+2 votes
asked ago in Current Economic Issues by (6.9k points)
edited ago by
Answering the AEA member survey on professional climate would be a great way to inform the ongoing discussion of conduct in (and the conduct of) the economics profession.

From Ben Bernanke's email:
"This e-mail is to remind you that the AEA's Survey on Professional Climate in Economics, administered by NORC at the University of Chicago, is still open for your participation. Those who have not yet submitted the survey received a reminder from NORC with the survey link on January 15, and the survey will close for current and former members on January 31. "

1 Answer

0 votes
answered ago by (3.3k points)
I heard feedback from multiple colleagues that they started it but then didn't have time to finish it then b/c it had too many questions. (I think they had planned to finish it at a later time but forgot). Having completed it, I agree the format and waves of questions was maybe not ideal. Having the questions presented in adaptive manner could have helped with this concern.

All that being said, most economists I know completed the survey. I hope NORC releases the % of AEA members who responded. I would guess it will be decently high for an email survey.