CeMENT: Mentoring for Junior Faculty


The CSWEP CeMENT workshops are aimed at mentoring women and nonbinary faculty in tenure-track positions in economics departments or other institutions in North America with similar research, teaching, and service expectations. The workshop initiative is divided into two parts. The doctoral workshop admits faculty in departments granting PhDs in economics (or with similar research expectations) and the non-doctoral workshop admits faculty in departments without doctoral programs.

Each workshop consists of an intensive program beginning late afternoon on Sunday, January 5th and ending at 2 pm on Tuesday, January 7th in San Francisco, CA following the 2025 ASSA Annual Meeting. The AEA will cover lodging and meals for all participants during the workshop. 

Participants will be arranged into small groups and assigned to mentors based on their research area. Group members and mentors discuss and offer feedback on the participants’ research and career development. In addition, the workshop includes a number of larger how-to sessions on topics such as: publishing, effective teaching, developing a tenure case, writing a grant, networking, and work/life balance.

For more information on the CeMENT experience, including research evidence showing statistically significant improvements in top-tier publications and the receipt of federal grants as a result of the workshop, click here.  Past workshop participants have received binders of professional development materials relating to publishing, teaching, grants, and other relevant topics. CSWEP is now making these materials available here.

We are excited about the opportunity to continue CSWEP's tradition of mentoring female junior faculty. We hope you will apply, and look forward to seeing you at one of our workshops.

The common application portal is now closed.

You will be informed of your acceptance by the end of October 2024. We expect that, as was the case in past years, the number of qualified applicants will far exceed the workshops' capacity (approximately 40 junior participants per program). In this case, we will slightly prefer participants earlier in their tenure clock. 

** Senior economists: if you are interested in serving as a mentor for CeMENT or other CSWEP mentor programs, please send us your information by filling out the Google form located on our CSWEP Mentoring Opportunities page.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact info@cswep.org