AEA Research Highlights Podcast

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The AEA conducts podcast interviews with AEA authors discussing their work as part of the AEA Research Highlights series. Listen to episodes posted below or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts:

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Episode 56: Fundraising Appeals and the Lift/Shift Question

October 20, 2022
Sarah Smith discusses the impact of major fundraising interventions on overall charitable donations.
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Episode 54: Protecting vulnerable kids

August 22, 2022
Joseph Doyle discusses the history and economics of foster care in the United States.
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Episode 53: Grade inflation and graduation

July 25, 2022
Jeffrey Denning discusses how lower grading standards have led to higher college completion rates.
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Episode 52: Just what the doctor ordered?

June 27, 2022
Bradley Shapiro discusses the costs and benefits of directly advertising prescription drugs to consumers.
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Episode 51: The returns to an economics degree

May 31, 2022
Zachary Bleemer discusses why studying economics in college can lead to significantly higher career earnings.
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Episode 50: Comparing 911 responses

May 02, 2022
CarlyWill Sloan discusses race and police use of force in two American cities.
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Episode 49: The great reset?

March 30, 2022
Guido Alfani discusses how historical pandemics affected wealth gaps between rich and poor.
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Episode 48: Reframing development in Africa

March 16, 2022
Nathan Canen and Leonard Wantchekon discuss state capture and economic growth in Africa.
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Episode 47: Moving on up?

March 02, 2022
Ellora Derenoncourt discusses how economic prospects declined for the generations of African Americans that followed the Great Migration.
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