JOE Listings (Job Openings for Economists)

February 1, 2022 - July 31, 2022

National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.

This listing is inactive.
Full Time Research Assistant

JOE ID Number: 2022-01_111469405
Date Posted: 06/14/2022
Date Inactive: 07/31/2022
Position Title/Short Description
Title: Full Time Research Assistant
Section: Other Nonacademic (Temporary, Part-Time, Non-Salaried, Consulting, Etc.)
Location: New Haven, Connecticut, UNITED STATES
JEL Classifications:
C2 -- Single Equation Models; Single Variables
I1 -- Health
J1 -- Demographic Economics
Health Economics
Healthcare Markets
Informed Choice
Full Text of JOE Listing:

Professor Jason Abaluck (Yale University) seeks to hire a highly skilled research associate to work on projects investigating health economics, focused on health outcomes. The position is funded through the National Bureau of Economics Research and is located at Yale University in New Haven, CT.

The candidate will perform research and data analysis for several projects investigating whether consumers make informed choices and how to design healthcare markets in light of the complexity of decision-making in this sector. Questions will be investigated using data from large-scale administrative databases.
This position will provide training in economics research to prepare a candidate for doctoral studies.

Duties include:
• Develop research files from large claim datasets.
• Work independently with senior researchers and programmers.
• Maintain documentation of datasets and analyses.
• Summarize and present findings; help prepare manuscripts.
• Bachelor’s degree in economics, statistics or related quantitative field.
• Proficiency in Stata required; proficiency in R, SAS, Python or MATLAB may be useful but is unnecessary
• Familiarity with the health care system and clinical terms and concepts.
• Prior research assistant experience

To Apply:
Please upload at:
1) Cover letter describing your interests and qualifications
2) Resume

Application Requirements:
  • External Application Link
Application deadline: 07/31/2022