JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025

Ashoka University

This listing is inactive.
Open Rank

JOE ID Number: 2024-02_111475094
Date Posted: 11/01/2024
Date Inactive: 01/31/2025
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Open Rank
Section: International:Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Sonipat, Haryana, INDIA
JEL Classification: 00 -- 00 - Default: Any Field
Environmental Economics
Industrial Organization
Full Text of JOE Listing:

The Department of Economics of Ashoka University invites applicants to join a vibrant faculty which aims to excel in teaching and research. The University is situated in Sonipat near Delhi, India.

We will be recruiting several faculty positions at all ranks this year. While applications in all fields are invited, candidates specializing in Finance, Empirical IO, and Environmental Economics are particularly welcome. Applicants must hold, or be close to completing, a PhD as well as possess teaching experience appropriate to rank. Those applying for Assistant Professorships may demonstrate this by a strong doctoral dissertation and research papers. Applicants for Associate or Professorships must have a proven track record of publications. The university provides attractive pay package including research budgets.

Department representatives will hold virtual interviews as part of the recruitment process.

Applicants must include CV, sample research paper(s), a teaching statement and three confidential letters of reference. A cover letter may be included if any relevant additional information needs to be communicated.

Deadlines: Applicants who want to be considered for interviews should apply by November 30, 2024.

All materials should be submitted through Interfolio at

For more information, email

Application Requirements:
  • External Application Link
Application deadline: 11/30/2024