American Economic Journal:
Applied Economics
ISSN 1945-7782 (Print) | ISSN 1945-7790 (Online)
Correction to "Temperature and Decisions: Evidence from 207,000 Court Cases" and Reply to Spamann
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
vol. 14,
no. 4, October 2022
(pp. 529–33)
This paper evidenced the sensitivity of US immigration judge decisions to temperature in the city of arbitration on the date of a case's completion. This note serves to correct errors noted since publication. The results from both the main linear specifications are qualitatively unchanged, with estimated treatment effects similar in size to the original and retaining statistical significance at conventional levels. Some secondary results lose significance with the erosion of sample size. We also acknowledge the additional finding by Spamann (2022) with respect to external validity.Citation
Heyes, Anthony, and Soodeh Saberian. 2022. "Correction to "Temperature and Decisions: Evidence from 207,000 Court Cases" and Reply to Spamann." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 14 (4): 529–33. DOI: 10.1257/app.20200068Additional Materials
JEL Classification
- K37 Immigration Law
- K41 Litigation Process
- Q54 Climate; Natural Disasters and Their Management; Global Warming
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