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Project Citation: 

Hummels, David L., and Schaur, Georg. Replication data for: Time as a Trade Barrier. Nashville, TN: American Economic Association [publisher], 2013. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2019-10-11.

Project Description

Summary:  View help for Summary A large and growing share of world trade travels by air. We model exporters' choice between fast, expensive air cargo and slow, cheap ocean cargo, which depends on the price elasticity of demand and the value that consumers attach to fast delivery. We use US imports data that provide rich variation in the premium paid for air shipping and in time lags for ocean transit to extract consumers' valuation of time. We estimate that each day in transit is equivalent to an advalorem tariff of 0.6 to 2.1 percent. The most time-sensitive trade flows involve parts and components trade.

Scope of Project

JEL Classification:  View help for JEL Classification
      F13 Trade Policy; International Trade Organizations
      F14 Empirical Studies of Trade
      L93 Air Transportation

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