CSMGEP: Mentoring Program

General Information | Upcoming Events | Call for Proposals | Deadlines | Join the Mailing List


What is the Mentoring Program and How do I Get Involved?

The mentoring program is currently accepting applications for new mentors and new mentees.

Apply to be a Mentor Apply to be a Mentee

The AEA Mentoring Program (AEAMP) – one of the key programs of the AEA Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession (CSMGEP) – focuses on traditionally underrepresented students in Econ PhD programs as well as new PhDs. Its primary objectives include:

  • Increasing the number of underrepresented minorities who complete doctorate degrees in economics; and
  • Diversifying the demographic composition of the economics profession, including the professorate, through mentoring and providing research and professional development opportunities to emerging economists from traditionally underrepresented groups.

The Mentoring Program was established in the mid-1990s by the American Economic Association Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession to address the under-representation of minorities among those entering and/or completing doctorate degrees in economics. The Program matches underrepresented economics PhD students and new doctorates with mentors in the field, and also facilitates networking between more senior economists and students at all stages of the educational and early-career pipeline. The Program also hosts the AEA Summer Mentoring Pipeline Conference (SMPC) and provides limited funding to support the research and travel of the mentees, including presentations at major conferences. The Program is open to all economics PhD students and new doctorates from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds or who have an interest in increasing the participation and representation of traditionally underrepresented groups in the field of economics.

All individuals participating in AEA Mentoring Program activities are expected to adhere to the AEA Code of Professional Conduct and the AEA Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation.  Please review the policies prior to participating in all AEAMP activities.

Upcoming Events

2025 AEA Summer Mentoring Pipeline Conference [program coming soon] June 26-28, 2025

2024 WEAI AEAMP Session at Western Economic Association 99th Annual Meeting  
29 June – 3 July 2024
Hyatt Regency
Seattle, Washington

Policing, Labor Markets, and Public Economics
Session Chair: Francisca Antman, University of Colorado
Organizer: Francisca Antman, University of Colorado

What Does Federal Oversight Do to Policing and Public Safety? Evidence from Seattle
Romaine Campbell, Harvard University

Burnout and Productivity in the Chicago Police Department
Ariel Gomez, Northeastern University

Driven by Unemployment? The Effect of Early Economic Conditions on Young Adults' Transition Into Adulthood
Cesia Sanchez, University of California, Berkeley

Discussants: Ariel Gomez, Northeastern University, Romaine Campbell, Harvard University, Cesia Sanchez, University of California, Berkeley

AEA Mentoring Program – Call for Proposals

The AEA Mentoring Program currently provides funding to support the research and travel of economics PhD students in the Program. Publications in high quality academic journals represent the major path to successful employment as an academic economist, researcher at a think tank, business economist, or public policy expert. Accordingly, the allocation of travel and research funds is oriented toward those activities that increase the probability of producing high quality journal articles.

Those awarded grants must submit a report of their activities to the AEA Mentoring Program within one month of completing the activity. Email aeamentoring@gmail.com for more information.

Calls for proposals are emailed to AEAMP mentees in advance of proposal deadlines. Email aeamentoring@gmail.com for more information.

Highest Priority

i) Presentation of papers at the AEA/ASSA annual meetings or major “regional” economics conferences (Southern, Eastern, Western, and Mid-Western).

ii) Participation in a major scholarly conference or seminar oriented toward skill enhancement (for example, the NBER Summer Institute, the PSID workshop, NSF workshops, seminars on recent advances in a specific area of research, etc.).

iii) Participation in all of the AEA Mentoring Program’s Slate of Activities at the AEA/ASSA annual meetings: (1) Meeting with your mentor or other senior-level economists to discuss research for at least two hours; (2) Participate in the Joint CSMGEP/NEA/ASHE Reception; (3) Attend the CSMGEP Dissertation Session; and (4) Attend any three additional sessions sponsored by CSMGEP, the NEA, or ASHE. (Contact the Director of the Mentoring Program for the specific times/dates.)


i) Travel to do research with the mentor;

ii) Participating as discussants, chairing a session, or presenting posters at the AEA/ASSA annual meetings or major “regional” economics conferences;

iii) Presentation of papers at national or regional conferences other than the AEA/ASSA annual meetings and major “regional” economics conferences (Southern, Eastern, Western, and Mid-Western).


i) Travel to do research with a co-author at another institution.

ii) Attendance at the AEA/ASSA annual meetings or major “regional” economics conferences (Southern, Eastern, Western, and Mid-Western);

iii) Purchase data that are not otherwise available but critical for the research;

iv) Limited travel expenses while engaged in research, such as traveling to collect data.


Deadlines for Funding Requests – For Full Consideration

Activity Period


October 1st – December 31st

August 15th

January 1st – April 30th

October 1st

May 1st – September 30th

March 1st

Depending on funding availability, additional requests may also be considered after these deadlines.

Join the Mentoring Program Email List!

Mentees, mentors, and friends are invited to join the email list of the Economics Mentoring Program. To do so, please contact AEAMentoring@gmail.com. Please include "Econ Mentoring Program" in the subject.