JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025

Banca D'italia - Bank of Italy

This listing is inactive.
Directorate General for Economics, Statistics and Research
Research Economists

JOE ID Number: 2024-02_111474972
Date Posted: 10/24/2024
Date Inactive: 01/31/2025
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Research Economists
Section: Full-Time Nonacademic
JEL Classification: 00 -- 00 - Default: Any Field

Full Text of JOE Listing:

Banca d’Italia, the Italian central bank, is seeking 4 PhD trained research economists. We offer the opportunity of carrying out your research in a lively, diverse and research-oriented environment heavily engaged in a broad spectrum of topics and of letting your research have an impact on the real world by actively and directly informing policymaking.

Successful candidates will be initially awarded a one-year position as Fellow in the Bank’s Directorate General for Economics, Statistics and Research based in Rome. After one year, fellows will be assessed for hiring as research economist on a permanent basis at the Consigliere grade and be fully integrated into the research and policy work of the Bank.

Fellows will earn a monthly allowance of € 4,000 before tax during the first year; a Consigliere can expect an annual entry gross income of around € 85.000 before tax. Foreign residents (including Italian citizens) moving to Italy could be entitled to major tax breaks for a few years.

Applicants must hold or be about to complete a Ph.D degree. They must be EU citizens; non-EU citizens also qualify provided they hold a long-term EC residence permit or refugee status or subsidiary protection status; family members of citizens of a European Union Member State who do not have citizenship of an EU Member state must have the right of residence or the right of permanent residence. Working language is English.

The interviews will be held online from 4 to 17 December 2024; the interviews from 16 to 17 December will be held in conjunction with the European Job Market for Economists.

For all other specific matters, candidates should refer to the competition notice, which is published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana of 15 October 2024 and available on the Bank’s website as of the same date.

Instructions for applying:

Applications must be made through the dedicated portal accessible through the Bank of Italy’s website.

The application system will be open between the 15th October 2024 and the 18th November 2024, 16:00/4 p.m. CET.

During the application process please follow carefully and closely all the instructions contained in the competition notice, which is published on the Bank’s website at this link. After that time, the online application portal will automatically be deactivated, and any ongoing uploading of documents will be annulled. In any case, to avoid an excessive concentration of applications at the last minute, candidates are strongly advised to submit their application at least a few hours earlier than the deadline, particularly in view of the large number of documents to be attached and the fields to be completed before the application can be accepted.

Online application URL:

Application Requirements:
  • External Application URL and Instructions Below
  • Letters of Reference Instructions Below
Application deadline: 01/31/2025
Reference Instructions:
Applications must be accompanied by at least two reference letters from university professors or economists at national or international research centres, written on headed paper and signed personally. To this end, the referees are personally responsible for sending the letters directly to the e-mail address within the deadline for the submission of applications.
Application Instructions:
Applications must be made through the dedicated portal accessible through the Bank of Italy’s website.
The application system will be open between the 15th October 2024 and the 18th November 2024, 16:00/4 p.m. CET.

During the application process please follow carefully and closely all the instructions contained in the competition notice, which is published on the Bank’s website at this link. After that time, the online application portal will automatically be deactivated, and any ongoing uploading of documents will be annulled. In any case, to avoid an excessive concentration of applications at the last minute, candidates are strongly advised to submit their application at least a few hours earlier than the deadline, particularly in view of the large number of documents to be attached and the fields to be completed before the application can be accepted.