JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
August 1, 2015 - January 31, 2016
University of Richmond
Position Title/Short Description
Section: US: Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Richmond, Virginia, UNITED STATES
JEL Classifications:
A -- General Economics and Teaching
H -- Public Economics
Political economy
Full Text of JOE Listing:
The University of Richmond seeks a social scientist for a tenure-track, assistant/associate professor position in the Jepson School of Leadership Studies (JSLS). Successful candidate must have completed a Ph.D. in sociology, political science, economics or a related field by August 2016. JSLS is a collaborative, inclusive community of scholars in anthropology, economics, history, literature, philosophy, politics, social psychology and religion. We seek applicants who study, or have the potential and desire to study, leadership by drawing on their disciplinary expertise to inform their work. We seek candidates who (a) investigate the social, economic, and political dimensions of leadership (e.g., institutional determinants of leadership and/or leadership and racial, cultural, religious, ethnic, gender, sexual, and class identities and diversities); (b) use quantitative empirical or experimental methods; (c) can contribute innovative or unconventional insights to the study of leadership; and (d) have the potential and desire to teach in an interdisciplinary undergraduate liberal arts environment. Application materials should include evidence of a commitment to the University’s efforts to support diversity and inclusivity. Review of applications begins October 15, 2015; closing date is November 15. UR is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For full details, please visit
Application Requirements:
- External Application Link
- Letters of Reference Link