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asked ago by (57.8k points)
Dec 14 -- The Census Bureau invites the public to submit comments on the design of the 2022 Economic Census by February 12, 2021. Specifically, Census asks the public to review 2017 Economic Census forms in those industries of interest (see https://bhs.econ.census.gov/​ombpdfs/)​, comment on the desirability of retaining existing questions in 2022, and suggest new questions. FR notice inviting public review: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/12/14/2020-27403/2022-economic-census
The Economic Census is the most comprehensive measure of the U.S. economy, providing industry and market statistics at the national, state, and local levels. It provides information on business locations, the workforce, and trillions of dollars of sales by product and service type. Information is generated for almost one thousand different industries and over 20 thousand geographic areas. Economic Census data serve as the foundation for the gross domestic product (GDP) and other leading economic indicators for the nation. The Economic Census supplies weights and benchmarks for indexes of industrial production, productivity, and prices; and provides benchmarks for other Federal statistical series.  
Businesses, government, policymakers, academic researchers, trade associations, economic planning and development agencies, and the American public use Economic Census statistics. In addition, the Economic Census serves as one of the primary mechanisms for updating the Census Bureau's database of all known employer business establishments. This database, known as the Business Register, serves as the source of the sampling frame and samples for many of the current business surveys conducted by the Census Bureau. The Economic Census provides updates to the industry classification, ownership, location, employment, and payroll of business establishments listed on the Business Register.

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