JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
February 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019
New Jersey Department of the Treasury
Position Title/Short Description
Section: Other Nonacademic (Temporary, Part-Time, Non-Salaried, Consulting, Etc.)
Location: Trenton, New Jersey, UNITED STATES
JEL Classification: 00 -- Default: Any Field
Full Text of JOE Listing:
Economic Policy Research Analyst
New Jersey Department of the Treasury
Office of Revenue & Economic Analysis
The New Jersey Department of the Treasury’s Office of Revenue and Economic Analysis (OREA) seeks an Economic Policy Research Analyst to assist it in supporting the State Treasurer and the Governor’s Office by forecasting state revenue streams, evaluating economic indicators and producing fiscal impact analyses of current and proposed policies. The Economic Policy Research Analyst will:
* Analyze State tax data and estimate the potential revenue impact of proposed policy options and legislation
* Track current and historical revenue collections and economic indicators to develop State revenue projections
* Produce data reports on tax collections and perform ad hoc data analysis upon request that are used to prepare numerous publications such as the Governor’s Budget Message, the Budget in Brief, the Citizen’s Tax Guide, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the Appropriations Act, etc.
For information such as eligibility, salary, residency requirements and instructions on how to apply, please visit:
New Jersey is an Equal Opportunity Employer