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From AEAStat staff:

The National Science Foundation's National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics has posted the 2018 Survey of Earned Doctorates report and data tables at https://ncses.nsf.gov/pubs/nsf20301/

Economics PhDs granted by gender, 2009-18 -- Table 15

                     2009    2010      2011     2012      2013     2014     2015     2016     2017      2018    
Total             1,118     1,073    1,121    1,243    1,183    1,196    1,255    1,235    1,239    1,247
Male                 735       703       734       840        767        785        821        819        812        850   
Female             382       369       387       402        416        404        434        416        425        397   

Economics PhDs granted 2009-18, by citizenship status -- Table 18
                                                    2009    2010      2011      2012      2013      2014      2015      2016      2017      2018    
Total                                            1,118     1,073    1,121    1,243    1,183    1,196    1,255    1,235    1,239    1,247
U.S. citizen/perm resident     418        459       428        517         505        469       552       521      547        484
Visa holder                                 656             556       623       656       615       627       606       656       641       707

Economic PhDs granted in 2018 to U.S. citizens and permanent residents by race and ethnicity -- Table 22
Total    Hispanic     AIAN    Asian    Black/AA    White    >1 race    Other Race/NR      Ethnicity not reported
484                26               1            67            21            336        16           6                                    11

Post graduation plans for 2018 economics PhD grads by gender, citizenship status -- see Tables 51, 52, 62, 63

Economics PhDs granted in 2018 by institution -- see Table 7

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