JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2016 - January 31, 2017

University of Southern California

This listing is inactive.
Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics
Postdoctoral Fellow

JOE ID Number: 2016-02_111456205
Date Posted: 09/23/2016
Date Inactive: 01/31/2017
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Postdoctoral Fellow
Section: US: Other Academic (Visiting or Temporary)
Location: Los Angeles, California, UNITED STATES
JEL Classifications:
I1 -- Health
I -- Health, Education, and Welfare
Health Economics
Health Policy
Brain Health
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The fellowship allows scholars to sharpen their analytical skills and advance their research agendas in the fields of health policy and health economics through formal and informal training and extensive collaboration with distinguished researchers. Scholars that have completed a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline such as economics, public policy, health policy, biostatistics, medicine, and epidemiology, are invited to apply. Scholars may be recent graduates or may have several years of relevant research experience.

Particular Interest should include:
* Economics
* Disorders of the central nervous system, including:
* Mental and behavioral health problems
* Brain injury
* Visual impairment The fellowship provides a competitive stipend and other benefits. Review is ongoing.

Interested scholars should send a curriculum vita, a one-page statement of research interest, writing sample and at least two reference contact through:

Only U.S. residents should apply.

Application Requirements:
  • External Application Link