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1) Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)

The ERIC Selection Policy establishes the standards and criteria for selecting materials for inclusion in the ERIC collection. It states broad collection goals and defines the standards and criteria required of approved sources and individual materials in the ERIC digital library. The purpose of the selection policy is to provide consistency in the approach for reviewing and selecting sources and individual items, and clearly communicate policy and process to staff, users, publishers, and individual submitters of material.

In March 2022, ERIC released a draft selection policy that communicates ERIC’s processes and policies for selecting new sources of content to publishers, producers of non-journal content, and ERIC users. The proposed revisions to the policy update the version released in January 2018 to better reflect changes in working practices and clarify goals and priorities. Updates include: adding a goal to prioritize work from countries where English is the official language, modifying policies about when ERIC will re-review a source not selected for inclusion, and establishing new criteria to evaluate if a source is accessible enough to the public to warrant inclusion in ERIC. Please submit any feedback or suggestions to improve the policy to ERICRequests@ed.gov by April 8, 2022.

ERIC https://eric.ed.gov/
Draft ERIC selection policy comment invitation https://eric.ed.gov/?selection

2) What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)

The purpose of the What Works Clearinghouse is to review and summarize the quality of existing research in educational programs, products, practices, and policies. As the body of educational research changes, the What Works Clearinghouse routinely updates its set of standards and procedures to provide refinements and clarifications for the existing standards and create new standards. This proposed version of the Handbook, What Works Clearinghouse Procedures and Standards Handbook, Version 5.0, reflects the draft changes to the procedures and standards and is made available to users as part of the process for updating the WWC standards. Readers who want to provide feedback on the Handbook can send comments to the WWC Help Desk at https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/help.

The What Works Clearinghouse is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 from 1:00-2:00pm Eastern Time to introduce the major updates proposed for the WWC Procedures and Standards Handbook, Version 5.0.

WWC https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/FWW
Draft Standards Version 5.0, March 2022 https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/Handbooks#version5

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