+3 votes
asked ago in Job Market - Candidate Questions by (300 points)
It seems that, as long as your job market paper involved some reasonably serious empirical work, you have a whole second market of private/government employers to turn to if you decide that the academic market isn't for you. But what if you work on consumer theory, firm theory, game theory, etc? What kinds of jobs are open aside from academia for someone who did not write empirical papers in graduate school?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered ago by (3.3k points)
Do any of your papers or projects involve empirical work? Can you spin yourself as strategy or behavioral?  Did you do any theoretical statistics or econometrics? From my knowledge the answer is very few if any. If you answered yes to any of those Qs maybe you can fit a few jobs. Otherwise I would advise you to add some empirical work to your CV.

Good luck! (I really hope you are asking this question as a 2nd year and not as job mkt candidate.)