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The European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) invites applications for 2017-18
January 11, 2017
Learn more about the EDSD's eleven-month program on demography
AEA in the news
Job interviews at the AEA annual meeting
January 9, 2017
Wall Street Journal features high-stakes process at this year's meeting in Chicago
Research Highlights Article
Can Schelling’s focal points help us understand high-stakes negotiations?
January 4, 2017
Testing one of the Nobel laureate’s biggest ideas
IAAO Academic Partnership Program
December 30, 2016
International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) has scholarship assistance opportunities
AEA in the news
The Best Films of 2016 (for Behavioral Economists)
December 29, 2016
A Bloomberg View column about behavioral economics concepts in this year’s best films highlighted a 2014 piece from the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
AEA in the news
When Women Run Companies
December 29, 2016
A recent piece in the Atlantic cited a study that appeared in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics in 2013
Research Highlights Article
Retail price reality check
December 28, 2016
How often are prices for items bought online the same as what shoppers pay in stores?
AEA in the news
Impact of Modi govt’s campaign against cash on informal economy
December 27, 2016
A 2014 article from the Journal of Economic Perspectives about regulation of the informal economy was cited in a Mint opinion column
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