
Showing 1-20 of 699 items.


By Jeffrey C. Ely

American Economic Review, January 2017

I introduce and study dynamic persuasion mechanisms. A principal privately observes the evolution of a stochastic process and sends messages over time to an agent. The agent takes actions in each period based on her beliefs about the state of the process ...

Power Dynamics in Organizations

By Jin Li, Niko Matouschek, and Michael Powell

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2017

We examine an infinitely repeated game between a principal, who has the formal authority to decide on a project, and a biased agent, who is privately informed about what projects are available. The optimal relational contract speaks to how power is earned...

Incentives for Quality in Friendly and Hostile Informational Environments

By Pierre Fleckinger, Matthieu Glachant, and Gabrielle Moineville

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2017

We develop a model of costly quality provision under biased disclosure. We define as friendly an environment in which the disclosure probability increases with quality, and as hostile an environment in which the opposite holds. Hostile environments produc...

Discrimination via Symmetric Auctions

By Rahul Deb and Mallesh M. Pai

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, February 2017

Discrimination (for instance, along the lines of race or gender) is often prohibited in auctions. This is legally enforced by preventing the seller from explicitly biasing the rules in favor of bidders from certain groups (for example, by subsidizing thei...

Cultural Proximity and Loan Outcomes

By Raymond Fisman, Daniel Paravisini, and Vikrant Vig

American Economic Review, February 2017

We present evidence that cultural proximity (shared codes, beliefs, ethnicity) between lenders and borrowers increases the quantity of credit and reduces default. We identify in-group lending using dyadic data on religion and caste for officers and borrow...

Evidence Games: Truth and Commitment

By Sergiu Hart, Ilan Kremer, and Motty Perry

American Economic Review, March 2017

An evidence game is a strategic disclosure game in which an informed agent who has some pieces of verifiable evidence decides which ones to disclose to an uninformed principal who chooses a reward. The agent, regardless of his information, prefers the rew...

Information Avoidance

By Russell Golman, David Hagmann, and George Loewenstein

Journal of Economic Literature, March 2017

We commonly think of information as a means to an end. However, a growing theoretical and experimental literature suggests that information may directly enter the agent's utility function. This can create an incentive to avoid information, even when it is...

Bank Leverage Cycles

By Galo Nuño and Carlos Thomas

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, April 2017

We propose a general equilibrium framework with financial intermediaries subject to endogenous leverage constraints, and assess its ability to explain the observed fluctuations in intermediary leverage and real economic activity. In the model, intermediar...

Nominal Exchange Rate Determinacy under the Threat of Currency Counterfeiting

By Pedro Gomis-Porqueras, Timothy Kam, and Christopher Waller

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, April 2017

We study the endogenous choice to accept fiat objects as media of exchange and their implications for nominal exchange rate determination. We consider a two-country environment with two currencies that can be used to settle any transactions. However, curr...

Disclosure and Legal Advice

By Yeon-Koo Che and Sergei Severinov

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2017

This paper examines how the advice that lawyers provide to their clients affects the disclosure of evidence and the outcome of adjudication, and how the adjudicator should allocate the burden of proof in light of these effects. Despite lawyers' expertise ...

Designing Matching Mechanisms under General Distributional Constraints

By Masahiro Goto, Fuhito Kojima, Ryoji Kurata, Akihisa Tamura, and Makoto Yokoo

American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, May 2017

To handle various applications, we study matching under constraints. The only requirement on the constraints is heredity; given a feasible matching, any matching with fewer students at each school is also feasible. Heredity subsumes existing constraints s...