AEA Research Highlights Podcast

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The AEA conducts podcast interviews with AEA authors discussing their work as part of the AEA Research Highlights series. Listen to episodes posted below or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts:

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Episode 63: Gender bias in bank lending

May 15, 2023
Michelle Brock discusses discriminatory lending practices toward women in Turkey.
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Episode 62: The importance of local activism

April 18, 2023
Daniel Hungerman discusses the long-run effects of the first Earth Day celebration.
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Episode 61: Market design and live events

March 20, 2023
Eric Budish discusses the introduction of auctions to the primary market for tickets.
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Episode 60: Graduate school and mental health

February 21, 2023
Valentin Bolotnyy discusses the state of student mental health in eight top-ranked economics programs.
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Episode 59: Mental health therapy in the developing world

January 23, 2023
Nathan Barker discusses the impact of cognitive behavioral therapy in rural Ghana.
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Episode 58: How good is popular financial advice?

December 13, 2022
James Choi discusses how advice from popular financial authors differs from the theories and models of academic economists.
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Episode 57: The costs of cultural traditions

November 15, 2022
Eduardo Montero and Dean Yang discuss the long-term economic consequences of religious festivals in Mexico that coincide with peak planting or harvest months.
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Episode 56: Fundraising Appeals and the Lift/Shift Question

October 20, 2022
Sarah Smith discusses the impact of major fundraising interventions on overall charitable donations.
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Episode 54: Protecting vulnerable kids

August 22, 2022
Joseph Doyle discusses the history and economics of foster care in the United States.
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