JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2015 - January 31, 2016

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

This listing is inactive.
Department of Economics
Assistant Professor of Economics

JOE ID Number: 2015-02_111453961
Date Posted: 10/02/2015
Date Inactive: 01/15/2016
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Assistant Professor of Economics
Section: International:Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Getafe, Madrid, SPAIN
JEL Classification: 00 -- Default: Any Field
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The Department of Economics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, one of Europe's leading Economics Department, invites applications to fill up to four tenure-track positions at the assistant-professor level beginning in September 2016. Candidates should have completed a doctorate by this date. The Department is interested in applicants with the capability to publish in leading journals and to provide high-quality teaching. We welcome applications from all areas of Economics.

We will interview candidates at the ASSA meetings in San Francisco and at the SAEe Simposio de Análisis Económico in Girona (Spain). Candidates planning to attend the latter should mention this in their cover letter; we will give special consideration to such candidates.

Additional information can be found at

Application Requirements:
  • External Application Link
  • Letters of Reference Instructions Below
Application deadline: 11/30/2015
Reference Instructions:
Letters of Reference to be submitted through econjobmarket web.