JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
August 1, 2022 - January 31, 2023
University of New Hampshire
Position Title/Short Description
Section: US: Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Durham, New Hampshire, UNITED STATES
JEL Classification: Q1 -- Agriculture
Full Text of JOE Listing:
Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics
Summary of Position
We seek a tenure-track faculty member with demonstrated expertise in agricultural economics to join an interdisciplinary department committed to enhancing food system sustainability through teaching and engaged research. Relative to other regions, Northeast farms are smaller, more numerous per capita, enjoy more direct market channels, and sustain more diverse portfolios of within-farm enterprises. This position offers a unique opportunity to lead research in a dynamic agricultural context with strong public engagement and institutional support for a growing network of innovative, regionally based food supply chains designed to support our highly diverse food and farm sector. The appointee is expected to develop a nationally recognized research program focused on enhancing the economic resilience of food producers, processors, and consumers both regionally and beyond. The candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with multidisciplinary teams on a wide range of potential areas of research and outreach along the farm-to-fork-to-human wellness continuum, including:
• Sustainable crop, livestock and dairy production systems;
• Agribusiness and market development for highly diversified small and medium-sized farms, food processors, and/or value-added food businesses;
• Climate change mitigation, impacts, and adaptation; and/or
• Current and emerging agricultural and food policy issues that affect producers, processors, and consumers.
Additional Job Information
Applicants should prepare the following documents for submission: CV, teaching philosophy, research statement, and a diversity statement that articulates how your efforts or experience would help the department and campus foster a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment. Also, please provide contact information for 3 professional references. Review of applications will begin January 20, 2023.
Questions regarding this position can be directed to Dr. Iago Hale ( or Dr. John Halstead (, Co-Chairs of the Search Committee.
Acceptable Minimum Qualifications
Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics or a related field, with post-doctoral experience preferred.
Application Requirements:
- External Application Link
- Letters of Reference Instructions Below
Reference Instructions:
Questions regarding this position can be directed to Dr. Iago Hale ( or Dr. John Halstead (, Co-Chairs of the Search Committee.