JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2014 - January 31, 2015

eBay Research Labs

This listing is inactive.
Research Scientist

JOE ID Number: 2014-02_111451070
Date Posted: 09/17/2014
Date Inactive: 01/31/2015
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Research Scientist
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
Location: San Jose, California, UNITED STATES
JEL Classifications:
00 -- Default: Any Field
L -- Industrial Organization
F -- International Economics
O3 -- Technological Change; Research and Development; Intellectual Property Rights
C5 -- Econometric Modeling
auctions, mechanism design, behavioral economics, reputation systems, incentive systems, marketplace design, game theory, data, algorithmic economics, computational economics, field experiments, industrial organization, microeconometrics, payment systems, international trade
Full Text of JOE Listing:

eBay Research Labs seeks to hire economic researchers for post-doctoral or full time positions. Researchers in the labs are expected to initiate and carry out theoretical or empirical projects on topics including trust and reputation mechanisms, cross border trade, payment systems, and consumer behavior, and to work with business leaders to bring innovations and research insights into practice.

eBay, with its vibrant marketplace of millions of buyers and sellers, diverse categories of inventory, multiple formats of transactions, and presence in almost every country provides a rich platform for Economics research. The eBay marketplace and related businesses including PayPal, StubHub,, and eBay Classifieds offer the opportunity to work on detailed micro-data, conduct experiments and study patterns of e-commerce in global billion dollar marketplaces.

Required skills include a Ph.D. in Economics or a related field, demonstrated potential for research excellence, and the ability to work with researchers in other fields and with business managers. Please submit all materials through JOE by December 1st.

Application Requirements:
  • Letters of Reference
  • Job Market Paper
  • CV
  • Cover Letter
Application deadline: 12/01/2014
  • Application Deadline Has Passed