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Sept 6 -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) invites comments by November 7, 2022 regarding a proposed information collection project titled Monitoring and Reporting for the Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) Co-Operative Agreement. Information will be collected to provide data to CDC for program monitoring and budget tracking, to improve timely CDC-recipient communications, and to inform technical assistance and guidance documents produced by CDC to support program implementation among funded jurisdictions.

More than 932,000 people have died since 1999 from a drug overdose. In 2020, 91,799 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States. The age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths increased by 31% from 2019 (21.6 per 100,000) to 2020 (28.3 per 100,000).

-- Opioids—mainly synthetic opioids (other than methadone)—are currently the main driver of drug overdose deaths. 82.3% of opioid-involved overdose deaths involved synthetic opioids.
-- Opioids were involved in 68,630 overdose deaths in 2020 (74.8% of all drug overdose deaths).
-- Drug overdose deaths involving psychostimulants such as methamphetamine are increasing with and without synthetic opioid involvement.

While the opioid overdose epidemic worsens in scope and magnitude, it is also becoming more complex. The complex and changing nature of the opioid overdose epidemic highlights the need for an interdisciplinary, comprehensive, and cohesive public health approach.

The purpose of the OD2A is to support funded jurisdictions in obtaining high quality, complete, and timelier data on opioid prescribing and overdoses, and to use those data to inform prevention and response efforts. The intent is to ensure that funded jurisdictions are well equipped to do rigorous work under both components, and to ensure that these components are linked and implemented as part of a system. This Revision request is also intended to initiate collection of new information from jurisdictions (which include states and Washington, DC) funded under the OD2A in States, as well as to collect new information from jurisdictions (which include U.S. Territories, cities, and counties) funded under the OD2A Limiting Overdose through Collaborative Actions in Localities.

CDC launched the multiyear Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) cooperative agreement in September 2019 with 66 recipients (referred to as jurisdictions) comprising state, territorial, county, and city health departments. In partnership with CDC, jurisdictions focus on some or all of the following strategies:

Surveillance Strategies
-- Morbidity Data: Collect and report more timely and complete data on overdose-related emergency department visits.
-- Mortality Data: Collect and report more timely and complete data on overdose-related deaths.
-- Innovative Surveillance Strategies: Focus on new and innovative ways to identify and collect data on drug misuse or overdose better tailored to a community’s needs.

Prevention Strategies
-- Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs): Better utilize prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) data to inform prescribing practices and prevention programs.
-- Leveraging Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Data in Overdose Prevention and Response pdf icon[PDF] highlights the value of PDMPs as public health tools that can support and inform public health interventions and clinical decision-making. Find key information about PDMP history, importance of PDMP data access, considerations for increasing access to and utilization of PDMP data, implications for PDMPs located within and outside of the state health department, and examples of PDMP use in OD2A work.
-- State and Local Integration: Improve state and local prevention efforts to build more effective and sustainable surveillance and implement community-level interventions in high-burden areas.
-- Linkage to Care: Ensure people are connected to the care they need by leveraging systems and upstream prevention efforts.
-- Provider and Health Systems Support: Support healthcare providers and health systems with drug overdose prevention and response, including expanding the use of evidence-based prescribing and treatment practices.
-- Partnerships with Public Safety and First Responders: Develop new and/or enhance existing partnerships with public safety partners to improve data sharing and advance prevention efforts.
-- Empowering Individuals: Increase awareness about drug-related harms, treatment, and risk reduction strategies to help individuals make informed decisions.
-- Innovative Prevention Strategies: Promote innovations in prevention strategies.
-- Peer-to Peer-Learning: Foster information-sharing and build capacity among jurisdictions.   

This information is being collected to provide crucial data to CDC for program monitoring and budget tracking, to improve timely CDC-recipient communications, and to inform technical assistance and guidance documents produced by CDC to support program implementation among funded jurisdictions. Ultimately, the information feedback loop created by these information collection tools is designed to help jurisdictions decrease fatal and nonfatal overdoses. It will also provide CDC with the capacity to respond in a timely manner to requests for information about the program from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the White House, Congress, and other sources.
OD2A: https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/od2a/index.html
Survey instruments and technical documentation approved in 2020: https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=201910-0920-003 Terms of clearance: OMB approves this package for three years consistent with the understanding that data collected for this purpose will not produce generalizable knowledge or allow for causal attribution. When communicating findings from this collection, all publications, both internal reports and external summaries, will clearly describe the scope and limitations of the study findings.
FRN: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2022-19216

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