AEA-CEE Call for Posters


ASSA Meetings - January 3-5, 2025 in San Francisco, CA

The AEA Committee on Economic Education will sponsor a poster session at the 2025 ASSA Annual Meeting devoted to active learning strategies across the economics curriculum. Instead of papers, session presenters will prepare large visual poster summaries of their work, which will be mounted in an exhibition room to allow presenters to talk directly with session participants. Although the committee encourages presenters to include evidence that their strategy enhances learning, it does not require quantifiable evidence. Presenters should emphasize the originality of their strategy and provide sufficient information so that session participants may apply the technique in their own classrooms. Proposals should describe the teaching strategy and explain how it will be displayed on the poster. Posters marketing textbooks, commercial software, or similar materials will not be considered for the session.  Proposals are limited to two pages and are due by April 30. Proposals should include full contact information for all authors.  Please send proposals to Irene Foster, George Washington University, at