JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

August 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025

Berry College

This listing is inactive.
Campbell School of Business
Open Rank Professor of Data Analytics

JOE ID Number: 2024-02_111474475
Date Posted: 09/20/2024
Date Inactive: 01/31/2025
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Open Rank Professor of Data Analytics
Section: US: Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Rome, Georgia, UNITED STATES
JEL Classification: C8 -- Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology; Computer Programs
Data analytics
Full Text of JOE Listing:

Berry College invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Data Analytics at the Campbell School of Business, with a preferred start date of August 2025. We seek a colleague who can build on the initial successes of the Data Analytics program, engage students in practical business applications, and is eager to collaborate with on-campus colleagues in related areas.

Successful candidates will have expertise in data analytics, data science, or similar fields. Our Data Analytics program draws on courses from business, economics, and computer science, and thrives on the application of research and teaching to firsthand experiences and professional preparation for students. The ideal candidate will seek to engage students in hands-on projects with industry or nonprofit partners, analyzing real-world data to solve current challenges. This approach ensures that graduates are well-prepared for careers in data-driven decision-making, predictive analytics, and business intelligence.

We seek applicants who are familiar with a spectrum of analytical tools and possess expertise in a few, such as PowerBI, R, Python, Tableau, SQL, machine learning, and Stata. We are open to a wide range of tools, recognizing the need to teach and mentor students to be proficient in the tools and techniques most relevant to a rapidly evolving landscape. The successful applicant should be committed to excellence in teaching, service, publishable scholarship, and mentoring students in a residential college environment.

Applicants should have completed a Ph.D. or other terminal degree in business analytics, data analytics, data science, economics, information systems, or a related field by the start date.

Berry is a selective independent college of 2,200 students located midway between Atlanta, GA, and Chattanooga, TN. Berry's educational approach unites challenging academic programs with practical work experience in a residential campus community that encourages faith and emphasizes caring for the needs of others above self. Our mission and values are grounded in the ethic that our founder instilled more than a century ago: "We educate the head, heart, and hands - to inspire leaders of integrity who cultivate thriving communities." Nationally recognized for quality of learning and quality of life, Berry offers first-rate undergraduate degree programs in the sciences, humanities, arts, and human sciences, as well as undergraduate and master's level opportunities in business and teacher education. The College's stunning 27,000-acre campus affords opportunities that cannot be duplicated elsewhere. Berry's ongoing commitment is to provide exceptional educational experiences to talented students from a wide range of social, racial, and economic backgrounds.

Berry College is committed to recruiting and supporting a diverse faculty and staff. As an equal opportunity institution, Berry complies with all applicable laws and provisions prohibiting discrimination in its educational and employment policies. Berry respects the dignity of all individuals and accordingly hires and promotes employees without regard to matters of personal identity such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and political affiliation. Berry College is committed to ensuring facilities, programs, services, and activities are accessible to everyone, including those seeking employment. Inquiries about interviews or workplace accommodations are welcomed. You can reach out to us at, or (706) 233-4062.

Applicants should submit a letter of application describing their interest in this position, commitment to the Berry mission, and to inclusive teaching and learning; a curriculum vitae; a teaching statement that articulates the candidate's approach, experience, and goals; complete teaching evaluations (as available); a research sample; unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts; and names and contact information of three references.

Review of applications will begin on October 1st and continue until the position is filled.

Specific questions about the position may be sent to the chair of the search committee, John Grout at

Application Requirements:
  • External Application URL and Instructions Below
Application deadline: 01/31/2025
Application Instructions:
Applicants should submit a letter of application describing their interest in this position, commitment to the Berry mission, and to inclusive teaching and learning; a curriculum vitae; a teaching statement that articulates the candidate's approach, experience, and goals; complete teaching evaluations (as available); a research sample; unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts; and names and contact information of three references.

Review of applications will begin on October 1st and continue until the position is filled.

Specific questions about the position may be sent to the chair of the search committee, John Grout at