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Research Highlights Featured Chart
The resource curse in action
June 12, 2017
Violence in mineral-rich regions of Africa rose along with commodity prices
Research Highlights Article
How the Great Fire of 1872 helped Boston grow
June 9, 2017
The upside of an urban disaster
Research Highlights Featured Chart
Does an older population crimp economic growth?
June 7, 2017
An aging workforce doesn't necessarily mean that a country's economic growth will slow
Research Highlights Article
You have the right to an attorney
June 6, 2017
Expanding access to legal counsel would benefit criminal suspects, but what about everybody else?
Research Highlights Article
Staying beneath the death ceiling
May 31, 2017
An interview with Raymond Fisman
Research Highlights Featured Chart
Separate and more equal?
May 24, 2017
Certain tax systems can discourage married women from working more.
Call For Papers
CReAM/RWI Workshop on the Economics of Migration
May 23, 2017
Workshop to be held on September 29-30, 2017
Research Highlights Article
Texas tuition cuts provide a preview of what free community college could look like
May 22, 2017
But money isn’t the only impediment to higher achievement
Research Highlights Article