JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

February 1, 2021 - July 31, 2021

University of Nevada, Reno

This listing is inactive.
College of Business
Post-Doctoral Fellow

JOE ID Number: 2021-01_111466828
Date Posted: 04/23/2021
Date Inactive: 07/31/2021
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Post-Doctoral Fellow
Section: US: Other Academic (Visiting or Temporary)
Location: Reno, Nevada, UNITED STATES
JEL Classifications:
Q1 -- Agriculture
Q5 -- Environmental Economics
Natural Resorce Economics
Water Economics
Water Policy
Agricultural Economics
Economic Modeling
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The Department of Economics at the University of Nevada, Reno invites applications for a Post-Doctoral Fellow to work on research at the intersection of economics, water governance and policy, and basin-scale hydrologic modelling. The successful candidate would join SNOWPACS (Synthesizing kNowledge to Optimize Water Policy for Agriculture under Changing Snowpack), a USDA NIFA-funded project on the impact of changes in mountain snowpack on agricultural production and water allocation institutions in the West. SNOWPACS includes scholars from Colorado State University, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, Desert Research Institute, University of Connecticut, and University of Nevada, Reno.

To ensure full consideration, all materials must be submitted by May 17th, 2021.

Apply for this job at

Application Requirements:
  • External Application URL and Instructions Below
Application Instructions:
• Cover Letter

• Curriculum Vitae

• Three Letters of Reference