American Economic Review
ISSN 0002-8282 (Print) | ISSN 1944-7981 (Online)
Forthcoming Articles
The following papers have been accepted for publication and will appear in future issues of the journal after being typeset and copyedited.
In Harm’s Way? Infrastructure Investments And the Persistence of Coastal Cities
Universalism: Global Evidence
Measuring Science: Performance Metrics and the Allocation of Talent
Beliefs in Repeated Games: An Experiment
Contamination Bias in Linear Regressions
Loans for the “Little Fellow:” Credit, Crisis, and Recovery In the Great Depression
Decisions under Risk Are Decisions under Complexity
The Real State: Inside the Congo’s Traffic Police Agency
Aiming for the Goal: Contribution Dynamics of Crowdfunding
Bias and Sensitivity under Ambiguity
Political Correctness, Social Image, and Information Transmission
Curbing Leakage in Public Programs: Evidence from India’s Direct Benefit Transfer Policy
The Dynamic Consequences of State-Building: Evidence from the French Revolution
Merchants of Death: The Effect of Credit Supply Shocks on Hospital Outcomes
Sticky Spending, Sequestration, and Government Debt
Polity Size and Local Government Performance: Evidence from India
Institution Building without Commitment
A Technology-Gap Model of ‘Premature’ Deindustrialization
Micro Risks and (Robust) Pareto Improving Policies
Generalized Social Marginal Welfare Weights Imply Inconsistent Comparisons of Tax Policies
Quality Is in the Eye of the Beholder: Taste Projection in Markets with Observational Learning
Financial Technology Adoption: Network Externalities of Cashless Payments in Mexico