JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)
August 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025
Bussiness School of Ningbo University
Position Title/Short Description
Section: International:Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Ningbo, Zhejiang, CHINA
JEL Classification: A2 -- Economic Education and Teaching of Economics
Business administration (including enterprises management, accounting, information management and information systems)
Full Text of JOE Listing:
Founded in 1986, Business School was the earliest and largest academic college of Ningbo University. It was established as the Department of Business and Economics in 1986 and changed name into Business School in 1999. The college has two doctoral programs in fishery economic management and Statistics and the quantitative economy and a postdoctoral mobile station in fishery economic management. It has two first-level master's programs in applied economics and business administration, and 8 second-level master's degree programs in regional economics, finance, international trade, industrial economics, and quantitative economics, enterprises management, accounting, technology economics and management, and 4 master's degree programs in business administration (MBA), international business (MIB), finance and accounting. There are 11 undergraduate majors in international economics and trade, finance, economics, business administration, accounting, information management and information systems, international economics and trade (full English-taught), finance (full English-taught), business administration, accounting (CPA), accounting (ACCA).
Position Requirements:
Full Professor/Associate Professor/Lecturer/Postdoctoral Fellow
Click for more information about position requirements, welfare and allowance.
Application Documents:
Research paper within five years
Job market paper (博士毕业论文必需).
E-mail: Please send the total materials listed above to Ms. Ma at, with email title name "AEA + Name + Research field + Position ".
Application Requirements:
- Research Papers
- Job Market Paper
- CV
- Letters of Reference Instructions Below
Reference Instructions:
如果您符合我们的要求,我们将通过 JOE 或电子邮件回复并通知在线面试。