (B3)
Presiding: David Laidler (University of Western Ontario)
Irving Fisher and Index Number Theory
Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia)
Irving Fisher and Chicago Economics
Michael D. Bordo (Rutgers University)
Hugh Rockoff (Rutgers University)
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Irving Fisher, Debt Deflation, and Crises
Robert J. Shiller (Yale University)
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Irving Fisher and the Quantity Theorists of his Time
Rebeca Gomez Betancourt (University of Lyon, TRIANGLE)
Jerome de Boyer des Roches (University of Paris IX-Dauphine)
Alice Orcutt Nakamura (University of Alberta)
David E. W. Laidler (University of Western Ontario)
Robert W. Dimand (Brock University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Pomeroy
International Banking Economics & Finance Association
Too-Big-to-Fail and Safety Net Subsidies (G1)
Presiding: Robert DeYoung (University of Kansas)
Who Said Large Banks Don’t Experience Scale Economies and What are the Implications for Solving the Too-Big-to-Fail Problem?
Joseph P. Hughes (Rutgers University)
Loretta J. Mester (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania)
Resolving Large Complex Financial Institutions Within and Across Jurisdictions
Robert J. Bliss (Wake Forest University)
George C. Kaufman (Loyola University Chicago and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
Does Deposit Insurance Improve Financial Intermediation? Evidence from the Russian Experiment
Lucy Chernykh (Bowling Green State University)
Rebel A. Cole (DePaul University)
Collateral and Bank Monitoring: Friends or Foes? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Kasper Roszbach (Sveriges Riksbank)
Gerald Cerqueiro (Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Lisbon)
Steven Ongena (Tilburg University)
Robert DeYoung (University of Kansas)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Nat Hill
International Economic & Finance Society
Skilled Immigration, Labor Mobility and Technology Spillovers (F2)
Presiding: Keith Maskus (University of Colorado)
Employee Spinoffs and Other Entrants: Stylized Facts from Brazil
Oana T. Hirakawa (University of California-San Diego)
Marc-Andreas Muendler (University of California-San Diego, CESifo, and NBER)
James E. Rauch (University of California-San Diego and NBER)
International Business Travel: An Engine of Innovation?
Nune Hovhannisyan (University of Colorado)
Wolfgang Keller (University of Colorado, CEPR, and NBER)
Immigration, Offshoring and American Jobs
Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano (Universita di Bologna and CEPR)
Giovanni Peri (University of California-Davis and NBER)
Greg C. Wright (University of California-Davis)
Skilled Immigration and Innovation: Evidence from Enrollment Fluctuations in U.S. Doctoral Programs
Eric T. Stuen (University of Idaho)
Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale University)
Keith E. Maskus (University of Colorado)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 5
International Society for New Institutional Economics
Institutions, Entrepreneurship, and Public-Private Boundaries (L2)
Presiding: John de Figueiredo (Duke University)
Efficiency and Adaptation in Organizations and Institutions
Peter G. Klein (University of Missouri-Columbia)
Joseph T. Mahoney (University of Illinois)
Anita M. McGahan (University of Toronto)
Christos N. Pitelis (University of Cambridge)
Institutions and Entrepreneurial Opportunities: A New Approach
Nicolai J. Foss (Copenhagen Business School)
Christian Bjornskov (University of Aarhus)
Peter G. Klein (University of Missouri-Columbia)
Dealing with Too Big to Fail
Oliver Hart (Harvard University)
Luigi Zingales (University of Chicago)
Oliver E. Williamson (University of California-Berkeley)
Zoltan J. Acs (George Mason University)
Mark J. Flannery (University of Florida)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Capitol
Korea-America Economic Association/American Economic Association
Recent Development in Microeconomics (D8)
Presiding: In-Koo Cho (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Measuring Media Influence on U.S. State Courts
Claire Lim (Stanford University)
James Snyder (Harvard University)
David Stromberg (Stockholm University)
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Regression Discontinuity Designs with an Endogenous Forcing Variable and an Application to Contracting in Health Care
Minjung Park (University of California-Berkeley)
Pat Bajari (University of Minnesota)
Han Hong (Stanford University)
Robert Town (University of Minnesota)
Endogenous Market Segmentation for Lemons
Kyungmin Kim (Unversity of Iowa)
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A de Finetti Theorem for Capacities: Ambiguity about Correlation
Kyoungwon Seo (Northwestern University)
Larry Epstein (Boston University)
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Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Westin Tabor, Curtis
Labor & Employment Relations Association
Emerging Models of Employment Relationships in China: Challenges and Opportunities (J8)
Presiding: Xianguo Yao (Zhejiang University)
Employment Arrangements among Migrant Workers in the Informal Sector
Sarah Swider (Wayne State University)
Growth and Maneuver of Independent Labor Actors for Representing Migrant Workers in China under Global Financial Crisis
Kan Wang (China Institute of Industrial Relations)
On the Line, Off the Payroll: An Exploratory Analysis of Temporary Agency Work in the Service Industry
Xiangmin (Helen) Liu (Pennsylvania State University)
An Empirical Investigation on the Notorious Safety Performance in China’s Coalmining Firms
Fanmin Kong (Peking University)
Yujie Cai (Peking University)
Li Zhang (Peking University)
Mingwei Liu (Rutgers University)
Katie Quan (University of California-Berkeley)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Westin Tabor, Continental A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
New Developments in Work-Family Policy (J8)
Presiding: Arne Kalleberg (University of North Carolina)
Paid Family Leave in California: Effects on Employers and Workers
Ruth Milkman (City University of New York)
Winning Paid Sick Days
Ellen Bravo (Family Values @ Work Consortium)
Work-Flexibility: The Right to Request
Jodie Levin-Epstein (CLASP)
Explaining Work-life Flexibility Provisions in Enterprise Agreements: The Interaction of Public Policy and Collective Bargaining in Australia and the United States
Peter Berg (Michigan State University)
Ellen Ernst Kossek (Michigan State University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Westin Tabor, Lawrence A
Labor & Employment Relations Association
New Frontiers in Employment Dispute Resolution: The Inner Workings of Workplace Voice (J5)
Presiding: Eileen Hoffman (Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service)
Resolving Employment Disputes Through the Courts: Recent Evidence from Managerial Misclassification and Independent Contractor vs. Employee Status Litigation
David Lewin (University of California-Los Angeles)
The Influence of Initial Claim Amounts on Employment Arbitration Outcomes: Evidence from FINRA
David Lipsky (Cornell University)
Ronald Seeber (Cornell University)
Ryan Lamare (University of Limerick)
Demands and Rewards: An Empirical Examination of AAA Employment Arbitration
Alexander J.S. Colvin (Cornell University)
Kelly Pike (Cornell University)
Inside the Union Voice Face: A Longitudinal Analysis of Employee Grievance Filing by Members of a Large Local Union
Ariel Avgar (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Monica Bielski Boris (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Robert Bruno (University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign)
Hoyt Wheeler (University of South Carolina)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Plaza Foyer
Middle East Economic Association
Special Topics in Middle East Economics (A1) (Poster Session)
Presiding: Edward Sayre (University of Southern Mississippi)
Growth and Variability in Tourism Revenues in a High-End Tourist Destination: The Case of Maldives
F. Najeeb (Maldives Monetary Authority)
M. Tosun (University of Nevada-Reno)
How Can the MNF's Innovations Be Part of Climate Change Strategies: A Comparative Study in Tunisia and Algeria
Ihsen Ketata (Georgia State University)
Nathalie Hilmi, (Centre scientifique de Monaco)
Alain Safa (CEMAFI, University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis)
Messaoud Zemouri (University of Batna, Algeria)
Dubai E-Government: A Closer Look at E-Participation
G. Rodrigues (University of Wollongong- Dubai)
J. Sarabdeen (University of Wollongong- Dubai)
Intellectual Property Rights and Competition in the Arab World
Nagla Rizk (American University in Cairo)
D. Waked (Harvard Law School)
Global Production Chains/Networks in Automotive Industry: The Case of Turkey
Meryem Kurtulmuş Kıroğlu (Marmara University)
Institutional Change and Informal Economy in Algeria: The Role of Private Sector
Chaib Bounoua (Tlemcen University)
The Causal Relation between Energy Use and Economic Growth: Evidence from Jordan
Bassam Abo-Al-Foul (American University in Sharjah)
Does the Choice of High School Matter? Evidence from the UAE on the Effects of Schooling on Students' University Performance
Samer Kherfi (American University in Sharjah)
G. Naufal (American University in Sharjah)
China in Africa and the Middle East: A Tale of Resources and Politics
HIsham Foad (San Diego State University)
The Root Causes of Terrorism: Which Role does the "Youth Bulge" Play?
R. Schomaker (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)
A. Knorr (German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer)
Achieving sustainable management of water in Turkey: Impacts of locally-managed institutions
Zeynep KadirbeyoÄŸlu (Bogazici University)
Gökhan Özertan (Bogazici University)
Spatial Distribution of Education Quality and Returns to Education in Turkey
B. Can Karahasan (Istanbul Bilgi University and AQR-IREA University of Barcelona)
Convergence of North Africa Countries to the Level of Southern Europe Income: An Empirical Evaluation
Meriem DJENNAS (University of Amiens, France)
Mohamed BENBOUZIANE (University of Tlemcen, Algeria)
Mustapha DJENNAS (University of Tlemcen, Algeria)
Intensive and Extensive Margins: The Case of Turkey and its Competitors in the EU market
Güzin Erlat (Middle East Technical University)
Seda Ekmen (Middle East Technical University)
What lies beneath: expectations or current perceptions?
Sadullah Çelik (Marmara University)
Ülkem Basdas (Middle East Technical University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Savoy
National Association of Economic Educators
Producing Education: Advances in the Efficient Creation of Knowledge (A2)
Presiding: John Swinton (Georgia College & State University)
Do Central Administrators Produce Local Public Goods?
Shawna Grosskopf (Oregon State University)
Kathy J. Hayes (Southern Methodist University)
Lori L. Taylor (Texas A&M University)
AP Economics: Is Access Representative?
Chris Clark (Georgia College & State University)
Ben Scafidi (Georgia College & State University)
Does Competition Improve Public School Efficiency? An Analysis of K-12 Public Education in Mississippi
Kaustav Misra (Mississippi State University)
Application of Grade Inflation: Knowledge Illusion and Economic Inefficiency in the Knowledge Market
Tin-Chun Lin (Indiana University Northwest)
Paul Grimes (Mississippi State University)
Carlos Asarta (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Roger Butters (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
John R. Swinton (Georgia College & State University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Spruce
National Association of Forensic Economics
Forensic Economics III (K4)
Presiding: Craig Allen (FCAS)
Long-Term Earnings Losses Due to Mass Layoffs during the 1982 Recession: An Analysis Using U.S. Administrative Data from 1974 to 2004
Till von Wachter (Columbia University, NBER, and CEPR)
Jae Song (Social Security Administration)
Joyce Manchester (Congressional Budget Office)
Determining Net Lost Social Security Benefits
Arthur A. Eubank, Jr. (Eubank Economics, Inc.)
Arthur A. Eubank, II (Eubank Economics, Inc.)
Anna Shostya (Pace University)
The EB-5 Program: Review and Preview
Semoon Chang (University of South Alabama)
Sujin Kim (Gulf Coast Immigration Law Center)
Kevin E. Cahill (Boston College)
Lawrence M. Spizman (State University of New York-Oswego)
Thomas Roney (Thomas Roney, LLC)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Granite A
National Economic Association
Issues in African Economies: China and the Global Financial Crisis (O2)
Presiding: Richard America (Georgetown University)
Estimating Unequal Exchange:Africa to China
Gernot Kohler (Sheridan College)
The Regional Impact of the Global Economic Crisis: Whither Africa
Augustin K Fosu (United Nations University-WIDER)
Africa: Lessons from Monetary and Financial Policies During the Crisis
Zuzana Brixiova (African Development Bank)
Abdul B. Kamara (African Development Bank)
Léonce Ndikumana (African Development Bank)
Global Financial Crisis and Africa: Is the Impact Permanent or Transitory? Time Series Evidence from North Africa
Hassan Y. Aly (African Development Bank)
Mark Strazicich (Appalachian State University)
Measuring Unequal Exchange - Africa to China
Richard F America (Georgetown University)
Global Economic Crisis: Impact on the Labor Market
Akpan Hogan Ekpo (West African Institute For Financial And Economic Management)
Willene A Johnson (Komaza, Inc)
Diery Seck (CREPOL, Senegal)
Akpan Ekpo (WAIFEM)
Romie Tribble (Spelman College)
Kwabena Brempong (University of South Florida)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 7
National Tax Association
Taxes on Property and Housing: Lessons from the Past and Guidance for the Future (H7)
Presiding: John Deskins (Creighton University)
Rethinking Local Government Reliance on the Property Tax
James Alm (Tulane University)
David L. Sjoquist (Georgia State University)
Shocks to the Property Tax Base and Implications for Local Public finance
John Anderson (University of Nebraska)
A Reassessment of the 1970s Property Tax Revolt
Nathan B. Anderson (University of Illinois-Chicago)
Andreas D. Pape (Binghamton University)
The Effects of EGTRRA and JGTRRA Expiration on the User Cost of Housing
Zachary W. Richards (Joint Committee on Taxation)
Seth Giertz (University of Nebraska)
Tami Gurley-Calvez (West Virginia University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 1
Omicron Delta Epsilon
Chapter-Advisor Session (I2)
Presiding: Mary Ellen Benedict (Bowling Green State University)
The Status of Econometrics in the Economics Major: A Survey
Bruce K. Johnson (Centre College)
John J. Perry (Centre College)
Marie Petkus (Centre College)
Curing the Summertime Blues: The Impact of Year-Round Schooling on Academic Achievement
Katy Rouse (Elon University)
Steve McMullen (Calvin College)
Strategic Interdependence and Fiscal Externalities among County and Municipal Governments Taxing a Common Retail Base
Gregory Burge (University of Oklahoma)
Cynthia Rogers (University of Oklahoma)
Investigating the Effects of Recession and Stimulus on Children in Foster Care
Mary Eschelbach Hansen (American University)
Philip Gautier (American University)
Katy Rouse (Elon University)
John J. Perry (Centre College)
Mary Eschelbach Hansen (American University)
Cynthia Rogers (University of Oklahoma)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Marriott, Mattie Silks
Society for Economic Dynamics
The Recent Financial Market Turmoil: Implications for Macroeconomics and Finance (G1) (Panel Discussion)
Panel Moderator: Lawrence Christiano (Northwestern University)
Anat R. Admati (Stanford University)
John Cochrane (University of Chicago)
Robert Hall (Stanford University)
Robert Shimer (University of Chicago)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Granite C
Society of Government Economists
New Directions in Economic Measurement to Better Serve Policy Analysis (Y9)
Presiding: Steven Payson (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Time to the Doctorate and the Labor Market for New Ph.D. Recipients
Jeffrey A Groen (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
The Producer Price Index Develops two Experimental Index Aggregation Systems that Include Services and Construction Price Indexes
Jonathan Charles Weinhagen (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Maureen Patricia Doherty (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Quality Improvement and Productivity Growth in Private Hospitals
Leo Sveikauskas (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Lisa Moglia (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Assessment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the Firm Using A Difference-In-Difference Estimator
Brian W Sloboda (United States Postal Service)
Unemployment Insurance and the Business Cycle: What Adjustments are Needed?
Jeremy Schwartz (Loyola University)
Brooks W Robinson (Pacific Command)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Sheraton, Biltmore
Transportation & Public Utilities Group/American Economic Association
Recent Developments in Transportation (L9)
Presiding: Wesley Wilson (University of Oregon)
Trade Growth and Its Effect on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Transport
Misak Avetisyan (Purdue University)
Anca Cristea (Purdue University)
David Hummels (Purdue University)
Laura Puzzello (Purdue University)
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Recent Developments in the Analysis of Transportation Costs and Productivity
Gerard J. McCullough (University of Minnesota)
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Effects of Government Quality and Institutional Choice on the Efficiency of Airports in the United States
Tae Oum (University of British Columbia)
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Recent Developments in Transportation Demand and Choice Modeling
Kenneth Train (University of California-Berkeley)
Wesley Wilson (University of Oregon)
Bruce A. Blonigen (University of Oregon and NBER)
Clifford Winston (Brookings Institution)
James Peoples (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
Jeffrey Cohen (University of Hartford)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Agate A
Union for Radical Political Economists
Heterodox Theories of Economic Crisis (E3)
Presiding: Erdogen Bakir (Bucknell University)
The Dynamics of Manufacturing Profit Rates in Seven Industrialized Countries
Gyun Cheol Gu (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Historical Comparison of Capitalism's Major Crises in Light of Marxist Crisis Theory
Paul Cooney (Universidade Federal do Para)
The Great Moderation and "Fallin' Off a Cliff": Neo-Kjaldorian Dynamics
James Devine (Loyola Marymount University)
The Link between Over-Expanded-Concentrated Capital, Oligarchy, and Political Crisis
Mohamad Shaaf (University of Central Oklahoma)
Erdogen Bakir (Bucknell University)
Raford Boddy (San Diego State University)
Jan 08, 2011 10:15 am, Hyatt Regency, Capitol 3
Union for Radical Political Economists/American Economic Association
Macroeconomics after the Crisis (E3)
Presiding: Fred Moseley (Mount Holyoke College)
Is the Fundamental Science of Macroeconomics Sound?
David Colander (Middlebury College)
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Real World Macroeconomics: Financial Market Liquidity and Money Contract Obligations
Paul Davidson (The New School)
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A Monetary Minsky Model of the Great Moderation and the Great Recession
Steve Keen (University of Western Sydney)
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Macroeconomic Theory after the Crisis
Amitava Dutt (University of Notre Dame)
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Benjamin Friedman (Harvard University)
Robert Gordon (Northwestern University)
Kevin Hoover (Duke University)
Jan 08, 2011 12:30 pm, Sheraton, Grand Ballroom
American Economic Association
Nobel Laureate Luncheon Honor the 2009 Nobel Laureates in Economics
Presiding: Orley Ashenfelter (Princeton University)
Avinash Dixit (Princeton University)
Jan 08, 2011 12:30 pm, Hyatt Regency, Mineral Hall C