Collaboration, Innovation and Antitrust
Journal of Economic Perspectives
ISSN 0895-3309 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7965 (Online)
Symposium on Bubbles
by Joseph E. Stiglitz
(pp. 13–18)
The Noise Trader Approach to Finance
by Andrei Shleifer and Lawrence H. Summers
(pp. 19–33)
Famous First Bubbles
by Peter M. Garber
(pp. 35–54)
Speculative Prices and Popular Models
by Robert J. Shiller
(pp. 55–65)
The Stock Market Boom and Crash of 1929 Revisited
by Eugene N. White
(pp. 67–83)
On Testing for Speculative Bubbles
by Robert P. Flood and Robert J. Hodrick
(pp. 85–101)
New Institutions for Developing Country Debt
Symposium on New Institutions for Developing Country Debt
by Kenneth Rogoff
(pp. 3–6)
Organizing Debt Relief: The Need for a New Institution
by Peter B. Kenen
(pp. 7–18)
A Strategy for Efficient Debt Reduction
by Jeffrey D. Sachs
(pp. 19–29)
Cleaning Up Third World Debt without Getting Taken to the Cleaners
by Jeremy Bulow and Kenneth Rogoff
(pp. 31–42)
Debt Relief and the International Enforcement of Loan Contracts
by Jonathan Eaton
(pp. 43–56)
Welfare and Workfare
The Economist's Lament: Public Assistance in America
by Gary Burtless
(pp. 57–78)
Work and Welfare: Lessons on Employment Programs
by Judith M. Gueron
(pp. 79–98)
Federal Deposit Insurance
Symposium on Federal Deposit Insurance for S&L Institutions
by Dwight M. Jaffee
(pp. 3–9)
The Reform of Federal Deposit Insurance
by Lawrence J. White
(pp. 11–29)
The High Cost of Incompletely Funding the FSLIC Shortage of Explicit Capital
by Edward J. Kane
(pp. 31–47)
Seniority and Wages
Seniority, Wages and Productivity: A Turbulent Decade
by Robert M. Hutchens
(pp. 49–64)
Self-Enforcing Contracts, Shirking, and Life Cycle Incentives
by H. Lorne Carmichael
(pp. 65–83)
Social Norms
Spontaneous Order
by Robert Sugden
(pp. 85–97)
Social Norms and Economic Theory
by Jon Elster
(pp. 99–117)
Auctions and Bidding: A Primer
by Paul Milgrom
(pp. 3–22)
How Auctions Work for Wine and Art
by Orley Ashenfelter
(pp. 23–36)
Auctions as an Allocation Mechanism in Academia: The Case of Faculty Offices
by William J. Boyes and Stephen K. Happel
(pp. 37–40)
Expected Revenue from Open and Sealed Bid Auctions
by John G. Riley
(pp. 41–50)
Real Business Cycles
Understanding Real Business Cycles
by Charles I. Plosser
(pp. 51–77)
Real Business Cycles: A New Keynesian Perspective
by N. Gregory Mankiw
(pp. 79–90)
Budget Deficit
Symposium on the Budget Deficit
by Janet L. Yellen
(pp. 17–21)
Budget Deficits and National Saving: Are Politicians Exogenous?
by Edward M. Gramlich
(pp. 23–35)
The Ricardian Approach to Budget Deficits
by Robert J. Barro
(pp. 37–54)
A Neoclassical Perspective on Budget Deficits
by B. Douglas Bernheim
(pp. 55–72)
Budget Deficits: Rhetoric and Reality
by Robert Eisner
(pp. 73–93)
Women in the Labor Market
Symposium on Women in the Labor Market
(pp. 3–7)
Women in the Labor Market and in the Family
by James P. Smith and Michael Ward
(pp. 9–23)
Women's Quest for Economic Equality
by Victor R. Fuchs
(pp. 25–41)
Does the Market for Women's Labor Need Fixing?
by Barbara R. Bergmann
(pp. 43–60)
Women and Affirmative Action
by Jonathan S. Leonard
(pp. 61–75)
The Slowdown in Productivity Growth
Symposium on the Slowdown in Productivity Growth
by Stanley Fischer
(pp. 3–7)
Productivity Puzzles and R&D: Another Nonexplanation
by Zvi Griliches
(pp. 9–21)
Productivity and Postwar U.S. Economic Growth
by Dale W. Jorgenson
(pp. 23–41)
The Productivity Slowdown, the Oil Shocks, and the Real Cycle
by Mancur Olson
(pp. 43–69)
Tax Policy and Economic Growth: Lessons from the 1980s
by Michael J. Boskin
(pp. 71–97)
Brady Commission Report on the October 1987 Stock Market Crash
The Task Force Report: The Reasoning behind the Recommendations
by Bruce C. Greenwald and Jeremy Stein
(pp. 3–23)
Trading Activity and Price Behavior in the Stock and Stock Index Futures Markets in October 1987
by James F. Gammill and Terry A. Marsh
(pp. 25–44)
Comments on the Market Crash: Six Months After
by Hayne Leland and Mark Rubinstein
(pp. 45–50)
Monetary Lessons of the 1980s
Lessons on Monetary Policy from the 1980s
by Benjamin M. Friedman
(pp. 51–72)
Monetary Policy Lessons of Recent Inflation and Disinflation
by William Poole
(pp. 73–100)
Illegal Immigration and Immigration Control
by Barry R. Chiswick
(pp. 101–115)
The Political Economy of Immigration Law: Impact of Simpson-Rodino on the United States and Mexico
by Clark W. Reynolds and Robert K. McCleery
(pp. 117–131)
Explaining Savings
The Role of Intergenerational Transfers and Life Cycle Saving in the Accumulation of Wealth
by Franco Modigliani
(pp. 15–40)
Intergenerational Transfers and Savings
by Laurence J. Kotlikoff
(pp. 41–58)
Symposium on Public and Private Unionization
by Edward P. Lazear
(pp. 59–62)
Contraction and Expansion: The Divergence of Private Sector and Public Sector Unionism in the United States
by Richard B. Freeman
(pp. 63–88)
The Rise and Fall of Unions: The Public Sector and the Private
by Melvin W. Reder
(pp. 89–110)
Symposium on Takeovers
by Hal R. Varian
(pp. 3–5)
Value Maximization and the Acquisition Process
by Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny
(pp. 7–20)
Takeovers: Their Causes and Consequences
by Michael C. Jensen
(pp. 21–48)
The Market for Corporate Control: The Empirical Evidence Since 1980
by Gregg A. Jarrell, James A. Brickley, and Jeffry M. Netter
(pp. 49–68)
Corporate Takeovers: The Efficiency Arguments
by F. M. Scherer
(pp. 69–82)
Horizontal Mergers and Antitrust
Symposium on Mergers and Antitrust
by Steven C. Salop
(pp. 3–12)
Antitrust and Merger Policy: A Review and Critique
by Lawrence J. White
(pp. 13–22)
Horizontal Mergers: Triage and Treatment
by Franklin M. Fisher
(pp. 23–40)
Horizontal Merger Policy: Problems and Changes
by Richard Schmalensee
(pp. 41–54)
The Arbitrage Principle in Financial Economics
by Hal R. Varian
(pp. 55–72)
Derivative Assets Analysis
by Mark Rubinstein
(pp. 73–93)
Tax Reform
Symposium on Tax Reform
by Henry J. Aaron
(pp. 7–10)
Tax Reform: Theory and Practice
by Joseph A. Pechman
(pp. 11–28)
Tax Reform as Political Choice
by James M. Buchanan
(pp. 29–35)
Treasury I and the Tax Reform Act of 1986: The Economics and Politics of Tax Reform
by Charles E. McLure, Jr. and George R. Zodrow
(pp. 37–58)
Short of Euphoria
by Richard A. Musgrave
(pp. 59–71)
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 and the Cost of Capital
by Alan J. Auerbach
(pp. 73–86)
Tax Reform: Implications for the State-Local Public Sector
by Paul N. Courant and Daniel L. Rubinfeld
(pp. 87–100)
Household Behavior and the Tax Reform Act of 1986
by Jerry A. Hausman and James M. Poterba
(pp. 101–119)