JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
August 1, 2014 - January 31, 2015
Georgia State University
Position Title/Short Description
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, UNITED STATES
JEL Classifications:
H7 -- State and Local Government; Intergovernmental Relations
G1 -- General Financial Markets
Full Text of JOE Listing:
This is a limited term position (2 years).
All applications must be submitted via GSU website:
The Center is currently looking for an Associate Director to provide critical leadership in the development and management of Center activities. Key responsibilities will include the following:
*Work with the Director to set overall goals and priorities for the Center, integrate these priorities into annual work plans, and align Center resources with the strategic goals and objectives of the Center.
*Provide day-to-day direction and management of the activities of the Center, initially with a particular focus on developing and building the Center’s executive education program, technical assistance capacity, and grant development activities.
*Work with the Director to develop a fundraising strategy for the Center.
*Supervise the marketing and promotion of faculty and research associate research activities through the Center’s website, traditional media, and social media.
*Assist the Director with managing and building collaborative relationships with faculty in promoting the Center’s objectives.
*Develop and cultivate strategic partnerships with key stakeholders as well as with regional and national organizations in the field in order to promote the research, training and capacity of the Center and build connections for resource development opportunities.
*Oversee the development and implementation of conferences, forums, on-line dialogues.
*Assist the Director with capacity building and organizational development including financial management planning, backup and oversight.
Other important skills include:
*Project management (from concept to publication/production)
*Basic research skills
*Attention to detail and accuracy
*Strong organizational and management skills
An ideal candidate would have at least a master’s degree in a public policy, economics, public administration or related field and have significant familiarity with state and local public finance issues as well as an understanding of training and research needs in this community.
Candidate should be able to demonstrate maturity and comfort in a management setting and have some significant experience in some or all of the following areas: development and marketing of public sector executive education programs, development and marketing of public finance related technical assistance, conference planning, grant-writing, and fundraising.
Application Requirements:
- External Application Link