JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2020 - January 31, 2021

National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.

This listing is inactive.
Full Time Post Doc STEM Workforce

JOE ID Number: 2020-02_111465328
Date Posted: 09/22/2020
Date Inactive: 01/31/2021
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Full Time Post Doc STEM Workforce
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, UNITED STATES
JEL Classifications:
J2 -- Demand and Supply of Labor
O2 -- Development Planning and Policy
Census data
Full Text of JOE Listing:

Term Postdoc

This is a full-time postdoc position to participate in funded research on the STEM labor force. The research combines theory, econometrics, machine learning, and microdata, especially Census data and a new Census/IRIS database on university research (UMETRICS) to shed light on the STEM workforce and the economy. Current projects include predicting the impacts of COVID-19 on U.S. R&D and the STEM workforce, estimating the returns to graduate training in STEM, measuring the effect of the STEM labor market in mediating technological spillovers and innovation in industry, and estimating the determinants of the demand for STEM workers in industry. The postdoc will be closely mentored by and collaborate with the principal researchers at all stages of the research. Responsibilities include building and managing databases, performing statistical analyses, developing research plans and projects, supervising research assistants, presenting research at professional conferences, and drafting manuscripts for publication

Applicants should have a PhD in Economics, Special Sworn Status, experience working in a Federal Statistical Research Data Center (FSRDC), strong analytic skills, including in econometrics and machine learning, and strong programming skills, including experience in Stata, SAS, Python, and R.

The deadline for applications is October 6, 2020.

Application Requirements:
  • External Application Link
Application deadline: 01/31/2021