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asked ago in General Economics Questions by (130 points)
The AEA Committee on Economic Statistics (AEAStat) will sponsor three sessions on economic measurement at the January 2020 ASSA Meetings in San Diego. The Committee solicits both individual papers and proposals for sessions of three or four papers, with preference given to session proposals. The Committee is interested in receiving submissions in any area of economic data and statistics. One of the three sessions organized by the Committee will be published in the AEA Papers and Proceedings. For more information or a list of papers selected for past AEAStat sponsored sessions go to https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/economic-statistics/annual-meeting.  Abstracts are due by April 15, 2019 to John Haltiwanger, Chair, Committee on Economic Statistics, at aeastat@aeapubs.org. Submissions should be PDF files and include name, institutional affiliation, and email address of all participants.

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