Information for Attending the Remo Events

*We highly recommend you attend this event on a computer or laptop rather than a mobile device.*

Remo events are June 3, 2021 at 2:45 pm ET, and again on June 4, 2021 at 10:30am ET

There will be a “CTREE Staff” table in the middle of the “room” where you will find additional tech support and/or the organizers for any questions. 

  1. Please use this link and be sure your operating system can support Remo.
  2. Here is a short, 6 minute video demonstrating how a Remo event works.
  3. Here is a step by step guide for first time Remo attendees (THIS IS GOOD!).

The day of the event:

  • Login to Remo at least 5 minutes before the social hour begins.
  • Turn on your microphone and camera to take advantage of the Remo engagement features.
  • If you have not already done so, create your attendee profile/business card including professional information, LinkedIn URL, and more to help you build connections with other attendees.
  • Participants can move between virtual tables to join conversations on a wide variety of teaching topics, both planned and spontaneous.
  • Make everyone’s video larger by clicking on the “Tile View” button on the left part of the bottom white bar.
  • Network by joining group conversations and engaging in one-on-one conversations on Floors 1 & 2.
  • Click on the Exhibitor’s Logos to view exclusive content from them.
  • Connect with our Exhibitors to learn about new and revised products on Floors 3 & 4.
  • Pop away to not be disturbed on the quiet floor on Floor 5.
  • Have one-on-one meetings at any of the 2-chair tables, with extras located on Floors 6-10.
  • Remo does not support virtual backgrounds. Please plan accordingly while using your video camera.

Need Help?

  • Click the “Need Help?” button on the lower left-hand corner of your screen to chat with the Remo Team directly.
  • Visit the CTREE Staff Table to ask questions.