• Member Announcement
  • December 5, 2018

AEA Member Survey on Professional Climate -- Reminder

To: Members of the American Economic Association (current and former)
From: Olivier Blanchard, President
Subject: AEA Member Survey on Professional Climate -- Reminder

This e-mail is to inform you that NORC at the University of Chicago has now sent the online AEA Climate survey link to all current and former (dating back 9 years) members. Most should have received this on November 27. If you have not received a link to the survey, please make sure to check your spam folders to ensure that the e-mail was not blocked by your institution's filters. The AEA does not know who has completed the survey. For those that have, on behalf of the Association, I would like to thank you. If you have not yet had a chance, I ask you to please find the time to take it. NORC at the University of Chicago, which has been contracted to administer the survey, will be sending additional reminders and links to the survey to non-respondents in the days ahead.

In April 2018, the AEA Executive Committee voted to establish a standing Committee on Equity, Diversity, and Professional Conduct. One of the recommendations of that committee was for the AEA to assess the professional climate in economics, and particularly aspects that limit inclusiveness, demean and/or harass individuals, or otherwise engender incivility in work environments. This survey will help us better understand the prevalence of these issues, which is of great importance in improving our profession. I hope that you will support the Association in this effort.

NORC at the University of Chicago specializes in confidential and secure data collection. No one from the AEA will know who responded or be able to match responses back to individuals. Data analysis will be completed by current and former members of the AEA using a fully de-identified data file.

Should you have any questions regarding the impetus for the survey or how the survey data will be used, please feel free to email the AEA at climatesurvey@aeapubs.org. If you have questions regarding survey content, administration, or data security, please feel free to contact the researchers at NORC at AEAsurvey@norc.org.

Thank you.