JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
August 1, 2015 - January 31, 2016
Fuzhou University, China
Position Title/Short Description
Section: International:Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Fuzhou, Fujian, CHINA
JEL Classification: 00 -- Default: Any Field
Full Text of JOE Listing:
The School of Economics and Management at Fuzhou University is recruiting tenure tracked full-time faculty in any fields of economics and finance at the ranks of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors. We also welcome applications for part time visiting positions. Fuzhou University is a “211 Project” university located in Fuzhou, Fujian province of China. The School of Economics and Management is the largest school at Fuzhou University, with eight academic departments and almost 200 faculty members. It offers 2 doctoral degree programs with 13 second level disciplines, 6 master degree programs with 33 second level disciplines, as well as 16 undergraduate programs.
Salary: The school will pay competitive salary based on individual performance. The school will also sponsor applications for national, regional, and local talent recruitment programs such as National 1000 Talents Plan, Changjiang Scholar; Minjiang Scholar of Fujian Province, among others.
Brief Description of Duties:
• Conduct quality research and actively engage in grant applications. Effectively teach graduate and undergraduate courses consistent with academic experience and the emerging needs of the School programs. Supervise undergraduate, Master, and PhD students. Perform other service activities consistent with the needs of the Department, School, College, and Profession.
Required Qualifications:
• Candidates at the Assistant Professor level should have a Ph.D. in hand or firmly expected by August 2016 from an AACSB / EQUIS/AMBA accredited business school with a major in Economics or Finance, and demonstrate the potential to conduct quality research and provide excellent teaching in undergraduate and graduate levels. Candidates at the Associate Professor level or above should have demonstrated a significant influence on the profession by their research and publications and a commitment to teaching excellence at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
• Please apply through JOE.
• More information could be obtained from
• On-site consultation and interviews will be arranged in 2016 American Economic Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco from 1/3/16-1/5/16 for interested candidates. Please contact Dr. Liting Fang at fang13030@outlookcom or call +1 5854859483 for appointments.
• Applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled.
Application Requirements:
- Research Papers
- CV
- Cover Letter